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296 lines (221 loc) · 13.5 KB


Welcome to hrflow-connectors contributor's guide.

We thank you for your interest in contributing to our open source project hrflow-connectors.

If you are a first time contributor we recommend reading the project documentation. Following the LocalJSON tutorial should give you a hands-on introduction to the Connectors' Framework.

You can also refer to the hrflow developers documentation for matters related to other services.

We welcome any contributions from the community big or small.

Code of conduct

Please notice, all users and contributors are expected to be open, considerate, reasonable, and respectful. When in doubt, Python Software Foundation's Code of Conduct is a good reference in terms of behavior guidelines.

Branch Policy

The master branch is the stable version of the package where tests and other enforced policies (code style, etc...) should be always passing.

The dev branch can be used to merge various contributions and test them in conjunction while bypassing the sometimes time consuming process of conforming to master merging rules.

Depending on the version you would like to use you can git checkout origin (master|dev).

Mind that your PR should ultimately target master and be based on master

Versionning and Git Commit guidelines

Automatic versionning is enabled for the master branch. For each push Python Semantic Release (PSR) is used in order to release a new version to Github. PSR uses commit based rules to determine if a new version should be published and how the version number should be bumped.

PSR does also update the file following the custom template defined in templates/

The current parsing rules are based on Angular Commit Guidelines. This is configured by commit_parser in [tool.semantic_release] section of pyproject.toml. See here for details about commit parsing for PSR.

The behavior can be further customized by changing any of allowed_tags, minor_tags or patch_tags in the [tool.semantic_release.commit_parser_options] section of pyproject.toml.

Below we give some example of what is expected to happen given different situations.

You can also check the Automatic Version bumping section of Python Packages e-book for other examples.

Assume that the last release is v4.5.22 having:

  • MAJOR: 4
  • MINOR: 5
  • PATCH: 22

Then branch feature/some-new-feature is merged onto master.

We examine the following three scenarios with regards to the new commits brought to master after the merge.

First case

  • Commit 1
docs: update the documentation generation process

some changes were made to the generate_documentation helper
in core
  • Commit 2
refactor: create a helper enum to hold possible value for trigger_type

The parsed tags for this commit history are docs and refactor.

None of them are part of minor_tags nor patch_tags and there is no mention of any BREAKING CHANGE in any of the commit bodies.

Result: After merge PSR does not trigger any release. The last release remains v4.5.22

Second case

  • Commit 1
docs: update the documentation generation process
some changes were made to the generate_documentation helper
in core
  • Commit 2
fix: correct a bug in MyConnector profile Warehouse
  • Commit 3
refactor: create a helper enum to hold possible value for trigger_type

The parsed tags for this commit history are docs, fix and refactor.

There is no mention of any BREAKING CHANGE in any of the commit bodies but fix is within the currently configured patch_tags in [tool.semantic_release.commit_parser_options] section of pyproject.toml.

Result: After merge PSR does increment the PATCH tag making a new release v4.5.23

Third case

  • Commit 1
docs: update the documentation generation process
some changes were made to the generate_documentation helper
in core
  • Commit 2
feat: add a new MyNewConnector to connectors' list
  • Commit 3
refactor: create a helper enum to hold possible value for trigger_type

The parsed tags for this commit history are docs, feat refactor.

There is no mention of any BREAKING CHANGE in any of the commit bodies but feat is within the currently configured minor_tags in [tool.semantic_release.commit_parser_options] section of pyproject.toml.

Result => After merge PSR does increment the MINOR tag making a new release v4.6.0

Third case

  • Commit 1
docs: update the documentation generation process
some changes were made to the generate_documentation helper
in core
  • Commit 2
feat: remove previously deprecated helper
BREAKING CHANGE: Warehouse.my_removed_helper  is not longer available
  • Commit 3
refactor: create a helper enum to hold possible value for trigger_type

The parsed tags for this commit history are docs, feat refactor.

There is a mention of a BREAKING CHANGE in the second commit.

Result: After merge PSR does increment the MAJOR tag making a new release v5.0.0

Basic Environment setup

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Make sure you have one of the supported python versions installed
  3. Install poetry
  4. Install dependencies by running poetry install
  5. [Optional] Install git-lfs if necessary. Run sudo apt-get install git-lfs for Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 10, and newer versions
  6. [Optional] Install developpment hooks make init-hooks. This installs git-lfs add pre-commit hooks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml

Activating the S3 Extra

If you are contributing work related to the S3 backend store you need to update step 4 of the Basic Environment setup with:

  1. poetry install -E s3
  2. Properly configure the store as described here

Runing nox sessions

nox sessions are used to test core components across supported versions of Python. The following sessions are defined:

  • manifest: Generates the manifest.json file across supported versions. Fails if the manifest.json file is different for any given version
  • docs: Genetates documentation files accross supported versions. Fails if any file is different for any given version
  • tests: Run tests without s3 extras
  • tests_s3: Run tests with s3 extras

In order to run the nox sessions you must:

  1. Install locally a python interpreter matching each of the supported major versions
  2. Run poetry run nox -s manifest to test the poetry run nox -s manifest suite

By default both tests and tests_s3 run core tests only. To run tests for connectors use one of the following commands:

# Only connector's tests
poetry run nox -s (tests|tests_s3) -- --no-cov --ignore tests/core --allconnectors
# Only a specific connector's tests
poetry run nox -s (tests|tests_s3) -- --no-cov --ignore tests/core > --connector=SomeConnector
# Core + All Connectors + Coverage
poetry run nox -s (tests|tests_s3) -- --allconnectors

In order to run the tests_s3 session you need to export the following environment variables

export S3_STORE_TEST_BUCKET="==========FILL==ME=========="
export S3_STORE_TEST_AWS_REGION="==========FILL==ME=========="
# This pair of credentials is expected to have
# s3:GetObject, s3:ListBucket and s3:PutObject
export S3_STORE_TEST_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="==========FILL==ME=========="
export S3_STORE_TEST_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="==========FILL==ME=========="
# This pair of credentials is expected to have **READ ONLY** access
# s3:GetObject, s3:ListBucket
export S3_STORE_TEST_READ_ONLY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="==========FILL==ME=========="
# This pair of credentials is expected to have **WRITE ONLY** access
# s3:PutObject, s3:ListBucket
export S3_STORE_TEST_WRITE_ONLY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="==========FILL==ME=========="

Instructions for pyenv users

Instructions for the basic setup

Assuming you would like to use python 3.10.5. Update instructions accordingly

  1. pyenv install 3.10.5
  2. Activate version pyenv local 3.10.5
  3. Check that version is activated python --version should print 3.10.5
  4. Force poetry to use pyenv python version poetry env use $(pyenv which python)
  5. Check that poetry uses correct python version poetry run python --version should print 3.10.5
  6. Then run poetry install
  7. [Optional] Activate s3 extras poetry install -E s3

Instruction for running nox

Hypothetically assuming that the supported versions are 3.10 and 3.11. Update instructions accordingly

  1. Pick versions matching 3.10 and 3.11. Below we use 3.10.10 and 3.11.2
  2. Run pyenv install 3.10.10 and pyenv install 3.11.2
  3. Add .python-version file in the top directory at the same level of with following content
  1. If you run pyenv versions you should see that both versions are activated and set by .python-version file
  2. Test that nox can properly use the python 3.10 and 3.11 by running poetry run nox -s manifest -p 3.10 3.11

Contribution checklist

For all kind of contributions make sure that :

  1. Your work respects the folder and file naming conventions in the Connector Developpment Tutorial
  2. Make sure that manifest.json was updated to reflect your work. See here for instructions
  3. Make sure that documentation was updated to reflect your work. See here for instructions
  4. Enforce code style by running make style
  5. Ensure proper linting by running make flake8
  6. Make sure that core tests are ok. These do not involve any connector code so you should'nt need to provide any kind of secrets. Run make pytest-core. If you introduced new functionality in core make sure to maintain a _100% coverage score_.
  7. [Optional] [Only if your are contributing a new connector] Make sure that your own connector tests are ok. Run poetry run pytest --no-cov --ignore tests/core --connector=${YOUR_CONNECTOR_NAME}
  8. If you reach this step then your PR is very welcome ! From your fork you can target our master branch

Required and Optional Flows for New Connectors

When contributing a new connector to hrflow-connectors, ensure you implement the following flows based on the connector type. These flows are critical for maintaining functional consistency across connectors.

ATS/CRM/HCM Connectors

Must Have (minimum 9 flows):

  1. Push profile to Connector:
    • create_profiles_in_connector
    • update_profiles_in_connector
    • archive_profiles_in_connector
  2. Pull jobs from Connector:
    • create_jobs_in_hrflow
    • update_jobs_in_hrflow
    • archive_jobs_in_hrflow
  3. Pull profiles from Connector:
    • create_profiles_in_hrflow
    • update_profiles_in_hrflow
    • archive_profiles_in_hrflow

Nice to Have:

  1. Pull applications from Connector:
    • create_applications_in_connector
    • update_applications_in_connector

Job Board Connectors

Must Have (minimum 3 flows):

  1. Pull jobs from Connector:
    • create_jobs_in_hrflow
    • update_jobs_in_hrflow
    • archive_jobs_in_hrflow

Nice to Have:

  1. Push profile to Connector:
    • create_profiles_in_connector
    • update_profiles_in_connector
    • archive_profiles_in_connector
  2. Pull profiles from Connector:
    • create_profiles_in_hrflow
    • update_profiles_in_hrflow
    • archive_profiles_in_hrflow
  3. Pull applications from Connector:
    • create_applications_in_connector
    • update_applications_in_connector

Issue Reports

If you experience bugs or general issues with hrflow-connectors, please have a look at the issue tracker before firing a new issue report.

ℹ️ Please don't forget to include the closed issues in your search.

New issue reports should include information about your programming environment (e.g., operating system, Python version) and steps to reproduce the problem. Please try to simplify the reproduction steps to a very minimal example that still illustrates the problem you are facing. By removing other factors, you help us identify the root cause of the issue.