This is the backend of the application built with Express.js, TypeScript, Mongoose, and various validations for handling different routes and user actions.
Make sure you have the following installed:
- Node.js (version 14.x or above)
- MongoDB (running locally or using a cloud database like MongoDB Atlas)
- Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd your-project-name
Install dependencies:
Copy code
npm install
Create a .env file in the root directory and set the required environment variables:
Run the development server:
npm start
Your API will be available at http://localhost:"your-port".
- Auth Routes (/auth)
- POST /signup: Register a new user
- POST /signin: Sign in with existing credentials
- POST /forget_password: Request password reset
- POST /reset_password: Reset password using a token
Example Usage:
- Auth Routes (/auth)
- POST /auth/signup: Register new user.
"email": "",
"password": "password123"
- User Routes (/user)
- GET /: Get all users (Admin only)
- GET /: Get a single user by userId
- PATCH /: Update a user by userId
- PATCH /user/follow/: userId
- PATCH /follow/: Follow a user (Authenticated users only)
- GET /follower/: Get a user's followers
Example Usage:
- Post Routes (/post)
- POST /create: Create a new post
- GET /: Get all posts
- GET /my-post: Get posts of the authenticated user (User/ Admin only)
- GET /: Get a single post by postId
- GET /category: Get posts by category
- PATCH /update-post/: Update a post (User only)
- DELETE /delete/: Delete a post (User only)
- POST /comments/: Add a comment to a post (User/ Admin only)
- PATCH /update-comments/: Update a comment (User/ Admin only)
- DELETE /comment-delete/: Delete a comment (User/ Admin only)
- PATCH /vote/: Upvote a post (User/ Admin only)
- POST /payment/: Handle user payment
Example Usage:
- POST /post/create
"title": "Post Title",
"content": "Post content goes here",
"category": "Technology"
- POST /post/comments/:postId: Make a comment into a post.
"comment": "This is a comment"
- Payment Routes (/payment)
- POST /payment/: Handle payments for a user
- POST /confirmation: Confirm payment after user completes the transaction
Example Usage:
- POST /payment/:userId: Subscribe by paying some ammount.
"amount": 20
- Authentication Middleware (auth) Used in routes like PATCH /follow/:userId, POST /comments/:postId, POST /payment/:userId, and others that require authentication.
It verifies if the request is coming from an authenticated user, and checks if the user has the correct role (admin or user).
typescript Copy code UserRouter.patch("/follow/:userId", auth(user_role.user), UserCrontroller.follow); Where user_role.user checks if the user is authenticated and has the correct role.
All routes are equipped with error handling. If an error occurs, the API will return a proper error response with the status code and error message.
- This project is licensed under the MIT License.