🚀 Passionate Full-stack developer crafting seamless web experiences.
🌟 Frontend wizard with React.js & Next.js, backend enthusiast with Node.js.
💡 Love turning ideas into scalable, innovative solutions.
🔧 Let's code something amazing together! Get in touch.
JavaScript |
TypeScript |
React.js |
Next.js |
Node.js |
Express.js |
MongoDB |
PostgreSQL |
Prisma |
Mongoose |
GitHub |
VSCode |
🔭 I’m currently working on React.js, Next.js, Typescript
🌱 I’m currently learning socket. oi.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on GitHub
💬 Ask me about express.js, prisma, typescript, next.js
📫 How to reach me: rimeislam672@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact: I'm an aspiring baker! I enjoy creating delicious cakes almost as much as I love crafting code.