For usage, install perl in the lastest version
apt install perl
brew install perl
We want to convert Letter for a password (WEB password) to Number (following Phone keyboard preset).
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||1| |2| |3|| -> 1 : 1 ; 2 : abc ; 3 : def
||4| |5| |6|| -> 4 : ghi ; 5 : jkl ; 6 : mno
||7| |8| |9|| -> 7 : pqrs ; 8 : tuv ; 9 : wxyz
||*| |0| |#|| -> * : other caracter (not alphanumeric) 0: 0
Make a translation between Letter or non-alphanumeric caracter to a number to compose for login (in Wildix's side).
AD1MYV/%- : 221698***
You just need to know 5 letter / number only.