Releases: Rift-Modding-Group/Prehistoric-Rift-Mod
Prehistoric Rift
As always you will need Geckolib for 1.12.2 and MixinBooter for the mod to work.
some extra additions to the 0.0.14 update i figured would be useful
- Tamed Megaloceros can be milked
- Creatures working on a workstation will stop working when encountering a target (depending on their behavior)
- Fixed attacks from controlling ridden creatures not applying to hitbox modifiers
- Fixed harvest on wander not recognizing blocks farther from creature box by 16 blocks
- Ankylosaurus can now use lead powered crank
- The "barrier" that shows the boundaries of the creature box is now spherical instead of rectangular
- Pathing for using Lead Powered Crank now takes into account distance from creature box
- Improvements to switching between GUIs when interacting with the creature box
Prehistoric Rift 0.0.14
This was one huge update in the making. This time though you will need Geckolib for 1.12.2 and MixinBooter for the mod to work. Yes that's right, LLibrary is no longer needed, but in exchange it uses mixins.
Rifted Stone Mounds
These mysterious mounds of purple stone may contain ores of what are known as Rift Shards, which are purple crystals important for crafting some important items.
Creature Party
The Journal screen now has an extra tab, that shows all creatures that can accompany you. These creatures can be summoned or dismissed at will too. The maximum amount of creatures you can carry with you in your party is 4, but this can be upgraded to up to 12 with this upgrade item:
Creature Box (and Box Wandering)
When your party is full and you keep taming more creatures, they will end up in your box. To see what creatures are in your box, you will need to craft a Creature Box as shown:
Note that you can have up to 80 creatures stored in your box, which can be upgraded up to 160 with the following item:
You can also make creatures wander around a creature box. Creatures wandering around a creature box can:
- Be set to turret mode (if they can)
- Have their workstations set/cleared (which they will work on)
- Harvest blocks
Note that up to 10 creatures can wander around a creature box, which you can upgrade up to 30 with the following item
Creature Boxes also have a range within which creatures can wander around, and, if configured, in which mobs will not spawn. By default, its a radius of 16 blocks, which you can see by right clicking while sneaking, but it can be upgraded to 48 with the following item:
Added Dilophosaurus
- Found in forests
- Has a poisonous spit that poisons and blinds targets, and a claw attack that doesn't do much
- Can be tamed with carnivore meals (and ridden as well)
New Additions to Spawning System
The following can now be edited for creature spawning
- What structures a creature can spawn in
- What season a creature can spawn on (requires Serene Seasons)
- What gamestages a player has (requires Gamestages)
More details about these will eventually be documented
Other Changes
- Journal entry unlocking has been reworked, as well as having some more features
- When you go near a creature, the you will be notified that they have discovered it, which will be logged in your journal
- Only the creature's art, as well as the foods required to tame it will be visible
- Upon taming or killing the creature, its entry, its favorite foods for healing, and its usable workstations will be shown
- Note that for untameable creatures, their journal entry will just be unlocked instead
- Added hints on the lower bottom right of the screen that shows the controls for a creature
- Many QoL improvements and bug fixes (there may still be some im trying to figure out tho)
- Pyrotech's Chopping Blocks can be used as a workstation for the Stegosaurus
- Pyrotech's Anvils can be used as workstations for the Ankylosaurus
- You can no longer make tamed creatures switch between sitting, standing, or wandering. Creatures in the player's party will always follow, while creatures wandering around a creature box will always wander
Prehistoric Rift 0.0.13
As always, you will need Geckolib for 1.12.2 and LLibrary for the mod to run.
Added Ankyosaurus
- Found in deserts
- Have an almost invincible shell and a thick club that they use as a weapon
- The shell can only be damaged by explosions
- Upon reaching 25% health, they will hide in the shell, and any attacks towards them will damage anything that hits them, and will regenerate inside
- Can be tamed with herbivore meals (and ridden as well)
New JSON configs and Spawning System!
All the creature specific config files have been revamped, and have since been turned into JSON files! This should be somewhat more convenient (at least on my end)
In addition, the mod has its own custom spawning system completely separate from vanilla (partially based on bedrock's). From now on, all creatures from the mod will randomly spawn around the player and will keep on spawning until all the creatures reach their density limits (a mob cap might be implemented soon)
Other Changes
- Locational damage for hitboxes finally implemented!
- Note that when a mob is being attacked, the hitbox nearest to the attacker will be the one that's hit
- Some improvements to how target selection upon using left click while riding a creature works (especially when shoulder surfing is being utilized)
- When a tamed creature is used to break a block it can break, it will break a 3 x 3 area, with the block being targeted being the bottom (mainly so that you dont trap urself in a hole while riding)
- Added options in the general config where certain creatures will never spawn in a certain radius surrounding spawn (by default 512 blocks) until after a certain number of days (by default 3)
Prehistoric Rift 0.0.12
As always, you will need Geckolib for 1.12.2 and LLibrary for the mod to run.
New Creatures!
Added Baryonyx
- Found in swamp biomes
- Has two attacks, a strong bite attack and a weak claw attack
- The weak claw attack poisons anything they hit
- Can be tamed with carnivore meals (and ridden as well)
Note that to control water creatures when in water, press spacebar to swim up and c to swim down
Added Palaeocastor
- Found underground almost anywhere
- Can be tamed with saxumavore treats (as can be crafted below)
- While unrideable, they can be used for harvest on wander (as continued below)
New Mystical Mechanics Stuff
- Added Millstone
- Basically the Better With Mods millstone
- Has support for harvestcraft items too
- Added Mechanical Filter
- Filters out items from blocks
Crafttweaker Compatibility
Other New Stuff
- Added Harvest on Wander option
- This option makes it so that when a creature has a home position and is wandering, it will look for certain blocks nearby to break them
- The blocks they can harvest are specified in the configs of creatures capable of doing this
- Currently supported creatures include:
- Stegosaurus
- Triceratops
- Parasaurolophus
- Megaloceros
- Palaeocastor
- Added Saxumavore Treats
Other Changes
- Fixed that weird bug that made it so that when riding creatures, there may be a delay in movement
- Hand cranks now generate 15 mech power and stay that way for 5 seconds before the output decays. In exchange, using the crank uses 1 hunger point
- Changes to other things and stuff
Prehistoric Rift
This is more or less a bunch of features that were meant to be for 0.0.11 but were forgotten for some odd reason
Added a file, which can be used to craft rods (before the semi manual extruder)
The following creatures can now reset the semi manual machines:
- Tyrannosaurus
- Apatosaurus
Added sounds to the semi manual machines
Balanced out energy use on creatures that have workstations to try make them less easily tired out
Gave 3d item models to the ff items:
- Catapult
- Mortar
- Cannon
Prehistoric Rift 0.0.11
As always, you will need Geckolib for 1.12.2 and LLibrary for the mod to run.
Two New Creatures!
- Found in groups in snowy biomes
- Has a simple bite attack
- In groups of 3 or more, the pack leader will use a pack buff that grants its packmates strength and swiftness 3 for 90 seconds, making them more dangerous
- Are tameable with Carnivore Meals, but you better have to sneak while holding the meals to make sure they don't attack
- When being ridden, they can be used to sniff out chests and entities within a certain range (configurable in config)
- Can be found in groups in snowy biomes
- Have a melee attack for nearby targets and a charge attack for faraway ones
- Can be tamed with herbivore meals
- Can leap over long distances like Utahraptors
New Mystical Mechanics related stuff
- A simple hand crank, can be repeatedly right clicked on to generate power (dont expect to rely on this thing for your entire playthrough or whatever)
- Can be used to extract liquids from solid items, but jams after converting one item
- Requires a Triceratops to reset so that it can convert another item
- Can be used to press ingots into plates, but jams after pressing one item
- Requires a Triceratops to reset so that it can press another item
- Can be used to extrude ingots into rods, but jams after extruding one item
- Requires a Triceratops to reset so that it can extrude another item
- Requires Pyrotech to be installed and the bloomery module activated to be usable
- Can easily hammer blooms in one go without all the risks of doing so on an anvil, but jams after hammering one bloom
- Requires a Triceratops to reset so that it can hammer another bloom
Crafttweaker compatilibity
The following image shows all the ZenScript functions associated with the semi manual machines. It should be noted that all the classes have a function that removes all recipes (its removeAllRecipes()
btw), and that the semi manual hammerer barely has zenscript associated with it because its recipes are pegged to the bloomery's, so add recipes to it from there instead
New Items
- Added Pyroberry and Cryoberry
- Added Hammer
- Is used to craft the semi manual hammerer and plates before you can use the semi manual hammerer
- Apparently I just realized that I forgot to give it a crafting recipe so just use crafttweaker to add one for now or something, whoops
- Added Semi Manual Machine Frame
- Is used for crafting the semi manual machines
Other Changes
- Creatures that are charging should no longer rotate when the rider looks around
- Lead Powered Crank now requires hand crank to be crafted
- Flame Stimulant now needs pyroberry juice to be crafted
- Frost Stimulant now needs cryoberry juice to be crafted
- HWYLA now shows how much power a lead powered crank and a blow powered turbine create
- HWYLA should now show creature info properly when crosshair is on one of a creatures hitboxes
Prehistoric Rift 0.0.10
Added Saurophaganax!
- A nocturnal creature, by day it sleeps, but by night it hunts
- Prefers to eat monsters and bugs
- Once it eats 10 of their preferred prey, it can send out a light blast that can burn and deal damage to multiple surrounding mobs that they prefer to hunt
Added the Journal
- The Journal can be accessed from your inventory, or by pressing "J", ability to open it from the inventory will come soon
- Here, you can read more about creatures that you have encountered
- Killing or taming creatures will unlock an entry
Other new additions
- Added Bola
- This small item can be thrown at certain creatures to immobilize them temporarily
- Effects wear off after 30 seconds
- Added Feeding Trough
- Can heal nearby creatures by simply being filled with food
Other Changes
- If a tamed creature's health reaches 0, instead of dying they will be unconscious. Creatures in this state must be revived with their favorite meals (this can be changed in the config btw) or they will die for good. This feature may be disabled on certain difficulties or higher (by default its hard but it can be changed in the config)
- Made it so that aquatic creatures can attack players that ride on boats
- Improved how non-aquatic mobs pathfind over water
- Non-aquatic mobs that somehow end up in water will now try to leave the water
- Added a size system
- This replaces most of the blacklists and whitelists in the configs
- There are 5 sizes, being very small, small, medium, large, and very large
- The sizes that creatures can be in can be edited in the general config
- Improvements to UI to make it so elements dont get distorted when the screen size is changed
Prehistoric Rift 0.0.9
Added Anomalocaris
- Hostile, will spawn in deep oceans
- Will be invisible most of the time, but the invisibility wears off when they attack or get attacked
- They heal from dealing damage too
- Can be tamed with carnivore meals (and ridden as well)
Mystical Mechanics Integration
The following items will be added if Mystical Mechanics is detected in your modlist.
(addendum: altho optional its recommended to use Heterorustichromia since mystical mechanics doesnt add its own machines other than the essentials)
- Added Lead-powered Crank
- It's a handcrank, but powered by creatures turning around
- Can be operated by Stegosauruses, Triceratopses, and Parasaurolophuses
- Added Blow-powered turbine
- Requires a Parasaurolophus or a Tyrannosaurus to be operated
- These can blow (or roar) into the turbine to create energy
Other new additions
- Added Hemolymph
- Bug meat. Yes you heard that right
- Anything that can be affected by Bane of Arthropods will drop it
Other changes
- Fixed some mobs not being tameable by being given taming food
- Sarcos should now eat all fish related items (besides Coelacanths and Pufferfish coz theyre still yucky for them)
- Megapiranhas should now avoid Sarcosuchuses
- Most carnivores (except Tyrannosauruses and Dimetrodons) should no longer eat rotten flesh
- Creatures should now gain xp while using workstations
- Item drops from creature kills now go to the inventories of creatures rather than staying in the overworld as dropped items
- Creature levels can now reduce the amount of energy a creature uses
Prehistoric Rift 0.0.8
Three New Creatures at once!
- Just a boring ass fish that spawns in deep oceans
- Don't expect much
- Its meat makes u wither
- A pretty hostile fish that swims in groups
- Spawns in all bodies of water except oceans
- Spawns in swamps and rivers
- Are hostile if you are in water but neutral otherwise
- After biting onto their target they will do a spin attack that traps their target and rapidly deals damage to them
- Can be tamed with carnivore meals (and ridden as well)
Note that to control water creatures when in water, press spacebar to swim up and c to swim down
Other Changes
- Added Leveling system
- Levels can affect the health and damage of a creature
- The levels of creatures that spawn in the world depend on their distance from 0, 0 and the difficulty setting of the world
- Nearly everything about it, from the distance where the level increases, to the level multipliers for damage and health, is configurable
- Take note that the maximum level is 100
- Other entities can now pass through the multiple hitboxes
- Reworked herding system
- Made the following configurable:
- Truffle dropping behavior (such as what blocks drop them, in what biome, chance of finding them, and amount that can drop)
- Blocks that creatures can spawn on
- Density limit of creatures (how many creatures can be within a 64 x 64 x 64 area before no more can spawn)
Prehistoric Rift 0.0.7
Added the Dimetrodon
- Neutral, found in deserts and savannas
- Have temperature modes that are affected by the conditions its in, in hot conditions it turns to cold mode and in warm conditions it turns to hot mode, don't think i need to tell you the rest for how to make it go into very hot or very warm mode
- In hot mode it sets mobs it attacks on fire, in cold mode it applies slowness and weakness to mobs it hits
- Tameable with carnivore meals
- Can be fed stimulants to forcibly change temperature mode. They need truffles, which can be found by digging up grass blocks in forest biomes. The stimulants are crafted as follows:
- Comes with compatibility w simple difficulty too, so if you have that mod installed you can use them as sources of heat or cold and bring them to certain places
- Their temperature related stuff can also be blocked by blocks (if you have simple difficulty installed), so you could have one room dedicated to egg incubation and not get cooked
Other Changes
- Stegosauruses and Parasaurolophi now have a turret mode that you can access from the radial menu -> state. When in this mode, they will stay stationary and attack anything with only their ranged attack. It also replaces the behavior tab with a targets tab where you can make them target the ff:
- Players only
- Players and other tames (this means other players and tamed creatures not tamed by you)
- Hostile mobs only (can be config'd)
- All mobs (except you and anything tamed to you)
- Eggs now need to be in certain temperature conditions to hatch
- Made it so all carnivores now share a universal target list in the main config
- All individual config files for carnivores have their own options where you can add what mobs you can add to the list of mobs they can target alongside the ones in the main config, as well as the ones that should be excluded from the main config
- The following creatures are now only leashable when tamed:
- Stegosaurus
- Triceratops
- Utahraptor
- Parasaurolophus
- Some other small random adjustments here and there