This SDK includes precompiled cryptoauth libraries, header files, and wrapper code for several languages to connect to the RIDDLE&CODE Secure Element via the I²C protocol on various devices.
A generic overview on how to integrate the Secure Element to various boards can be found here.
The SDK has the following structure
- inc The include files needed to utilize the library.
- lib precompiled libraries (for several architectures: e.g. arm raspberry pi).
- golang The wrapper for the Go Language as well as some golang sample code.
The C libraries are available as shared objects and can be loaded into several languages. The corresponding header files are within the inc folder.
Using the go wrapper comes with two installation steps
- Copy the c library from the lib folder to a path contained in LDPATH of the system or to the golang folder if the command is run from there.
- Add the pkg to your GOPATH
The golang/ script just executes these two steps as shown below
sudo cp ../bin/ /usr/lib
cp -R src $GOPATH/.
cp -R pkg $GOPATH/.
Thereafter, the library can be utilized as needed. The concept of the provided Go API is shown in the golang/random_example.go example file.
package main
// Example program demonstrating the usage of Random.
import (
// import the go-cryptoauthlib package into element
element ""
func main(t *testing.T) {
// element.Random() returns 32 bytes of random data
randomBytes := element.Random()
// print the data to the console
fmt.Printf("randomBytes:\n%s\n", hex.Dump(randomBytes))