This SDK provides access to the Box V2 API. It currently supports file and folder operations.
Sample applications are forthcoming.
The easiest way to add the Box Cocoa SDK to your project is as a dependent XCode project. The BoxCocoaSDK framework is intended to be included in your application, rather than separately installed on a user's machine.
Clone this repository into your project's directory. You can use git submodules if you want.
Open your project in XCode.
Drag BoxSDK.xcodeproj into the root of your project explorer.
Create a build phase to copy the compiled framework into a 'Frameworks' directory in your application bundle.
Note: steps 2-6 are covered in Apple's documentation on using frameworks.
Add the
linker flag. This is needed to load categories defined in the SDK. -
#import <BoxCocoaSDK/BoxCocoaSDK.h>
Set your client ID and client secret on the SDK client:
[BoxCocoaSDK sharedSDK].OAuth2Session.clientID = @"YOUR_CLIENT_ID";
[BoxCocoaSDK sharedSDK].OAuth2Session.clientSecret = @"YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET";
One way to complete the OAuth2 flow is to have your app to register a
custom URL scheme in order to receive an OAuth2 authorization code.
In your Info.plist
, register the following URL scheme:
Note: When setting up your service on Box, leave the OAuth2 redirect URI blank. The SDK will provide a custom redirect URI when issuing OAuth2 calls; doing so requires that no redirect URI be set in your service settings.
To authenticate your app with Box, you need to use OAuth2. It's easiest to use the user's default browser to execute the OAuth2 authentication and authorization. To get started, you simply ask the system to open the authentication URL:
NSURL *authURL = [[BoxCocoaSDK sharedSDK].OAuth2Session authorizeURL];
NSArray *urls = [NSArray arrayWithObject:authURL];
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURLs:urls
withAppBundleIdentifier:nil //@"" if you want to specify Safari rather than the user's default browser
On successful authentication, your app will receive an "open in" request using the custom URL scheme you registered earlier. In your app delegate:
- (void)handleURLEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)replyEvent
NSString *receivedUrlString = [[event paramDescriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject] stringValue];
[[BoxCocoaSDK sharedSDK].OAuth2Session performAuthorizationCodeGrantWithReceivedURL:[NSURL URLWithString:receivedUrlString]];
You can listen to notifications on [BoxCocoaSDK sharedSDK].OAuth2Session
to be notified
when a user becomes successfully authenticated.
All SDK API calls are asynchronous. They are scheduled by the SDK on an NSOperationQueue
To be notified of API responses and errors, pass blocks to the SDK API call methods. These
blocks are triggered once the API response has been received by the SDK.
Note: callbacks are not triggered on the main thread. Wrap updates to your app's
UI in a dispatch_sync
block on the main thread.
BoxCollectionBlock success = ^(BoxCollection *collection)
// grab items from the collection, use the collection as a data source
// for a table view, etc.
BoxAPIJSONFailureBlock failure = ^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error, NSDictionary *JSONDictionary)
// handle errors
[[BoxCocoaSDK sharedSDK].foldersManager folderItemsWithID:folderID requestBuilder:nil success:success failure:failure];
BoxFileBlock success = ^(BoxFile *file)
// manipulate the BoxFile.
BoxAPIJSONFailureBlock failure = ^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error, NSDictionary *JSONDictionary)
// handle errors
[[BoxCocoaSDK sharedSDK].filesManager fileInfoWithID:folderID requestBuilder:nil success:success failure:failure];
To send data via the API, use a request builder. If we wish to move a file and change its name:
BoxFileBlock success = ^(BoxFile *file)
// manipulate the BoxFile.
BoxAPIJSONFailureBlock failure = ^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error, NSDictionary *JSONDictionary)
// handle errors
BoxFilesRequestBuilder *builder = [BoxFilesRequestBuilder alloc] init]; = @"My awesome file.txt"
builder.parentID = BoxAPIFolderIDRoot;
[[BoxCocoaSDK sharedSDK].filesManager editFileWithID:folderID requestBuilder:builder success:success failure:failure];
BoxFileBlock fileBlock = ^(BoxFile *file)
// manipulate resulting BoxFile
BoxAPIJSONFailureBlock failureBlock = ^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error, NSDictionary *JSONDictionary)
// handle failed upload
BoxAPIMultipartProgressBlock progressBlock = ^(unsigned long long totalBytes, unsigned long long bytesSent)
// indicate progress of upload
BoxFilesRequestBuilder *builder = [[BoxFilesRequestBuilder alloc] init]; = @"Logo_Box_Blue_Whitebg_480x480.jpg";
builder.parentID = folderID;
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Logo_Box_Blue_Whitebg_480x480.jpg" ofType:nil];
NSInputStream *inputStream = [NSInputStream inputStreamWithFileAtPath:path];
NSDictionary *fileAttributes = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] attributesOfItemAtPath:path error:nil];
long long contentLength = [[fileAttributes objectForKey:NSFileSize] longLongValue];
[[BoxCocoaSDK sharedSDK].filesManager uploadFileWithInputStream:inputStream contentLength:contentLength MIMEType:nil requestBuilder:builder success:fileBlock failure:failureBlock progress:progressBlock];
NSOutputStream *outputStream = [NSOutputStream outputStreamToFileAtPath:path append:NO];
BoxDownloadSuccessBlock successBlock = ^(NSString *downloadedFileID, long long expectedContentLength)
// handle download, preview download, etc.
BoxDownloadFailureBlock failureBlock = ^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error)
// handle download failure
BoxAPIDataProgressBlock progressBlock = ^(long long expectedTotalBytes, unsigned long long bytesReceived)
// display progress
[[BoxCocoaSDK sharedSDK].filesManager downloadFileWithID:fileID outputStream:outputStream requestBuilder:nil success:successBlock failure:failureBlock progress:progressBlock];
The BoxCocoaSDK framework MUST be built with the OSX 10.8 SDK. It targets the 10.7 OS, and is not currently compatible with OSX 10.6 or earlier.
This SDK contains unit tests that are runnable with ./bin/
To run tests specifically for the OS X platform, run tests with ./bin/ 10.8
. This will compile
BoxCocoaSDK and tests with the OS X 10.8 SDK.
Pull requests will not be accepted unless they include test coverage.
Documentation for this SDK is generated using appledoc.
Documentation can be generated by running ./bin/
. This script
depends on the appledoc
binary which can be downloaded using homebrew (brew install appledoc
Documentation is hosted on this repo's github page.
Pull requests will not be accepted unless they include documentation.
- There is no support for manipulating files in the trash.
- Only the files and folders endpoints are supported.