The Flashcards App is a web-based application designed to help users study more effectively. Whether you're a student preparing for an exam or someone who wants to reinforce their knowledge, this app provides a convenient and interactive way to review material. The project was built as part of my journey through Thinkful's coding bootcamp to demonstrate my understanding of React.js and frontend web development.
- Deck Management: Create, edit, and delete decks of flashcards.
- Card Management: Add, edit, and remove cards within a specific deck.
- Study Mode: Go through cards in a deck to study.
- Responsive Design: The app is fully responsive, providing a great user experience on both desktop and mobile.
- React.js: Used for building the UI components.
- React Router: For routing and navigation within the app.
- Bootstrap: For styling and layout.
- Node.js and Express: Backend API to manage decks and cards.
The app is intended to be straightforward and user-friendly:
- Home Page: Lists all the available decks.
- Deck View: Allows you to view/edit/delete a deck or add cards to it.
- Study View: Allows you to go through each card in the deck.
- Add/Edit Deck or Card: Provides forms to create or modify decks and cards.
To get started with the Flashcards App, you can clone the repository and then install the required packages:
git clone
cd Flashcards
npm install
To run the app:
npm start
- Implement user authentication to allow multiple users to have their own decks.
- Add a spaced repetition algorithm to make studying more effective.
- Add a screen where there is a timer to each card (5s) and it will flip after timer is over. We can call is speedrounds or something
- Allow users to share decks.
- Better UI, I can polish it make it better with more complicated CSS but for now due to time constraints I will work on it later.
This project is open for contributions. Feel free to fork the repo and make your contributions. You can also open an issue or pull request.