This latest release updates the SDK to use BillingClient 5. This version of BillingClient brings an entire new subscription model which has resulted in large changes across the entire SDK.
This migration guide has detailed class, property, and method changes.
See Android Native - 5.x to 6.x Migration for a more thorough explanation of the new Google subscription model announced with BillingClient 5 and how to take advantage of it in V6.
New |
AmazonStoreProduct |
GoogleProrationMode |
GoogleStoreProduct |
GoogleSubscriptionOption |
Period |
Period.Unit |
Price |
PricingPhase |
PurchaseParams |
RecurrenceMode |
SubscriptionOption |
SubscriptionOptions |
Old Location | New Location |
com.revenuecat.purchases.BillingFeature | com.revenuecat.purchases.models.BillingFeature |
Deprecated | Replace with |
UpgradeInfo |
PurchaseParams.Builder.oldProductId and PurchaseParams.Builder.googleProrationMode |
ProductChangeCallback |
PurchaseCallback |
, Offerings
, Package
, and StoreProduct
are no longer Parcelable.
has been made an interface, which GoogleStoreProduct
and AmazonStoreProduct
Previous | New |
sku | id |
price | Moved to price.formatted |
priceAmountMicros | Moved to price.amountMicros |
priceCurrencyCode | Moved to price.currencyCode |
freeTrialPeriod | Replaced with related PricingPhase fields in either SubscriptionOption or SubscriptionOptions.freeTrial |
introductoryPrice | Replaced with related PricingPhase fields in either SubscriptionOption or SubscriptionOptions.introOffer |
introductoryPriceAmountMicros | Replaced with related PricingPhase fields in either SubscriptionOption or SubscriptionOptions.introOffer |
introductoryPricePeriod | Replaced with related PricingPhase fields in either SubscriptionOption or SubscriptionOptions.introOffer |
introductoryPriceCycles | Replaced with related PricingPhase fields in either SubscriptionOption or SubscriptionOptions.introOffer |
originalJson | productDetails in GoogleStoreProduct; originalProductJSON in AmazonStoreProduct |
New |
price |
subscriptionOptions |
defaultOption |
presentedOfferingIdentifier |
Removed | |
product.originalPrice | Accessible in basePlan's unique pricing phase subscriptionOptions?.basePlan?.fullPricePhase?.price?.formatted |
product.originalPriceAmountMicros | Accessible in basePlan's unique pricing phase subscriptionOptions?.basePlan?.fullPricePhase?.price?.amountMicros |
product.iconUrl | |
product.originalJson | (product as GoogleStoreProduct).productDetails |
can now have multiple free trials and introductory offers. There is a defaultOption
property on
that will select the offer with the longest free trial period or the cheapest introductory offer.
If more control is needed, the free trial, intro offer, and other [SubscriptionOption]s can
be found through subscriptionOptions
val basePlan = storeProduct.subscriptionOptions?.basePlan
val defaultOffer = storeProduct.subscriptionOptions?.defaultOffer
val freeOffer = storeProduct.subscriptionOptions?.freeTrial
val introOffer = storeProduct.subscriptionOptions?.introOffer
val offersForLapsedCustomers = storeProduct.subscriptionOptions?.withTag("lapsed-customers")
Durations were previously string properties of ISO 8601 durations (ex: "P4D", "P1M", "P1Y").
All durations are now stored in a Period
object with the following properties:
New |
value |
unit |
iso8601 |
The Period.Unit
enum can be one of the following:
New |
subscriptionOptionId |
Deprecated | New |
skus | productIds |
Deprecated | New |
allPurchasedSkus | allPurchasedProductIds |
getExpirationDateForSku | getExpirationDateForProductId |
getPurchaseDateForSku | getPurchaseDateForProductId |
in CustomerInfo
fields (allExpirationDatesByProduct
, allPurchaseDatesByProduct
, and allPurchasedProductIds
) conform to the following:
- Google subscriptions: subscriptionId:basePlanId
- Amazon subscriptions: termSku
- INAPPs: productId
New |
productPlanIdentifier |
Purchases are now configured using PurchaseParams.Builder()
. The builder is constructed with either a Package
, or SubscriptionOption
and an Activity
. The builder then has methods for setting the product change
parameters (oldProductId
and googleProrationMode
To initiate a purchase, simply pass the built PurchaseParams
and your PurchaseCallback
to the purchase()
New |
purchase(PurchaseParams, PurchaseCallback) |
Replaces all of the following:
Deprecated |
purchaseProduct(Activity, StoreProduct, PurchaseCallback) |
purchaseProduct(Activity, StoreProduct, UpgradeInfo, ProductChangeCallback) |
purchasePackage(Activity, Package, PurchaseCallback) |
purchasePackage(Activity, Package, UpgradeInfo, ProductChangeCallback) |
In V5, a Package
or StoreProduct
represented a single purchaseable entity, and free trials or intro
offers would automatically be applied to the purchase if the user was eligible.
Now, in v6, a Package
or StoreProduct
represents a duration of a subscription and contains all the ways to
purchase that duration -- any offers and its base plan. Each of these purchase options are SubscriptionOption
When passing a Package
or StoreProduct
to purchase()
, the SDK will use the following logic to choose which
[SubscriptionOption] to purchase:
- Filters out offers with "rc-ignore-offer" tag
- Uses [SubscriptionOption] with the longest free trial or cheapest first phase
- Falls back to base plan
For more control, create your PurchaseParams.Builder
with the desired SubscriptionOption
New |
purchaseWith(PurchaseParams, (PurchasesError, Boolean) -> Unit, (StoreTransaction, CustomerInfo) -> Unit) |
Replaces all of the following:
Deprecated |
purchaseProductWith(Activity, StoreProduct, (PurchasesError, Boolean) -> Unit, (StoreTransaction, CustomerInfo) -> Unit) |
purchaseProductWith(Activity, StoreProduct, UpgradeInfo, (PurchasesError, Boolean) -> Unit, (StoreTransaction?, CustomerInfo) -> Unit) |
purchasePackageWith(Activity, Package, (PurchasesError, Boolean) -> Unit, (StoreTransaction, CustomerInfo) -> Unit) |
purchasePackageWith(Activity, Package, UpgradeInfo, (PurchasesError, Boolean) -> Unit, (StoreTransaction?, CustomerInfo) -> Unit) |
Deprecated | New |
getSubscriptionSkusWith(List<String>, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (List<StoreProduct>) -> Unit) |
getProductsWith(List<String>, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (List<StoreProduct>) -> Unit) |
getNonSubscriptionSkusWith(List<String>, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (List<StoreProduct>) -> Unit) |
getProductsWith(List<String>, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (List<StoreProduct>) -> Unit) |
These APIs were deprecated in V5 and are now being removed in V6.
Removed APIs |
configure(Context, String, String?, Boolean, ExecutorService) |
getOfferings(ReceiveOfferingsListener) |
getSubscriptionSkus(List<String>, GetSkusResponseListener) |
getNonSubscriptionSkus(List<String>, GetSkusResponseListener) |
getNonSubscriptionSkus(skus, GetSkusResponseListener) |
purchaseProduct(Activity, SkuDetails, MakePurchaseListener) |
purchaseProduct(Activity, StoreProduct, MakePurchaseListener) |
purchaseProduct(Activity, SkuDetails, UpgradeInfo, ProductChangeListener) |
purchasePackage(Activity, Package, MakePurchaseListener) |
purchasePackage(Activity, Package, UpgradeInfo, ProductChangeListener) |
restorePurchases(ReceivePurchaserInfoListener) |
logOut(ReceivePurchaserInfoListener) |
getPurchaserInfo(ReceivePurchaserInfoListener) |
getPurchaserInfo(ReceiveCustomerInfoCallback) |
getCustomerInfo(ReceivePurchaserInfoListener) |
invalidatePurchaserInfoCache() |
removeUpdatedPurchaserInfoListener() |
setUpdatedPurchaserInfoListener(UpdatedPurchaserInfoListener) |
getPurchaserInfoWith((PurchasesError) -> Unit, (PurchaserInfo) -> Unit) |
purchasePackageWith(Activity, Package, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (Purchase, PurchaserInfo) -> Unit) |
purchasePackageWith(Activity, Package, UpgradeInfo, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (Purchase, PurchaserInfo) -> Unit) |
purchaseProductWith(Activity, SkuDetails, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (Purchase, PurchaserInfo) -> Unit) |
purchaseProductWith(Activity, SkuDetails, UpgradeInfo, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (Purchase, PurchaserInfo) -> Unit) |
Removed Listeners |
ReceiveOfferingsListener |
GetSkusResponseListener |
ProductChangeListener |
MakePurchaseListener |
ReceivePurchaserInfoListener |
UpdatedPurchaserInfoListener |
PurchaseErrorListener |
Removed properties |
CustomerInfo.purchasedNonSubscriptionSkus |
CustomerInfo.jsonObject |
EntitlementInfo.jsonObject |
Observer mode is still supported in v6. Other than updating the SDK version, there are no changes required..
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