It's a React app that searches through Brewdog's beer catalogue using their API. Now get looking for your favourite brew, dog!
• React • JavaScript • Sass • Enzyme • BEM • GitHub
The challenge was to build a single page website/application using REACT, which showcased the selection of Brewdog beers catalogued on the Punk API.
• Use the Punk API to display the beers on a single page,
• There must be a sidebar that includes both search funtionality (the ability to search for beers by name - with page content updating as each letter is typed)
• There must also be the ability to filter content on 3 conditions: • High Alcohol (ABV value greater than 6%) • Classic Range (Was first brewed before 2010) • High Acidity (pH lower than 4)
• Style the website as we see fit.
• The app itself presents the Brewdog beer catalogue via a display of cards, presented on a responsive grid.
• The beer information is fetched from the Punk API and then displayed on each card. The name, tag and image of each card is presented on the front , with the rest of the information presented on the rear via a "view more" button, which was created with useState.
• The user can search through the catalogue via the search bar and can filter through the beers for specific information
• The app has also been created to be completely responsive across different sized screens