This project integrated the Positivo Challenge, a research and development project carried out by the University of Brasília (UnB) in partnership with Positivo.
The features present in this project are:
- Create a reminder;
- Edit a reminder;
- Delete a reminder;
- List all reminders by category;
- Share on google calendar;
- Create category for reminder.
To run this project it is necessary to use the Eclipse IDE - we are using the Eclipse for Android Developers. Once you have the IDE installed, the steps that must be followed to import the project are:
Open the eclipse IDE and go to Window -> Android SDK Manager 1.1. Select options to install Android API 19.
This step is optional. To create a virtual device, go to Window -> Android Virtual Device Manager and create the device with the following configuration:
To import the project go to File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Project and select the project in the directory where it was cloned;
To run the project click Properties -> Java Builder and verify that the following parameters are configured:
After, right click on the project and then on Run As -> Run Configurator -> Android Application -> New and make the following settings:
Finally, click on Run to run the project in the virtual device or your device;
That is all.
Leomar Camargo,