for UAs without console object
- // allow force of debug mode via URL
- //
- if (sm2.debugURLParam.test(wl)) {
- sm2.setupOptions.debugMode = sm2.debugMode = true;
- }
- if (id(sm2.debugID)) {
- return false;
- }
- var oD, oDebug, oTarget, oToggle, tmp;
- if (sm2.debugMode && !id(sm2.debugID) && (!hasConsole || !sm2.useConsole || !sm2.consoleOnly)) {
- oD = doc.createElement('div');
- = sm2.debugID + '-toggle';
- oToggle = {
- 'position': 'fixed',
- 'bottom': '0px',
- 'right': '0px',
- 'width': '1.2em',
- 'height': '1.2em',
- 'lineHeight': '1.2em',
- 'margin': '2px',
- 'textAlign': 'center',
- 'border': '1px solid #999',
- 'cursor': 'pointer',
- 'background': '#fff',
- 'color': '#333',
- 'zIndex': 10001
- };
- oD.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('-'));
- oD.onclick = toggleDebug;
- oD.title = 'Toggle SM2 debug console';
- if (ua.match(/msie 6/i)) {
- = 'absolute';
- = 'hand';
- }
- for (tmp in oToggle) {
- if (oToggle.hasOwnProperty(tmp)) {
-[tmp] = oToggle[tmp];
- }
- }
- oDebug = doc.createElement('div');
- = sm2.debugID;
- = (sm2.debugMode ? 'block' : 'none');
- if (sm2.debugMode && !id( {
- try {
- oTarget = getDocument();
- oTarget.appendChild(oD);
- } catch(e2) {
- throw new Error(str('domError') + ' \n' + e2.toString());
- }
- oTarget.appendChild(oDebug);
- }
- }
- oTarget = null;
- //
- };
- idCheck = this.getSoundById;
- //
- _wDS = function(o, errorLevel) {
- return (!o ? '' : sm2._wD(str(o), errorLevel));
- };
- toggleDebug = function() {
- var o = id(sm2.debugID),
- oT = id(sm2.debugID + '-toggle');
- if (!o) {
- return false;
- }
- if (debugOpen) {
- // minimize
- oT.innerHTML = '+';
- = 'none';
- } else {
- oT.innerHTML = '-';
- = 'block';
- }
- debugOpen = !debugOpen;
- };
- debugTS = function(sEventType, bSuccess, sMessage) {
- // troubleshooter debug hooks
- if (window.sm2Debugger !== _undefined) {
- try {
- sm2Debugger.handleEvent(sEventType, bSuccess, sMessage);
- } catch(e) {
- // oh well
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- };
- //
- getSWFCSS = function() {
- var css = [];
- if (sm2.debugMode) {
- css.push(swfCSS.sm2Debug);
- }
- if (sm2.debugFlash) {
- css.push(swfCSS.flashDebug);
- }
- if (sm2.useHighPerformance) {
- css.push(swfCSS.highPerf);
- }
- return css.join(' ');
- };
- flashBlockHandler = function() {
- // *possible* flash block situation.
- var name = str('fbHandler'),
- p = sm2.getMoviePercent(),
- css = swfCSS,
- error = {
- };
- if (sm2.html5Only) {
- // no flash, or unused
- return false;
- }
- if (!sm2.ok()) {
- if (needsFlash) {
- // make the movie more visible, so user can fix
- sm2.oMC.className = getSWFCSS() + ' ' + css.swfDefault + ' ' + (p === null ? css.swfTimedout : css.swfError);
- sm2._wD(name + ': ' + str('fbTimeout') + (p ? ' (' + str('fbLoaded') + ')' : ''));
- }
- sm2.didFlashBlock = true;
- // fire onready(), complain lightly
- processOnEvents({
- type: 'ontimeout',
- ignoreInit: true,
- error: error
- });
- catchError(error);
- } else {
- // SM2 loaded OK (or recovered)
- //
- if (sm2.didFlashBlock) {
- sm2._wD(name + ': Unblocked');
- }
- //
- if (sm2.oMC) {
- sm2.oMC.className = [getSWFCSS(), css.swfDefault, css.swfLoaded + (sm2.didFlashBlock ? ' ' + css.swfUnblocked : '')].join(' ');
- }
- }
- };
- addOnEvent = function(sType, oMethod, oScope) {
- if (on_queue[sType] === _undefined) {
- on_queue[sType] = [];
- }
- on_queue[sType].push({
- 'method': oMethod,
- 'scope': (oScope || null),
- 'fired': false
- });
- };
- processOnEvents = function(oOptions) {
- // if unspecified, assume OK/error
- if (!oOptions) {
- oOptions = {
- type: (sm2.ok() ? 'onready' : 'ontimeout')
- };
- }
- if (!didInit && oOptions && !oOptions.ignoreInit) {
- // not ready yet.
- return false;
- }
- if (oOptions.type === 'ontimeout' && (sm2.ok() || (disabled && !oOptions.ignoreInit))) {
- // invalid case
- return false;
- }
- var status = {
- success: (oOptions && oOptions.ignoreInit ? sm2.ok() : !disabled)
- },
- // queue specified by type, or none
- srcQueue = (oOptions && oOptions.type ? on_queue[oOptions.type] || [] : []),
- queue = [], i, j,
- args = [status],
- canRetry = (needsFlash && !sm2.ok());
- if (oOptions.error) {
- args[0].error = oOptions.error;
- }
- for (i = 0, j = srcQueue.length; i < j; i++) {
- if (srcQueue[i].fired !== true) {
- queue.push(srcQueue[i]);
- }
- }
- if (queue.length) {
- // sm2._wD(sm + ': Firing ' + queue.length + ' ' + oOptions.type + '() item' + (queue.length === 1 ? '' : 's'));
- for (i = 0, j = queue.length; i < j; i++) {
- if (queue[i].scope) {
- queue[i].method.apply(queue[i].scope, args);
- } else {
- queue[i].method.apply(this, args);
- }
- if (!canRetry) {
- // useFlashBlock and SWF timeout case doesn't count here.
- queue[i].fired = true;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- };
- initUserOnload = function() {
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- if (sm2.useFlashBlock) {
- flashBlockHandler();
- }
- processOnEvents();
- // call user-defined "onload", scoped to window
- if (typeof sm2.onload === 'function') {
- _wDS('onload', 1);
- sm2.onload.apply(window);
- _wDS('onloadOK', 1);
- }
- if (sm2.waitForWindowLoad) {
- event.add(window, 'load', initUserOnload);
- }
- }, 1);
- };
- detectFlash = function() {
- /**
- * Hat tip: Flash Detect library (BSD, (C) 2007) by Carl "DocYes" S. Yestrau
- * /
- */
- if (hasFlash !== _undefined) {
- // this work has already been done.
- return hasFlash;
- }
- var hasPlugin = false, n = navigator, nP = n.plugins, obj, type, types, AX = window.ActiveXObject;
- if (nP && nP.length) {
- type = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
- types = n.mimeTypes;
- if (types && types[type] && types[type].enabledPlugin && types[type].enabledPlugin.description) {
- hasPlugin = true;
- }
- } else if (AX !== _undefined && !ua.match(/MSAppHost/i)) {
- // Windows 8 Store Apps (MSAppHost) are weird (compatibility?) and won't complain here, but will barf if Flash/ActiveX object is appended to the DOM.
- try {
- obj = new AX('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash');
- } catch(e) {
- // oh well
- obj = null;
- }
- hasPlugin = (!!obj);
- // cleanup, because it is ActiveX after all
- obj = null;
- }
- hasFlash = hasPlugin;
- return hasPlugin;
- };
-featureCheck = function() {
- var flashNeeded,
- item,
- formats = sm2.audioFormats,
- // iPhone <= 3.1 has broken HTML5 audio(), but firmware 3.2 (original iPad) + iOS4 works.
- isSpecial = (is_iDevice && !!(ua.match(/os (1|2|3_0|3_1)\s/i)));
- if (isSpecial) {
- // has Audio(), but is broken; let it load links directly.
- sm2.hasHTML5 = false;
- // ignore flash case, however
- sm2.html5Only = true;
- // hide the SWF, if present
- if (sm2.oMC) {
- = 'none';
- }
- } else {
- if (sm2.useHTML5Audio) {
- if (!sm2.html5 || !sm2.html5.canPlayType) {
- sm2._wD('SoundManager: No HTML5 Audio() support detected.');
- sm2.hasHTML5 = false;
- }
- //
- if (isBadSafari) {
- sm2._wD(smc + 'Note: Buggy HTML5 Audio in Safari on this OS X release, see - ' + (!hasFlash ? ' would use flash fallback for MP3/MP4, but none detected.' : 'will use flash fallback for MP3/MP4, if available'), 1);
- }
- //
- }
- }
- if (sm2.useHTML5Audio && sm2.hasHTML5) {
- // sort out whether flash is optional, required or can be ignored.
- // innocent until proven guilty.
- canIgnoreFlash = true;
- for (item in formats) {
- if (formats.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
- if (formats[item].required) {
- if (!sm2.html5.canPlayType(formats[item].type)) {
- // 100% HTML5 mode is not possible.
- canIgnoreFlash = false;
- flashNeeded = true;
- } else if (sm2.preferFlash && (sm2.flash[item] || sm2.flash[formats[item].type])) {
- // flash may be required, or preferred for this format.
- flashNeeded = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // sanity check...
- if (sm2.ignoreFlash) {
- flashNeeded = false;
- canIgnoreFlash = true;
- }
- sm2.html5Only = (sm2.hasHTML5 && sm2.useHTML5Audio && !flashNeeded);
- return (!sm2.html5Only);
- };
- parseURL = function(url) {
- /**
- * Internal: Finds and returns the first playable URL (or failing that, the first URL.)
- * @param {string or array} url A single URL string, OR, an array of URL strings or {url:'/path/to/resource', type:'audio/mp3'} objects.
- */
- var i, j, urlResult = 0, result;
- if (url instanceof Array) {
- // find the first good one
- for (i = 0, j = url.length; i < j; i++) {
- if (url[i] instanceof Object) {
- // MIME check
- if (sm2.canPlayMIME(url[i].type)) {
- urlResult = i;
- break;
- }
- } else if (sm2.canPlayURL(url[i])) {
- // URL string check
- urlResult = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- // normalize to string
- if (url[urlResult].url) {
- url[urlResult] = url[urlResult].url;
- }
- result = url[urlResult];
- } else {
- // single URL case
- result = url;
- }
- return result;
- };
- startTimer = function(oSound) {
- /**
- * attach a timer to this sound, and start an interval if needed
- */
- if (!oSound._hasTimer) {
- oSound._hasTimer = true;
- if (!mobileHTML5 && sm2.html5PollingInterval) {
- if (h5IntervalTimer === null && h5TimerCount === 0) {
- h5IntervalTimer = setInterval(timerExecute, sm2.html5PollingInterval);
- }
- h5TimerCount++;
- }
- }
- };
- stopTimer = function(oSound) {
- /**
- * detach a timer
- */
- if (oSound._hasTimer) {
- oSound._hasTimer = false;
- if (!mobileHTML5 && sm2.html5PollingInterval) {
- // interval will stop itself at next execution.
- h5TimerCount--;
- }
- }
- };
- timerExecute = function() {
- /**
- * manual polling for HTML5 progress events, ie., whileplaying()
- * (can achieve greater precision than conservative default HTML5 interval)
- */
- var i;
- if (h5IntervalTimer !== null && !h5TimerCount) {
- // no active timers, stop polling interval.
- clearInterval(h5IntervalTimer);
- h5IntervalTimer = null;
- return false;
- }
- // check all HTML5 sounds with timers
- for (i = sm2.soundIDs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]].isHTML5 && sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]]._hasTimer) {
- sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]]._onTimer();
- }
- }
- };
- catchError = function(options) {
- options = (options !== _undefined ? options : {});
- if (typeof sm2.onerror === 'function') {
- sm2.onerror.apply(window, [{
- type: (options.type !== _undefined ? options.type : null)
- }]);
- }
- if (options.fatal !== _undefined && options.fatal) {
- sm2.disable();
- }
- };
- badSafariFix = function() {
- // special case: "bad" Safari (OS X 10.3 - 10.7) must fall back to flash for MP3/MP4
- if (!isBadSafari || !detectFlash()) {
- // doesn't apply
- return false;
- }
- var aF = sm2.audioFormats, i, item;
- for (item in aF) {
- if (aF.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
- if (item === 'mp3' || item === 'mp4') {
- sm2._wD(sm + ': Using flash fallback for ' + item + ' format');
- sm2.html5[item] = false;
- // assign result to related formats, too
- if (aF[item] && aF[item].related) {
- for (i = aF[item].related.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- sm2.html5[aF[item].related[i]] = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Pseudo-private flash/ExternalInterface methods
- * ----------------------------------------------
- */
- this._setSandboxType = function(sandboxType) {
- //
- // Security sandbox according to Flash plugin
- var sb = sm2.sandbox;
- sb.type = sandboxType;
- sb.description = sb.types[(sb.types[sandboxType] !== _undefined?sandboxType : 'unknown')];
- if (sb.type === 'localWithFile') {
- sb.noRemote = true;
- sb.noLocal = false;
- _wDS('secNote', 2);
- } else if (sb.type === 'localWithNetwork') {
- sb.noRemote = false;
- sb.noLocal = true;
- } else if (sb.type === 'localTrusted') {
- sb.noRemote = false;
- sb.noLocal = false;
- }
- //
- };
- this._externalInterfaceOK = function(swfVersion) {
- // flash callback confirming flash loaded, EI working etc.
- // swfVersion: SWF build string
- if (sm2.swfLoaded) {
- return false;
- }
- var e;
- debugTS('swf', true);
- debugTS('flashtojs', true);
- sm2.swfLoaded = true;
- tryInitOnFocus = false;
- if (isBadSafari) {
- badSafariFix();
- }
- // complain if JS + SWF build/version strings don't match, excluding +DEV builds
- //
- if (!swfVersion || swfVersion.replace(/\+dev/i,'') !== sm2.versionNumber.replace(/\+dev/i, '')) {
- e = sm + ': Fatal: JavaScript file build "' + sm2.versionNumber + '" does not match Flash SWF build "' + swfVersion + '" at ' + sm2.url + '. Ensure both are up-to-date.';
- // escape flash -> JS stack so this error fires in window.
- setTimeout(function versionMismatch() {
- throw new Error(e);
- }, 0);
- // exit, init will fail with timeout
- return false;
- }
- //
- // IE needs a larger timeout
- setTimeout(init, isIE ? 100 : 1);
- };
- /**
- * Private initialization helpers
- * ------------------------------
- */
- createMovie = function(smID, smURL) {
- if (didAppend && appendSuccess) {
- // ignore if already succeeded
- return false;
- }
- function initMsg() {
- //
- var options = [],
- title,
- msg = [],
- delimiter = ' + ';
- title = 'SoundManager ' + sm2.version + (!sm2.html5Only && sm2.useHTML5Audio ? (sm2.hasHTML5 ? ' + HTML5 audio' : ', no HTML5 audio support') : '');
- if (!sm2.html5Only) {
- if (sm2.preferFlash) {
- options.push('preferFlash');
- }
- if (sm2.useHighPerformance) {
- options.push('useHighPerformance');
- }
- if (sm2.flashPollingInterval) {
- options.push('flashPollingInterval (' + sm2.flashPollingInterval + 'ms)');
- }
- if (sm2.html5PollingInterval) {
- options.push('html5PollingInterval (' + sm2.html5PollingInterval + 'ms)');
- }
- if (sm2.wmode) {
- options.push('wmode (' + sm2.wmode + ')');
- }
- if (sm2.debugFlash) {
- options.push('debugFlash');
- }
- if (sm2.useFlashBlock) {
- options.push('flashBlock');
- }
- } else {
- if (sm2.html5PollingInterval) {
- options.push('html5PollingInterval (' + sm2.html5PollingInterval + 'ms)');
- }
- }
- if (options.length) {
- msg = msg.concat([options.join(delimiter)]);
- }
- sm2._wD(title + (msg.length ? delimiter + msg.join(', ') : ''), 1);
- showSupport();
- //
- }
- if (sm2.html5Only) {
- // 100% HTML5 mode
- setVersionInfo();
- initMsg();
- sm2.oMC = id(sm2.movieID);
- init();
- // prevent multiple init attempts
- didAppend = true;
- appendSuccess = true;
- return false;
- }
- // flash path
- var remoteURL = (smURL || sm2.url),
- localURL = (sm2.altURL || remoteURL),
- swfTitle = 'JS/Flash audio component (SoundManager 2)',
- oTarget = getDocument(),
- extraClass = getSWFCSS(),
- isRTL = null,
- html = doc.getElementsByTagName('html')[0],
- oEmbed, oMovie, tmp, movieHTML, oEl, s, x, sClass;
- isRTL = (html && html.dir && html.dir.match(/rtl/i));
- smID = (smID === _undefined ? : smID);
- function param(name, value) {
- return '
- }
- // safety check for legacy (change to Flash 9 URL)
- setVersionInfo();
- sm2.url = normalizeMovieURL(overHTTP ? remoteURL : localURL);
- smURL = sm2.url;
- sm2.wmode = (!sm2.wmode && sm2.useHighPerformance ? 'transparent' : sm2.wmode);
- if (sm2.wmode !== null && (ua.match(/msie 8/i) || (!isIE && !sm2.useHighPerformance)) && navigator.platform.match(/win32|win64/i)) {
- /**
- * extra-special case: movie doesn't load until scrolled into view when using wmode = anything but 'window' here
- * does not apply when using high performance (position:fixed means on-screen), OR infinite flash load timeout
- * wmode breaks IE 8 on Vista + Win7 too in some cases, as of January 2011 (?)
- */
- messages.push(strings.spcWmode);
- sm2.wmode = null;
- }
- oEmbed = {
- 'name': smID,
- 'id': smID,
- 'src': smURL,
- 'quality': 'high',
- 'allowScriptAccess': sm2.allowScriptAccess,
- 'bgcolor': sm2.bgColor,
- 'pluginspage': http + '',
- 'title': swfTitle,
- 'type': 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
- 'wmode': sm2.wmode,
- //
- 'hasPriority': 'true'
- };
- if (sm2.debugFlash) {
- oEmbed.FlashVars = 'debug=1';
- }
- if (!sm2.wmode) {
- // don't write empty attribute
- delete oEmbed.wmode;
- }
- if (isIE) {
- // IE is "special".
- oMovie = doc.createElement('div');
- movieHTML = [
- '
- ].join('');
- } else {
- oMovie = doc.createElement('embed');
- for (tmp in oEmbed) {
- if (oEmbed.hasOwnProperty(tmp)) {
- oMovie.setAttribute(tmp, oEmbed[tmp]);
- }
- }
- }
- initDebug();
- extraClass = getSWFCSS();
- oTarget = getDocument();
- if (oTarget) {
- sm2.oMC = (id(sm2.movieID) || doc.createElement('div'));
- if (! {
- = sm2.movieID;
- sm2.oMC.className = swfCSS.swfDefault + ' ' + extraClass;
- s = null;
- oEl = null;
- if (!sm2.useFlashBlock) {
- if (sm2.useHighPerformance) {
- // on-screen at all times
- s = {
- 'position': 'fixed',
- 'width': '8px',
- 'height': '8px',
- // >= 6px for flash to run fast, >= 8px to start up under Firefox/win32 in some cases. odd? yes.
- 'bottom': '0px',
- 'left': '0px',
- 'overflow': 'hidden'
- };
- } else {
- // hide off-screen, lower priority
- s = {
- 'position': 'absolute',
- 'width': '6px',
- 'height': '6px',
- 'top': '-9999px',
- 'left': '-9999px'
- };
- if (isRTL) {
- s.left = Math.abs(parseInt(s.left, 10)) + 'px';
- }
- }
- }
- if (isWebkit) {
- // soundcloud-reported render/crash fix, safari 5
- = 10000;
- }
- if (!sm2.debugFlash) {
- for (x in s) {
- if (s.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
-[x] = s[x];
- }
- }
- }
- try {
- if (!isIE) {
- sm2.oMC.appendChild(oMovie);
- }
- oTarget.appendChild(sm2.oMC);
- if (isIE) {
- oEl = sm2.oMC.appendChild(doc.createElement('div'));
- oEl.className = swfCSS.swfBox;
- oEl.innerHTML = movieHTML;
- }
- appendSuccess = true;
- } catch(e) {
- throw new Error(str('domError') + ' \n' + e.toString());
- }
- } else {
- // SM2 container is already in the document (eg. flashblock use case)
- sClass = sm2.oMC.className;
- sm2.oMC.className = (sClass ? sClass + ' ' : swfCSS.swfDefault) + (extraClass ? ' ' + extraClass : '');
- sm2.oMC.appendChild(oMovie);
- if (isIE) {
- oEl = sm2.oMC.appendChild(doc.createElement('div'));
- oEl.className = swfCSS.swfBox;
- oEl.innerHTML = movieHTML;
- }
- appendSuccess = true;
- }
- }
- didAppend = true;
- initMsg();
- // sm2._wD(sm + ': Trying to load ' + smURL + (!overHTTP && sm2.altURL ? ' (alternate URL)' : ''), 1);
- return true;
- };
- initMovie = function() {
- if (sm2.html5Only) {
- createMovie();
- return false;
- }
- // attempt to get, or create, movie (may already exist)
- if (flash) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!sm2.url) {
- /**
- * Something isn't right - we've reached init, but the soundManager url property has not been set.
- * User has not called setup({url: ...}), or has not set soundManager.url (legacy use case) directly before init time.
- * Notify and exit. If user calls setup() with a url: property, init will be restarted as in the deferred loading case.
- */
- _wDS('noURL');
- return false;
- }
- // inline markup case
- flash = sm2.getMovie(;
- if (!flash) {
- if (!oRemoved) {
- // try to create
- createMovie(, sm2.url);
- } else {
- // try to re-append removed movie after reboot()
- if (!isIE) {
- sm2.oMC.appendChild(oRemoved);
- } else {
- sm2.oMC.innerHTML = oRemovedHTML;
- }
- oRemoved = null;
- didAppend = true;
- }
- flash = sm2.getMovie(;
- }
- if (typeof sm2.oninitmovie === 'function') {
- setTimeout(sm2.oninitmovie, 1);
- }
- //
- flushMessages();
- //
- return true;
- };
- delayWaitForEI = function() {
- setTimeout(waitForEI, 1000);
- };
- rebootIntoHTML5 = function() {
- // special case: try for a reboot with preferFlash: false, if 100% HTML5 mode is possible and useFlashBlock is not enabled.
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- complain(smc + 'useFlashBlock is false, 100% HTML5 mode is possible. Rebooting with preferFlash: false...');
- sm2.setup({
- preferFlash: false
- }).reboot();
- // if for some reason you want to detect this case, use an ontimeout() callback and look for html5Only and didFlashBlock == true.
- sm2.didFlashBlock = true;
- sm2.beginDelayedInit();
- }, 1);
- };
- waitForEI = function() {
- var p,
- loadIncomplete = false;
- if (!sm2.url) {
- // No SWF url to load (noURL case) - exit for now. Will be retried when url is set.
- return false;
- }
- if (waitingForEI) {
- return false;
- }
- waitingForEI = true;
- event.remove(window, 'load', delayWaitForEI);
- if (hasFlash && tryInitOnFocus && !isFocused) {
- // Safari won't load flash in background tabs, only when focused.
- _wDS('waitFocus');
- return false;
- }
- if (!didInit) {
- p = sm2.getMoviePercent();
- if (p > 0 && p < 100) {
- loadIncomplete = true;
- }
- }
- setTimeout(function() {
- p = sm2.getMoviePercent();
- if (loadIncomplete) {
- // special case: if movie *partially* loaded, retry until it's 100% before assuming failure.
- waitingForEI = false;
- sm2._wD(str('waitSWF'));
- window.setTimeout(delayWaitForEI, 1);
- return false;
- }
- //
- if (!didInit) {
- sm2._wD(sm + ': No Flash response within expected time. Likely causes: ' + (p === 0 ? 'SWF load failed, ' : '') + 'Flash blocked or JS-Flash security error.' + (sm2.debugFlash ? ' ' + str('checkSWF') : ''), 2);
- if (!overHTTP && p) {
- _wDS('localFail', 2);
- if (!sm2.debugFlash) {
- _wDS('tryDebug', 2);
- }
- }
- if (p === 0) {
- // if 0 (not null), probably a 404.
- sm2._wD(str('swf404', sm2.url), 1);
- }
- debugTS('flashtojs', false, ': Timed out' + (overHTTP ? ' (Check flash security or flash blockers)':' (No plugin/missing SWF?)'));
- }
- //
- // give up / time-out, depending
- if (!didInit && okToDisable) {
- if (p === null) {
- // SWF failed to report load progress. Possibly blocked.
- if (sm2.useFlashBlock || sm2.flashLoadTimeout === 0) {
- if (sm2.useFlashBlock) {
- flashBlockHandler();
- }
- _wDS('waitForever');
- } else {
- // no custom flash block handling, but SWF has timed out. Will recover if user unblocks / allows SWF load.
- if (!sm2.useFlashBlock && canIgnoreFlash) {
- rebootIntoHTML5();
- } else {
- _wDS('waitForever');
- // fire any regular registered ontimeout() listeners.
- processOnEvents({
- type: 'ontimeout',
- ignoreInit: true,
- error: {
- }
- });
- }
- }
- } else {
- // SWF loaded? Shouldn't be a blocking issue, then.
- if (sm2.flashLoadTimeout === 0) {
- _wDS('waitForever');
- } else {
- if (!sm2.useFlashBlock && canIgnoreFlash) {
- rebootIntoHTML5();
- } else {
- failSafely(true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }, sm2.flashLoadTimeout);
- };
- handleFocus = function() {
- function cleanup() {
- event.remove(window, 'focus', handleFocus);
- }
- if (isFocused || !tryInitOnFocus) {
- // already focused, or not special Safari background tab case
- cleanup();
- return true;
- }
- okToDisable = true;
- isFocused = true;
- _wDS('gotFocus');
- // allow init to restart
- waitingForEI = false;
- // kick off ExternalInterface timeout, now that the SWF has started
- delayWaitForEI();
- cleanup();
- return true;
- };
- flushMessages = function() {
- //
- // SM2 pre-init debug messages
- if (messages.length) {
- sm2._wD('SoundManager 2: ' + messages.join(' '), 1);
- messages = [];
- }
- //
- };
- showSupport = function() {
- //
- flushMessages();
- var item, tests = [];
- if (sm2.useHTML5Audio && sm2.hasHTML5) {
- for (item in sm2.audioFormats) {
- if (sm2.audioFormats.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
- tests.push(item + ' = ' + sm2.html5[item] + (!sm2.html5[item] && needsFlash && sm2.flash[item] ? ' (using flash)' : (sm2.preferFlash && sm2.flash[item] && needsFlash ? ' (preferring flash)' : (!sm2.html5[item] ? ' (' + (sm2.audioFormats[item].required ? 'required, ' : '') + 'and no flash support)' : ''))));
- }
- }
- sm2._wD('SoundManager 2 HTML5 support: ' + tests.join(', '), 1);
- }
- //
- };
- initComplete = function(bNoDisable) {
- if (didInit) {
- return false;
- }
- if (sm2.html5Only) {
- // all good.
- _wDS('sm2Loaded', 1);
- didInit = true;
- initUserOnload();
- debugTS('onload', true);
- return true;
- }
- var wasTimeout = (sm2.useFlashBlock && sm2.flashLoadTimeout && !sm2.getMoviePercent()),
- result = true,
- error;
- if (!wasTimeout) {
- didInit = true;
- }
- error = {
- type: (!hasFlash && needsFlash ? 'NO_FLASH' : 'INIT_TIMEOUT')
- };
- sm2._wD('SoundManager 2 ' + (disabled ? 'failed to load' : 'loaded') + ' (' + (disabled ? 'Flash security/load error' : 'OK') + ') ' + String.fromCharCode(disabled ? 10006 : 10003), disabled ? 2: 1);
- if (disabled || bNoDisable) {
- if (sm2.useFlashBlock && sm2.oMC) {
- sm2.oMC.className = getSWFCSS() + ' ' + (sm2.getMoviePercent() === null ? swfCSS.swfTimedout : swfCSS.swfError);
- }
- processOnEvents({
- type: 'ontimeout',
- error: error,
- ignoreInit: true
- });
- debugTS('onload', false);
- catchError(error);
- result = false;
- } else {
- debugTS('onload', true);
- }
- if (!disabled) {
- if (sm2.waitForWindowLoad && !windowLoaded) {
- _wDS('waitOnload');
- event.add(window, 'load', initUserOnload);
- } else {
- //
- if (sm2.waitForWindowLoad && windowLoaded) {
- _wDS('docLoaded');
- }
- //
- initUserOnload();
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
- /**
- * apply top-level setupOptions object as local properties, eg., this.setupOptions.flashVersion -> this.flashVersion (soundManager.flashVersion)
- * this maintains backward compatibility, and allows properties to be defined separately for use by soundManager.setup().
- */
- setProperties = function() {
- var i,
- o = sm2.setupOptions;
- for (i in o) {
- if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
- // assign local property if not already defined
- if (sm2[i] === _undefined) {
- sm2[i] = o[i];
- } else if (sm2[i] !== o[i]) {
- // legacy support: write manually-assigned property (eg., soundManager.url) back to setupOptions to keep things in sync
- sm2.setupOptions[i] = sm2[i];
- }
- }
- }
- };
- init = function() {
- // called after onload()
- if (didInit) {
- _wDS('didInit');
- return false;
- }
- function cleanup() {
- event.remove(window, 'load', sm2.beginDelayedInit);
- }
- if (sm2.html5Only) {
- if (!didInit) {
- // we don't need no steenking flash!
- cleanup();
- sm2.enabled = true;
- initComplete();
- }
- return true;
- }
- // flash path
- initMovie();
- try {
- // attempt to talk to Flash
- flash._externalInterfaceTest(false);
- /**
- * Apply user-specified polling interval, OR, if "high performance" set, faster vs. default polling
- * (determines frequency of whileloading/whileplaying callbacks, effectively driving UI framerates)
- */
- setPolling(true, (sm2.flashPollingInterval || (sm2.useHighPerformance ? 10 : 50)));
- if (!sm2.debugMode) {
- // stop the SWF from making debug output calls to JS
- flash._disableDebug();
- }
- sm2.enabled = true;
- debugTS('jstoflash', true);
- if (!sm2.html5Only) {
- // prevent browser from showing cached page state (or rather, restoring "suspended" page state) via back button, because flash may be dead
- //
- event.add(window, 'unload', doNothing);
- }
- } catch(e) {
- sm2._wD('js/flash exception: ' + e.toString());
- debugTS('jstoflash', false);
- catchError({
- fatal: true
- });
- // don't disable, for reboot()
- failSafely(true);
- initComplete();
- return false;
- }
- initComplete();
- // disconnect events
- cleanup();
- return true;
- };
- domContentLoaded = function() {
- if (didDCLoaded) {
- return false;
- }
- didDCLoaded = true;
- // assign top-level soundManager properties eg. soundManager.url
- setProperties();
- initDebug();
- if (!hasFlash && sm2.hasHTML5) {
- sm2._wD('SoundManager 2: No Flash detected' + (!sm2.useHTML5Audio ? ', enabling HTML5.' : '. Trying HTML5-only mode.'), 1);
- sm2.setup({
- 'useHTML5Audio': true,
- // make sure we aren't preferring flash, either
- // TODO: preferFlash should not matter if flash is not installed. Currently, stuff breaks without the below tweak.
- 'preferFlash': false
- });
- }
- testHTML5();
- if (!hasFlash && needsFlash) {
- messages.push(strings.needFlash);
- // TODO: Fatal here vs. timeout approach, etc.
- // hack: fail sooner.
- sm2.setup({
- 'flashLoadTimeout': 1
- });
- }
- if (doc.removeEventListener) {
- doc.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', domContentLoaded, false);
- }
- initMovie();
- return true;
- };
- domContentLoadedIE = function() {
- if (doc.readyState === 'complete') {
- domContentLoaded();
- doc.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', domContentLoadedIE);
- }
- return true;
- };
- winOnLoad = function() {
- // catch edge case of initComplete() firing after window.load()
- windowLoaded = true;
- // catch case where DOMContentLoaded has been sent, but we're still in doc.readyState = 'interactive'
- domContentLoaded();
- event.remove(window, 'load', winOnLoad);
- };
- // sniff up-front
- detectFlash();
- // focus and window load, init (primarily flash-driven)
- event.add(window, 'focus', handleFocus);
- event.add(window, 'load', delayWaitForEI);
- event.add(window, 'load', winOnLoad);
- if (doc.addEventListener) {
- doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', domContentLoaded, false);
- } else if (doc.attachEvent) {
- doc.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', domContentLoadedIE);
- } else {
- // no add/attachevent support - safe to assume no JS -> Flash either
- debugTS('onload', false);
- catchError({
- type: 'NO_DOM2_EVENTS',
- fatal: true
- });
- }
-} // SoundManager()
-// SM2_DEFER details:
-if (window.SM2_DEFER === _undefined || !SM2_DEFER) {
- soundManager = new SoundManager();
- * SoundManager public interfaces
- * ------------------------------
- */
-if (typeof module === 'object' && module && typeof module.exports === 'object') {
- /**
- * commonJS module
- */
- module.exports.SoundManager = SoundManager;
- module.exports.soundManager = soundManager;
-} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
- /**
- * AMD - requireJS
- * basic usage:
- * require(["/path/to/soundmanager2.js"], function(SoundManager) {
- * SoundManager.getInstance().setup({
- * url: '/swf/',
- * onready: function() { ... }
- * })
- * });
- *
- * SM2_DEFER usage:
- * window.SM2_DEFER = true;
- * require(["/path/to/soundmanager2.js"], function(SoundManager) {
- * SoundManager.getInstance(function() {
- * var soundManager = new SoundManager.constructor();
- * soundManager.setup({
- * url: '/swf/',
- * ...
- * });
- * ...
- * soundManager.beginDelayedInit();
- * return soundManager;
- * })
- * });
- */
- define(function() {
- /**
- * Retrieve the global instance of SoundManager.
- * If a global instance does not exist it can be created using a callback.
- *
- * @param {Function} smBuilder Optional: Callback used to create a new SoundManager instance
- * @return {SoundManager} The global SoundManager instance
- */
- function getInstance(smBuilder) {
- if (!window.soundManager && smBuilder instanceof Function) {
- var instance = smBuilder(SoundManager);
- if (instance instanceof SoundManager) {
- window.soundManager = instance;
- }
- }
- return window.soundManager;
- }
- return {
- constructor: SoundManager,
- getInstance: getInstance
- }
- });
-// standard browser case
-// constructor
-window.SoundManager = SoundManager;
- * note: SM2 requires a window global due to Flash, which makes calls to window.soundManager.
- * Flash may not always be needed, but this is not known until async init and SM2 may even "reboot" into Flash mode.
- */
-// public API, flash callbacks etc.
-window.soundManager = soundManager;
+/** @license
+ *
+ * SoundManager 2: JavaScript Sound for the Web
+ * ----------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, Scott Schiller. All rights reserved.
+ * Code provided under the BSD License:
+ *
+ *
+ * V2.97a.20150601
+ */
+/*global window, SM2_DEFER, sm2Debugger, console, document, navigator, setTimeout, setInterval, clearInterval, Audio, opera, module, define */
+/*jslint regexp: true, sloppy: true, white: true, nomen: true, plusplus: true, todo: true */
+ * About this file
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This is the fully-commented source version of the SoundManager 2 API,
+ * recommended for use during development and testing.
+ *
+ * See soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js for an optimized build (~11KB with gzip.)
+ *
+ * Alternately, serve this file with gzip for 75% compression savings (~30KB over HTTP.)
+ *
+ * You may notice
and comments in this source; these are delimiters for
+ * debug blocks which are removed in the -nodebug builds, further optimizing code size.
+ *
+ * Also, as you may note: Whoa, reliable cross-platform/device audio support is hard! ;)
+ */
+(function(window, _undefined) {
+'use strict';
+if (!window || !window.document) {
+ // Don't cross the [environment] streams. SM2 expects to be running in a browser, not under node.js etc.
+ // Additionally, if a browser somehow manages to fail this test, as Egon said: "It would be bad."
+ throw new Error('SoundManager requires a browser with window and document objects.');
+var soundManager = null;
+ * The SoundManager constructor.
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {string} smURL Optional: Path to SWF files
+ * @param {string} smID Optional: The ID to use for the SWF container element
+ * @this {SoundManager}
+ * @return {SoundManager} The new SoundManager instance
+ */
+function SoundManager(smURL, smID) {
+ /**
+ * soundManager configuration options list
+ * defines top-level configuration properties to be applied to the soundManager instance (eg. soundManager.flashVersion)
+ * to set these properties, use the setup() method - eg., soundManager.setup({url: '/swf/', flashVersion: 9})
+ */
+ this.setupOptions = {
+ 'url': (smURL || null), // path (directory) where SoundManager 2 SWFs exist, eg., /path/to/swfs/
+ 'flashVersion': 8, // flash build to use (8 or 9.) Some API features require 9.
+ 'debugMode': true, // enable debugging output (console.log() with HTML fallback)
+ 'debugFlash': false, // enable debugging output inside SWF, troubleshoot Flash/browser issues
+ 'useConsole': true, // use console.log() if available (otherwise, writes to #soundmanager-debug element)
+ 'consoleOnly': true, // if console is being used, do not create/write to #soundmanager-debug
+ 'waitForWindowLoad': false, // force SM2 to wait for window.onload() before trying to call soundManager.onload()
+ 'bgColor': '#ffffff', // SWF background color. N/A when wmode = 'transparent'
+ 'useHighPerformance': false, // position:fixed flash movie can help increase js/flash speed, minimize lag
+ 'flashPollingInterval': null, // msec affecting whileplaying/loading callback frequency. If null, default of 50 msec is used.
+ 'html5PollingInterval': null, // msec affecting whileplaying() for HTML5 audio, excluding mobile devices. If null, native HTML5 update events are used.
+ 'flashLoadTimeout': 1000, // msec to wait for flash movie to load before failing (0 = infinity)
+ 'wmode': null, // flash rendering mode - null, 'transparent', or 'opaque' (last two allow z-index to work)
+ 'allowScriptAccess': 'always', // for scripting the SWF (object/embed property), 'always' or 'sameDomain'
+ 'useFlashBlock': false, // *requires flashblock.css, see demos* - allow recovery from flash blockers. Wait indefinitely and apply timeout CSS to SWF, if applicable.
+ 'useHTML5Audio': true, // use HTML5 Audio() where API is supported (most Safari, Chrome versions), Firefox (MP3/MP4 support varies.) Ideally, transparent vs. Flash API where possible.
+ 'forceUseGlobalHTML5Audio': false, // if true, a single Audio() object is used for all sounds - and only one can play at a time.
+ 'ignoreMobileRestrictions': false, // if true, SM2 will not apply global HTML5 audio rules to mobile UAs. iOS > 7 and WebViews may allow multiple Audio() instances.
+ 'html5Test': /^(probably|maybe)$/i, // HTML5 Audio() format support test. Use /^probably$/i; if you want to be more conservative.
+ 'preferFlash': false, // overrides useHTML5audio, will use Flash for MP3/MP4/AAC if present. Potential option if HTML5 playback with these formats is quirky.
+ 'noSWFCache': false, // if true, appends ?ts={date} to break aggressive SWF caching.
+ 'idPrefix': 'sound' // if an id is not provided to createSound(), this prefix is used for generated IDs - 'sound0', 'sound1' etc.
+ };
+ this.defaultOptions = {
+ /**
+ * the default configuration for sound objects made with createSound() and related methods
+ * eg., volume, auto-load behaviour and so forth
+ */
+ 'autoLoad': false, // enable automatic loading (otherwise .load() will be called on demand with .play(), the latter being nicer on bandwidth - if you want to .load yourself, you also can)
+ 'autoPlay': false, // enable playing of file as soon as possible (much faster if "stream" is true)
+ 'from': null, // position to start playback within a sound (msec), default = beginning
+ 'loops': 1, // how many times to repeat the sound (position will wrap around to 0, setPosition() will break out of loop when >0)
+ 'onid3': null, // callback function for "ID3 data is added/available"
+ 'onload': null, // callback function for "load finished"
+ 'whileloading': null, // callback function for "download progress update" (X of Y bytes received)
+ 'onplay': null, // callback for "play" start
+ 'onpause': null, // callback for "pause"
+ 'onresume': null, // callback for "resume" (pause toggle)
+ 'whileplaying': null, // callback during play (position update)
+ 'onposition': null, // object containing times and function callbacks for positions of interest
+ 'onstop': null, // callback for "user stop"
+ 'onfailure': null, // callback function for when playing fails
+ 'onfinish': null, // callback function for "sound finished playing"
+ 'multiShot': true, // let sounds "restart" or layer on top of each other when played multiple times, rather than one-shot/one at a time
+ 'multiShotEvents': false, // fire multiple sound events (currently onfinish() only) when multiShot is enabled
+ 'position': null, // offset (milliseconds) to seek to within loaded sound data.
+ 'pan': 0, // "pan" settings, left-to-right, -100 to 100
+ 'stream': true, // allows playing before entire file has loaded (recommended)
+ 'to': null, // position to end playback within a sound (msec), default = end
+ 'type': null, // MIME-like hint for file pattern / canPlay() tests, eg. audio/mp3
+ 'usePolicyFile': false, // enable crossdomain.xml request for audio on remote domains (for ID3/waveform access)
+ 'volume': 100 // self-explanatory. 0-100, the latter being the max.
+ };
+ this.flash9Options = {
+ /**
+ * flash 9-only options,
+ * merged into defaultOptions if flash 9 is being used
+ */
+ 'isMovieStar': null, // "MovieStar" MPEG4 audio mode. Null (default) = auto detect MP4, AAC etc. based on URL. true = force on, ignore URL
+ 'usePeakData': false, // enable left/right channel peak (level) data
+ 'useWaveformData': false, // enable sound spectrum (raw waveform data) - NOTE: May increase CPU load.
+ 'useEQData': false, // enable sound EQ (frequency spectrum data) - NOTE: May increase CPU load.
+ 'onbufferchange': null, // callback for "isBuffering" property change
+ 'ondataerror': null // callback for waveform/eq data access error (flash playing audio in other tabs/domains)
+ };
+ this.movieStarOptions = {
+ /**
+ * flash 9.0r115+ MPEG4 audio options,
+ * merged into defaultOptions if flash 9+movieStar mode is enabled
+ */
+ 'bufferTime': 3, // seconds of data to buffer before playback begins (null = flash default of 0.1 seconds - if AAC playback is gappy, try increasing.)
+ 'serverURL': null, // rtmp: FMS or FMIS server to connect to, required when requesting media via RTMP or one of its variants
+ 'onconnect': null, // rtmp: callback for connection to flash media server
+ 'duration': null // rtmp: song duration (msec)
+ };
+ this.audioFormats = {
+ /**
+ * determines HTML5 support + flash requirements.
+ * if no support (via flash and/or HTML5) for a "required" format, SM2 will fail to start.
+ * flash fallback is used for MP3 or MP4 if HTML5 can't play it (or if preferFlash = true)
+ */
+ 'mp3': {
+ 'type': ['audio/mpeg; codecs="mp3"', 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/mp3', 'audio/MPA', 'audio/mpa-robust'],
+ 'required': true
+ },
+ 'mp4': {
+ 'related': ['aac','m4a','m4b'], // additional formats under the MP4 container
+ 'type': ['audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2"', 'audio/aac', 'audio/x-m4a', 'audio/MP4A-LATM', 'audio/mpeg4-generic'],
+ 'required': false
+ },
+ 'ogg': {
+ 'type': ['audio/ogg; codecs=vorbis'],
+ 'required': false
+ },
+ 'opus': {
+ 'type': ['audio/ogg; codecs=opus', 'audio/opus'],
+ 'required': false
+ },
+ 'wav': {
+ 'type': ['audio/wav; codecs="1"', 'audio/wav', 'audio/wave', 'audio/x-wav'],
+ 'required': false
+ },
+ 'flac': {
+ 'type': ['audio/flac'],
+ 'required': false
+ }
+ };
+ // HTML attributes (id + class names) for the SWF container
+ this.movieID = 'sm2-container';
+ = (smID || 'sm2movie');
+ this.debugID = 'soundmanager-debug';
+ this.debugURLParam = /([#?&])debug=1/i;
+ // dynamic attributes
+ this.versionNumber = 'V2.97a.20150601';
+ this.version = null;
+ this.movieURL = null;
+ this.altURL = null;
+ this.swfLoaded = false;
+ this.enabled = false;
+ this.oMC = null;
+ this.sounds = {};
+ this.soundIDs = [];
+ this.muted = false;
+ this.didFlashBlock = false;
+ this.filePattern = null;
+ this.filePatterns = {
+ 'flash8': /\.mp3(\?.*)?$/i,
+ 'flash9': /\.mp3(\?.*)?$/i
+ };
+ // support indicators, set at init
+ this.features = {
+ 'buffering': false,
+ 'peakData': false,
+ 'waveformData': false,
+ 'eqData': false,
+ 'movieStar': false
+ };
+ // flash sandbox info, used primarily in troubleshooting
+ this.sandbox = {
+ //
+ 'type': null,
+ 'types': {
+ 'remote': 'remote (domain-based) rules',
+ 'localWithFile': 'local with file access (no internet access)',
+ 'localWithNetwork': 'local with network (internet access only, no local access)',
+ 'localTrusted': 'local, trusted (local+internet access)'
+ },
+ 'description': null,
+ 'noRemote': null,
+ 'noLocal': null
+ //
+ };
+ /**
+ * format support (html5/flash)
+ * stores canPlayType() results based on audioFormats.
+ * eg. { mp3: boolean, mp4: boolean }
+ * treat as read-only.
+ */
+ this.html5 = {
+ 'usingFlash': null // set if/when flash fallback is needed
+ };
+ // file type support hash
+ this.flash = {};
+ // determined at init time
+ this.html5Only = false;
+ // used for special cases (eg. iPad/iPhone/palm OS?)
+ this.ignoreFlash = false;
+ /**
+ * a few private internals (OK, a lot. :D)
+ */
+ var SMSound,
+ sm2 = this, globalHTML5Audio = null, flash = null, sm = 'soundManager', smc = sm + ': ', h5 = 'HTML5::', id, ua = navigator.userAgent, wl = window.location.href.toString(), doc = document, doNothing, setProperties, init, fV, on_queue = [], debugOpen = true, debugTS, didAppend = false, appendSuccess = false, didInit = false, disabled = false, windowLoaded = false, _wDS, wdCount = 0, initComplete, mixin, assign, extraOptions, addOnEvent, processOnEvents, initUserOnload, delayWaitForEI, waitForEI, rebootIntoHTML5, setVersionInfo, handleFocus, strings, initMovie, domContentLoaded, winOnLoad, didDCLoaded, getDocument, createMovie, catchError, setPolling, initDebug, debugLevels = ['log', 'info', 'warn', 'error'], defaultFlashVersion = 8, disableObject, failSafely, normalizeMovieURL, oRemoved = null, oRemovedHTML = null, str, flashBlockHandler, getSWFCSS, swfCSS, toggleDebug, loopFix, policyFix, complain, idCheck, waitingForEI = false, initPending = false, startTimer, stopTimer, timerExecute, h5TimerCount = 0, h5IntervalTimer = null, parseURL, messages = [],
+ canIgnoreFlash, needsFlash = null, featureCheck, html5OK, html5CanPlay, html5Ext, html5Unload, domContentLoadedIE, testHTML5, event, slice = Array.prototype.slice, useGlobalHTML5Audio = false, lastGlobalHTML5URL, hasFlash, detectFlash, badSafariFix, html5_events, showSupport, flushMessages, wrapCallback, idCounter = 0, didSetup, msecScale = 1000,
+ is_iDevice = ua.match(/(ipad|iphone|ipod)/i), isAndroid = ua.match(/android/i), isIE = ua.match(/(msie|trident)/i),
+ isWebkit = ua.match(/webkit/i),
+ isSafari = (ua.match(/safari/i) && !ua.match(/chrome/i)),
+ isOpera = (ua.match(/opera/i)),
+ mobileHTML5 = (ua.match(/(mobile|pre\/|xoom)/i) || is_iDevice || isAndroid),
+ isBadSafari = (!wl.match(/usehtml5audio/i) && !wl.match(/sm2\-ignorebadua/i) && isSafari && !ua.match(/silk/i) && ua.match(/OS X 10_6_([3-7])/i)), // Safari 4 and 5 (excluding Kindle Fire, "Silk") occasionally fail to load/play HTML5 audio on Snow Leopard 10.6.3 through 10.6.7 due to bug(s) in QuickTime X and/or other underlying frameworks. :/ Confirmed bug.
+ hasConsole = (window.console !== _undefined && console.log !== _undefined),
+ isFocused = (doc.hasFocus !== _undefined ? doc.hasFocus() : null),
+ tryInitOnFocus = (isSafari && (doc.hasFocus === _undefined || !doc.hasFocus())),
+ okToDisable = !tryInitOnFocus,
+ flashMIME = /(mp3|mp4|mpa|m4a|m4b)/i,
+ emptyURL = 'about:blank', // safe URL to unload, or load nothing from (flash 8 + most HTML5 UAs)
+ emptyWAV = 'data:audio/wave;base64,/UklGRiYAAABXQVZFZm10IBAAAAABAAEARKwAAIhYAQACABAAZGF0YQIAAAD//w==', // tiny WAV for HTML5 unloading
+ overHTTP = (doc.location ? doc.location.protocol.match(/http/i) : null),
+ http = (!overHTTP ? 'http:/'+'/' : ''),
+ // mp3, mp4, aac etc.
+ netStreamMimeTypes = /^\s*audio\/(?:x-)?(?:mpeg4|aac|flv|mov|mp4||m4v|m4a|m4b|mp4v|3gp|3g2)\s*(?:$|;)/i,
+ // Flash v9.0r115+ "moviestar" formats
+ netStreamTypes = ['mpeg4', 'aac', 'flv', 'mov', 'mp4', 'm4v', 'f4v', 'm4a', 'm4b', 'mp4v', '3gp', '3g2'],
+ netStreamPattern = new RegExp('\\.(' + netStreamTypes.join('|') + ')(\\?.*)?$', 'i');
+ this.mimePattern = /^\s*audio\/(?:x-)?(?:mp(?:eg|3))\s*(?:$|;)/i; // default mp3 set
+ // use altURL if not "online"
+ this.useAltURL = !overHTTP;
+ swfCSS = {
+ 'swfBox': 'sm2-object-box',
+ 'swfDefault': 'movieContainer',
+ 'swfError': 'swf_error', // SWF loaded, but SM2 couldn't start (other error)
+ 'swfTimedout': 'swf_timedout',
+ 'swfLoaded': 'swf_loaded',
+ 'swfUnblocked': 'swf_unblocked', // or loaded OK
+ 'sm2Debug': 'sm2_debug',
+ 'highPerf': 'high_performance',
+ 'flashDebug': 'flash_debug'
+ };
+ /**
+ * basic HTML5 Audio() support test
+ * try...catch because of IE 9 "not implemented" nonsense
+ *
+ */
+ this.hasHTML5 = (function() {
+ try {
+ // new Audio(null) for stupid Opera 9.64 case, which throws not_enough_arguments exception otherwise.
+ return (Audio !== _undefined && (isOpera && opera !== _undefined && opera.version() < 10 ? new Audio(null) : new Audio()).canPlayType !== _undefined);
+ } catch(e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }());
+ /**
+ * Public SoundManager API
+ * -----------------------
+ */
+ /**
+ * Configures top-level soundManager properties.
+ *
+ * @param {object} options Option parameters, eg. { flashVersion: 9, url: '/path/to/swfs/' }
+ * onready and ontimeout are also accepted parameters. call soundManager.setup() to see the full list.
+ */
+ this.setup = function(options) {
+ var noURL = (!sm2.url);
+ // warn if flash options have already been applied
+ if (options !== _undefined && didInit && needsFlash && sm2.ok() && (options.flashVersion !== _undefined || options.url !== _undefined || options.html5Test !== _undefined)) {
+ complain(str('setupLate'));
+ }
+ // TODO: defer: true?
+ assign(options);
+ if (!useGlobalHTML5Audio) {
+ if (mobileHTML5) {
+ // force the singleton HTML5 pattern on mobile, by default.
+ if (!sm2.setupOptions.ignoreMobileRestrictions || sm2.setupOptions.forceUseGlobalHTML5Audio) {
+ messages.push(strings.globalHTML5);
+ useGlobalHTML5Audio = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // only apply singleton HTML5 on desktop if forced.
+ if (sm2.setupOptions.forceUseGlobalHTML5Audio) {
+ messages.push(strings.globalHTML5);
+ useGlobalHTML5Audio = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!didSetup && mobileHTML5) {
+ if (sm2.setupOptions.ignoreMobileRestrictions) {
+ messages.push(strings.ignoreMobile);
+ } else {
+ // prefer HTML5 for mobile + tablet-like devices, probably more reliable vs. flash at this point.
+ //
+ if (!sm2.setupOptions.useHTML5Audio || sm2.setupOptions.preferFlash) {
+ // notify that defaults are being changed.
+ sm2._wD(strings.mobileUA);
+ }
+ //
+ sm2.setupOptions.useHTML5Audio = true;
+ sm2.setupOptions.preferFlash = false;
+ if (is_iDevice) {
+ // no flash here.
+ sm2.ignoreFlash = true;
+ } else if ((isAndroid && !ua.match(/android\s2\.3/i)) || !isAndroid) {
+ /**
+ * Android devices tend to work better with a single audio instance, specifically for chained playback of sounds in sequence.
+ * Common use case: exiting sound onfinish() -> createSound() -> play()
+ * Presuming similar restrictions for other mobile, non-Android, non-iOS devices.
+ */
+ //
+ sm2._wD(strings.globalHTML5);
+ //
+ useGlobalHTML5Audio = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // special case 1: "Late setup". SM2 loaded normally, but user didn't assign flash URL eg., setup({url:...}) before SM2 init. Treat as delayed init.
+ if (options) {
+ if (noURL && didDCLoaded && options.url !== _undefined) {
+ sm2.beginDelayedInit();
+ }
+ // special case 2: If lazy-loading SM2 (DOMContentLoaded has already happened) and user calls setup() with url: parameter, try to init ASAP.
+ if (!didDCLoaded && options.url !== _undefined && doc.readyState === 'complete') {
+ setTimeout(domContentLoaded, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ didSetup = true;
+ return sm2;
+ };
+ this.ok = function() {
+ return (needsFlash ? (didInit && !disabled) : (sm2.useHTML5Audio && sm2.hasHTML5));
+ };
+ this.supported = this.ok; // legacy
+ this.getMovie = function(smID) {
+ // safety net: some old browsers differ on SWF references, possibly related to ExternalInterface / flash version
+ return id(smID) || doc[smID] || window[smID];
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a SMSound sound object instance. Can also be overloaded, e.g., createSound('mySound', '/some.mp3');
+ *
+ * @param {object} oOptions Sound options (at minimum, url parameter is required.)
+ * @return {object} SMSound The new SMSound object.
+ */
+ this.createSound = function(oOptions, _url) {
+ var cs, cs_string, options, oSound = null;
+ //
+ cs = sm + '.createSound(): ';
+ cs_string = cs + str(!didInit ? 'notReady' : 'notOK');
+ //
+ if (!didInit || !sm2.ok()) {
+ complain(cs_string);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (_url !== _undefined) {
+ // function overloading in JS! :) ... assume simple createSound(id, url) use case.
+ oOptions = {
+ 'id': oOptions,
+ 'url': _url
+ };
+ }
+ // inherit from defaultOptions
+ options = mixin(oOptions);
+ options.url = parseURL(options.url);
+ // generate an id, if needed.
+ if ( === _undefined) {
+ = sm2.setupOptions.idPrefix + (idCounter++);
+ }
+ //
+ if (^[0-9]$/)) {
+ sm2._wD(cs + str('badID',, 2);
+ }
+ sm2._wD(cs + + (options.url ? ' (' + options.url + ')' : ''), 1);
+ //
+ if (idCheck(, true)) {
+ sm2._wD(cs + + ' exists', 1);
+ return sm2.sounds[];
+ }
+ function make() {
+ options = loopFix(options);
+ sm2.sounds[] = new SMSound(options);
+ sm2.soundIDs.push(;
+ return sm2.sounds[];
+ }
+ if (html5OK(options)) {
+ oSound = make();
+ //
+ if (!sm2.html5Only) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': Using HTML5');
+ }
+ //
+ oSound._setup_html5(options);
+ } else {
+ if (sm2.html5Only) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': No HTML5 support for this sound, and no Flash. Exiting.');
+ return make();
+ }
+ // TODO: Move HTML5/flash checks into generic URL parsing/handling function.
+ if (sm2.html5.usingFlash && options.url && options.url.match(/data\:/i)) {
+ // data: URIs not supported by Flash, either.
+ sm2._wD( + ': data: URIs not supported via Flash. Exiting.');
+ return make();
+ }
+ if (fV > 8) {
+ if (options.isMovieStar === null) {
+ // attempt to detect MPEG-4 formats
+ options.isMovieStar = !!(options.serverURL || (options.type ? options.type.match(netStreamMimeTypes) : false) || (options.url && options.url.match(netStreamPattern)));
+ }
+ //
+ if (options.isMovieStar) {
+ sm2._wD(cs + 'using MovieStar handling');
+ if (options.loops > 1) {
+ _wDS('noNSLoop');
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ }
+ options = policyFix(options, cs);
+ oSound = make();
+ if (fV === 8) {
+ flash._createSound(, options.loops || 1, options.usePolicyFile);
+ } else {
+ flash._createSound(, options.url, options.usePeakData, options.useWaveformData, options.useEQData, options.isMovieStar, (options.isMovieStar ? options.bufferTime : false), options.loops || 1, options.serverURL, options.duration || null, options.autoPlay, true, options.autoLoad, options.usePolicyFile);
+ if (!options.serverURL) {
+ // We are connected immediately
+ oSound.connected = true;
+ if (options.onconnect) {
+ options.onconnect.apply(oSound);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!options.serverURL && (options.autoLoad || options.autoPlay)) {
+ // call load for non-rtmp streams
+ oSound.load(options);
+ }
+ }
+ // rtmp will play in onconnect
+ if (!options.serverURL && options.autoPlay) {
+ }
+ return oSound;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Destroys a SMSound sound object instance.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound to destroy
+ */
+ this.destroySound = function(sID, _bFromSound) {
+ // explicitly destroy a sound before normal page unload, etc.
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var oS = sm2.sounds[sID], i;
+ oS.stop();
+ // Disable all callbacks after stop(), when the sound is being destroyed
+ oS._iO = {};
+ oS.unload();
+ for (i = 0; i < sm2.soundIDs.length; i++) {
+ if (sm2.soundIDs[i] === sID) {
+ sm2.soundIDs.splice(i, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_bFromSound) {
+ // ignore if being called from SMSound instance
+ oS.destruct(true);
+ }
+ oS = null;
+ delete sm2.sounds[sID];
+ return true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls the load() method of a SMSound object by ID.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ * @param {object} oOptions Optional: Sound options
+ */
+ this.load = function(sID, oOptions) {
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].load(oOptions);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls the unload() method of a SMSound object by ID.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ */
+ this.unload = function(sID) {
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].unload();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls the onPosition() method of a SMSound object by ID.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ * @param {number} nPosition The position to watch for
+ * @param {function} oMethod The relevant callback to fire
+ * @param {object} oScope Optional: The scope to apply the callback to
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.onPosition = function(sID, nPosition, oMethod, oScope) {
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].onposition(nPosition, oMethod, oScope);
+ };
+ // legacy/backwards-compability: lower-case method name
+ this.onposition = this.onPosition;
+ /**
+ * Calls the clearOnPosition() method of a SMSound object by ID.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ * @param {number} nPosition The position to watch for
+ * @param {function} oMethod Optional: The relevant callback to fire
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.clearOnPosition = function(sID, nPosition, oMethod) {
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].clearOnPosition(nPosition, oMethod);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls the play() method of a SMSound object by ID.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ * @param {object} oOptions Optional: Sound options
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ = function(sID, oOptions) {
+ var result = null,
+ // legacy function-overloading use case: play('mySound', '/path/to/some.mp3');
+ overloaded = (oOptions && !(oOptions instanceof Object));
+ if (!didInit || !sm2.ok()) {
+ complain(sm + '.play(): ' + str(!didInit?'notReady':'notOK'));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!idCheck(sID, overloaded)) {
+ if (!overloaded) {
+ // no sound found for the given ID. Bail.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (overloaded) {
+ oOptions = {
+ url: oOptions
+ };
+ }
+ if (oOptions && oOptions.url) {
+ // overloading use case, create+play: .play('someID', {url:'/path/to.mp3'});
+ sm2._wD(sm + '.play(): Attempting to create "' + sID + '"', 1);
+ = sID;
+ result = sm2.createSound(oOptions).play();
+ }
+ } else if (overloaded) {
+ // existing sound object case
+ oOptions = {
+ url: oOptions
+ };
+ }
+ if (result === null) {
+ // default case
+ result = sm2.sounds[sID].play(oOptions);
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ // just for convenience
+ this.start =;
+ /**
+ * Calls the setPosition() method of a SMSound object by ID.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ * @param {number} nMsecOffset Position (milliseconds)
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.setPosition = function(sID, nMsecOffset) {
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].setPosition(nMsecOffset);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls the stop() method of a SMSound object by ID.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.stop = function(sID) {
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ sm2._wD(sm + '.stop(' + sID + ')', 1);
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].stop();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Stops all currently-playing sounds.
+ */
+ this.stopAll = function() {
+ var oSound;
+ sm2._wD(sm + '.stopAll()', 1);
+ for (oSound in sm2.sounds) {
+ if (sm2.sounds.hasOwnProperty(oSound)) {
+ // apply only to sound objects
+ sm2.sounds[oSound].stop();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls the pause() method of a SMSound object by ID.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.pause = function(sID) {
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].pause();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Pauses all currently-playing sounds.
+ */
+ this.pauseAll = function() {
+ var i;
+ for (i = sm2.soundIDs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]].pause();
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls the resume() method of a SMSound object by ID.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.resume = function(sID) {
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].resume();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Resumes all currently-paused sounds.
+ */
+ this.resumeAll = function() {
+ var i;
+ for (i = sm2.soundIDs.length- 1 ; i >= 0; i--) {
+ sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]].resume();
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls the togglePause() method of a SMSound object by ID.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.togglePause = function(sID) {
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].togglePause();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls the setPan() method of a SMSound object by ID.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ * @param {number} nPan The pan value (-100 to 100)
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.setPan = function(sID, nPan) {
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].setPan(nPan);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls the setVolume() method of a SMSound object by ID
+ * Overloaded case: pass only volume argument eg., setVolume(50) to apply to all sounds.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ * @param {number} nVol The volume value (0 to 100)
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.setVolume = function(sID, nVol) {
+ // setVolume(50) function overloading case - apply to all sounds
+ var i, j;
+ if (sID !== _undefined && !isNaN(sID) && nVol === _undefined) {
+ for (i = 0, j = sm2.soundIDs.length; i < j; i++) {
+ sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]].setVolume(sID);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // setVolume('mySound', 50) case
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].setVolume(nVol);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls the mute() method of either a single SMSound object by ID, or all sound objects.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID Optional: The ID of the sound (if omitted, all sounds will be used.)
+ */
+ this.mute = function(sID) {
+ var i = 0;
+ if (sID instanceof String) {
+ sID = null;
+ }
+ if (!sID) {
+ sm2._wD(sm + '.mute(): Muting all sounds');
+ for (i = sm2.soundIDs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]].mute();
+ }
+ sm2.muted = true;
+ } else {
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ sm2._wD(sm + '.mute(): Muting "' + sID + '"');
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].mute();
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Mutes all sounds.
+ */
+ this.muteAll = function() {
+ sm2.mute();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls the unmute() method of either a single SMSound object by ID, or all sound objects.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID Optional: The ID of the sound (if omitted, all sounds will be used.)
+ */
+ this.unmute = function(sID) {
+ var i;
+ if (sID instanceof String) {
+ sID = null;
+ }
+ if (!sID) {
+ sm2._wD(sm + '.unmute(): Unmuting all sounds');
+ for (i = sm2.soundIDs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]].unmute();
+ }
+ sm2.muted = false;
+ } else {
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ sm2._wD(sm + '.unmute(): Unmuting "' + sID + '"');
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].unmute();
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Unmutes all sounds.
+ */
+ this.unmuteAll = function() {
+ sm2.unmute();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls the toggleMute() method of a SMSound object by ID.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.toggleMute = function(sID) {
+ if (!idCheck(sID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return sm2.sounds[sID].toggleMute();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the memory used by the flash plugin.
+ *
+ * @return {number} The amount of memory in use
+ */
+ this.getMemoryUse = function() {
+ // flash-only
+ var ram = 0;
+ if (flash && fV !== 8) {
+ ram = parseInt(flash._getMemoryUse(), 10);
+ }
+ return ram;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Undocumented: NOPs soundManager and all SMSound objects.
+ */
+ this.disable = function(bNoDisable) {
+ // destroy all functions
+ var i;
+ if (bNoDisable === _undefined) {
+ bNoDisable = false;
+ }
+ if (disabled) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ disabled = true;
+ _wDS('shutdown', 1);
+ for (i = sm2.soundIDs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ disableObject(sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]]);
+ }
+ // fire "complete", despite fail
+ initComplete(bNoDisable);
+ event.remove(window, 'load', initUserOnload);
+ return true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Determines playability of a MIME type, eg. 'audio/mp3'.
+ */
+ this.canPlayMIME = function(sMIME) {
+ var result;
+ if (sm2.hasHTML5) {
+ result = html5CanPlay({
+ type: sMIME
+ });
+ }
+ if (!result && needsFlash) {
+ // if flash 9, test netStream (movieStar) types as well.
+ result = (sMIME && sm2.ok() ? !!((fV > 8 ? sMIME.match(netStreamMimeTypes) : null) || sMIME.match(sm2.mimePattern)) : null); // TODO: make less "weird" (per JSLint)
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Determines playability of a URL based on audio support.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sURL The URL to test
+ * @return {boolean} URL playability
+ */
+ this.canPlayURL = function(sURL) {
+ var result;
+ if (sm2.hasHTML5) {
+ result = html5CanPlay({
+ url: sURL
+ });
+ }
+ if (!result && needsFlash) {
+ result = (sURL && sm2.ok() ? !!(sURL.match(sm2.filePattern)) : null);
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Determines playability of an HTML DOM <a> object (or similar object literal) based on audio support.
+ *
+ * @param {object} oLink an HTML DOM <a> object or object literal including href and/or type attributes
+ * @return {boolean} URL playability
+ */
+ this.canPlayLink = function(oLink) {
+ if (oLink.type !== _undefined && oLink.type) {
+ if (sm2.canPlayMIME(oLink.type)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return sm2.canPlayURL(oLink.href);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a SMSound object by ID.
+ *
+ * @param {string} sID The ID of the sound
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.getSoundById = function(sID, _suppressDebug) {
+ if (!sID) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var result = sm2.sounds[sID];
+ //
+ if (!result && !_suppressDebug) {
+ sm2._wD(sm + '.getSoundById(): Sound "' + sID + '" not found.', 2);
+ }
+ //
+ return result;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Queues a callback for execution when SoundManager has successfully initialized.
+ *
+ * @param {function} oMethod The callback method to fire
+ * @param {object} oScope Optional: The scope to apply to the callback
+ */
+ this.onready = function(oMethod, oScope) {
+ var sType = 'onready',
+ result = false;
+ if (typeof oMethod === 'function') {
+ //
+ if (didInit) {
+ sm2._wD(str('queue', sType));
+ }
+ //
+ if (!oScope) {
+ oScope = window;
+ }
+ addOnEvent(sType, oMethod, oScope);
+ processOnEvents();
+ result = true;
+ } else {
+ throw str('needFunction', sType);
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Queues a callback for execution when SoundManager has failed to initialize.
+ *
+ * @param {function} oMethod The callback method to fire
+ * @param {object} oScope Optional: The scope to apply to the callback
+ */
+ this.ontimeout = function(oMethod, oScope) {
+ var sType = 'ontimeout',
+ result = false;
+ if (typeof oMethod === 'function') {
+ //
+ if (didInit) {
+ sm2._wD(str('queue', sType));
+ }
+ //
+ if (!oScope) {
+ oScope = window;
+ }
+ addOnEvent(sType, oMethod, oScope);
+ processOnEvents({type:sType});
+ result = true;
+ } else {
+ throw str('needFunction', sType);
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Writes console.log()-style debug output to a console or in-browser element.
+ * Applies when debugMode = true
+ *
+ * @param {string} sText The console message
+ * @param {object} nType Optional log level (number), or object. Number case: Log type/style where 0 = 'info', 1 = 'warn', 2 = 'error'. Object case: Object to be dumped.
+ */
+ this._writeDebug = function(sText, sTypeOrObject) {
+ // pseudo-private console.log()-style output
+ //
+ var sDID = 'soundmanager-debug', o, oItem;
+ if (!sm2.setupOptions.debugMode) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (hasConsole && sm2.useConsole) {
+ if (sTypeOrObject && typeof sTypeOrObject === 'object') {
+ // object passed; dump to console.
+ console.log(sText, sTypeOrObject);
+ } else if (debugLevels[sTypeOrObject] !== _undefined) {
+ console[debugLevels[sTypeOrObject]](sText);
+ } else {
+ console.log(sText);
+ }
+ if (sm2.consoleOnly) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ o = id(sDID);
+ if (!o) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ oItem = doc.createElement('div');
+ if (++wdCount % 2 === 0) {
+ oItem.className = 'sm2-alt';
+ }
+ if (sTypeOrObject === _undefined) {
+ sTypeOrObject = 0;
+ } else {
+ sTypeOrObject = parseInt(sTypeOrObject, 10);
+ }
+ oItem.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(sText));
+ if (sTypeOrObject) {
+ if (sTypeOrObject >= 2) {
+ = 'bold';
+ }
+ if (sTypeOrObject === 3) {
+ = '#ff3333';
+ }
+ }
+ // top-to-bottom
+ // o.appendChild(oItem);
+ // bottom-to-top
+ o.insertBefore(oItem, o.firstChild);
+ o = null;
+ //
+ return true;
+ };
+ //
+ // last-resort debugging option
+ if (wl.indexOf('sm2-debug=alert') !== -1) {
+ this._writeDebug = function(sText) {
+ window.alert(sText);
+ };
+ }
+ //
+ // alias
+ this._wD = this._writeDebug;
+ /**
+ * Provides debug / state information on all SMSound objects.
+ */
+ this._debug = function() {
+ //
+ var i, j;
+ _wDS('currentObj', 1);
+ for (i = 0, j = sm2.soundIDs.length; i < j; i++) {
+ sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]]._debug();
+ }
+ //
+ };
+ /**
+ * Restarts and re-initializes the SoundManager instance.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} resetEvents Optional: When true, removes all registered onready and ontimeout event callbacks.
+ * @param {boolean} excludeInit Options: When true, does not call beginDelayedInit() (which would restart SM2).
+ * @return {object} soundManager The soundManager instance.
+ */
+ this.reboot = function(resetEvents, excludeInit) {
+ // reset some (or all) state, and re-init unless otherwise specified.
+ //
+ if (sm2.soundIDs.length) {
+ sm2._wD('Destroying ' + sm2.soundIDs.length + ' SMSound object' + (sm2.soundIDs.length !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '...');
+ }
+ //
+ var i, j, k;
+ for (i = sm2.soundIDs.length- 1 ; i >= 0; i--) {
+ sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]].destruct();
+ }
+ // trash ze flash (remove from the DOM)
+ if (flash) {
+ try {
+ if (isIE) {
+ oRemovedHTML = flash.innerHTML;
+ }
+ oRemoved = flash.parentNode.removeChild(flash);
+ } catch(e) {
+ // Remove failed? May be due to flash blockers silently removing the SWF object/embed node from the DOM. Warn and continue.
+ _wDS('badRemove', 2);
+ }
+ }
+ // actually, force recreate of movie.
+ oRemovedHTML = oRemoved = needsFlash = flash = null;
+ sm2.enabled = didDCLoaded = didInit = waitingForEI = initPending = didAppend = appendSuccess = disabled = useGlobalHTML5Audio = sm2.swfLoaded = false;
+ sm2.soundIDs = [];
+ sm2.sounds = {};
+ idCounter = 0;
+ didSetup = false;
+ if (!resetEvents) {
+ // reset callbacks for onready, ontimeout etc. so that they will fire again on re-init
+ for (i in on_queue) {
+ if (on_queue.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ for (j = 0, k = on_queue[i].length; j < k; j++) {
+ on_queue[i][j].fired = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // remove all callbacks entirely
+ on_queue = [];
+ }
+ //
+ if (!excludeInit) {
+ sm2._wD(sm + ': Rebooting...');
+ }
+ //
+ // reset HTML5 and flash canPlay test results
+ sm2.html5 = {
+ 'usingFlash': null
+ };
+ sm2.flash = {};
+ // reset device-specific HTML/flash mode switches
+ sm2.html5Only = false;
+ sm2.ignoreFlash = false;
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ // by default, re-init
+ if (!excludeInit) {
+ sm2.beginDelayedInit();
+ }
+ }, 20);
+ return sm2;
+ };
+ this.reset = function() {
+ /**
+ * Shuts down and restores the SoundManager instance to its original loaded state, without an explicit reboot. All onready/ontimeout handlers are removed.
+ * After this call, SM2 may be re-initialized via soundManager.beginDelayedInit().
+ * @return {object} soundManager The soundManager instance.
+ */
+ _wDS('reset');
+ return sm2.reboot(true, true);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Undocumented: Determines the SM2 flash movie's load progress.
+ *
+ * @return {number or null} Percent loaded, or if invalid/unsupported, null.
+ */
+ this.getMoviePercent = function() {
+ /**
+ * Interesting syntax notes...
+ * Flash/ExternalInterface (ActiveX/NPAPI) bridge methods are not typeof "function" nor instanceof Function, but are still valid.
+ * Additionally, JSLint dislikes ('PercentLoaded' in flash)-style syntax and recommends hasOwnProperty(), which does not work in this case.
+ * Furthermore, using (flash && flash.PercentLoaded) causes IE to throw "object doesn't support this property or method".
+ * Thus, 'in' syntax must be used.
+ */
+ return (flash && 'PercentLoaded' in flash ? flash.PercentLoaded() : null); // Yes, JSLint. See nearby comment in source for explanation.
+ };
+ /**
+ * Additional helper for manually invoking SM2's init process after DOM Ready / window.onload().
+ */
+ this.beginDelayedInit = function() {
+ windowLoaded = true;
+ domContentLoaded();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ if (initPending) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ createMovie();
+ initMovie();
+ initPending = true;
+ return true;
+ }, 20);
+ delayWaitForEI();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Destroys the SoundManager instance and all SMSound instances.
+ */
+ this.destruct = function() {
+ sm2._wD(sm + '.destruct()');
+ sm2.disable(true);
+ };
+ /**
+ * SMSound() (sound object) constructor
+ * ------------------------------------
+ *
+ * @param {object} oOptions Sound options (id and url are required attributes)
+ * @return {SMSound} The new SMSound object
+ */
+ SMSound = function(oOptions) {
+ var s = this, resetProperties, add_html5_events, remove_html5_events, stop_html5_timer, start_html5_timer, attachOnPosition, onplay_called = false, onPositionItems = [], onPositionFired = 0, detachOnPosition, applyFromTo, lastURL = null, lastHTML5State, urlOmitted;
+ lastHTML5State = {
+ // tracks duration + position (time)
+ duration: null,
+ time: null
+ };
+ =;
+ // legacy
+ this.sID =;
+ this.url = oOptions.url;
+ this.options = mixin(oOptions);
+ // per-play-instance-specific options
+ this.instanceOptions = this.options;
+ // short alias
+ this._iO = this.instanceOptions;
+ // assign property defaults
+ this.pan = this.options.pan;
+ this.volume = this.options.volume;
+ // whether or not this object is using HTML5
+ this.isHTML5 = false;
+ // internal HTML5 Audio() object reference
+ this._a = null;
+ // for flash 8 special-case createSound() without url, followed by load/play with url case
+ urlOmitted = (this.url ? false : true);
+ /**
+ * SMSound() public methods
+ * ------------------------
+ */
+ this.id3 = {};
+ /**
+ * Writes SMSound object parameters to debug console
+ */
+ this._debug = function() {
+ //
+ sm2._wD( + ': Merged options:', s.options);
+ //
+ };
+ /**
+ * Begins loading a sound per its *url*.
+ *
+ * @param {object} oOptions Optional: Sound options
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.load = function(oOptions) {
+ var oSound = null, instanceOptions;
+ if (oOptions !== _undefined) {
+ s._iO = mixin(oOptions, s.options);
+ } else {
+ oOptions = s.options;
+ s._iO = oOptions;
+ if (lastURL && lastURL !== s.url) {
+ _wDS('manURL');
+ s._iO.url = s.url;
+ s.url = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!s._iO.url) {
+ s._iO.url = s.url;
+ }
+ s._iO.url = parseURL(s._iO.url);
+ // ensure we're in sync
+ s.instanceOptions = s._iO;
+ // local shortcut
+ instanceOptions = s._iO;
+ sm2._wD( + ': load (' + instanceOptions.url + ')');
+ if (!instanceOptions.url && !s.url) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': load(): url is unassigned. Exiting.', 2);
+ return s;
+ }
+ //
+ if (!s.isHTML5 && fV === 8 && !s.url && !instanceOptions.autoPlay) {
+ // flash 8 load() -> play() won't work before onload has fired.
+ sm2._wD( + ': Flash 8 load() limitation: Wait for onload() before calling play().', 1);
+ }
+ //
+ if (instanceOptions.url === s.url && s.readyState !== 0 && s.readyState !== 2) {
+ _wDS('onURL', 1);
+ // if loaded and an onload() exists, fire immediately.
+ if (s.readyState === 3 && instanceOptions.onload) {
+ // assume success based on truthy duration.
+ wrapCallback(s, function() {
+ instanceOptions.onload.apply(s, [(!!s.duration)]);
+ });
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ // reset a few state properties
+ s.loaded = false;
+ s.readyState = 1;
+ s.playState = 0;
+ s.id3 = {};
+ // TODO: If switching from HTML5 -> flash (or vice versa), stop currently-playing audio.
+ if (html5OK(instanceOptions)) {
+ oSound = s._setup_html5(instanceOptions);
+ if (!oSound._called_load) {
+ s._html5_canplay = false;
+ // TODO: review called_load / html5_canplay logic
+ // if url provided directly to load(), assign it here.
+ if (s.url !== instanceOptions.url) {
+ sm2._wD(_wDS('manURL') + ': ' + instanceOptions.url);
+ s._a.src = instanceOptions.url;
+ // TODO: review / re-apply all relevant options (volume, loop, onposition etc.)
+ // reset position for new URL
+ s.setPosition(0);
+ }
+ // given explicit load call, try to preload.
+ // early HTML5 implementation (non-standard)
+ s._a.autobuffer = 'auto';
+ // standard property, values: none / metadata / auto
+ // reference:
+ s._a.preload = 'auto';
+ s._a._called_load = true;
+ } else {
+ sm2._wD( + ': Ignoring request to load again');
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (sm2.html5Only) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': No flash support. Exiting.');
+ return s;
+ }
+ if (s._iO.url && s._iO.url.match(/data\:/i)) {
+ // data: URIs not supported by Flash, either.
+ sm2._wD( + ': data: URIs not supported via Flash. Exiting.');
+ return s;
+ }
+ try {
+ s.isHTML5 = false;
+ s._iO = policyFix(loopFix(instanceOptions));
+ // if we have "position", disable auto-play as we'll be seeking to that position at onload().
+ if (s._iO.autoPlay && (s._iO.position || s._iO.from)) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': Disabling autoPlay because of non-zero offset case');
+ s._iO.autoPlay = false;
+ }
+ // re-assign local shortcut
+ instanceOptions = s._iO;
+ if (fV === 8) {
+ flash._load(, instanceOptions.url,, instanceOptions.autoPlay, instanceOptions.usePolicyFile);
+ } else {
+ flash._load(, instanceOptions.url, !!(, !!(instanceOptions.autoPlay), instanceOptions.loops || 1, !!(instanceOptions.autoLoad), instanceOptions.usePolicyFile);
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ _wDS('smError', 2);
+ debugTS('onload', false);
+ catchError({
+ fatal: true
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // after all of this, ensure sound url is up to date.
+ s.url = instanceOptions.url;
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Unloads a sound, canceling any open HTTP requests.
+ *
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.unload = function() {
+ // Flash 8/AS2 can't "close" a stream - fake it by loading an empty URL
+ // Flash 9/AS3: Close stream, preventing further load
+ // HTML5: Most UAs will use empty URL
+ if (s.readyState !== 0) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': unload()');
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ if (fV === 8) {
+ flash._unload(, emptyURL);
+ } else {
+ flash._unload(;
+ }
+ } else {
+ stop_html5_timer();
+ if (s._a) {
+ s._a.pause();
+ // update empty URL, too
+ lastURL = html5Unload(s._a);
+ }
+ }
+ // reset load/status flags
+ resetProperties();
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Unloads and destroys a sound.
+ */
+ this.destruct = function(_bFromSM) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': Destruct');
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ // kill sound within Flash
+ // Disable the onfailure handler
+ s._iO.onfailure = null;
+ flash._destroySound(;
+ } else {
+ stop_html5_timer();
+ if (s._a) {
+ s._a.pause();
+ html5Unload(s._a);
+ if (!useGlobalHTML5Audio) {
+ remove_html5_events();
+ }
+ // break obvious circular reference
+ s._a._s = null;
+ s._a = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_bFromSM) {
+ // ensure deletion from controller
+ sm2.destroySound(, true);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Begins playing a sound.
+ *
+ * @param {object} oOptions Optional: Sound options
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ = function(oOptions, _updatePlayState) {
+ var fN, allowMulti, a, onready,
+ audioClone, onended, oncanplay,
+ startOK = true,
+ exit = null;
+ //
+ fN = + ': play(): ';
+ //
+ // default to true
+ _updatePlayState = (_updatePlayState === _undefined ? true : _updatePlayState);
+ if (!oOptions) {
+ oOptions = {};
+ }
+ // first, use local URL (if specified)
+ if (s.url) {
+ s._iO.url = s.url;
+ }
+ // mix in any options defined at createSound()
+ s._iO = mixin(s._iO, s.options);
+ // mix in any options specific to this method
+ s._iO = mixin(oOptions, s._iO);
+ s._iO.url = parseURL(s._iO.url);
+ s.instanceOptions = s._iO;
+ // RTMP-only
+ if (!s.isHTML5 && s._iO.serverURL && !s.connected) {
+ if (!s.getAutoPlay()) {
+ sm2._wD(fN +' Netstream not connected yet - setting autoPlay');
+ s.setAutoPlay(true);
+ }
+ // play will be called in onconnect()
+ return s;
+ }
+ if (html5OK(s._iO)) {
+ s._setup_html5(s._iO);
+ start_html5_timer();
+ }
+ if (s.playState === 1 && !s.paused) {
+ allowMulti = s._iO.multiShot;
+ if (!allowMulti) {
+ sm2._wD(fN + 'Already playing (one-shot)', 1);
+ if (s.isHTML5) {
+ // go back to original position.
+ s.setPosition(s._iO.position);
+ }
+ exit = s;
+ } else {
+ sm2._wD(fN + 'Already playing (multi-shot)', 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (exit !== null) {
+ return exit;
+ }
+ // edge case: play() with explicit URL parameter
+ if (oOptions.url && oOptions.url !== s.url) {
+ // special case for createSound() followed by load() / play() with url; avoid double-load case.
+ if (!s.readyState && !s.isHTML5 && fV === 8 && urlOmitted) {
+ urlOmitted = false;
+ } else {
+ // load using merged options
+ s.load(s._iO);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!s.loaded) {
+ if (s.readyState === 0) {
+ sm2._wD(fN + 'Attempting to load');
+ // try to get this sound playing ASAP
+ if (!s.isHTML5 && !sm2.html5Only) {
+ // flash: assign directly because setAutoPlay() increments the instanceCount
+ s._iO.autoPlay = true;
+ s.load(s._iO);
+ } else if (s.isHTML5) {
+ // iOS needs this when recycling sounds, loading a new URL on an existing object.
+ s.load(s._iO);
+ } else {
+ sm2._wD(fN + 'Unsupported type. Exiting.');
+ exit = s;
+ }
+ // HTML5 hack - re-set instanceOptions?
+ s.instanceOptions = s._iO;
+ } else if (s.readyState === 2) {
+ sm2._wD(fN + 'Could not load - exiting', 2);
+ exit = s;
+ } else {
+ sm2._wD(fN + 'Loading - attempting to play...');
+ }
+ } else {
+ // "play()"
+ sm2._wD(fN.substr(0, fN.lastIndexOf(':')));
+ }
+ if (exit !== null) {
+ return exit;
+ }
+ if (!s.isHTML5 && fV === 9 && s.position > 0 && s.position === s.duration) {
+ // flash 9 needs a position reset if play() is called while at the end of a sound.
+ sm2._wD(fN + 'Sound at end, resetting to position: 0');
+ oOptions.position = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Streams will pause when their buffer is full if they are being loaded.
+ * In this case paused is true, but the song hasn't started playing yet.
+ * If we just call resume() the onplay() callback will never be called.
+ * So only call resume() if the position is > 0.
+ * Another reason is because options like volume won't have been applied yet.
+ * For normal sounds, just resume.
+ */
+ if (s.paused && s.position >= 0 && (!s._iO.serverURL || s.position > 0)) {
+ //
+ sm2._wD(fN + 'Resuming from paused state', 1);
+ s.resume();
+ } else {
+ s._iO = mixin(oOptions, s._iO);
+ /**
+ * Preload in the event of play() with position under Flash,
+ * or from/to parameters and non-RTMP case
+ */
+ if (((!s.isHTML5 && s._iO.position !== null && s._iO.position > 0) || (s._iO.from !== null && s._iO.from > 0) || !== null) && s.instanceCount === 0 && s.playState === 0 && !s._iO.serverURL) {
+ onready = function() {
+ // sound "canplay" or onload()
+ // re-apply position/from/to to instance options, and start playback
+ s._iO = mixin(oOptions, s._iO);
+ };
+ // HTML5 needs to at least have "canplay" fired before seeking.
+ if (s.isHTML5 && !s._html5_canplay) {
+ // this hasn't been loaded yet. load it first, and then do this again.
+ sm2._wD(fN + 'Beginning load for non-zero offset case');
+ s.load({
+ // note: custom HTML5-only event added for from/to implementation.
+ _oncanplay: onready
+ });
+ exit = false;
+ } else if (!s.isHTML5 && !s.loaded && (!s.readyState || s.readyState !== 2)) {
+ // to be safe, preload the whole thing in Flash.
+ sm2._wD(fN + 'Preloading for non-zero offset case');
+ s.load({
+ onload: onready
+ });
+ exit = false;
+ }
+ if (exit !== null) {
+ return exit;
+ }
+ // otherwise, we're ready to go. re-apply local options, and continue
+ s._iO = applyFromTo();
+ }
+ // sm2._wD(fN + 'Starting to play');
+ // increment instance counter, where enabled + supported
+ if (!s.instanceCount || s._iO.multiShotEvents || (s.isHTML5 && s._iO.multiShot && !useGlobalHTML5Audio) || (!s.isHTML5 && fV > 8 && !s.getAutoPlay())) {
+ s.instanceCount++;
+ }
+ // if first play and onposition parameters exist, apply them now
+ if (s._iO.onposition && s.playState === 0) {
+ attachOnPosition(s);
+ }
+ s.playState = 1;
+ s.paused = false;
+ s.position = (s._iO.position !== _undefined && !isNaN(s._iO.position) ? s._iO.position : 0);
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ s._iO = policyFix(loopFix(s._iO));
+ }
+ if (s._iO.onplay && _updatePlayState) {
+ s._iO.onplay.apply(s);
+ onplay_called = true;
+ }
+ s.setVolume(s._iO.volume, true);
+ s.setPan(s._iO.pan, true);
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ startOK = flash._start(, s._iO.loops || 1, (fV === 9 ? s.position : s.position / msecScale), s._iO.multiShot || false);
+ if (fV === 9 && !startOK) {
+ // edge case: no sound hardware, or 32-channel flash ceiling hit.
+ // applies only to Flash 9, non-NetStream/MovieStar sounds.
+ //
+ sm2._wD(fN + 'No sound hardware, or 32-sound ceiling hit', 2);
+ if (s._iO.onplayerror) {
+ s._iO.onplayerror.apply(s);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (s.instanceCount < 2) {
+ // HTML5 single-instance case
+ start_html5_timer();
+ a = s._setup_html5();
+ s.setPosition(s._iO.position);
+ } else {
+ // HTML5 multi-shot case
+ sm2._wD( + ': Cloning Audio() for instance #' + s.instanceCount + '...');
+ audioClone = new Audio(s._iO.url);
+ onended = function() {
+ event.remove(audioClone, 'ended', onended);
+ s._onfinish(s);
+ // cleanup
+ html5Unload(audioClone);
+ audioClone = null;
+ };
+ oncanplay = function() {
+ event.remove(audioClone, 'canplay', oncanplay);
+ try {
+ audioClone.currentTime = s._iO.position/msecScale;
+ } catch(err) {
+ complain( + ': multiShot play() failed to apply position of ' + (s._iO.position/msecScale));
+ }
+ };
+ event.add(audioClone, 'ended', onended);
+ // apply volume to clones, too
+ if (s._iO.volume !== _undefined) {
+ audioClone.volume = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, s._iO.volume/100));
+ }
+ // playing multiple muted sounds? if you do this, you're weird ;) - but let's cover it.
+ if (s.muted) {
+ audioClone.muted = true;
+ }
+ if (s._iO.position) {
+ // HTML5 audio can't seek before onplay() event has fired.
+ // wait for canplay, then seek to position and start playback.
+ event.add(audioClone, 'canplay', oncanplay);
+ } else {
+ // begin playback at currentTime: 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ // just for convenience
+ this.start =;
+ /**
+ * Stops playing a sound (and optionally, all sounds)
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} bAll Optional: Whether to stop all sounds
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.stop = function(bAll) {
+ var instanceOptions = s._iO,
+ originalPosition;
+ if (s.playState === 1) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': stop()');
+ s._onbufferchange(0);
+ s._resetOnPosition(0);
+ s.paused = false;
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ s.playState = 0;
+ }
+ // remove onPosition listeners, if any
+ detachOnPosition();
+ // and "to" position, if set
+ if ( {
+ s.clearOnPosition(;
+ }
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ flash._stop(, bAll);
+ // hack for netStream: just unload
+ if (instanceOptions.serverURL) {
+ s.unload();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (s._a) {
+ originalPosition = s.position;
+ // act like Flash, though
+ s.setPosition(0);
+ // hack: reflect old position for onstop() (also like Flash)
+ s.position = originalPosition;
+ // html5 has no stop()
+ // NOTE: pausing means iOS requires interaction to resume.
+ s._a.pause();
+ s.playState = 0;
+ // and update UI
+ s._onTimer();
+ stop_html5_timer();
+ }
+ }
+ s.instanceCount = 0;
+ s._iO = {};
+ if (instanceOptions.onstop) {
+ instanceOptions.onstop.apply(s);
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Undocumented/internal: Sets autoPlay for RTMP.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} autoPlay state
+ */
+ this.setAutoPlay = function(autoPlay) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': Autoplay turned ' + (autoPlay ? 'on' : 'off'));
+ s._iO.autoPlay = autoPlay;
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ flash._setAutoPlay(, autoPlay);
+ if (autoPlay) {
+ // only increment the instanceCount if the sound isn't loaded (TODO: verify RTMP)
+ if (!s.instanceCount && s.readyState === 1) {
+ s.instanceCount++;
+ sm2._wD( + ': Incremented instance count to '+s.instanceCount);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Undocumented/internal: Returns the autoPlay boolean.
+ *
+ * @return {boolean} The current autoPlay value
+ */
+ this.getAutoPlay = function() {
+ return s._iO.autoPlay;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets the position of a sound.
+ *
+ * @param {number} nMsecOffset Position (milliseconds)
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.setPosition = function(nMsecOffset) {
+ if (nMsecOffset === _undefined) {
+ nMsecOffset = 0;
+ }
+ var position, position1K,
+ // Use the duration from the instance options, if we don't have a track duration yet.
+ // position >= 0 and <= current available (loaded) duration
+ offset = (s.isHTML5 ? Math.max(nMsecOffset, 0) : Math.min(s.duration || s._iO.duration, Math.max(nMsecOffset, 0)));
+ s.position = offset;
+ position1K = s.position/msecScale;
+ s._resetOnPosition(s.position);
+ s._iO.position = offset;
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ position = (fV === 9 ? s.position : position1K);
+ if (s.readyState && s.readyState !== 2) {
+ // if paused or not playing, will not resume (by playing)
+ flash._setPosition(, position, (s.paused || !s.playState), s._iO.multiShot);
+ }
+ } else if (s._a) {
+ // Set the position in the canplay handler if the sound is not ready yet
+ if (s._html5_canplay) {
+ if (s._a.currentTime !== position1K) {
+ /**
+ * DOM/JS errors/exceptions to watch out for:
+ * if seek is beyond (loaded?) position, "DOM exception 11"
+ * "INDEX_SIZE_ERR": DOM exception 1
+ */
+ sm2._wD( + ': setPosition(' + position1K + ')');
+ try {
+ s._a.currentTime = position1K;
+ if (s.playState === 0 || s.paused) {
+ // allow seek without auto-play/resume
+ s._a.pause();
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': setPosition(' + position1K + ') failed: ' + e.message, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (position1K) {
+ // warn on non-zero seek attempts
+ sm2._wD( + ': setPosition(' + position1K + '): Cannot seek yet, sound not ready', 2);
+ return s;
+ }
+ if (s.paused) {
+ // if paused, refresh UI right away by forcing update
+ s._onTimer(true);
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Pauses sound playback.
+ *
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.pause = function(_bCallFlash) {
+ if (s.paused || (s.playState === 0 && s.readyState !== 1)) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ sm2._wD( + ': pause()');
+ s.paused = true;
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ if (_bCallFlash || _bCallFlash === _undefined) {
+ flash._pause(, s._iO.multiShot);
+ }
+ } else {
+ s._setup_html5().pause();
+ stop_html5_timer();
+ }
+ if (s._iO.onpause) {
+ s._iO.onpause.apply(s);
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Resumes sound playback.
+ *
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ /**
+ * When auto-loaded streams pause on buffer full they have a playState of 0.
+ * We need to make sure that the playState is set to 1 when these streams "resume".
+ * When a paused stream is resumed, we need to trigger the onplay() callback if it
+ * hasn't been called already. In this case since the sound is being played for the
+ * first time, I think it's more appropriate to call onplay() rather than onresume().
+ */
+ this.resume = function() {
+ var instanceOptions = s._iO;
+ if (!s.paused) {
+ return s;
+ }
+ sm2._wD( + ': resume()');
+ s.paused = false;
+ s.playState = 1;
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ if (instanceOptions.isMovieStar && !instanceOptions.serverURL) {
+ // Bizarre Webkit bug (Chrome reported via dudes): AAC content paused for 30+ seconds(?) will not resume without a reposition.
+ s.setPosition(s.position);
+ }
+ // flash method is toggle-based (pause/resume)
+ flash._pause(, instanceOptions.multiShot);
+ } else {
+ s._setup_html5().play();
+ start_html5_timer();
+ }
+ if (!onplay_called && instanceOptions.onplay) {
+ instanceOptions.onplay.apply(s);
+ onplay_called = true;
+ } else if (instanceOptions.onresume) {
+ instanceOptions.onresume.apply(s);
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Toggles sound playback.
+ *
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.togglePause = function() {
+ sm2._wD( + ': togglePause()');
+ if (s.playState === 0) {
+ position: (fV === 9 && !s.isHTML5 ? s.position : s.position / msecScale)
+ });
+ return s;
+ }
+ if (s.paused) {
+ s.resume();
+ } else {
+ s.pause();
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets the panning (L-R) effect.
+ *
+ * @param {number} nPan The pan value (-100 to 100)
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.setPan = function(nPan, bInstanceOnly) {
+ if (nPan === _undefined) {
+ nPan = 0;
+ }
+ if (bInstanceOnly === _undefined) {
+ bInstanceOnly = false;
+ }
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ flash._setPan(, nPan);
+ } // else { no HTML5 pan? }
+ s._iO.pan = nPan;
+ if (!bInstanceOnly) {
+ s.pan = nPan;
+ s.options.pan = nPan;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets the volume.
+ *
+ * @param {number} nVol The volume value (0 to 100)
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.setVolume = function(nVol, _bInstanceOnly) {
+ /**
+ * Note: Setting volume has no effect on iOS "special snowflake" devices.
+ * Hardware volume control overrides software, and volume
+ * will always return 1 per Apple docs. (iOS 4 + 5.)
+ *
+ */
+ if (nVol === _undefined) {
+ nVol = 100;
+ }
+ if (_bInstanceOnly === _undefined) {
+ _bInstanceOnly = false;
+ }
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ flash._setVolume(, (sm2.muted && !s.muted) || s.muted ? 0 : nVol);
+ } else if (s._a) {
+ if (sm2.muted && !s.muted) {
+ s.muted = true;
+ s._a.muted = true;
+ }
+ // valid range for native HTML5 Audio(): 0-1
+ s._a.volume = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, nVol/100));
+ }
+ s._iO.volume = nVol;
+ if (!_bInstanceOnly) {
+ s.volume = nVol;
+ s.options.volume = nVol;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Mutes the sound.
+ *
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.mute = function() {
+ s.muted = true;
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ flash._setVolume(, 0);
+ } else if (s._a) {
+ s._a.muted = true;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Unmutes the sound.
+ *
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.unmute = function() {
+ s.muted = false;
+ var hasIO = (s._iO.volume !== _undefined);
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ flash._setVolume(, hasIO ? s._iO.volume : s.options.volume);
+ } else if (s._a) {
+ s._a.muted = false;
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Toggles the muted state of a sound.
+ *
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.toggleMute = function() {
+ return (s.muted ? s.unmute() : s.mute());
+ };
+ /**
+ * Registers a callback to be fired when a sound reaches a given position during playback.
+ *
+ * @param {number} nPosition The position to watch for
+ * @param {function} oMethod The relevant callback to fire
+ * @param {object} oScope Optional: The scope to apply the callback to
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.onPosition = function(nPosition, oMethod, oScope) {
+ // TODO: basic dupe checking?
+ onPositionItems.push({
+ position: parseInt(nPosition, 10),
+ method: oMethod,
+ scope: (oScope !== _undefined ? oScope : s),
+ fired: false
+ });
+ return s;
+ };
+ // legacy/backwards-compability: lower-case method name
+ this.onposition = this.onPosition;
+ /**
+ * Removes registered callback(s) from a sound, by position and/or callback.
+ *
+ * @param {number} nPosition The position to clear callback(s) for
+ * @param {function} oMethod Optional: Identify one callback to be removed when multiple listeners exist for one position
+ * @return {SMSound} The SMSound object
+ */
+ this.clearOnPosition = function(nPosition, oMethod) {
+ var i;
+ nPosition = parseInt(nPosition, 10);
+ if (isNaN(nPosition)) {
+ // safety check
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i < onPositionItems.length; i++) {
+ if (nPosition === onPositionItems[i].position) {
+ // remove this item if no method was specified, or, if the method matches
+ if (!oMethod || (oMethod === onPositionItems[i].method)) {
+ if (onPositionItems[i].fired) {
+ // decrement "fired" counter, too
+ onPositionFired--;
+ }
+ onPositionItems.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this._processOnPosition = function() {
+ var i, item, j = onPositionItems.length;
+ if (!j || !s.playState || onPositionFired >= j) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (i = j - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ item = onPositionItems[i];
+ if (!item.fired && s.position >= item.position) {
+ item.fired = true;
+ onPositionFired++;
+ item.method.apply(item.scope, [item.position]);
+ // reset j -- onPositionItems.length can be changed in the item callback above... occasionally breaking the loop.
+ j = onPositionItems.length;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ this._resetOnPosition = function(nPosition) {
+ // reset "fired" for items interested in this position
+ var i, item, j = onPositionItems.length;
+ if (!j) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (i = j - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ item = onPositionItems[i];
+ if (item.fired && nPosition <= item.position) {
+ item.fired = false;
+ onPositionFired--;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * SMSound() private internals
+ * --------------------------------
+ */
+ applyFromTo = function() {
+ var instanceOptions = s._iO,
+ f = instanceOptions.from,
+ t =,
+ start, end;
+ end = function() {
+ // end has been reached.
+ sm2._wD( + ': "To" time of ' + t + ' reached.');
+ // detach listener
+ s.clearOnPosition(t, end);
+ // stop should clear this, too
+ s.stop();
+ };
+ start = function() {
+ sm2._wD( + ': Playing "from" ' + f);
+ // add listener for end
+ if (t !== null && !isNaN(t)) {
+ s.onPosition(t, end);
+ }
+ };
+ if (f !== null && !isNaN(f)) {
+ // apply to instance options, guaranteeing correct start position.
+ instanceOptions.position = f;
+ // multiShot timing can't be tracked, so prevent that.
+ instanceOptions.multiShot = false;
+ start();
+ }
+ // return updated instanceOptions including starting position
+ return instanceOptions;
+ };
+ attachOnPosition = function() {
+ var item,
+ op = s._iO.onposition;
+ // attach onposition things, if any, now.
+ if (op) {
+ for (item in op) {
+ if (op.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
+ s.onPosition(parseInt(item, 10), op[item]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ detachOnPosition = function() {
+ var item,
+ op = s._iO.onposition;
+ // detach any onposition()-style listeners.
+ if (op) {
+ for (item in op) {
+ if (op.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
+ s.clearOnPosition(parseInt(item, 10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ start_html5_timer = function() {
+ if (s.isHTML5) {
+ startTimer(s);
+ }
+ };
+ stop_html5_timer = function() {
+ if (s.isHTML5) {
+ stopTimer(s);
+ }
+ };
+ resetProperties = function(retainPosition) {
+ if (!retainPosition) {
+ onPositionItems = [];
+ onPositionFired = 0;
+ }
+ onplay_called = false;
+ s._hasTimer = null;
+ s._a = null;
+ s._html5_canplay = false;
+ s.bytesLoaded = null;
+ s.bytesTotal = null;
+ s.duration = (s._iO && s._iO.duration ? s._iO.duration : null);
+ s.durationEstimate = null;
+ s.buffered = [];
+ // legacy: 1D array
+ s.eqData = [];
+ s.eqData.left = [];
+ s.eqData.right = [];
+ s.failures = 0;
+ s.isBuffering = false;
+ s.instanceOptions = {};
+ s.instanceCount = 0;
+ s.loaded = false;
+ s.metadata = {};
+ // 0 = uninitialised, 1 = loading, 2 = failed/error, 3 = loaded/success
+ s.readyState = 0;
+ s.muted = false;
+ s.paused = false;
+ s.peakData = {
+ left: 0,
+ right: 0
+ };
+ s.waveformData = {
+ left: [],
+ right: []
+ };
+ s.playState = 0;
+ s.position = null;
+ s.id3 = {};
+ };
+ resetProperties();
+ /**
+ * Pseudo-private SMSound internals
+ * --------------------------------
+ */
+ this._onTimer = function(bForce) {
+ /**
+ * HTML5-only _whileplaying() etc.
+ * called from both HTML5 native events, and polling/interval-based timers
+ * mimics flash and fires only when time/duration change, so as to be polling-friendly
+ */
+ var duration, isNew = false, time, x = {};
+ if (s._hasTimer || bForce) {
+ // TODO: May not need to track readyState (1 = loading)
+ if (s._a && (bForce || ((s.playState > 0 || s.readyState === 1) && !s.paused))) {
+ duration = s._get_html5_duration();
+ if (duration !== lastHTML5State.duration) {
+ lastHTML5State.duration = duration;
+ s.duration = duration;
+ isNew = true;
+ }
+ // TODO: investigate why this goes wack if not set/re-set each time.
+ s.durationEstimate = s.duration;
+ time = (s._a.currentTime * msecScale || 0);
+ if (time !== lastHTML5State.time) {
+ lastHTML5State.time = time;
+ isNew = true;
+ }
+ if (isNew || bForce) {
+ s._whileplaying(time, x, x, x, x);
+ }
+ }/* else {
+ // sm2._wD('_onTimer: Warn for "''": '+(!s._a?'Could not find element. ':'')+(s.playState === 0?'playState bad, 0?':'playState = '+s.playState+', OK'));
+ return false;
+ }*/
+ return isNew;
+ }
+ };
+ this._get_html5_duration = function() {
+ var instanceOptions = s._iO,
+ // if audio object exists, use its duration - else, instance option duration (if provided - it's a hack, really, and should be retired) OR null
+ d = (s._a && s._a.duration ? s._a.duration * msecScale : (instanceOptions && instanceOptions.duration ? instanceOptions.duration : null)),
+ result = (d && !isNaN(d) && d !== Infinity ? d : null);
+ return result;
+ };
+ this._apply_loop = function(a, nLoops) {
+ /**
+ * boolean instead of "loop", for webkit? - spec says string.
+ * note that loop is either off or infinite under HTML5, unlike Flash which allows arbitrary loop counts to be specified.
+ */
+ //
+ if (!a.loop && nLoops > 1) {
+ sm2._wD('Note: Native HTML5 looping is infinite.', 1);
+ }
+ //
+ a.loop = (nLoops > 1 ? 'loop' : '');
+ };
+ this._setup_html5 = function(oOptions) {
+ var instanceOptions = mixin(s._iO, oOptions),
+ a = useGlobalHTML5Audio ? globalHTML5Audio : s._a,
+ dURL = decodeURI(instanceOptions.url),
+ sameURL;
+ /**
+ * "First things first, I, Poppa..." (reset the previous state of the old sound, if playing)
+ * Fixes case with devices that can only play one sound at a time
+ * Otherwise, other sounds in mid-play will be terminated without warning and in a stuck state
+ */
+ if (useGlobalHTML5Audio) {
+ if (dURL === decodeURI(lastGlobalHTML5URL)) {
+ // global HTML5 audio: re-use of URL
+ sameURL = true;
+ }
+ } else if (dURL === decodeURI(lastURL)) {
+ // options URL is the same as the "last" URL, and we used (loaded) it
+ sameURL = true;
+ }
+ if (a) {
+ if (a._s) {
+ if (useGlobalHTML5Audio) {
+ if (a._s && a._s.playState && !sameURL) {
+ // global HTML5 audio case, and loading a new URL. stop the currently-playing one.
+ a._s.stop();
+ }
+ } else if (!useGlobalHTML5Audio && dURL === decodeURI(lastURL)) {
+ // non-global HTML5 reuse case: same url, ignore request
+ s._apply_loop(a, instanceOptions.loops);
+ return a;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!sameURL) {
+ // don't retain onPosition() stuff with new URLs.
+ if (lastURL) {
+ resetProperties(false);
+ }
+ // assign new HTML5 URL
+ a.src = instanceOptions.url;
+ s.url = instanceOptions.url;
+ lastURL = instanceOptions.url;
+ lastGlobalHTML5URL = instanceOptions.url;
+ a._called_load = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (instanceOptions.autoLoad || instanceOptions.autoPlay) {
+ s._a = new Audio(instanceOptions.url);
+ s._a.load();
+ } else {
+ // null for stupid Opera 9.64 case
+ s._a = (isOpera && opera.version() < 10 ? new Audio(null) : new Audio());
+ }
+ // assign local reference
+ a = s._a;
+ a._called_load = false;
+ if (useGlobalHTML5Audio) {
+ globalHTML5Audio = a;
+ }
+ }
+ s.isHTML5 = true;
+ // store a ref on the track
+ s._a = a;
+ // store a ref on the audio
+ a._s = s;
+ add_html5_events();
+ s._apply_loop(a, instanceOptions.loops);
+ if (instanceOptions.autoLoad || instanceOptions.autoPlay) {
+ s.load();
+ } else {
+ // early HTML5 implementation (non-standard)
+ a.autobuffer = false;
+ // standard ('none' is also an option.)
+ a.preload = 'auto';
+ }
+ return a;
+ };
+ add_html5_events = function() {
+ if (s._a._added_events) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var f;
+ function add(oEvt, oFn, bCapture) {
+ return s._a ? s._a.addEventListener(oEvt, oFn, bCapture || false) : null;
+ }
+ s._a._added_events = true;
+ for (f in html5_events) {
+ if (html5_events.hasOwnProperty(f)) {
+ add(f, html5_events[f]);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ remove_html5_events = function() {
+ // Remove event listeners
+ var f;
+ function remove(oEvt, oFn, bCapture) {
+ return (s._a ? s._a.removeEventListener(oEvt, oFn, bCapture || false) : null);
+ }
+ sm2._wD( + ': Removing event listeners');
+ s._a._added_events = false;
+ for (f in html5_events) {
+ if (html5_events.hasOwnProperty(f)) {
+ remove(f, html5_events[f]);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Pseudo-private event internals
+ * ------------------------------
+ */
+ this._onload = function(nSuccess) {
+ var fN,
+ // check for duration to prevent false positives from flash 8 when loading from cache.
+ loadOK = !!nSuccess || (!s.isHTML5 && fV === 8 && s.duration);
+ //
+ fN = + ': ';
+ sm2._wD(fN + (loadOK ? 'onload()' : 'Failed to load / invalid sound?' + (!s.duration ? ' Zero-length duration reported.' : ' -') + ' (' + s.url + ')'), (loadOK ? 1 : 2));
+ if (!loadOK && !s.isHTML5) {
+ if (sm2.sandbox.noRemote === true) {
+ sm2._wD(fN + str('noNet'), 1);
+ }
+ if (sm2.sandbox.noLocal === true) {
+ sm2._wD(fN + str('noLocal'), 1);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ s.loaded = loadOK;
+ s.readyState = (loadOK ? 3 : 2);
+ s._onbufferchange(0);
+ if (s._iO.onload) {
+ wrapCallback(s, function() {
+ s._iO.onload.apply(s, [loadOK]);
+ });
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ this._onbufferchange = function(nIsBuffering) {
+ if (s.playState === 0) {
+ // ignore if not playing
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ((nIsBuffering && s.isBuffering) || (!nIsBuffering && !s.isBuffering)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ s.isBuffering = (nIsBuffering === 1);
+ if (s._iO.onbufferchange) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': Buffer state change: ' + nIsBuffering);
+ s._iO.onbufferchange.apply(s, [nIsBuffering]);
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Playback may have stopped due to buffering, or related reason.
+ * This state can be encountered on iOS < 6 when auto-play is blocked.
+ */
+ this._onsuspend = function() {
+ if (s._iO.onsuspend) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': Playback suspended');
+ s._iO.onsuspend.apply(s);
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * flash 9/movieStar + RTMP-only method, should fire only once at most
+ * at this point we just recreate failed sounds rather than trying to reconnect
+ */
+ this._onfailure = function(msg, level, code) {
+ s.failures++;
+ sm2._wD( + ': Failure (' + s.failures + '): ' + msg);
+ if (s._iO.onfailure && s.failures === 1) {
+ s._iO.onfailure(msg, level, code);
+ } else {
+ sm2._wD( + ': Ignoring failure');
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * flash 9/movieStar + RTMP-only method for unhandled warnings/exceptions from Flash
+ * e.g., RTMP "method missing" warning (non-fatal) for getStreamLength on server
+ */
+ this._onwarning = function(msg, level, code) {
+ if (s._iO.onwarning) {
+ s._iO.onwarning(msg, level, code);
+ }
+ };
+ this._onfinish = function() {
+ // store local copy before it gets trashed...
+ var io_onfinish = s._iO.onfinish;
+ s._onbufferchange(0);
+ s._resetOnPosition(0);
+ // reset some state items
+ if (s.instanceCount) {
+ s.instanceCount--;
+ if (!s.instanceCount) {
+ // remove onPosition listeners, if any
+ detachOnPosition();
+ // reset instance options
+ s.playState = 0;
+ s.paused = false;
+ s.instanceCount = 0;
+ s.instanceOptions = {};
+ s._iO = {};
+ stop_html5_timer();
+ // reset position, too
+ if (s.isHTML5) {
+ s.position = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!s.instanceCount || s._iO.multiShotEvents) {
+ // fire onfinish for last, or every instance
+ if (io_onfinish) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': onfinish()');
+ wrapCallback(s, function() {
+ io_onfinish.apply(s);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this._whileloading = function(nBytesLoaded, nBytesTotal, nDuration, nBufferLength) {
+ var instanceOptions = s._iO;
+ s.bytesLoaded = nBytesLoaded;
+ s.bytesTotal = nBytesTotal;
+ s.duration = Math.floor(nDuration);
+ s.bufferLength = nBufferLength;
+ if (!s.isHTML5 && !instanceOptions.isMovieStar) {
+ if (instanceOptions.duration) {
+ // use duration from options, if specified and larger. nobody should be specifying duration in options, actually, and it should be retired.
+ s.durationEstimate = (s.duration > instanceOptions.duration) ? s.duration : instanceOptions.duration;
+ } else {
+ s.durationEstimate = parseInt((s.bytesTotal / s.bytesLoaded) * s.duration, 10);
+ }
+ } else {
+ s.durationEstimate = s.duration;
+ }
+ // for flash, reflect sequential-load-style buffering
+ if (!s.isHTML5) {
+ s.buffered = [{
+ 'start': 0,
+ 'end': s.duration
+ }];
+ }
+ // allow whileloading to fire even if "load" fired under HTML5, due to HTTP range/partials
+ if ((s.readyState !== 3 || s.isHTML5) && instanceOptions.whileloading) {
+ instanceOptions.whileloading.apply(s);
+ }
+ };
+ this._whileplaying = function(nPosition, oPeakData, oWaveformDataLeft, oWaveformDataRight, oEQData) {
+ var instanceOptions = s._iO,
+ eqLeft;
+ if (isNaN(nPosition) || nPosition === null) {
+ // flash safety net
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Safari HTML5 play() may return small -ve values when starting from position: 0, eg. -50.120396875. Unexpected/invalid per W3, I think. Normalize to 0.
+ s.position = Math.max(0, nPosition);
+ s._processOnPosition();
+ if (!s.isHTML5 && fV > 8) {
+ if (instanceOptions.usePeakData && oPeakData !== _undefined && oPeakData) {
+ s.peakData = {
+ left: oPeakData.leftPeak,
+ right: oPeakData.rightPeak
+ };
+ }
+ if (instanceOptions.useWaveformData && oWaveformDataLeft !== _undefined && oWaveformDataLeft) {
+ s.waveformData = {
+ left: oWaveformDataLeft.split(','),
+ right: oWaveformDataRight.split(',')
+ };
+ }
+ if (instanceOptions.useEQData) {
+ if (oEQData !== _undefined && oEQData && oEQData.leftEQ) {
+ eqLeft = oEQData.leftEQ.split(',');
+ s.eqData = eqLeft;
+ s.eqData.left = eqLeft;
+ if (oEQData.rightEQ !== _undefined && oEQData.rightEQ) {
+ s.eqData.right = oEQData.rightEQ.split(',');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (s.playState === 1) {
+ // special case/hack: ensure buffering is false if loading from cache (and not yet started)
+ if (!s.isHTML5 && fV === 8 && !s.position && s.isBuffering) {
+ s._onbufferchange(0);
+ }
+ if (instanceOptions.whileplaying) {
+ // flash may call after actual finish
+ instanceOptions.whileplaying.apply(s);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ this._oncaptiondata = function(oData) {
+ /**
+ * internal: flash 9 + NetStream (MovieStar/RTMP-only) feature
+ *
+ * @param {object} oData
+ */
+ sm2._wD( + ': Caption data received.');
+ s.captiondata = oData;
+ if (s._iO.oncaptiondata) {
+ s._iO.oncaptiondata.apply(s, [oData]);
+ }
+ };
+ this._onmetadata = function(oMDProps, oMDData) {
+ /**
+ * internal: flash 9 + NetStream (MovieStar/RTMP-only) feature
+ * RTMP may include song title, MovieStar content may include encoding info
+ *
+ * @param {array} oMDProps (names)
+ * @param {array} oMDData (values)
+ */
+ sm2._wD( + ': Metadata received.');
+ var oData = {}, i, j;
+ for (i = 0, j = oMDProps.length; i < j; i++) {
+ oData[oMDProps[i]] = oMDData[i];
+ }
+ s.metadata = oData;
+ if (s._iO.onmetadata) {
+, s.metadata);
+ }
+ };
+ this._onid3 = function(oID3Props, oID3Data) {
+ /**
+ * internal: flash 8 + flash 9 ID3 feature
+ * may include artist, song title etc.
+ *
+ * @param {array} oID3Props (names)
+ * @param {array} oID3Data (values)
+ */
+ sm2._wD( + ': ID3 data received.');
+ var oData = [], i, j;
+ for (i = 0, j = oID3Props.length; i < j; i++) {
+ oData[oID3Props[i]] = oID3Data[i];
+ }
+ s.id3 = mixin(s.id3, oData);
+ if (s._iO.onid3) {
+ s._iO.onid3.apply(s);
+ }
+ };
+ // flash/RTMP-only
+ this._onconnect = function(bSuccess) {
+ bSuccess = (bSuccess === 1);
+ sm2._wD( + ': ' + (bSuccess ? 'Connected.' : 'Failed to connect? - ' + s.url), (bSuccess ? 1 : 2));
+ s.connected = bSuccess;
+ if (bSuccess) {
+ s.failures = 0;
+ if (idCheck( {
+ if (s.getAutoPlay()) {
+ // only update the play state if auto playing
+, s.getAutoPlay());
+ } else if (s._iO.autoLoad) {
+ s.load();
+ }
+ }
+ if (s._iO.onconnect) {
+ s._iO.onconnect.apply(s, [bSuccess]);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this._ondataerror = function(sError) {
+ // flash 9 wave/eq data handler
+ // hack: called at start, and end from flash at/after onfinish()
+ if (s.playState > 0) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': Data error: ' + sError);
+ if (s._iO.ondataerror) {
+ s._iO.ondataerror.apply(s);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ this._debug();
+ //
+ }; // SMSound()
+ /**
+ * Private SoundManager internals
+ * ------------------------------
+ */
+ getDocument = function() {
+ return (doc.body || doc.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]);
+ };
+ id = function(sID) {
+ return doc.getElementById(sID);
+ };
+ mixin = function(oMain, oAdd) {
+ // non-destructive merge
+ var o1 = (oMain || {}), o2, o;
+ // if unspecified, o2 is the default options object
+ o2 = (oAdd === _undefined ? sm2.defaultOptions : oAdd);
+ for (o in o2) {
+ if (o2.hasOwnProperty(o) && o1[o] === _undefined) {
+ if (typeof o2[o] !== 'object' || o2[o] === null) {
+ // assign directly
+ o1[o] = o2[o];
+ } else {
+ // recurse through o2
+ o1[o] = mixin(o1[o], o2[o]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return o1;
+ };
+ wrapCallback = function(oSound, callback) {
+ /**
+ * 03/03/2013: Fix for Flash Player 11.6.602.171 + Flash 8 (flashVersion = 8) SWF issue
+ * setTimeout() fix for certain SMSound callbacks like onload() and onfinish(), where subsequent calls like play() and load() fail when Flash Player 11.6.602.171 is installed, and using soundManager with flashVersion = 8 (which is the default).
+ * Not sure of exact cause. Suspect race condition and/or invalid (NaN-style) position argument trickling down to the next JS -> Flash _start() call, in the play() case.
+ * Fix: setTimeout() to yield, plus safer null / NaN checking on position argument provided to Flash.
+ *
+ */
+ if (!oSound.isHTML5 && fV === 8) {
+ window.setTimeout(callback, 0);
+ } else {
+ callback();
+ }
+ };
+ // additional soundManager properties that soundManager.setup() will accept
+ extraOptions = {
+ 'onready': 1,
+ 'ontimeout': 1,
+ 'defaultOptions': 1,
+ 'flash9Options': 1,
+ 'movieStarOptions': 1
+ };
+ assign = function(o, oParent) {
+ /**
+ * recursive assignment of properties, soundManager.setup() helper
+ * allows property assignment based on whitelist
+ */
+ var i,
+ result = true,
+ hasParent = (oParent !== _undefined),
+ setupOptions = sm2.setupOptions,
+ bonusOptions = extraOptions;
+ //
+ // if soundManager.setup() called, show accepted parameters.
+ if (o === _undefined) {
+ result = [];
+ for (i in setupOptions) {
+ if (setupOptions.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ result.push(i);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i in bonusOptions) {
+ if (bonusOptions.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ if (typeof sm2[i] === 'object') {
+ result.push(i + ': {...}');
+ } else if (sm2[i] instanceof Function) {
+ result.push(i + ': function() {...}');
+ } else {
+ result.push(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sm2._wD(str('setup', result.join(', ')));
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ for (i in o) {
+ if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ // if not an {object} we want to recurse through...
+ if (typeof o[i] !== 'object' || o[i] === null || o[i] instanceof Array || o[i] instanceof RegExp) {
+ // check "allowed" options
+ if (hasParent && bonusOptions[oParent] !== _undefined) {
+ // valid recursive / nested object option, eg., { defaultOptions: { volume: 50 } }
+ sm2[oParent][i] = o[i];
+ } else if (setupOptions[i] !== _undefined) {
+ // special case: assign to setupOptions object, which soundManager property references
+ sm2.setupOptions[i] = o[i];
+ // assign directly to soundManager, too
+ sm2[i] = o[i];
+ } else if (bonusOptions[i] === _undefined) {
+ // invalid or disallowed parameter. complain.
+ complain(str((sm2[i] === _undefined ? 'setupUndef' : 'setupError'), i), 2);
+ result = false;
+ } else {
+ /**
+ * valid extraOptions (bonusOptions) parameter.
+ * is it a method, like onready/ontimeout? call it.
+ * multiple parameters should be in an array, eg. soundManager.setup({onready: [myHandler, myScope]});
+ */
+ if (sm2[i] instanceof Function) {
+ sm2[i].apply(sm2, (o[i] instanceof Array ? o[i] : [o[i]]));
+ } else {
+ // good old-fashioned direct assignment
+ sm2[i] = o[i];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // recursion case, eg., { defaultOptions: { ... } }
+ if (bonusOptions[i] === _undefined) {
+ // invalid or disallowed parameter. complain.
+ complain(str((sm2[i] === _undefined ? 'setupUndef' : 'setupError'), i), 2);
+ result = false;
+ } else {
+ // recurse through object
+ return assign(o[i], i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ function preferFlashCheck(kind) {
+ // whether flash should play a given type
+ return (sm2.preferFlash && hasFlash && !sm2.ignoreFlash && (sm2.flash[kind] !== _undefined && sm2.flash[kind]));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Internal DOM2-level event helpers
+ * ---------------------------------
+ */
+ event = (function() {
+ // normalize event methods
+ var old = (window.attachEvent),
+ evt = {
+ add: (old ? 'attachEvent' : 'addEventListener'),
+ remove: (old ? 'detachEvent' : 'removeEventListener')
+ };
+ // normalize "on" event prefix, optional capture argument
+ function getArgs(oArgs) {
+ var args =,
+ len = args.length;
+ if (old) {
+ // prefix
+ args[1] = 'on' + args[1];
+ if (len > 3) {
+ // no capture
+ args.pop();
+ }
+ } else if (len === 3) {
+ args.push(false);
+ }
+ return args;
+ }
+ function apply(args, sType) {
+ // normalize and call the event method, with the proper arguments
+ var element = args.shift(),
+ method = [evt[sType]];
+ if (old) {
+ // old IE can't do apply().
+ element[method](args[0], args[1]);
+ } else {
+ element[method].apply(element, args);
+ }
+ }
+ function add() {
+ apply(getArgs(arguments), 'add');
+ }
+ function remove() {
+ apply(getArgs(arguments), 'remove');
+ }
+ return {
+ 'add': add,
+ 'remove': remove
+ };
+ }());
+ /**
+ * Internal HTML5 event handling
+ * -----------------------------
+ */
+ function html5_event(oFn) {
+ // wrap html5 event handlers so we don't call them on destroyed and/or unloaded sounds
+ return function(e) {
+ var s = this._s,
+ result;
+ if (!s || !s._a) {
+ //
+ if (s && {
+ sm2._wD( + ': Ignoring ' + e.type);
+ } else {
+ sm2._wD(h5 + 'Ignoring ' + e.type);
+ }
+ //
+ result = null;
+ } else {
+ result =, e);
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ }
+ html5_events = {
+ // HTML5 event-name-to-handler map
+ abort: html5_event(function() {
+ sm2._wD( + ': abort');
+ }),
+ // enough has loaded to play
+ canplay: html5_event(function() {
+ var s = this._s,
+ position1K;
+ if (s._html5_canplay) {
+ // this event has already fired. ignore.
+ return true;
+ }
+ s._html5_canplay = true;
+ sm2._wD( + ': canplay');
+ s._onbufferchange(0);
+ // position according to instance options
+ position1K = (s._iO.position !== _undefined && !isNaN(s._iO.position) ? s._iO.position/msecScale : null);
+ // set the position if position was provided before the sound loaded
+ if (this.currentTime !== position1K) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': canplay: Setting position to ' + position1K);
+ try {
+ this.currentTime = position1K;
+ } catch(ee) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': canplay: Setting position of ' + position1K + ' failed: ' + ee.message, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ // hack for HTML5 from/to case
+ if (s._iO._oncanplay) {
+ s._iO._oncanplay();
+ }
+ }),
+ canplaythrough: html5_event(function() {
+ var s = this._s;
+ if (!s.loaded) {
+ s._onbufferchange(0);
+ s._whileloading(s.bytesLoaded, s.bytesTotal, s._get_html5_duration());
+ s._onload(true);
+ }
+ }),
+ durationchange: html5_event(function() {
+ // durationchange may fire at various times, probably the safest way to capture accurate/final duration.
+ var s = this._s,
+ duration;
+ duration = s._get_html5_duration();
+ if (!isNaN(duration) && duration !== s.duration) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': durationchange (' + duration + ')' + (s.duration ? ', previously ' + s.duration : ''));
+ s.durationEstimate = s.duration = duration;
+ }
+ }),
+ // TODO: Reserved for potential use
+ /*
+ emptied: html5_event(function() {
+ sm2._wD( + ': emptied');
+ }),
+ */
+ ended: html5_event(function() {
+ var s = this._s;
+ sm2._wD( + ': ended');
+ s._onfinish();
+ }),
+ error: html5_event(function() {
+ sm2._wD( + ': HTML5 error, code ' + this.error.code);
+ /**
+ * HTML5 error codes, per W3C
+ * Error 1: Client aborted download at user's request.
+ * Error 2: Network error after load started.
+ * Error 3: Decoding issue.
+ * Error 4: Media (audio file) not supported.
+ * Reference:
+ */
+ // call load with error state?
+ this._s._onload(false);
+ }),
+ loadeddata: html5_event(function() {
+ var s = this._s;
+ sm2._wD( + ': loadeddata');
+ // safari seems to nicely report progress events, eventually totalling 100%
+ if (!s._loaded && !isSafari) {
+ s.duration = s._get_html5_duration();
+ }
+ }),
+ loadedmetadata: html5_event(function() {
+ sm2._wD( + ': loadedmetadata');
+ }),
+ loadstart: html5_event(function() {
+ sm2._wD( + ': loadstart');
+ // assume buffering at first
+ this._s._onbufferchange(1);
+ }),
+ play: html5_event(function() {
+ // sm2._wD( + ': play()');
+ // once play starts, no buffering
+ this._s._onbufferchange(0);
+ }),
+ playing: html5_event(function() {
+ sm2._wD( + ': playing ' + String.fromCharCode(9835));
+ // once play starts, no buffering
+ this._s._onbufferchange(0);
+ }),
+ progress: html5_event(function(e) {
+ // note: can fire repeatedly after "loaded" event, due to use of HTTP range/partials
+ var s = this._s,
+ i, j, progStr, buffered = 0,
+ isProgress = (e.type === 'progress'),
+ ranges =,
+ // firefox 3.6 implements e.loaded/total (bytes)
+ loaded = (e.loaded || 0),
+ total = ( || 1);
+ // reset the "buffered" (loaded byte ranges) array
+ s.buffered = [];
+ if (ranges && ranges.length) {
+ // if loaded is 0, try TimeRanges implementation as % of load
+ //
+ // re-build "buffered" array
+ // HTML5 returns seconds. SM2 API uses msec for setPosition() etc., whether Flash or HTML5.
+ for (i = 0, j = ranges.length; i < j; i++) {
+ s.buffered.push({
+ 'start': ranges.start(i) * msecScale,
+ 'end': ranges.end(i) * msecScale
+ });
+ }
+ // use the last value locally
+ buffered = (ranges.end(0) - ranges.start(0)) * msecScale;
+ // linear case, buffer sum; does not account for seeking and HTTP partials / byte ranges
+ loaded = Math.min(1, buffered / ( * msecScale));
+ //
+ if (isProgress && ranges.length > 1) {
+ progStr = [];
+ j = ranges.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
+ progStr.push(( * msecScale) + '-' + ( * msecScale));
+ }
+ sm2._wD( + ': progress, timeRanges: ' + progStr.join(', '));
+ }
+ if (isProgress && !isNaN(loaded)) {
+ sm2._wD( + ': progress, ' + Math.floor(loaded * 100) + '% loaded');
+ }
+ //
+ }
+ if (!isNaN(loaded)) {
+ // TODO: prevent calls with duplicate values.
+ s._whileloading(loaded, total, s._get_html5_duration());
+ if (loaded && total && loaded === total) {
+ // in case "onload" doesn't fire (eg. gecko 1.9.2)
+, e);
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ ratechange: html5_event(function() {
+ sm2._wD( + ': ratechange');
+ }),
+ suspend: html5_event(function(e) {
+ // download paused/stopped, may have finished (eg. onload)
+ var s = this._s;
+ sm2._wD( + ': suspend');
+, e);
+ s._onsuspend();
+ }),
+ stalled: html5_event(function() {
+ sm2._wD( + ': stalled');
+ }),
+ timeupdate: html5_event(function() {
+ this._s._onTimer();
+ }),
+ waiting: html5_event(function() {
+ var s = this._s;
+ // see also: seeking
+ sm2._wD( + ': waiting');
+ // playback faster than download rate, etc.
+ s._onbufferchange(1);
+ })
+ };
+ html5OK = function(iO) {
+ // playability test based on URL or MIME type
+ var result;
+ if (!iO || (!iO.type && !iO.url && !iO.serverURL)) {
+ // nothing to check
+ result = false;
+ } else if (iO.serverURL || (iO.type && preferFlashCheck(iO.type))) {
+ // RTMP, or preferring flash
+ result = false;
+ } else {
+ // Use type, if specified. Pass data: URIs to HTML5. If HTML5-only mode, no other options, so just give 'er
+ result = ((iO.type ? html5CanPlay({type:iO.type}) : html5CanPlay({url:iO.url}) || sm2.html5Only || iO.url.match(/data\:/i)));
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ html5Unload = function(oAudio) {
+ /**
+ * Internal method: Unload media, and cancel any current/pending network requests.
+ * Firefox can load an empty URL, which allegedly destroys the decoder and stops the download.
+ *
+ * However, Firefox has been seen loading a relative URL from '' and thus requesting the hosting page on unload.
+ * Other UA behaviour is unclear, so everyone else gets an about:blank-style URL.
+ */
+ var url;
+ if (oAudio) {
+ // Firefox and Chrome accept short WAVe data: URIs. Chome dislikes audio/wav, but accepts audio/wav for data: MIME.
+ // Desktop Safari complains / fails on data: URI, so it gets about:blank.
+ url = (isSafari ? emptyURL : (sm2.html5.canPlayType('audio/wav') ? emptyWAV : emptyURL));
+ oAudio.src = url;
+ // reset some state, too
+ if (oAudio._called_unload !== _undefined) {
+ oAudio._called_load = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (useGlobalHTML5Audio) {
+ // ensure URL state is trashed, also
+ lastGlobalHTML5URL = null;
+ }
+ return url;
+ };
+ html5CanPlay = function(o) {
+ /**
+ * Try to find MIME, test and return truthiness
+ * o = {
+ * url: '/path/to/an.mp3',
+ * type: 'audio/mp3'
+ * }
+ */
+ if (!sm2.useHTML5Audio || !sm2.hasHTML5) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var url = (o.url || null),
+ mime = (o.type || null),
+ aF = sm2.audioFormats,
+ result,
+ offset,
+ fileExt,
+ item;
+ // account for known cases like audio/mp3
+ if (mime && sm2.html5[mime] !== _undefined) {
+ return (sm2.html5[mime] && !preferFlashCheck(mime));
+ }
+ if (!html5Ext) {
+ html5Ext = [];
+ for (item in aF) {
+ if (aF.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
+ html5Ext.push(item);
+ if (aF[item].related) {
+ html5Ext = html5Ext.concat(aF[item].related);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ html5Ext = new RegExp('\\.('+html5Ext.join('|')+')(\\?.*)?$','i');
+ }
+ // TODO: Strip URL queries, etc.
+ fileExt = (url ? url.toLowerCase().match(html5Ext) : null);
+ if (!fileExt || !fileExt.length) {
+ if (!mime) {
+ result = false;
+ } else {
+ // audio/mp3 -> mp3, result should be known
+ offset = mime.indexOf(';');
+ // strip "audio/X; codecs..."
+ fileExt = (offset !== -1 ? mime.substr(0,offset) : mime).substr(6);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // match the raw extension name - "mp3", for example
+ fileExt = fileExt[1];
+ }
+ if (fileExt && sm2.html5[fileExt] !== _undefined) {
+ // result known
+ result = (sm2.html5[fileExt] && !preferFlashCheck(fileExt));
+ } else {
+ mime = 'audio/' + fileExt;
+ result = sm2.html5.canPlayType({type:mime});
+ sm2.html5[fileExt] = result;
+ // sm2._wD('canPlayType, found result: ' + result);
+ result = (result && sm2.html5[mime] && !preferFlashCheck(mime));
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ testHTML5 = function() {
+ /**
+ * Internal: Iterates over audioFormats, determining support eg. audio/mp3, audio/mpeg and so on
+ * assigns results to html5[] and flash[].
+ */
+ if (!sm2.useHTML5Audio || !sm2.hasHTML5) {
+ // without HTML5, we need Flash.
+ sm2.html5.usingFlash = true;
+ needsFlash = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // double-whammy: Opera 9.64 throws WRONG_ARGUMENTS_ERR if no parameter passed to Audio(), and Webkit + iOS happily tries to load "null" as a URL. :/
+ var a = (Audio !== _undefined ? (isOpera && opera.version() < 10 ? new Audio(null) : new Audio()) : null),
+ item, lookup, support = {}, aF, i;
+ function cp(m) {
+ var canPlay, j,
+ result = false,
+ isOK = false;
+ if (!a || typeof a.canPlayType !== 'function') {
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (m instanceof Array) {
+ // iterate through all mime types, return any successes
+ for (i = 0, j = m.length; i < j; i++) {
+ if (sm2.html5[m[i]] || a.canPlayType(m[i]).match(sm2.html5Test)) {
+ isOK = true;
+ sm2.html5[m[i]] = true;
+ // note flash support, too
+ sm2.flash[m[i]] = !!(m[i].match(flashMIME));
+ }
+ }
+ result = isOK;
+ } else {
+ canPlay = (a && typeof a.canPlayType === 'function' ? a.canPlayType(m) : false);
+ result = !!(canPlay && (canPlay.match(sm2.html5Test)));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // test all registered formats + codecs
+ aF = sm2.audioFormats;
+ for (item in aF) {
+ if (aF.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
+ lookup = 'audio/' + item;
+ support[item] = cp(aF[item].type);
+ // write back generic type too, eg. audio/mp3
+ support[lookup] = support[item];
+ // assign flash
+ if (item.match(flashMIME)) {
+ sm2.flash[item] = true;
+ sm2.flash[lookup] = true;
+ } else {
+ sm2.flash[item] = false;
+ sm2.flash[lookup] = false;
+ }
+ // assign result to related formats, too
+ if (aF[item] && aF[item].related) {
+ for (i = aF[item].related.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ // eg. audio/m4a
+ support['audio/' + aF[item].related[i]] = support[item];
+ sm2.html5[aF[item].related[i]] = support[item];
+ sm2.flash[aF[item].related[i]] = support[item];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ support.canPlayType = (a ? cp : null);
+ sm2.html5 = mixin(sm2.html5, support);
+ sm2.html5.usingFlash = featureCheck();
+ needsFlash = sm2.html5.usingFlash;
+ return true;
+ };
+ strings = {
+ //
+ notReady: 'Unavailable - wait until onready() has fired.',
+ notOK: 'Audio support is not available.',
+ domError: sm + 'exception caught while appending SWF to DOM.',
+ spcWmode: 'Removing wmode, preventing known SWF loading issue(s)',
+ swf404: smc + 'Verify that %s is a valid path.',
+ tryDebug: 'Try ' + sm + '.debugFlash = true for more security details (output goes to SWF.)',
+ checkSWF: 'See SWF output for more debug info.',
+ localFail: smc + 'Non-HTTP page (' + doc.location.protocol + ' URL?) Review Flash player security settings for this special case:\n\nMay need to add/allow path, eg. c:/sm2/ or /users/me/sm2/',
+ waitFocus: smc + 'Special case: Waiting for SWF to load with window focus...',
+ waitForever: smc + 'Waiting indefinitely for Flash (will recover if unblocked)...',
+ waitSWF: smc + 'Waiting for 100% SWF load...',
+ needFunction: smc + 'Function object expected for %s',
+ badID: 'Sound ID "%s" should be a string, starting with a non-numeric character',
+ currentObj: smc + '_debug(): Current sound objects',
+ waitOnload: smc + 'Waiting for window.onload()',
+ docLoaded: smc + 'Document already loaded',
+ onload: smc + 'initComplete(): calling soundManager.onload()',
+ onloadOK: sm + '.onload() complete',
+ didInit: smc + 'init(): Already called?',
+ secNote: 'Flash security note: Network/internet URLs will not load due to security restrictions. Access can be configured via Flash Player Global Security Settings Page:',
+ badRemove: smc + 'Failed to remove Flash node.',
+ shutdown: sm + '.disable(): Shutting down',
+ queue: smc + 'Queueing %s handler',
+ smError: 'SMSound.load(): Exception: JS-Flash communication failed, or JS error.',
+ fbTimeout: 'No flash response, applying .' + swfCSS.swfTimedout + ' CSS...',
+ fbLoaded: 'Flash loaded',
+ fbHandler: smc + 'flashBlockHandler()',
+ manURL: 'SMSound.load(): Using manually-assigned URL',
+ onURL: sm + '.load(): current URL already assigned.',
+ badFV: sm + '.flashVersion must be 8 or 9. "%s" is invalid. Reverting to %s.',
+ as2loop: 'Note: Setting stream:false so looping can work (flash 8 limitation)',
+ noNSLoop: 'Note: Looping not implemented for MovieStar formats',
+ needfl9: 'Note: Switching to flash 9, required for MP4 formats.',
+ mfTimeout: 'Setting flashLoadTimeout = 0 (infinite) for off-screen, mobile flash case',
+ needFlash: smc + 'Fatal error: Flash is needed to play some required formats, but is not available.',
+ gotFocus: smc + 'Got window focus.',
+ policy: 'Enabling usePolicyFile for data access',
+ setup: sm + '.setup(): allowed parameters: %s',
+ setupError: sm + '.setup(): "%s" cannot be assigned with this method.',
+ setupUndef: sm + '.setup(): Could not find option "%s"',
+ setupLate: sm + '.setup(): url, flashVersion and html5Test property changes will not take effect until reboot().',
+ noURL: smc + 'Flash URL required. Call soundManager.setup({url:...}) to get started.',
+ sm2Loaded: 'SoundManager 2: Ready. ' + String.fromCharCode(10003),
+ reset: sm + '.reset(): Removing event callbacks',
+ mobileUA: 'Mobile UA detected, preferring HTML5 by default.',
+ globalHTML5: 'Using singleton HTML5 Audio() pattern for this device.',
+ ignoreMobile: 'Ignoring mobile restrictions for this device.'
+ //
+ };
+ str = function() {
+ // internal string replace helper.
+ // arguments: o [,items to replace]
+ //
+ var args,
+ i, j, o,
+ sstr;
+ // real array, please
+ args =;
+ // first argument
+ o = args.shift();
+ sstr = (strings && strings[o] ? strings[o] : '');
+ if (sstr && args && args.length) {
+ for (i = 0, j = args.length; i < j; i++) {
+ sstr = sstr.replace('%s', args[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return sstr;
+ //
+ };
+ loopFix = function(sOpt) {
+ // flash 8 requires stream = false for looping to work
+ if (fV === 8 && sOpt.loops > 1 && {
+ _wDS('as2loop');
+ = false;
+ }
+ return sOpt;
+ };
+ policyFix = function(sOpt, sPre) {
+ if (sOpt && !sOpt.usePolicyFile && (sOpt.onid3 || sOpt.usePeakData || sOpt.useWaveformData || sOpt.useEQData)) {
+ sm2._wD((sPre || '') + str('policy'));
+ sOpt.usePolicyFile = true;
+ }
+ return sOpt;
+ };
+ complain = function(sMsg) {
+ //
+ if (hasConsole && console.warn !== _undefined) {
+ console.warn(sMsg);
+ } else {
+ sm2._wD(sMsg);
+ }
+ //
+ };
+ doNothing = function() {
+ return false;
+ };
+ disableObject = function(o) {
+ var oProp;
+ for (oProp in o) {
+ if (o.hasOwnProperty(oProp) && typeof o[oProp] === 'function') {
+ o[oProp] = doNothing;
+ }
+ }
+ oProp = null;
+ };
+ failSafely = function(bNoDisable) {
+ // general failure exception handler
+ if (bNoDisable === _undefined) {
+ bNoDisable = false;
+ }
+ if (disabled || bNoDisable) {
+ sm2.disable(bNoDisable);
+ }
+ };
+ normalizeMovieURL = function(smURL) {
+ var urlParams = null, url;
+ if (smURL) {
+ if (smURL.match(/\.swf(\?.*)?$/i)) {
+ urlParams = smURL.substr(smURL.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('.swf?') + 4);
+ if (urlParams) {
+ // assume user knows what they're doing
+ return smURL;
+ }
+ } else if (smURL.lastIndexOf('/') !== smURL.length - 1) {
+ // append trailing slash, if needed
+ smURL += '/';
+ }
+ }
+ url = (smURL && smURL.lastIndexOf('/') !== - 1 ? smURL.substr(0, smURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) : './') + sm2.movieURL;
+ if (sm2.noSWFCache) {
+ url += ('?ts=' + new Date().getTime());
+ }
+ return url;
+ };
+ setVersionInfo = function() {
+ // short-hand for internal use
+ fV = parseInt(sm2.flashVersion, 10);
+ if (fV !== 8 && fV !== 9) {
+ sm2._wD(str('badFV', fV, defaultFlashVersion));
+ sm2.flashVersion = fV = defaultFlashVersion;
+ }
+ // debug flash movie, if applicable
+ var isDebug = (sm2.debugMode || sm2.debugFlash ? '_debug.swf' : '.swf');
+ if (sm2.useHTML5Audio && !sm2.html5Only && sm2.audioFormats.mp4.required && fV < 9) {
+ sm2._wD(str('needfl9'));
+ sm2.flashVersion = fV = 9;
+ }
+ sm2.version = sm2.versionNumber + (sm2.html5Only ? ' (HTML5-only mode)' : (fV === 9 ? ' (AS3/Flash 9)' : ' (AS2/Flash 8)'));
+ // set up default options
+ if (fV > 8) {
+ // +flash 9 base options
+ sm2.defaultOptions = mixin(sm2.defaultOptions, sm2.flash9Options);
+ sm2.features.buffering = true;
+ // +moviestar support
+ sm2.defaultOptions = mixin(sm2.defaultOptions, sm2.movieStarOptions);
+ sm2.filePatterns.flash9 = new RegExp('\\.(mp3|' + netStreamTypes.join('|') + ')(\\?.*)?$', 'i');
+ sm2.features.movieStar = true;
+ } else {
+ sm2.features.movieStar = false;
+ }
+ // regExp for flash canPlay(), etc.
+ sm2.filePattern = sm2.filePatterns[(fV !== 8 ? 'flash9' : 'flash8')];
+ // if applicable, use _debug versions of SWFs
+ sm2.movieURL = (fV === 8 ? 'soundmanager2.swf' : 'soundmanager2_flash9.swf').replace('.swf', isDebug);
+ sm2.features.peakData = sm2.features.waveformData = sm2.features.eqData = (fV > 8);
+ };
+ setPolling = function(bPolling, bHighPerformance) {
+ if (!flash) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ flash._setPolling(bPolling, bHighPerformance);
+ };
+ initDebug = function() {
+ // starts debug mode, creating output
for UAs without console object
+ // allow force of debug mode via URL
+ //
+ if (sm2.debugURLParam.test(wl)) {
+ sm2.setupOptions.debugMode = sm2.debugMode = true;
+ }
+ if (id(sm2.debugID)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var oD, oDebug, oTarget, oToggle, tmp;
+ if (sm2.debugMode && !id(sm2.debugID) && (!hasConsole || !sm2.useConsole || !sm2.consoleOnly)) {
+ oD = doc.createElement('div');
+ = sm2.debugID + '-toggle';
+ oToggle = {
+ 'position': 'fixed',
+ 'bottom': '0px',
+ 'right': '0px',
+ 'width': '1.2em',
+ 'height': '1.2em',
+ 'lineHeight': '1.2em',
+ 'margin': '2px',
+ 'textAlign': 'center',
+ 'border': '1px solid #999',
+ 'cursor': 'pointer',
+ 'background': '#fff',
+ 'color': '#333',
+ 'zIndex': 10001
+ };
+ oD.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('-'));
+ oD.onclick = toggleDebug;
+ oD.title = 'Toggle SM2 debug console';
+ if (ua.match(/msie 6/i)) {
+ = 'absolute';
+ = 'hand';
+ }
+ for (tmp in oToggle) {
+ if (oToggle.hasOwnProperty(tmp)) {
+[tmp] = oToggle[tmp];
+ }
+ }
+ oDebug = doc.createElement('div');
+ = sm2.debugID;
+ = (sm2.debugMode ? 'block' : 'none');
+ if (sm2.debugMode && !id( {
+ try {
+ oTarget = getDocument();
+ oTarget.appendChild(oD);
+ } catch(e2) {
+ throw new Error(str('domError') + ' \n' + e2.toString());
+ }
+ oTarget.appendChild(oDebug);
+ }
+ }
+ oTarget = null;
+ //
+ };
+ idCheck = this.getSoundById;
+ //
+ _wDS = function(o, errorLevel) {
+ return (!o ? '' : sm2._wD(str(o), errorLevel));
+ };
+ toggleDebug = function() {
+ var o = id(sm2.debugID),
+ oT = id(sm2.debugID + '-toggle');
+ if (!o) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (debugOpen) {
+ // minimize
+ oT.innerHTML = '+';
+ = 'none';
+ } else {
+ oT.innerHTML = '-';
+ = 'block';
+ }
+ debugOpen = !debugOpen;
+ };
+ debugTS = function(sEventType, bSuccess, sMessage) {
+ // troubleshooter debug hooks
+ if (window.sm2Debugger !== _undefined) {
+ try {
+ sm2Debugger.handleEvent(sEventType, bSuccess, sMessage);
+ } catch(e) {
+ // oh well
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ //
+ getSWFCSS = function() {
+ var css = [];
+ if (sm2.debugMode) {
+ css.push(swfCSS.sm2Debug);
+ }
+ if (sm2.debugFlash) {
+ css.push(swfCSS.flashDebug);
+ }
+ if (sm2.useHighPerformance) {
+ css.push(swfCSS.highPerf);
+ }
+ return css.join(' ');
+ };
+ flashBlockHandler = function() {
+ // *possible* flash block situation.
+ var name = str('fbHandler'),
+ p = sm2.getMoviePercent(),
+ css = swfCSS,
+ error = {
+ };
+ if (sm2.html5Only) {
+ // no flash, or unused
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!sm2.ok()) {
+ if (needsFlash) {
+ // make the movie more visible, so user can fix
+ sm2.oMC.className = getSWFCSS() + ' ' + css.swfDefault + ' ' + (p === null ? css.swfTimedout : css.swfError);
+ sm2._wD(name + ': ' + str('fbTimeout') + (p ? ' (' + str('fbLoaded') + ')' : ''));
+ }
+ sm2.didFlashBlock = true;
+ // fire onready(), complain lightly
+ processOnEvents({
+ type: 'ontimeout',
+ ignoreInit: true,
+ error: error
+ });
+ catchError(error);
+ } else {
+ // SM2 loaded OK (or recovered)
+ //
+ if (sm2.didFlashBlock) {
+ sm2._wD(name + ': Unblocked');
+ }
+ //
+ if (sm2.oMC) {
+ sm2.oMC.className = [getSWFCSS(), css.swfDefault, css.swfLoaded + (sm2.didFlashBlock ? ' ' + css.swfUnblocked : '')].join(' ');
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ addOnEvent = function(sType, oMethod, oScope) {
+ if (on_queue[sType] === _undefined) {
+ on_queue[sType] = [];
+ }
+ on_queue[sType].push({
+ 'method': oMethod,
+ 'scope': (oScope || null),
+ 'fired': false
+ });
+ };
+ processOnEvents = function(oOptions) {
+ // if unspecified, assume OK/error
+ if (!oOptions) {
+ oOptions = {
+ type: (sm2.ok() ? 'onready' : 'ontimeout')
+ };
+ }
+ if (!didInit && oOptions && !oOptions.ignoreInit) {
+ // not ready yet.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (oOptions.type === 'ontimeout' && (sm2.ok() || (disabled && !oOptions.ignoreInit))) {
+ // invalid case
+ return false;
+ }
+ var status = {
+ success: (oOptions && oOptions.ignoreInit ? sm2.ok() : !disabled)
+ },
+ // queue specified by type, or none
+ srcQueue = (oOptions && oOptions.type ? on_queue[oOptions.type] || [] : []),
+ queue = [], i, j,
+ args = [status],
+ canRetry = (needsFlash && !sm2.ok());
+ if (oOptions.error) {
+ args[0].error = oOptions.error;
+ }
+ for (i = 0, j = srcQueue.length; i < j; i++) {
+ if (srcQueue[i].fired !== true) {
+ queue.push(srcQueue[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (queue.length) {
+ // sm2._wD(sm + ': Firing ' + queue.length + ' ' + oOptions.type + '() item' + (queue.length === 1 ? '' : 's'));
+ for (i = 0, j = queue.length; i < j; i++) {
+ if (queue[i].scope) {
+ queue[i].method.apply(queue[i].scope, args);
+ } else {
+ queue[i].method.apply(this, args);
+ }
+ if (!canRetry) {
+ // useFlashBlock and SWF timeout case doesn't count here.
+ queue[i].fired = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ initUserOnload = function() {
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ if (sm2.useFlashBlock) {
+ flashBlockHandler();
+ }
+ processOnEvents();
+ // call user-defined "onload", scoped to window
+ if (typeof sm2.onload === 'function') {
+ _wDS('onload', 1);
+ sm2.onload.apply(window);
+ _wDS('onloadOK', 1);
+ }
+ if (sm2.waitForWindowLoad) {
+ event.add(window, 'load', initUserOnload);
+ }
+ }, 1);
+ };
+ detectFlash = function() {
+ /**
+ * Hat tip: Flash Detect library (BSD, (C) 2007) by Carl "DocYes" S. Yestrau
+ * /
+ */
+ if (hasFlash !== _undefined) {
+ // this work has already been done.
+ return hasFlash;
+ }
+ var hasPlugin = false, n = navigator, nP = n.plugins, obj, type, types, AX = window.ActiveXObject;
+ if (nP && nP.length) {
+ type = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
+ types = n.mimeTypes;
+ if (types && types[type] && types[type].enabledPlugin && types[type].enabledPlugin.description) {
+ hasPlugin = true;
+ }
+ } else if (AX !== _undefined && !ua.match(/MSAppHost/i)) {
+ // Windows 8 Store Apps (MSAppHost) are weird (compatibility?) and won't complain here, but will barf if Flash/ActiveX object is appended to the DOM.
+ try {
+ obj = new AX('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash');
+ } catch(e) {
+ // oh well
+ obj = null;
+ }
+ hasPlugin = (!!obj);
+ // cleanup, because it is ActiveX after all
+ obj = null;
+ }
+ hasFlash = hasPlugin;
+ return hasPlugin;
+ };
+featureCheck = function() {
+ var flashNeeded,
+ item,
+ formats = sm2.audioFormats,
+ // iPhone <= 3.1 has broken HTML5 audio(), but firmware 3.2 (original iPad) + iOS4 works.
+ isSpecial = (is_iDevice && !!(ua.match(/os (1|2|3_0|3_1)\s/i)));
+ if (isSpecial) {
+ // has Audio(), but is broken; let it load links directly.
+ sm2.hasHTML5 = false;
+ // ignore flash case, however
+ sm2.html5Only = true;
+ // hide the SWF, if present
+ if (sm2.oMC) {
+ = 'none';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (sm2.useHTML5Audio) {
+ if (!sm2.html5 || !sm2.html5.canPlayType) {
+ sm2._wD('SoundManager: No HTML5 Audio() support detected.');
+ sm2.hasHTML5 = false;
+ }
+ //
+ if (isBadSafari) {
+ sm2._wD(smc + 'Note: Buggy HTML5 Audio in Safari on this OS X release, see - ' + (!hasFlash ? ' would use flash fallback for MP3/MP4, but none detected.' : 'will use flash fallback for MP3/MP4, if available'), 1);
+ }
+ //
+ }
+ }
+ if (sm2.useHTML5Audio && sm2.hasHTML5) {
+ // sort out whether flash is optional, required or can be ignored.
+ // innocent until proven guilty.
+ canIgnoreFlash = true;
+ for (item in formats) {
+ if (formats.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
+ if (formats[item].required) {
+ if (!sm2.html5.canPlayType(formats[item].type)) {
+ // 100% HTML5 mode is not possible.
+ canIgnoreFlash = false;
+ flashNeeded = true;
+ } else if (sm2.preferFlash && (sm2.flash[item] || sm2.flash[formats[item].type])) {
+ // flash may be required, or preferred for this format.
+ flashNeeded = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // sanity check...
+ if (sm2.ignoreFlash) {
+ flashNeeded = false;
+ canIgnoreFlash = true;
+ }
+ sm2.html5Only = (sm2.hasHTML5 && sm2.useHTML5Audio && !flashNeeded);
+ return (!sm2.html5Only);
+ };
+ parseURL = function(url) {
+ /**
+ * Internal: Finds and returns the first playable URL (or failing that, the first URL.)
+ * @param {string or array} url A single URL string, OR, an array of URL strings or {url:'/path/to/resource', type:'audio/mp3'} objects.
+ */
+ var i, j, urlResult = 0, result;
+ if (url instanceof Array) {
+ // find the first good one
+ for (i = 0, j = url.length; i < j; i++) {
+ if (url[i] instanceof Object) {
+ // MIME check
+ if (sm2.canPlayMIME(url[i].type)) {
+ urlResult = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (sm2.canPlayURL(url[i])) {
+ // URL string check
+ urlResult = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // normalize to string
+ if (url[urlResult].url) {
+ url[urlResult] = url[urlResult].url;
+ }
+ result = url[urlResult];
+ } else {
+ // single URL case
+ result = url;
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ startTimer = function(oSound) {
+ /**
+ * attach a timer to this sound, and start an interval if needed
+ */
+ if (!oSound._hasTimer) {
+ oSound._hasTimer = true;
+ if (!mobileHTML5 && sm2.html5PollingInterval) {
+ if (h5IntervalTimer === null && h5TimerCount === 0) {
+ h5IntervalTimer = setInterval(timerExecute, sm2.html5PollingInterval);
+ }
+ h5TimerCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ stopTimer = function(oSound) {
+ /**
+ * detach a timer
+ */
+ if (oSound._hasTimer) {
+ oSound._hasTimer = false;
+ if (!mobileHTML5 && sm2.html5PollingInterval) {
+ // interval will stop itself at next execution.
+ h5TimerCount--;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ timerExecute = function() {
+ /**
+ * manual polling for HTML5 progress events, ie., whileplaying()
+ * (can achieve greater precision than conservative default HTML5 interval)
+ */
+ var i;
+ if (h5IntervalTimer !== null && !h5TimerCount) {
+ // no active timers, stop polling interval.
+ clearInterval(h5IntervalTimer);
+ h5IntervalTimer = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // check all HTML5 sounds with timers
+ for (i = sm2.soundIDs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]].isHTML5 && sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]]._hasTimer) {
+ sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]]._onTimer();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ catchError = function(options) {
+ options = (options !== _undefined ? options : {});
+ if (typeof sm2.onerror === 'function') {
+ sm2.onerror.apply(window, [{
+ type: (options.type !== _undefined ? options.type : null)
+ }]);
+ }
+ if (options.fatal !== _undefined && options.fatal) {
+ sm2.disable();
+ }
+ };
+ badSafariFix = function() {
+ // special case: "bad" Safari (OS X 10.3 - 10.7) must fall back to flash for MP3/MP4
+ if (!isBadSafari || !detectFlash()) {
+ // doesn't apply
+ return false;
+ }
+ var aF = sm2.audioFormats, i, item;
+ for (item in aF) {
+ if (aF.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
+ if (item === 'mp3' || item === 'mp4') {
+ sm2._wD(sm + ': Using flash fallback for ' + item + ' format');
+ sm2.html5[item] = false;
+ // assign result to related formats, too
+ if (aF[item] && aF[item].related) {
+ for (i = aF[item].related.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ sm2.html5[aF[item].related[i]] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Pseudo-private flash/ExternalInterface methods
+ * ----------------------------------------------
+ */
+ this._setSandboxType = function(sandboxType) {
+ //
+ // Security sandbox according to Flash plugin
+ var sb = sm2.sandbox;
+ sb.type = sandboxType;
+ sb.description = sb.types[(sb.types[sandboxType] !== _undefined?sandboxType : 'unknown')];
+ if (sb.type === 'localWithFile') {
+ sb.noRemote = true;
+ sb.noLocal = false;
+ _wDS('secNote', 2);
+ } else if (sb.type === 'localWithNetwork') {
+ sb.noRemote = false;
+ sb.noLocal = true;
+ } else if (sb.type === 'localTrusted') {
+ sb.noRemote = false;
+ sb.noLocal = false;
+ }
+ //
+ };
+ this._externalInterfaceOK = function(swfVersion) {
+ // flash callback confirming flash loaded, EI working etc.
+ // swfVersion: SWF build string
+ if (sm2.swfLoaded) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var e;
+ debugTS('swf', true);
+ debugTS('flashtojs', true);
+ sm2.swfLoaded = true;
+ tryInitOnFocus = false;
+ if (isBadSafari) {
+ badSafariFix();
+ }
+ // complain if JS + SWF build/version strings don't match, excluding +DEV builds
+ //
+ if (!swfVersion || swfVersion.replace(/\+dev/i,'') !== sm2.versionNumber.replace(/\+dev/i, '')) {
+ e = sm + ': Fatal: JavaScript file build "' + sm2.versionNumber + '" does not match Flash SWF build "' + swfVersion + '" at ' + sm2.url + '. Ensure both are up-to-date.';
+ // escape flash -> JS stack so this error fires in window.
+ setTimeout(function versionMismatch() {
+ throw new Error(e);
+ }, 0);
+ // exit, init will fail with timeout
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ // IE needs a larger timeout
+ setTimeout(init, isIE ? 100 : 1);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Private initialization helpers
+ * ------------------------------
+ */
+ createMovie = function(smID, smURL) {
+ if (didAppend && appendSuccess) {
+ // ignore if already succeeded
+ return false;
+ }
+ function initMsg() {
+ //
+ var options = [],
+ title,
+ msg = [],
+ delimiter = ' + ';
+ title = 'SoundManager ' + sm2.version + (!sm2.html5Only && sm2.useHTML5Audio ? (sm2.hasHTML5 ? ' + HTML5 audio' : ', no HTML5 audio support') : '');
+ if (!sm2.html5Only) {
+ if (sm2.preferFlash) {
+ options.push('preferFlash');
+ }
+ if (sm2.useHighPerformance) {
+ options.push('useHighPerformance');
+ }
+ if (sm2.flashPollingInterval) {
+ options.push('flashPollingInterval (' + sm2.flashPollingInterval + 'ms)');
+ }
+ if (sm2.html5PollingInterval) {
+ options.push('html5PollingInterval (' + sm2.html5PollingInterval + 'ms)');
+ }
+ if (sm2.wmode) {
+ options.push('wmode (' + sm2.wmode + ')');
+ }
+ if (sm2.debugFlash) {
+ options.push('debugFlash');
+ }
+ if (sm2.useFlashBlock) {
+ options.push('flashBlock');
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (sm2.html5PollingInterval) {
+ options.push('html5PollingInterval (' + sm2.html5PollingInterval + 'ms)');
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.length) {
+ msg = msg.concat([options.join(delimiter)]);
+ }
+ sm2._wD(title + (msg.length ? delimiter + msg.join(', ') : ''), 1);
+ showSupport();
+ //
+ }
+ if (sm2.html5Only) {
+ // 100% HTML5 mode
+ setVersionInfo();
+ initMsg();
+ sm2.oMC = id(sm2.movieID);
+ init();
+ // prevent multiple init attempts
+ didAppend = true;
+ appendSuccess = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // flash path
+ var remoteURL = (smURL || sm2.url),
+ localURL = (sm2.altURL || remoteURL),
+ swfTitle = 'JS/Flash audio component (SoundManager 2)',
+ oTarget = getDocument(),
+ extraClass = getSWFCSS(),
+ isRTL = null,
+ html = doc.getElementsByTagName('html')[0],
+ oEmbed, oMovie, tmp, movieHTML, oEl, s, x, sClass;
+ isRTL = (html && html.dir && html.dir.match(/rtl/i));
+ smID = (smID === _undefined ? : smID);
+ function param(name, value) {
+ return '
+ }
+ // safety check for legacy (change to Flash 9 URL)
+ setVersionInfo();
+ sm2.url = normalizeMovieURL(overHTTP ? remoteURL : localURL);
+ smURL = sm2.url;
+ sm2.wmode = (!sm2.wmode && sm2.useHighPerformance ? 'transparent' : sm2.wmode);
+ if (sm2.wmode !== null && (ua.match(/msie 8/i) || (!isIE && !sm2.useHighPerformance)) && navigator.platform.match(/win32|win64/i)) {
+ /**
+ * extra-special case: movie doesn't load until scrolled into view when using wmode = anything but 'window' here
+ * does not apply when using high performance (position:fixed means on-screen), OR infinite flash load timeout
+ * wmode breaks IE 8 on Vista + Win7 too in some cases, as of January 2011 (?)
+ */
+ messages.push(strings.spcWmode);
+ sm2.wmode = null;
+ }
+ oEmbed = {
+ 'name': smID,
+ 'id': smID,
+ 'src': smURL,
+ 'quality': 'high',
+ 'allowScriptAccess': sm2.allowScriptAccess,
+ 'bgcolor': sm2.bgColor,
+ 'pluginspage': http + '',
+ 'title': swfTitle,
+ 'type': 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
+ 'wmode': sm2.wmode,
+ //
+ 'hasPriority': 'true'
+ };
+ if (sm2.debugFlash) {
+ oEmbed.FlashVars = 'debug=1';
+ }
+ if (!sm2.wmode) {
+ // don't write empty attribute
+ delete oEmbed.wmode;
+ }
+ if (isIE) {
+ // IE is "special".
+ oMovie = doc.createElement('div');
+ movieHTML = [
+ '
+ ].join('');
+ } else {
+ oMovie = doc.createElement('embed');
+ for (tmp in oEmbed) {
+ if (oEmbed.hasOwnProperty(tmp)) {
+ oMovie.setAttribute(tmp, oEmbed[tmp]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ initDebug();
+ extraClass = getSWFCSS();
+ oTarget = getDocument();
+ if (oTarget) {
+ sm2.oMC = (id(sm2.movieID) || doc.createElement('div'));
+ if (! {
+ = sm2.movieID;
+ sm2.oMC.className = swfCSS.swfDefault + ' ' + extraClass;
+ s = null;
+ oEl = null;
+ if (!sm2.useFlashBlock) {
+ if (sm2.useHighPerformance) {
+ // on-screen at all times
+ s = {
+ 'position': 'fixed',
+ 'width': '8px',
+ 'height': '8px',
+ // >= 6px for flash to run fast, >= 8px to start up under Firefox/win32 in some cases. odd? yes.
+ 'bottom': '0px',
+ 'left': '0px',
+ 'overflow': 'hidden'
+ };
+ } else {
+ // hide off-screen, lower priority
+ s = {
+ 'position': 'absolute',
+ 'width': '6px',
+ 'height': '6px',
+ 'top': '-9999px',
+ 'left': '-9999px'
+ };
+ if (isRTL) {
+ s.left = Math.abs(parseInt(s.left, 10)) + 'px';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isWebkit) {
+ // soundcloud-reported render/crash fix, safari 5
+ = 10000;
+ }
+ if (!sm2.debugFlash) {
+ for (x in s) {
+ if (s.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
+[x] = s[x];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ if (!isIE) {
+ sm2.oMC.appendChild(oMovie);
+ }
+ oTarget.appendChild(sm2.oMC);
+ if (isIE) {
+ oEl = sm2.oMC.appendChild(doc.createElement('div'));
+ oEl.className = swfCSS.swfBox;
+ oEl.innerHTML = movieHTML;
+ }
+ appendSuccess = true;
+ } catch(e) {
+ throw new Error(str('domError') + ' \n' + e.toString());
+ }
+ } else {
+ // SM2 container is already in the document (eg. flashblock use case)
+ sClass = sm2.oMC.className;
+ sm2.oMC.className = (sClass ? sClass + ' ' : swfCSS.swfDefault) + (extraClass ? ' ' + extraClass : '');
+ sm2.oMC.appendChild(oMovie);
+ if (isIE) {
+ oEl = sm2.oMC.appendChild(doc.createElement('div'));
+ oEl.className = swfCSS.swfBox;
+ oEl.innerHTML = movieHTML;
+ }
+ appendSuccess = true;
+ }
+ }
+ didAppend = true;
+ initMsg();
+ // sm2._wD(sm + ': Trying to load ' + smURL + (!overHTTP && sm2.altURL ? ' (alternate URL)' : ''), 1);
+ return true;
+ };
+ initMovie = function() {
+ if (sm2.html5Only) {
+ createMovie();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // attempt to get, or create, movie (may already exist)
+ if (flash) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!sm2.url) {
+ /**
+ * Something isn't right - we've reached init, but the soundManager url property has not been set.
+ * User has not called setup({url: ...}), or has not set soundManager.url (legacy use case) directly before init time.
+ * Notify and exit. If user calls setup() with a url: property, init will be restarted as in the deferred loading case.
+ */
+ _wDS('noURL');
+ return false;
+ }
+ // inline markup case
+ flash = sm2.getMovie(;
+ if (!flash) {
+ if (!oRemoved) {
+ // try to create
+ createMovie(, sm2.url);
+ } else {
+ // try to re-append removed movie after reboot()
+ if (!isIE) {
+ sm2.oMC.appendChild(oRemoved);
+ } else {
+ sm2.oMC.innerHTML = oRemovedHTML;
+ }
+ oRemoved = null;
+ didAppend = true;
+ }
+ flash = sm2.getMovie(;
+ }
+ if (typeof sm2.oninitmovie === 'function') {
+ setTimeout(sm2.oninitmovie, 1);
+ }
+ //
+ flushMessages();
+ //
+ return true;
+ };
+ delayWaitForEI = function() {
+ setTimeout(waitForEI, 1000);
+ };
+ rebootIntoHTML5 = function() {
+ // special case: try for a reboot with preferFlash: false, if 100% HTML5 mode is possible and useFlashBlock is not enabled.
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ complain(smc + 'useFlashBlock is false, 100% HTML5 mode is possible. Rebooting with preferFlash: false...');
+ sm2.setup({
+ preferFlash: false
+ }).reboot();
+ // if for some reason you want to detect this case, use an ontimeout() callback and look for html5Only and didFlashBlock == true.
+ sm2.didFlashBlock = true;
+ sm2.beginDelayedInit();
+ }, 1);
+ };
+ waitForEI = function() {
+ var p,
+ loadIncomplete = false;
+ if (!sm2.url) {
+ // No SWF url to load (noURL case) - exit for now. Will be retried when url is set.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (waitingForEI) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ waitingForEI = true;
+ event.remove(window, 'load', delayWaitForEI);
+ if (hasFlash && tryInitOnFocus && !isFocused) {
+ // Safari won't load flash in background tabs, only when focused.
+ _wDS('waitFocus');
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!didInit) {
+ p = sm2.getMoviePercent();
+ if (p > 0 && p < 100) {
+ loadIncomplete = true;
+ }
+ }
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ p = sm2.getMoviePercent();
+ if (loadIncomplete) {
+ // special case: if movie *partially* loaded, retry until it's 100% before assuming failure.
+ waitingForEI = false;
+ sm2._wD(str('waitSWF'));
+ window.setTimeout(delayWaitForEI, 1);
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ if (!didInit) {
+ sm2._wD(sm + ': No Flash response within expected time. Likely causes: ' + (p === 0 ? 'SWF load failed, ' : '') + 'Flash blocked or JS-Flash security error.' + (sm2.debugFlash ? ' ' + str('checkSWF') : ''), 2);
+ if (!overHTTP && p) {
+ _wDS('localFail', 2);
+ if (!sm2.debugFlash) {
+ _wDS('tryDebug', 2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (p === 0) {
+ // if 0 (not null), probably a 404.
+ sm2._wD(str('swf404', sm2.url), 1);
+ }
+ debugTS('flashtojs', false, ': Timed out' + (overHTTP ? ' (Check flash security or flash blockers)':' (No plugin/missing SWF?)'));
+ }
+ //
+ // give up / time-out, depending
+ if (!didInit && okToDisable) {
+ if (p === null) {
+ // SWF failed to report load progress. Possibly blocked.
+ if (sm2.useFlashBlock || sm2.flashLoadTimeout === 0) {
+ if (sm2.useFlashBlock) {
+ flashBlockHandler();
+ }
+ _wDS('waitForever');
+ } else {
+ // no custom flash block handling, but SWF has timed out. Will recover if user unblocks / allows SWF load.
+ if (!sm2.useFlashBlock && canIgnoreFlash) {
+ rebootIntoHTML5();
+ } else {
+ _wDS('waitForever');
+ // fire any regular registered ontimeout() listeners.
+ processOnEvents({
+ type: 'ontimeout',
+ ignoreInit: true,
+ error: {
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // SWF loaded? Shouldn't be a blocking issue, then.
+ if (sm2.flashLoadTimeout === 0) {
+ _wDS('waitForever');
+ } else {
+ if (!sm2.useFlashBlock && canIgnoreFlash) {
+ rebootIntoHTML5();
+ } else {
+ failSafely(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, sm2.flashLoadTimeout);
+ };
+ handleFocus = function() {
+ function cleanup() {
+ event.remove(window, 'focus', handleFocus);
+ }
+ if (isFocused || !tryInitOnFocus) {
+ // already focused, or not special Safari background tab case
+ cleanup();
+ return true;
+ }
+ okToDisable = true;
+ isFocused = true;
+ _wDS('gotFocus');
+ // allow init to restart
+ waitingForEI = false;
+ // kick off ExternalInterface timeout, now that the SWF has started
+ delayWaitForEI();
+ cleanup();
+ return true;
+ };
+ flushMessages = function() {
+ //
+ // SM2 pre-init debug messages
+ if (messages.length) {
+ sm2._wD('SoundManager 2: ' + messages.join(' '), 1);
+ messages = [];
+ }
+ //
+ };
+ showSupport = function() {
+ //
+ flushMessages();
+ var item, tests = [];
+ if (sm2.useHTML5Audio && sm2.hasHTML5) {
+ for (item in sm2.audioFormats) {
+ if (sm2.audioFormats.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
+ tests.push(item + ' = ' + sm2.html5[item] + (!sm2.html5[item] && needsFlash && sm2.flash[item] ? ' (using flash)' : (sm2.preferFlash && sm2.flash[item] && needsFlash ? ' (preferring flash)' : (!sm2.html5[item] ? ' (' + (sm2.audioFormats[item].required ? 'required, ' : '') + 'and no flash support)' : ''))));
+ }
+ }
+ sm2._wD('SoundManager 2 HTML5 support: ' + tests.join(', '), 1);
+ }
+ //
+ };
+ initComplete = function(bNoDisable) {
+ if (didInit) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (sm2.html5Only) {
+ // all good.
+ _wDS('sm2Loaded', 1);
+ didInit = true;
+ initUserOnload();
+ debugTS('onload', true);
+ return true;
+ }
+ var wasTimeout = (sm2.useFlashBlock && sm2.flashLoadTimeout && !sm2.getMoviePercent()),
+ result = true,
+ error;
+ if (!wasTimeout) {
+ didInit = true;
+ }
+ error = {
+ type: (!hasFlash && needsFlash ? 'NO_FLASH' : 'INIT_TIMEOUT')
+ };
+ sm2._wD('SoundManager 2 ' + (disabled ? 'failed to load' : 'loaded') + ' (' + (disabled ? 'Flash security/load error' : 'OK') + ') ' + String.fromCharCode(disabled ? 10006 : 10003), disabled ? 2: 1);
+ if (disabled || bNoDisable) {
+ if (sm2.useFlashBlock && sm2.oMC) {
+ sm2.oMC.className = getSWFCSS() + ' ' + (sm2.getMoviePercent() === null ? swfCSS.swfTimedout : swfCSS.swfError);
+ }
+ processOnEvents({
+ type: 'ontimeout',
+ error: error,
+ ignoreInit: true
+ });
+ debugTS('onload', false);
+ catchError(error);
+ result = false;
+ } else {
+ debugTS('onload', true);
+ }
+ if (!disabled) {
+ if (sm2.waitForWindowLoad && !windowLoaded) {
+ _wDS('waitOnload');
+ event.add(window, 'load', initUserOnload);
+ } else {
+ //
+ if (sm2.waitForWindowLoad && windowLoaded) {
+ _wDS('docLoaded');
+ }
+ //
+ initUserOnload();
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ /**
+ * apply top-level setupOptions object as local properties, eg., this.setupOptions.flashVersion -> this.flashVersion (soundManager.flashVersion)
+ * this maintains backward compatibility, and allows properties to be defined separately for use by soundManager.setup().
+ */
+ setProperties = function() {
+ var i,
+ o = sm2.setupOptions;
+ for (i in o) {
+ if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ // assign local property if not already defined
+ if (sm2[i] === _undefined) {
+ sm2[i] = o[i];
+ } else if (sm2[i] !== o[i]) {
+ // legacy support: write manually-assigned property (eg., soundManager.url) back to setupOptions to keep things in sync
+ sm2.setupOptions[i] = sm2[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ init = function() {
+ // called after onload()
+ if (didInit) {
+ _wDS('didInit');
+ return false;
+ }
+ function cleanup() {
+ event.remove(window, 'load', sm2.beginDelayedInit);
+ }
+ if (sm2.html5Only) {
+ if (!didInit) {
+ // we don't need no steenking flash!
+ cleanup();
+ sm2.enabled = true;
+ initComplete();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // flash path
+ initMovie();
+ try {
+ // attempt to talk to Flash
+ flash._externalInterfaceTest(false);
+ /**
+ * Apply user-specified polling interval, OR, if "high performance" set, faster vs. default polling
+ * (determines frequency of whileloading/whileplaying callbacks, effectively driving UI framerates)
+ */
+ setPolling(true, (sm2.flashPollingInterval || (sm2.useHighPerformance ? 10 : 50)));
+ if (!sm2.debugMode) {
+ // stop the SWF from making debug output calls to JS
+ flash._disableDebug();
+ }
+ sm2.enabled = true;
+ debugTS('jstoflash', true);
+ if (!sm2.html5Only) {
+ // prevent browser from showing cached page state (or rather, restoring "suspended" page state) via back button, because flash may be dead
+ //
+ event.add(window, 'unload', doNothing);
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ sm2._wD('js/flash exception: ' + e.toString());
+ debugTS('jstoflash', false);
+ catchError({
+ fatal: true
+ });
+ // don't disable, for reboot()
+ failSafely(true);
+ initComplete();
+ return false;
+ }
+ initComplete();
+ // disconnect events
+ cleanup();
+ return true;
+ };
+ domContentLoaded = function() {
+ if (didDCLoaded) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ didDCLoaded = true;
+ // assign top-level soundManager properties eg. soundManager.url
+ setProperties();
+ initDebug();
+ if (!hasFlash && sm2.hasHTML5) {
+ sm2._wD('SoundManager 2: No Flash detected' + (!sm2.useHTML5Audio ? ', enabling HTML5.' : '. Trying HTML5-only mode.'), 1);
+ sm2.setup({
+ 'useHTML5Audio': true,
+ // make sure we aren't preferring flash, either
+ // TODO: preferFlash should not matter if flash is not installed. Currently, stuff breaks without the below tweak.
+ 'preferFlash': false
+ });
+ }
+ testHTML5();
+ if (!hasFlash && needsFlash) {
+ messages.push(strings.needFlash);
+ // TODO: Fatal here vs. timeout approach, etc.
+ // hack: fail sooner.
+ sm2.setup({
+ 'flashLoadTimeout': 1
+ });
+ }
+ if (doc.removeEventListener) {
+ doc.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', domContentLoaded, false);
+ }
+ initMovie();
+ return true;
+ };
+ domContentLoadedIE = function() {
+ if (doc.readyState === 'complete') {
+ domContentLoaded();
+ doc.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', domContentLoadedIE);
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ winOnLoad = function() {
+ // catch edge case of initComplete() firing after window.load()
+ windowLoaded = true;
+ // catch case where DOMContentLoaded has been sent, but we're still in doc.readyState = 'interactive'
+ domContentLoaded();
+ event.remove(window, 'load', winOnLoad);
+ };
+ // sniff up-front
+ detectFlash();
+ // focus and window load, init (primarily flash-driven)
+ event.add(window, 'focus', handleFocus);
+ event.add(window, 'load', delayWaitForEI);
+ event.add(window, 'load', winOnLoad);
+ if (doc.addEventListener) {
+ doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', domContentLoaded, false);
+ } else if (doc.attachEvent) {
+ doc.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', domContentLoadedIE);
+ } else {
+ // no add/attachevent support - safe to assume no JS -> Flash either
+ debugTS('onload', false);
+ catchError({
+ type: 'NO_DOM2_EVENTS',
+ fatal: true
+ });
+ }
+} // SoundManager()
+// SM2_DEFER details:
+if (window.SM2_DEFER === _undefined || !SM2_DEFER) {
+ soundManager = new SoundManager();
+ * SoundManager public interfaces
+ * ------------------------------
+ */
+if (typeof module === 'object' && module && typeof module.exports === 'object') {
+ /**
+ * commonJS module
+ */
+ module.exports.SoundManager = SoundManager;
+ module.exports.soundManager = soundManager;
+} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ /**
+ * AMD - requireJS
+ * basic usage:
+ * require(["/path/to/soundmanager2.js"], function(SoundManager) {
+ * SoundManager.getInstance().setup({
+ * url: '/swf/',
+ * onready: function() { ... }
+ * })
+ * });
+ *
+ * SM2_DEFER usage:
+ * window.SM2_DEFER = true;
+ * require(["/path/to/soundmanager2.js"], function(SoundManager) {
+ * SoundManager.getInstance(function() {
+ * var soundManager = new SoundManager.constructor();
+ * soundManager.setup({
+ * url: '/swf/',
+ * ...
+ * });
+ * ...
+ * soundManager.beginDelayedInit();
+ * return soundManager;
+ * })
+ * });
+ */
+ define(function() {
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the global instance of SoundManager.
+ * If a global instance does not exist it can be created using a callback.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} smBuilder Optional: Callback used to create a new SoundManager instance
+ * @return {SoundManager} The global SoundManager instance
+ */
+ function getInstance(smBuilder) {
+ if (!window.soundManager && smBuilder instanceof Function) {
+ var instance = smBuilder(SoundManager);
+ if (instance instanceof SoundManager) {
+ window.soundManager = instance;
+ }
+ }
+ return window.soundManager;
+ }
+ return {
+ constructor: SoundManager,
+ getInstance: getInstance
+ }
+ });
+// standard browser case
+// constructor
+window.SoundManager = SoundManager;
+ * note: SM2 requires a window global due to Flash, which makes calls to window.soundManager.
+ * Flash may not always be needed, but this is not known until async init and SM2 may even "reboot" into Flash mode.
+ */
+// public API, flash callbacks etc.
+window.soundManager = soundManager;
diff --git a/l10n/cs.js b/l10n/cs.js
index 9bafec8f..5fe4d8f9 100644
--- a/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/l10n/cs.js
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
- "audioplayer",
- {
- "Welcome to" : "Vítejte v aplikaci",
- "Audio Player" : "Přehrávač Hudby",
- "Add new tracks to library" : "Přidat nové skladby do playlistu",
- "Scan for new audio files" : "Vyhledat nové skladby",
- "New or updated audio files available" : "Jsou dostupné nové nebo aktualizované skladby",
- "Help" : "Nápověda",
- "Sort playlist" : "Setřídit playlist",
- "Rename playlist" : "Přejmenovat playlist",
- "Delete playlist" : "Smazat playlist",
- "Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop" : "Přetažením přidáte nové skladby do playlistu.",
- "No playlist selected!" : "Není vybrán žádný playlist!",
- "Sort modus active" : "Řazení aktivní",
- "Playlist successfully deleted!" : "Playlist byl úspěšně odstraněn!",
- "Start scanning…" : "Začít vyhledávat…",
- "Scanning finished! New Audios found!" : "Vyhledávání dokončeno! Byly nalezeny nové skladby!",
- "Yes" : "Ano",
- "No" : "Ne",
- "Error" : "Chyba",
- "Are you sure?" : "Jste si jistí?",
- "Disc" : "Disk",
- "Track" : "Skladba",
- "File" : "Soubor",
- "Title" : "Titul",
- "Subtitle" : "Podtitul",
- "Artist" : "Interpret",
- "Album Artist" : "Interpret alba",
- "Year" : "Rok",
- "Album" : "Album",
- "Albums" : "Alba",
- "Composer" : "Skladatel",
- "Metadata" : "Metadata",
- "Edit metadata" : "Upravit metadata",
- "ID3 Editor" : "Editor ID3",
- "No ID3 editor installed" : "Není nainstalovaný žádný editor ID3",
- "Playlists" : "Playlisty",
- "No playlist entry" : "Nenachází se v žádném playlistu",
- "Lyrics" : "Text",
- "No lyrics found" : "Žádný text nebyl nalezen",
- "Reading data" : "Probíhá čtení dat",
- "No data" : "Žádná data",
- "Remove" : "Odstranit",
- "Options" : "Možnosti",
- "MIME type" : "Typ MIME",
- "MIME type not supported by browser" : "Typ MIME není podporován prohlížečem",
- "Missing permission to edit metadata of track!" : "Nedostatečné oprávnění pro úpravu metadat!",
- "Existing Albums" : "Album již existuje",
- "New Album" : "Nové album",
- "Genre" : "Žánr",
- "Add as Album Cover" : "Přidat jako obálku alba",
- "of" : "z",
- "Total" : "Celkem",
- "Select from cloud" : "Vybrat z cloudu",
- "Edit" : "Upravit",
- "Delete" : "Smazat",
- "Settings" : "Nastavení",
- "Select a single folder with audio files" : "Vyberte jednu složku s audiosoubory",
- "Invalid path!" : "Neplatná cesta!",
- "saved" : "uloženo",
- "Reset library" : "Obnovit knihovnu",
- "Start resetting library…" : "Začít s obnovou knihovny...",
- "Resetting finished!" : "Obnova dokončena!",
- "All library entries will be deleted!" : "Všechny záznamy v knihovně budou smazány!",
- "Close" : "Zavřít",
- "Play" : "Hrát",
- "Save" : "Uložit",
- "Existing Artists" : "Existující interpreti",
- "New Artist" : "Nový interpret",
- "Existing Genres" : "Existující žánry",
- "New Genre" : "Nový žánr",
- "Selected" : "Vybráno",
- "Selected Album" : "Vybrané album",
- "Selected Artist" : "Vybraný interpret",
- "Selected Album Artist" : "Vybraný interpret alba",
- "Selected Composer" : "Vybraný skladatel",
- "Selected Folder" : "Vybraná složka",
- "Selected Genre" : "Vybraný žánr",
- "Selected Playlist" : "Vybraný playlist",
- "Selected Year" : "Vybraný rok",
- "Length" : "Délka"
\ No newline at end of file
+ 'audioplayer',
+ {
+ 'Welcome to' : 'Vítejte v aplikaci',
+ 'Audio Player' : 'Přehrávač Hudby',
+ 'Add new tracks to library' : 'Přidat nové skladby do playlistu',
+ 'Scan for new audio files' : 'Vyhledat nové skladby',
+ 'New or updated audio files available' : 'Jsou dostupné nové nebo aktualizované skladby',
+ 'Help' : 'Nápověda',
+ 'Sort playlist' : 'Setřídit playlist',
+ 'Rename playlist' : 'Přejmenovat playlist',
+ 'Delete playlist' : 'Smazat playlist',
+ 'Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop' : 'Přetažením přidáte nové skladby do playlistu.',
+ 'No playlist selected!' : 'Není vybrán žádný playlist!',
+ 'Sort modus active' : 'Řazení aktivní',
+ 'Playlist successfully deleted!' : 'Playlist byl úspěšně odstraněn!',
+ 'Start scanning…' : 'Začít vyhledávat…',
+ 'Scanning finished! New Audios found!' : 'Vyhledávání dokončeno! Byly nalezeny nové skladby!',
+ 'Yes' : 'Ano',
+ 'No' : 'Ne',
+ 'Error' : 'Chyba',
+ 'Are you sure?' : 'Jste si jistí?',
+ 'Disc' : 'Disk',
+ 'Track' : 'Skladba',
+ 'File' : 'Soubor',
+ 'Title' : 'Titul',
+ 'Subtitle' : 'Podtitul',
+ 'Artist' : 'Interpret',
+ 'Album Artist' : 'Interpret alba',
+ 'Year' : 'Rok',
+ 'Album' : 'Album',
+ 'Albums' : 'Alba',
+ 'Composer' : 'Skladatel',
+ 'Metadata' : 'Metadata',
+ 'Edit metadata' : 'Upravit metadata',
+ 'ID3 Editor' : 'Editor ID3',
+ 'No ID3 editor installed' : 'Není nainstalovaný žádný editor ID3',
+ 'Playlists' : 'Playlisty',
+ 'No playlist entry' : 'Nenachází se v žádném playlistu',
+ 'Lyrics' : 'Text',
+ 'No lyrics found' : 'Žádný text nebyl nalezen',
+ 'Reading data' : 'Probíhá čtení dat',
+ 'No data' : 'Žádná data',
+ 'Remove' : 'Odstranit',
+ 'Options' : 'Možnosti',
+ 'MIME type' : 'Typ MIME',
+ 'MIME type not supported by browser' : 'Typ MIME není podporován prohlížečem',
+ 'Missing permission to edit metadata of track!' : 'Nedostatečné oprávnění pro úpravu metadat!',
+ 'Existing Albums' : 'Album již existuje',
+ 'New Album' : 'Nové album',
+ 'Genre' : 'Žánr',
+ 'Add as Album Cover' : 'Přidat jako obálku alba',
+ 'of' : 'z',
+ 'Total' : 'Celkem',
+ 'Select from cloud' : 'Vybrat z cloudu',
+ 'Edit' : 'Upravit',
+ 'Delete' : 'Smazat',
+ 'Settings' : 'Nastavení',
+ 'Select a single folder with audio files' : 'Vyberte jednu složku s audiosoubory',
+ 'Invalid path!' : 'Neplatná cesta!',
+ 'saved' : 'uloženo',
+ 'Reset library' : 'Obnovit knihovnu',
+ 'Start resetting library…' : 'Začít s obnovou knihovny...',
+ 'Resetting finished!' : 'Obnova dokončena!',
+ 'All library entries will be deleted!' : 'Všechny záznamy v knihovně budou smazány!',
+ 'Close' : 'Zavřít',
+ 'Play' : 'Hrát',
+ 'Save' : 'Uložit',
+ 'Existing Artists' : 'Existující interpreti',
+ 'New Artist' : 'Nový interpret',
+ 'Existing Genres' : 'Existující žánry',
+ 'New Genre' : 'Nový žánr',
+ 'Selected' : 'Vybráno',
+ 'Selected Album' : 'Vybrané album',
+ 'Selected Artist' : 'Vybraný interpret',
+ 'Selected Album Artist' : 'Vybraný interpret alba',
+ 'Selected Composer' : 'Vybraný skladatel',
+ 'Selected Folder' : 'Vybraná složka',
+ 'Selected Genre' : 'Vybraný žánr',
+ 'Selected Playlist' : 'Vybraný playlist',
+ 'Selected Year' : 'Vybraný rok',
+ 'Length' : 'Délka'
+ },
+ '');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/l10n/cs.json b/l10n/cs.json
index 779bc1e0..5e615faa 100644
--- a/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/l10n/cs.json
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
- "translations": {
- "Audio Player": "Přehrávač Hudby",
- "Albums": "Alba",
- "Create new playlist": "Vytvořit nový playlist",
- "GO": "Jdi",
- "Scan for new audio files": "Vyhledat nové skladby.",
- "Nr": "Č.",
- "Title": "Titul",
- "Titles": "Tituly",
- "All Titles": "Všechny tituly",
- "Album": "Album",
- "Scan for audio files": "Vyhledat skladby",
- "Start scanning…": "Začít vyhledávat…",
- "Scanning finished!": "Vyhledávání dokončeno!",
- "Audios found: ": "Nalezené skladby: ",
- "Albums found: ": "Nalezená alba: ",
- "Duplicates found: ": "Nalezené duplikáty: ",
- "Written to library: ": "Uloženo do knihovny: ",
- "Reset library": "Obnovit knihovnu",
- "Volume": "Hlasitost",
- "Previous track": "Předchozí skladba",
- "Next track": "Následující skladba",
- "Play/Pause": "Hrát/Pauza",
- "Cancel": "Zrušit",
- "Close": "Zavřít",
- "Length": "Délka",
- "Opt": "Volba",
- "Sorting Playlist success! Playlist reloaded!": "Playlist úspěšně seřazen! Playlist byl obnoven!",
- "Various Artists": "Různí interpreti",
- "Various": "Různé",
- "Repeat playlist": "Opakovat playlist",
- "Shuffle playlist": "Zamíchat playlist",
- "Playlists": "Playlisty",
- "Smart Playlists": "Chytré playlisty",
- "Favorites": "Oblíbené",
- "Recently Added": "Nedávno přidané",
- "Recently Played": "Nedávno přehrané",
- "Most Played": "Nejvíce přehrávané",
- "Top Rated": "Nejlépe hodnocené",
- "Music": "Hudba",
- "- choose -": "- vyberte -",
- "Errors: ": "Chyby: ",
- "Edit picture": "Upravit obrázek",
- "If rescan does not solve this problem the files are broken": "Pokud opakované vyhledávání nevyřeší tento problém, jsou soubory poškozeny.",
- "Disc": "Disk",
- "Discs": "Disky",
- "Track": "Skladba",
- "Tracks": "Skladby",
- "Year": "Rok",
- "Years": "Roky",
- "Selection": "Výběr",
- "All": "Všechno",
- "Unknown": "Neznámý",
- "Artist": "Interpret",
- "Artists": "Interpreti",
- "Album Artists": "Album interpretů",
- "Composer": "Skladatel",
- "Composers": "Skladatelé",
- "Folders": "Složky",
- "Genres": "Žánry",
- "Settings": "Nastavení",
- "Cyrillic support": "Podpora cyrilice",
- "More information…": "Více informací…",
- "Search for audio files in": "Hledat skladby v",
- "Formats supported by the browser": "Souborové formáty podporované prohlížečem",
- "Formats not supported by the browser": "Souborové formáty nepodporované prohlížečem",
- "Please reset and rescan library to make use of new features.": "Pro využití nových funkcí obnovte Vaši knihovnu skladeb prosím.",
- "Do you like this app?": "Líbí se Vám tato aplikace?",
- "Name of the SONOS player or group": "Název SONOS přehrávače nebo skupiny",
- "All titles will be played on your SONOS speaker": "Všechny skladby budou přehrány na Vašem SONOS reproduktoru",
- "Server path to the SMB directory where all audio files are located": "Umístění Vašich audio souborů na SMB serveru",
- "The SONOS plugin needs to be enabled by the administrator": "The SONOS plugin needs to be enabled by the administrator",
- "Enable for all users": "Enable for all users"
- },
- "pluralForm": ""
+ "translations": {
+ "Audio Player": "Přehrávač Hudby",
+ "Albums": "Alba",
+ "Create new playlist": "Vytvořit nový playlist",
+ "GO": "Jdi",
+ "Scan for new audio files": "Vyhledat nové skladby.",
+ "Nr": "Č.",
+ "Title": "Titul",
+ "Titles": "Tituly",
+ "All Titles": "Všechny tituly",
+ "Album": "Album",
+ "Scan for audio files": "Vyhledat skladby",
+ "Start scanning…": "Začít vyhledávat…",
+ "Scanning finished!": "Vyhledávání dokončeno!",
+ "Audios found: ": "Nalezené skladby: ",
+ "Albums found: ": "Nalezená alba: ",
+ "Duplicates found: ": "Nalezené duplikáty: ",
+ "Written to library: ": "Uloženo do knihovny: ",
+ "Reset library": "Obnovit knihovnu",
+ "Volume": "Hlasitost",
+ "Previous track": "Předchozí skladba",
+ "Next track": "Následující skladba",
+ "Play/Pause": "Hrát/Pauza",
+ "Cancel": "Zrušit",
+ "Close": "Zavřít",
+ "Length": "Délka",
+ "Opt": "Volba",
+ "Sorting Playlist success! Playlist reloaded!": "Playlist úspěšně seřazen! Playlist byl obnoven!",
+ "Various Artists": "Různí interpreti",
+ "Various": "Různé",
+ "Repeat playlist": "Opakovat playlist",
+ "Shuffle playlist": "Zamíchat playlist",
+ "Playlists": "Playlisty",
+ "Smart Playlists": "Chytré playlisty",
+ "Favorites": "Oblíbené",
+ "Recently Added": "Nedávno přidané",
+ "Recently Played": "Nedávno přehrané",
+ "Most Played": "Nejvíce přehrávané",
+ "Top Rated": "Nejlépe hodnocené",
+ "Music": "Hudba",
+ "- choose -": "- vyberte -",
+ "Errors: ": "Chyby: ",
+ "Edit picture": "Upravit obrázek",
+ "If rescan does not solve this problem the files are broken": "Pokud opakované vyhledávání nevyřeší tento problém, jsou soubory poškozeny.",
+ "Disc": "Disk",
+ "Discs": "Disky",
+ "Track": "Skladba",
+ "Tracks": "Skladby",
+ "Year": "Rok",
+ "Years": "Roky",
+ "Selection": "Výběr",
+ "All": "Všechno",
+ "Unknown": "Neznámý",
+ "Artist": "Interpret",
+ "Artists": "Interpreti",
+ "Album Artists": "Album interpretů",
+ "Composer": "Skladatel",
+ "Composers": "Skladatelé",
+ "Folders": "Složky",
+ "Genres": "Žánry",
+ "Settings": "Nastavení",
+ "Cyrillic support": "Podpora cyrilice",
+ "More information…": "Více informací…",
+ "Search for audio files in": "Hledat skladby v",
+ "Formats supported by the browser": "Souborové formáty podporované prohlížečem",
+ "Formats not supported by the browser": "Souborové formáty nepodporované prohlížečem",
+ "Please reset and rescan library to make use of new features.": "Pro využití nových funkcí obnovte Vaši knihovnu skladeb prosím.",
+ "Do you like this app?": "Líbí se Vám tato aplikace?",
+ "Name of the SONOS player or group": "Název SONOS přehrávače nebo skupiny",
+ "All titles will be played on your SONOS speaker": "Všechny skladby budou přehrány na Vašem SONOS reproduktoru",
+ "Server path to the SMB directory where all audio files are located": "Umístění Vašich audio souborů na SMB serveru",
+ "The SONOS plugin needs to be enabled by the administrator": "The SONOS plugin needs to be enabled by the administrator",
+ "Enable for all users": "Enable for all users"
+ },
+ "pluralForm": ""
diff --git a/l10n/de.js b/l10n/de.js
index 3e455591..67be6d02 100644
--- a/l10n/de.js
+++ b/l10n/de.js
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
- "audioplayer",
+ 'audioplayer',
- "Welcome to" : "Willkommen bei",
- "Audio Player" : "Audio-Player",
- "Add new tracks to library" : "Der Bibliothek neue Titel hinzufügen",
- "Scan for new audio files" : "Nach neuen Audiodateien suchen",
- "New or updated audio files available" : "Neue oder aktualisierte Audiodateien verfügbar",
- "Help" : "Hilfe",
- "Sort playlist" : "Wiedergabeliste sortieren",
- "Rename playlist" : "Wiedergabeliste umbenennen",
- "Delete playlist" : "Wiedergabeliste löschen",
- "Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop" : "Der Wiedergabeliste neue Titel per Drag und Drop hinzufügen",
- "No playlist selected!" : "Keine Wiedergabeliste ausgewählt!",
- "Sort modus active" : "Sortiermodus aktiv",
- "Playlist successfully deleted!" : "Wiedergabeliste erfolgreich gelöscht!",
- "Start scanning…" : "Scannen starten…",
- "Scanning finished! New Audios found!" : "Scannen beendet! Neue Audiodateien gefunden!",
- "Yes" : "Ja",
- "No" : "Nein",
- "Error" : "Fehler",
- "Are you sure?" : "Bist du sicher?",
- "Disc" : "Disc",
- "Track" : "Stück",
- "File" : "Datei",
- "Title" : "Titel",
- "Subtitle" : "Untertitel",
- "Artist" : "Interpret",
- "Album Artist" : "Albuminterpret",
- "Genre" : "Genre",
- "Year" : "Jahr",
- "Album" : "Album",
- "Albums" : "Alben",
- "Composer" : "Composer",
- "Metadata" : "Metadaten",
- "Edit metadata" : "Metadaten bearbeiten",
- "ID3 Editor" : "ID3-Editor",
- "No ID3 editor installed" : "Kein ID3-Editor installiert",
- "Playlists" : "Wiedergabelisten",
- "No playlist entry" : "Kein Wiedergabelisten-Eintrag",
- "Lyrics" : "Liedtexte",
- "No lyrics found" : "Kein Liedtext gefunden",
- "Reading data" : "Lese Daten",
- "No data" : "Keine Daten",
- "Remove" : "Entfernen",
- "Options" : "Optionen",
- "MIME type" : "MIME-Typ",
- "MIME type not supported by browser" : "MIME-Typ vom Browser nicht unterstützt",
- "Missing permission to edit metadata of track!" : "Fehlende Berechtigung zum Bearbeiten der Metadaten des Stücks!",
- "Existing Albums" : "Vorhandene Alben",
- "New Album" : "Neues Album",
- "Existing Artists" : "Vorhandene Interpreten",
- "New Artist" : " Neuer Interpret",
- "Existing Genres" : "Vorhandene Genres",
- "New Genre" : "Neues Genre",
- "Add as Album Cover" : "Als Album-Cover verwenden",
- "of" : "von",
- "Total" : "Gesamt",
- "Select from cloud" : "Bild aus Cloud wählen",
- "Edit" : "Bearbeiten",
- "Delete" : "Löschen",
- "Settings" : "Einstellungen",
- "Select a single folder with audio files" : "Einzelnen Ordner mit Audiodateien auswählen",
- "Invalid path!" : "Ungültiger Pfad!",
- "saved" : "gespeichert",
- "Reset library" : "Bibliothek zurücksetzen",
- "Start resetting library…" : "Bibliothek wird zurückgesetzt…",
- "Resetting finished!" : "Zurücksetzen beendet!",
- "All library entries will be deleted!" : "Alle Bibliothekseinträge werden gelöscht!",
- "Close" : "Schließen",
- "Play" : "Abspielen",
- "Save" : "Speichern",
- "Selected" : "Ausgewählt",
- "Selected Album" : "Ausgewähltes Album",
- "Selected Artist" : "Ausgewählter Interpret",
- "Selected Album Artist" : "Ausgewählter Albuminterpret",
- "Selected Composer" : "Ausgewählter Komponist",
- "Selected Folder" : "Ausgewählter Ordner",
- "Selected Genre" : "Ausgewähltes Genre",
- "Selected Playlist" : "Ausgewählte Wiedergabeliste",
- "Selected Year" : "Ausgewähltes Jahr",
- "Length" : "Länge"
+ 'Welcome to' : 'Willkommen bei',
+ 'Audio Player' : 'Audio-Player',
+ 'Add new tracks to library' : 'Der Bibliothek neue Titel hinzufügen',
+ 'Scan for new audio files' : 'Nach neuen Audiodateien suchen',
+ 'New or updated audio files available' : 'Neue oder aktualisierte Audiodateien verfügbar',
+ 'Help' : 'Hilfe',
+ 'Sort playlist' : 'Wiedergabeliste sortieren',
+ 'Rename playlist' : 'Wiedergabeliste umbenennen',
+ 'Delete playlist' : 'Wiedergabeliste löschen',
+ 'Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop' : 'Der Wiedergabeliste neue Titel per Drag und Drop hinzufügen',
+ 'No playlist selected!' : 'Keine Wiedergabeliste ausgewählt!',
+ 'Sort modus active' : 'Sortiermodus aktiv',
+ 'Playlist successfully deleted!' : 'Wiedergabeliste erfolgreich gelöscht!',
+ 'Start scanning…' : 'Scannen starten…',
+ 'Scanning finished! New Audios found!' : 'Scannen beendet! Neue Audiodateien gefunden!',
+ 'Yes' : 'Ja',
+ 'No' : 'Nein',
+ 'Error' : 'Fehler',
+ 'Are you sure?' : 'Bist du sicher?',
+ 'Disc' : 'Disc',
+ 'Track' : 'Stück',
+ 'File' : 'Datei',
+ 'Title' : 'Titel',
+ 'Subtitle' : 'Untertitel',
+ 'Artist' : 'Interpret',
+ 'Album Artist' : 'Albuminterpret',
+ 'Genre' : 'Genre',
+ 'Year' : 'Jahr',
+ 'Album' : 'Album',
+ 'Albums' : 'Alben',
+ 'Composer' : 'Composer',
+ 'Metadata' : 'Metadaten',
+ 'Edit metadata' : 'Metadaten bearbeiten',
+ 'ID3 Editor' : 'ID3-Editor',
+ 'No ID3 editor installed' : 'Kein ID3-Editor installiert',
+ 'Playlists' : 'Wiedergabelisten',
+ 'No playlist entry' : 'Kein Wiedergabelisten-Eintrag',
+ 'Lyrics' : 'Liedtexte',
+ 'No lyrics found' : 'Kein Liedtext gefunden',
+ 'Reading data' : 'Lese Daten',
+ 'No data' : 'Keine Daten',
+ 'Remove' : 'Entfernen',
+ 'Options' : 'Optionen',
+ 'MIME type' : 'MIME-Typ',
+ 'MIME type not supported by browser' : 'MIME-Typ vom Browser nicht unterstützt',
+ 'Missing permission to edit metadata of track!' : 'Fehlende Berechtigung zum Bearbeiten der Metadaten des Stücks!',
+ 'Existing Albums' : 'Vorhandene Alben',
+ 'New Album' : 'Neues Album',
+ 'Existing Artists' : 'Vorhandene Interpreten',
+ 'New Artist' : ' Neuer Interpret',
+ 'Existing Genres' : 'Vorhandene Genres',
+ 'New Genre' : 'Neues Genre',
+ 'Add as Album Cover' : 'Als Album-Cover verwenden',
+ 'of' : 'von',
+ 'Total' : 'Gesamt',
+ 'Select from cloud' : 'Bild aus Cloud wählen',
+ 'Edit' : 'Bearbeiten',
+ 'Delete' : 'Löschen',
+ 'Settings' : 'Einstellungen',
+ 'Select a single folder with audio files' : 'Einzelnen Ordner mit Audiodateien auswählen',
+ 'Invalid path!' : 'Ungültiger Pfad!',
+ 'saved' : 'gespeichert',
+ 'Reset library' : 'Bibliothek zurücksetzen',
+ 'Start resetting library…' : 'Bibliothek wird zurückgesetzt…',
+ 'Resetting finished!' : 'Zurücksetzen beendet!',
+ 'All library entries will be deleted!' : 'Alle Bibliothekseinträge werden gelöscht!',
+ 'Close' : 'Schließen',
+ 'Play' : 'Abspielen',
+ 'Save' : 'Speichern',
+ 'Selected' : 'Ausgewählt',
+ 'Selected Album' : 'Ausgewähltes Album',
+ 'Selected Artist' : 'Ausgewählter Interpret',
+ 'Selected Album Artist' : 'Ausgewählter Albuminterpret',
+ 'Selected Composer' : 'Ausgewählter Komponist',
+ 'Selected Folder' : 'Ausgewählter Ordner',
+ 'Selected Genre' : 'Ausgewähltes Genre',
+ 'Selected Playlist' : 'Ausgewählte Wiedergabeliste',
+ 'Selected Year' : 'Ausgewähltes Jahr',
+ 'Length' : 'Länge'
+ },
+ '');
diff --git a/l10n/de_DE.js b/l10n/de_DE.js
index 7975cb72..f2c3d774 100755
--- a/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
- "audioplayer",
+ 'audioplayer',
- "Welcome to" : "Willkommen bei",
- "Audio Player" : "Audio-Player",
- "Add new tracks to library" : "Der Bibliothek neue Titel hinzufügen",
- "Scan for new audio files" : "Nach neuen Audiodateien suchen",
- "New or updated audio files available" : "Neue oder aktualisierte Audiodateien verfügbar",
- "Help" : "Hilfe",
- "Sort playlist" : "Wiedergabeliste sortieren",
- "Rename playlist" : "Wiedergabeliste umbenennen",
- "Delete playlist" : "Wiedergabeliste löschen",
- "Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop" : "Der Wiedergabeliste neue Titel per Drag und Drop hinzufügen",
- "No playlist selected!" : "Keine Wiedergabeliste ausgewählt!",
- "Sort modus active" : "Sortiermodus aktiv",
- "Playlist successfully deleted!" : "Wiedergabeliste erfolgreich gelöscht!",
- "Start scanning…" : "Scannen starten…",
- "Scanning finished! New Audios found!" : "Scannen beendet! Neue Audiodateien gefunden!",
- "Yes" : "Ja",
- "No" : "Nein",
- "Error" : "Fehler",
- "Are you sure?" : "Sind Sie sicher?",
- "Disc" : "Disc",
- "Track" : "Stück",
- "File" : "Datei",
- "Title" : "Titel",
- "Subtitle" : "Untertitel",
- "Artist" : "Interpret",
- "Album Artist" : "Albuminterpret",
- "Genre" : "Genre",
- "Year" : "Jahr",
- "Album" : "Album",
- "Albums" : "Alben",
- "Composer" : "Komponist",
- "Metadata" : "Metadaten",
- "Edit metadata" : "Metadaten bearbeiten",
- "ID3 Editor" : "ID3-Editor",
- "No ID3 editor installed" : "Kein ID3-Editor installiert",
- "Playlists" : "Wiedergabelisten",
- "No playlist entry" : "Kein Wiedergabelisten-Eintrag",
- "Lyrics" : "Liedtexte",
- "No lyrics found" : "Kein Liedtext gefunden",
- "Reading data" : "Lese Daten",
- "No data" : "Keine Daten",
- "Remove" : "Entfernen",
- "Options" : "Optionen",
- "MIME type" : "MIME-Typ",
- "MIME type not supported by browser" : "MIME-Typ vom Browser nicht unterstützt",
- "Missing permission to edit metadata of track!" : "Fehlende Berechtigung zum Bearbeiten der Metadaten des Stücks!",
- "Existing Albums" : "Vorhandene Alben",
- "New Album" : "Neues Album",
- "Existing Artists" : "Vorhandene Interpreten",
- "New Artist" : " Neuer Interpret",
- "Existing Genres" : "Vorhandene Genres",
- "New Genre" : "Neues Genre",
- "Add as Album Cover" : "Als Album-Cover verwenden",
- "of" : "von",
- "Total" : "Gesamt",
- "Select from cloud" : "Bild aus Cloud wählen",
- "Edit" : "Bearbeiten",
- "Delete" : "Löschen",
- "Settings" : "Einstellungen",
- "Select a single folder with audio files" : "Einzelnen Ordner mit Audiodateien auswählen",
- "Invalid path!" : "Ungültiger Pfad!",
- "saved" : "gespeichert",
- "Reset library" : "Bibliothek zurücksetzen",
- "Start resetting library…" : "Bibliothek wird zurückgesetzt…",
- "Resetting finished!" : "Zurücksetzen beendet!",
- "All library entries will be deleted!" : "Alle Bibliothekseinträge werden gelöscht!",
- "Close" : "Schließen",
- "Play" : "Abspielen",
- "Save" : "Speichern",
- "Selected" : "Ausgewählt",
- "Selected Album" : "Ausgewähltes Album",
- "Selected Artist" : "Ausgewählter Interpret",
- "Selected Album Artist" : "Ausgewählter Albuminterpret",
- "Selected Composer" : "Ausgewählter Komponist",
- "Selected Folder" : "Ausgewählter Ordner",
- "Selected Genre" : "Ausgewähltes Genre",
- "Selected Playlist" : "Ausgewählte Wiedergabeliste",
- "Selected Year" : "Ausgewähltes Jahr",
- "Length" : "Länge"
+ 'Welcome to' : 'Willkommen bei',
+ 'Audio Player' : 'Audio-Player',
+ 'Add new tracks to library' : 'Der Bibliothek neue Titel hinzufügen',
+ 'Scan for new audio files' : 'Nach neuen Audiodateien suchen',
+ 'New or updated audio files available' : 'Neue oder aktualisierte Audiodateien verfügbar',
+ 'Help' : 'Hilfe',
+ 'Sort playlist' : 'Wiedergabeliste sortieren',
+ 'Rename playlist' : 'Wiedergabeliste umbenennen',
+ 'Delete playlist' : 'Wiedergabeliste löschen',
+ 'Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop' : 'Der Wiedergabeliste neue Titel per Drag und Drop hinzufügen',
+ 'No playlist selected!' : 'Keine Wiedergabeliste ausgewählt!',
+ 'Sort modus active' : 'Sortiermodus aktiv',
+ 'Playlist successfully deleted!' : 'Wiedergabeliste erfolgreich gelöscht!',
+ 'Start scanning…' : 'Scannen starten…',
+ 'Scanning finished! New Audios found!' : 'Scannen beendet! Neue Audiodateien gefunden!',
+ 'Yes' : 'Ja',
+ 'No' : 'Nein',
+ 'Error' : 'Fehler',
+ 'Are you sure?' : 'Sind Sie sicher?',
+ 'Disc' : 'Disc',
+ 'Track' : 'Stück',
+ 'File' : 'Datei',
+ 'Title' : 'Titel',
+ 'Subtitle' : 'Untertitel',
+ 'Artist' : 'Interpret',
+ 'Album Artist' : 'Albuminterpret',
+ 'Genre' : 'Genre',
+ 'Year' : 'Jahr',
+ 'Album' : 'Album',
+ 'Albums' : 'Alben',
+ 'Composer' : 'Komponist',
+ 'Metadata' : 'Metadaten',
+ 'Edit metadata' : 'Metadaten bearbeiten',
+ 'ID3 Editor' : 'ID3-Editor',
+ 'No ID3 editor installed' : 'Kein ID3-Editor installiert',
+ 'Playlists' : 'Wiedergabelisten',
+ 'No playlist entry' : 'Kein Wiedergabelisten-Eintrag',
+ 'Lyrics' : 'Liedtexte',
+ 'No lyrics found' : 'Kein Liedtext gefunden',
+ 'Reading data' : 'Lese Daten',
+ 'No data' : 'Keine Daten',
+ 'Remove' : 'Entfernen',
+ 'Options' : 'Optionen',
+ 'MIME type' : 'MIME-Typ',
+ 'MIME type not supported by browser' : 'MIME-Typ vom Browser nicht unterstützt',
+ 'Missing permission to edit metadata of track!' : 'Fehlende Berechtigung zum Bearbeiten der Metadaten des Stücks!',
+ 'Existing Albums' : 'Vorhandene Alben',
+ 'New Album' : 'Neues Album',
+ 'Existing Artists' : 'Vorhandene Interpreten',
+ 'New Artist' : ' Neuer Interpret',
+ 'Existing Genres' : 'Vorhandene Genres',
+ 'New Genre' : 'Neues Genre',
+ 'Add as Album Cover' : 'Als Album-Cover verwenden',
+ 'of' : 'von',
+ 'Total' : 'Gesamt',
+ 'Select from cloud' : 'Bild aus Cloud wählen',
+ 'Edit' : 'Bearbeiten',
+ 'Delete' : 'Löschen',
+ 'Settings' : 'Einstellungen',
+ 'Select a single folder with audio files' : 'Einzelnen Ordner mit Audiodateien auswählen',
+ 'Invalid path!' : 'Ungültiger Pfad!',
+ 'saved' : 'gespeichert',
+ 'Reset library' : 'Bibliothek zurücksetzen',
+ 'Start resetting library…' : 'Bibliothek wird zurückgesetzt…',
+ 'Resetting finished!' : 'Zurücksetzen beendet!',
+ 'All library entries will be deleted!' : 'Alle Bibliothekseinträge werden gelöscht!',
+ 'Close' : 'Schließen',
+ 'Play' : 'Abspielen',
+ 'Save' : 'Speichern',
+ 'Selected' : 'Ausgewählt',
+ 'Selected Album' : 'Ausgewähltes Album',
+ 'Selected Artist' : 'Ausgewählter Interpret',
+ 'Selected Album Artist' : 'Ausgewählter Albuminterpret',
+ 'Selected Composer' : 'Ausgewählter Komponist',
+ 'Selected Folder' : 'Ausgewählter Ordner',
+ 'Selected Genre' : 'Ausgewähltes Genre',
+ 'Selected Playlist' : 'Ausgewählte Wiedergabeliste',
+ 'Selected Year' : 'Ausgewähltes Jahr',
+ 'Length' : 'Länge'
+ },
+ '');
diff --git a/l10n/es.js b/l10n/es.js
index 9b4ab5e8..ed72468d 100644
--- a/l10n/es.js
+++ b/l10n/es.js
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
- "audioplayer",
+ 'audioplayer',
- "Welcome to" : "Bienvenidos al",
- "Audio Player" : "Reproductor de audio",
- "Add new tracks to library" : "Añadir nuevas pistas a la biblioteca",
- "Scan for new audio files" : "Busca nuevos archivos de audio",
- "New or updated audio files available" : "Archivos de audio nuevos o actualizados disponibles",
- "Help" : "Ayuda",
- "Sort playlist" : "Ordenar la lista de reproducción",
- "Rename playlist" : "Renombrar la lista de reproducción",
- "Delete playlist" : "Borrar la lista de reproducción",
- "Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop" : "Arrastra y suelta para añadir nuevas pistas a la lista de reproducción",
- "No playlist selected!" : "¡Ninguna lista de reproducción seleccionada!",
- "Sort modus active" : "Modo ordenar activo",
- "Playlist successfully deleted!" : "¡Lista de reproducción borrada con éxito!",
- "Start scanning…" : "Empezar la busqueda…",
- "Scanning finished! New Audios found!" : "¡Busqueda finalizada! ¡Nuevos archivos de audio encontrados!",
- "Yes" : "Sí",
- "No" : "No",
- "Error" : "Error",
- "Are you sure?" : "¿Estás seguro?",
- "Disc" : "Disco",
- "Track" : "Pista",
- "File" : "Archivo",
- "Title" : "Título",
- "Subtitle" : "Subtítulo",
- "Artist" : "Artista",
- "Album Artist" : "Artista del álbum",
- "Genre" : "Género",
- "Year" : "Año",
- "Album" : "Álbum",
- "Albums" : "Álbumes",
- "Composer" : "Compositor",
- "Metadata" : "Metadatos",
- "Edit metadata" : "Editar metadatos",
- "ID3 Editor" : "Editor ID3",
- "No ID3 editor installed" : "Ningún editor ID3 instalado",
- "Playlists" : "Listas de reproducción",
- "No playlist entry" : "Ninguna entrada en la lista de reproducción",
- "Lyrics" : "Letras",
- "No lyrics found" : "No se han encontrado letras",
- "Reading data" : "Leyendo datos",
- "No data" : "No hay datos",
- "Remove" : "Eliminar",
- "Options" : "Opciones",
- "MIME type" : "Tipo MIME",
- "MIME type not supported by browser" : "Tipo MIME no aceptado por el navegador",
- "Missing permission to edit metadata of track!" : "¡Falta permiso para editar los metadatos de la pista!",
- "Existing Albums" : "Álbumes existentes",
- "New Album" : "Nuevo álbum",
- "Existing Artists" : "Artistas existentes",
- "New Artist" : "Nuevo artista",
- "Existing Genres" : "Géneros existentes",
- "New Genre" : "Nuevo género",
- "Add as Album Cover" : "Usar como portada del álbum",
- "of" : "de",
- "Total" : "Total",
- "Select from cloud" : "Elegir de la nube",
- "Edit" : "Editar",
- "Delete" : "Eliminar",
- "Settings" : "Ajustes",
- "Select a single folder with audio files" : "Elige una única carpeta con archivos de audio",
- "Invalid path!" : "¡Ubicación inválida!",
- "saved" : "guardado",
- "Reset library" : "Reiniciar biblioteca",
- "Start resetting library…" : "Empezar a reiniciar biblioteca…",
- "Resetting finished!" : "¡Reiniciar finalizado!",
- "All library entries will be deleted!" : "¡Todas las entradas de la biblioteca serán eliminadas!",
- "Close" : "Cerrar",
- "Play" : "Reproducir",
- "Save" : "Guardar",
- "Selected" : "Seleccionado",
- "Selected Album" : "Álbum seleccionado",
- "Selected Artist" : "Artista seleccionado",
- "Selected Album Artist" : "Artista del álbum seleccionado",
- "Selected Composer" : "Compositor seleccionado",
- "Selected Folder" : "Carpeta seleccionada",
- "Selected Genre" : "Género seleccionado",
- "Selected Playlist" : "Lista de reproducción seleccionada",
- "Selected Year" : "Año seleccionado",
- "Length" : "Duración"
+ 'Welcome to' : 'Bienvenidos al',
+ 'Audio Player' : 'Reproductor de audio',
+ 'Add new tracks to library' : 'Añadir nuevas pistas a la biblioteca',
+ 'Scan for new audio files' : 'Busca nuevos archivos de audio',
+ 'New or updated audio files available' : 'Archivos de audio nuevos o actualizados disponibles',
+ 'Help' : 'Ayuda',
+ 'Sort playlist' : 'Ordenar la lista de reproducción',
+ 'Rename playlist' : 'Renombrar la lista de reproducción',
+ 'Delete playlist' : 'Borrar la lista de reproducción',
+ 'Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop' : 'Arrastra y suelta para añadir nuevas pistas a la lista de reproducción',
+ 'No playlist selected!' : '¡Ninguna lista de reproducción seleccionada!',
+ 'Sort modus active' : 'Modo ordenar activo',
+ 'Playlist successfully deleted!' : '¡Lista de reproducción borrada con éxito!',
+ 'Start scanning…' : 'Empezar la busqueda…',
+ 'Scanning finished! New Audios found!' : '¡Busqueda finalizada! ¡Nuevos archivos de audio encontrados!',
+ 'Yes' : 'Sí',
+ 'No' : 'No',
+ 'Error' : 'Error',
+ 'Are you sure?' : '¿Estás seguro?',
+ 'Disc' : 'Disco',
+ 'Track' : 'Pista',
+ 'File' : 'Archivo',
+ 'Title' : 'Título',
+ 'Subtitle' : 'Subtítulo',
+ 'Artist' : 'Artista',
+ 'Album Artist' : 'Artista del álbum',
+ 'Genre' : 'Género',
+ 'Year' : 'Año',
+ 'Album' : 'Álbum',
+ 'Albums' : 'Álbumes',
+ 'Composer' : 'Compositor',
+ 'Metadata' : 'Metadatos',
+ 'Edit metadata' : 'Editar metadatos',
+ 'ID3 Editor' : 'Editor ID3',
+ 'No ID3 editor installed' : 'Ningún editor ID3 instalado',
+ 'Playlists' : 'Listas de reproducción',
+ 'No playlist entry' : 'Ninguna entrada en la lista de reproducción',
+ 'Lyrics' : 'Letras',
+ 'No lyrics found' : 'No se han encontrado letras',
+ 'Reading data' : 'Leyendo datos',
+ 'No data' : 'No hay datos',
+ 'Remove' : 'Eliminar',
+ 'Options' : 'Opciones',
+ 'MIME type' : 'Tipo MIME',
+ 'MIME type not supported by browser' : 'Tipo MIME no aceptado por el navegador',
+ 'Missing permission to edit metadata of track!' : '¡Falta permiso para editar los metadatos de la pista!',
+ 'Existing Albums' : 'Álbumes existentes',
+ 'New Album' : 'Nuevo álbum',
+ 'Existing Artists' : 'Artistas existentes',
+ 'New Artist' : 'Nuevo artista',
+ 'Existing Genres' : 'Géneros existentes',
+ 'New Genre' : 'Nuevo género',
+ 'Add as Album Cover' : 'Usar como portada del álbum',
+ 'of' : 'de',
+ 'Total' : 'Total',
+ 'Select from cloud' : 'Elegir de la nube',
+ 'Edit' : 'Editar',
+ 'Delete' : 'Eliminar',
+ 'Settings' : 'Ajustes',
+ 'Select a single folder with audio files' : 'Elige una única carpeta con archivos de audio',
+ 'Invalid path!' : '¡Ubicación inválida!',
+ 'saved' : 'guardado',
+ 'Reset library' : 'Reiniciar biblioteca',
+ 'Start resetting library…' : 'Empezar a reiniciar biblioteca…',
+ 'Resetting finished!' : '¡Reiniciar finalizado!',
+ 'All library entries will be deleted!' : '¡Todas las entradas de la biblioteca serán eliminadas!',
+ 'Close' : 'Cerrar',
+ 'Play' : 'Reproducir',
+ 'Save' : 'Guardar',
+ 'Selected' : 'Seleccionado',
+ 'Selected Album' : 'Álbum seleccionado',
+ 'Selected Artist' : 'Artista seleccionado',
+ 'Selected Album Artist' : 'Artista del álbum seleccionado',
+ 'Selected Composer' : 'Compositor seleccionado',
+ 'Selected Folder' : 'Carpeta seleccionada',
+ 'Selected Genre' : 'Género seleccionado',
+ 'Selected Playlist' : 'Lista de reproducción seleccionada',
+ 'Selected Year' : 'Año seleccionado',
+ 'Length' : 'Duración'
+ },
+ '');
diff --git a/l10n/fr.js b/l10n/fr.js
index f54f67eb..faadfa66 100644
--- a/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/l10n/fr.js
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
- "audioplayer",
+ 'audioplayer',
- "Welcome to" : "Bienvenue à",
- "Audio Player" : "Audio Player",
- "Add new tracks to library" : "Ajouter une nouvelles pistes à la bibliothèque",
- "Scan for new audio files" : "Rechercher nouvelles pistes audio...",
- "New or updated audio files available": "Pistes audio nouvelles ou mises à jour disponibles",
- "Help" : "Aide",
- "Sort playlist" : "Trier liste de lecture",
- "Rename playlist" : "Renommer liste de lecture",
- "Delete playlist" : "Supprimer liste de lecture",
- "Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop": "Ajouter de nouvelles pistes à la liste de lecture par glisser et déposer",
- "No playlist selected!" : "Aucune liste de lecture sélectionnée!",
- "Sort modus active" : "Module de tri actif",
- "Playlist successfully deleted!" : "Liste de lecture supprimée!",
- "Start scanning…": "Démarrer l'indexation…",
- "Scanning finished! New Audios found!": "Indexation terminée! De nouvelles pistes audio ont été trouvées!",
- "Yes" : "Oui",
- "No" : "Non",
- "Error" : "Erreur",
- "Are you sure?" : "Etes vous sur?",
- "Disc" : "Disque",
- "Track" : "Piste",
- "File" : "Fichier",
- "Title" : "Titre",
- "Subtitle" : "Sous Titre",
- "Artist" : "Artiste",
- "Album Artist" : "Artiste de l'album",
- "Genre" : "Genre",
- "Year" : "Année",
- "Album" : "Album",
- "Albums" : "Albums",
- "Composer" : "Compositeur",
- "Metadata" : "Metadonnées",
- "Edit metadata" : "Editer Métadonnées",
- "ID3 Editor": "Editeur ID3",
- "No ID3 editor installed": "Aucun éditeur ID3 installé",
- "Playlists": "Listes de lecture",
- "No playlist entry": "Pas d'entrées dans la playlist",
- "Lyrics": "Paroles",
- "No lyrics found": "Aucune parole trouvée",
- "Reading data": "Lecture des données",
- "No data": "Aucune donnée",
- "Remove" : "Enlever",
- "Options" : "Options",
- "MIME type" : "Type MIME",
- "MIME type not supported by browser" : "Type MIME non supporté par le navigateur",
- "Missing permission to edit metadata of track!" : "Permissions insuffisantes pour editer les métadonnées de la piste!",
- "Existing Albums" : "Аlbums existants",
- "New Album" : "Nouvel Album",
- "Existing Artists" : "Artistes existants",
- "New Artist" : "Nouvel artiste",
- "Existing Genres" : "Genres existants",
- "New Genre" : "Nouveau genre",
- "Add as Album Cover" : "Ajouter comme couverture d'album",
- "of" : "de",
- "Total" : "Total",
- "Select from cloud" : "Sélectionner du cloud",
- "Edit" : "Editer",
- "Delete" : "Supprimer",
- "Settings": "Paramètres",
- "Select a single folder with audio files": "Sélectionnez un unique dossier avec des fichiers audio",
- "Invalid path!": "Chemin invalide!",
- "saved": "sauvé",
- "Reset library": "Remise à zero la bibiothèque",
- "Start resetting library…": "Démarrage de la remise à zéro de la bibliothèque…",
- "Resetting finished!" : "Remise à zéro terminée!",
- "All library entries will be deleted!": "Toutes les entrées de la bibliothèque seront supprimées!",
- "Close" : "Fermer",
- "Play" : "Jouer",
- "Save" : "Sauver",
- "Selected" : "Sélectionné",
- "Selected Album" : "Album Sélectionné",
- "Selected Artist" : "Artiste Sélectionné",
- "Selected Album Artist": "Artiste de l'album Sélectionné",
- "Selected Composer" : "Compositeur Sélectionné",
- "Selected Folder" : "Dossier Sélectionné",
- "Selected Genre" : "Genre Sélectionné",
- "Selected Playlist" : "Liste de lecture Sélectionnée",
- "Selected Year" : "Année Sélectionnée",
- "Length" : "Durée"
- },
+ 'Welcome to' : 'Bienvenue à',
+ 'Audio Player' : 'Audio Player',
+ 'Add new tracks to library' : 'Ajouter une nouvelles pistes à la bibliothèque',
+ 'Scan for new audio files' : 'Rechercher nouvelles pistes audio...',
+ 'New or updated audio files available': 'Pistes audio nouvelles ou mises à jour disponibles',
+ 'Help' : 'Aide',
+ 'Sort playlist' : 'Trier liste de lecture',
+ 'Rename playlist' : 'Renommer liste de lecture',
+ 'Delete playlist' : 'Supprimer liste de lecture',
+ 'Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop': 'Ajouter de nouvelles pistes à la liste de lecture par glisser et déposer',
+ 'No playlist selected!' : 'Aucune liste de lecture sélectionnée!',
+ 'Sort modus active' : 'Module de tri actif',
+ 'Playlist successfully deleted!' : 'Liste de lecture supprimée!',
+ 'Start scanning…': 'Démarrer l\'indexation…',
+ 'Scanning finished! New Audios found!': 'Indexation terminée! De nouvelles pistes audio ont été trouvées!',
+ 'Yes' : 'Oui',
+ 'No' : 'Non',
+ 'Error' : 'Erreur',
+ 'Are you sure?' : 'Etes vous sur?',
+ 'Disc' : 'Disque',
+ 'Track' : 'Piste',
+ 'File' : 'Fichier',
+ 'Title' : 'Titre',
+ 'Subtitle' : 'Sous Titre',
+ 'Artist' : 'Artiste',
+ 'Album Artist' : 'Artiste de l\'album',
+ 'Genre' : 'Genre',
+ 'Year' : 'Année',
+ 'Album' : 'Album',
+ 'Albums' : 'Albums',
+ 'Composer' : 'Compositeur',
+ 'Metadata' : 'Metadonnées',
+ 'Edit metadata' : 'Editer Métadonnées',
+ 'ID3 Editor': 'Editeur ID3',
+ 'No ID3 editor installed': 'Aucun éditeur ID3 installé',
+ 'Playlists': 'Listes de lecture',
+ 'No playlist entry': 'Pas d\'entrées dans la playlist',
+ 'Lyrics': 'Paroles',
+ 'No lyrics found': 'Aucune parole trouvée',
+ 'Reading data': 'Lecture des données',
+ 'No data': 'Aucune donnée',
+ 'Remove' : 'Enlever',
+ 'Options' : 'Options',
+ 'MIME type' : 'Type MIME',
+ 'MIME type not supported by browser' : 'Type MIME non supporté par le navigateur',
+ 'Missing permission to edit metadata of track!' : 'Permissions insuffisantes pour editer les métadonnées de la piste!',
+ 'Existing Albums' : 'Аlbums existants',
+ 'New Album' : 'Nouvel Album',
+ 'Existing Artists' : 'Artistes existants',
+ 'New Artist' : 'Nouvel artiste',
+ 'Existing Genres' : 'Genres existants',
+ 'New Genre' : 'Nouveau genre',
+ 'Add as Album Cover' : 'Ajouter comme couverture d\'album',
+ 'of' : 'de',
+ 'Total' : 'Total',
+ 'Select from cloud' : 'Sélectionner du cloud',
+ 'Edit' : 'Editer',
+ 'Delete' : 'Supprimer',
+ 'Settings': 'Paramètres',
+ 'Select a single folder with audio files': 'Sélectionnez un unique dossier avec des fichiers audio',
+ 'Invalid path!': 'Chemin invalide!',
+ 'saved': 'sauvé',
+ 'Reset library': 'Remise à zero la bibiothèque',
+ 'Start resetting library…': 'Démarrage de la remise à zéro de la bibliothèque…',
+ 'Resetting finished!' : 'Remise à zéro terminée!',
+ 'All library entries will be deleted!': 'Toutes les entrées de la bibliothèque seront supprimées!',
+ 'Close' : 'Fermer',
+ 'Play' : 'Jouer',
+ 'Save' : 'Sauver',
+ 'Selected' : 'Sélectionné',
+ 'Selected Album' : 'Album Sélectionné',
+ 'Selected Artist' : 'Artiste Sélectionné',
+ 'Selected Album Artist': 'Artiste de l\'album Sélectionné',
+ 'Selected Composer' : 'Compositeur Sélectionné',
+ 'Selected Folder' : 'Dossier Sélectionné',
+ 'Selected Genre' : 'Genre Sélectionné',
+ 'Selected Playlist' : 'Liste de lecture Sélectionnée',
+ 'Selected Year' : 'Année Sélectionnée',
+ 'Length' : 'Durée'
+ },
+ '');
diff --git a/l10n/pl.js b/l10n/pl.js
index 564b5b19..24348765 100644
--- a/l10n/pl.js
+++ b/l10n/pl.js
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
- "audioplayer",
- {
- "Welcome to" : "Witamy w",
- "Audio Player" : "Odtwarzacz Audio",
- "Add new tracks to library" : "Dodaj nową piosenkę do playlisty",
- "Scan for new audio files" : "Skanowanie w poszukiwaniu nowych plików audio",
- "New or updated audio files available" : "Dostępne są nowe lub zaktualizowane pliki audio",
- "Help" : "Pomoc",
- "Sort playlist" : "Sortuj Playlistę",
- "Rename playlist" : "Zmiana nazwy Playlisty",
- "Delete playlist" : "Usuń Playlistę",
- "Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop" : "Dodaj nowy utwór do playlisty za pomocą Drag & Drop",
- "No playlist selected!" : "Nie wybrano Playlisty!",
- "Sort modus active" : "Przetwarzanie włączone",
- "Playlist successfully deleted!" : "Playlista została usunięta!",
- "Start scanning…" : "Rozpocznij skanowanie…",
- "Scanning finished! New Audios found!" : "Skanowanie zakończone! Znaleziono nowe pliki audio!",
- "Yes" : "Tak",
- "No" : "Nie",
- "Error" : "Błąd",
- "Are you sure?" : "Czy jesteś pewien?",
- "Disc" : "Dysk",
- "Track" : "Ścieżka",
- "File" : "Plik",
- "Title" : "Tytuł",
- "Subtitle" : "Napisy",
- "Artist" : "Artysta",
- "Album Artist" : "Album artysty",
- "Year" : "Rok",
- "Album" : "Album",
- "Albums" : "Albumy",
- "Composer" : "Kompozytor",
- "Metadata" : "Metadata",
- "Edit metadata" : "Edytuj metadane",
- "ID3 Editor" : "Edytor ID3",
- "No ID3 editor installed" : "Brak zainstalowanego edytora ID3",
- "Playlists" : "Playlisty",
- "No playlist entry" : "Brak wpisu na playliście",
- "Lyrics" : "Tekst piosenki",
- "No lyrics found" : "Nie znaleziono tekstu piosenki",
- "Reading data" : "Czytanie danych",
- "No data" : "Brak danych",
- "Remove" : "Usuń",
- "Options" : "Opcje",
- "MIME type" : "Typ MIME",
- "MIME type not supported by browser" : "Typ MIME jest nieobsługiwany przez przeglądarkę",
- "Missing permission to edit metadata of track!" : "Brak uprawnień na edytowanie metadanych utworu!",
- "Existing Albums" : "Istniejące albumy",
- "New Album" : "Nowy album",
- "Genre" : "Gatunek",
- "Add as Album Cover" : "Dodaj jako okładkę albumu",
- "of" : "z",
- "Total" : "Ogólny",
- "Select from cloud" : "Wybierz z chmury",
- "Edit" : "Edycja",
- "Delete" : "Usuń",
- "Settings" : "Ustawienia",
- "Select a single folder with audio files" : "Wybierz pojedynczy folder z plikami audio",
- "Invalid path!" : "Niewłaściwa ścieżka!",
- "saved" : "zapisane",
- "Reset library" : "Zresetuj bibliotekę",
- "Start resetting library…" : "Rozpocznij resetowanie biblioteki...",
- "Resetting finished!" : "Resetowanie zakończone!",
- "All library entries will be deleted!" : "Wszystkie wpisy biblioteki zostaną usunięte!",
- "Close" : "Zamknij",
- "Play" : "Graj",
- "Save" : "Zapisz",
- "Existing Artists" : "Istniejący artyści",
- "New Artist" : "Nowy artysta",
- "Existing Genres" : "Istniejące gatunki muzyczne",
- "New Genre" : "Nowy gatunek muzyczny",
- "Selected" : "Wybrany",
- "Selected Album" : "Wybrany album",
- "Selected Artist" : "Wybrany artysta",
- "Selected Album Artist" : "Wybrany album artysty",
- "Selected Composer" : "Wybrany kompozytor",
- "Selected Folder" : "Wybrany folder",
- "Selected Genre" : "Wybrany gatunek",
- "Selected Playlist" : "Wybrana Playlista",
- "Selected Year" : "Wybrany rok",
- "Length" : "Długość"
+ 'audioplayer',
+ {
+ 'Welcome to' : 'Witamy w',
+ 'Audio Player' : 'Odtwarzacz Audio',
+ 'Add new tracks to library' : 'Dodaj nową piosenkę do playlisty',
+ 'Scan for new audio files' : 'Skanowanie w poszukiwaniu nowych plików audio',
+ 'New or updated audio files available' : 'Dostępne są nowe lub zaktualizowane pliki audio',
+ 'Help' : 'Pomoc',
+ 'Sort playlist' : 'Sortuj Playlistę',
+ 'Rename playlist' : 'Zmiana nazwy Playlisty',
+ 'Delete playlist' : 'Usuń Playlistę',
+ 'Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop' : 'Dodaj nowy utwór do playlisty za pomocą Drag & Drop',
+ 'No playlist selected!' : 'Nie wybrano Playlisty!',
+ 'Sort modus active' : 'Przetwarzanie włączone',
+ 'Playlist successfully deleted!' : 'Playlista została usunięta!',
+ 'Start scanning…' : 'Rozpocznij skanowanie…',
+ 'Scanning finished! New Audios found!' : 'Skanowanie zakończone! Znaleziono nowe pliki audio!',
+ 'Yes' : 'Tak',
+ 'No' : 'Nie',
+ 'Error' : 'Błąd',
+ 'Are you sure?' : 'Czy jesteś pewien?',
+ 'Disc' : 'Dysk',
+ 'Track' : 'Ścieżka',
+ 'File' : 'Plik',
+ 'Title' : 'Tytuł',
+ 'Subtitle' : 'Napisy',
+ 'Artist' : 'Artysta',
+ 'Album Artist' : 'Album artysty',
+ 'Year' : 'Rok',
+ 'Album' : 'Album',
+ 'Albums' : 'Albumy',
+ 'Composer' : 'Kompozytor',
+ 'Metadata' : 'Metadata',
+ 'Edit metadata' : 'Edytuj metadane',
+ 'ID3 Editor' : 'Edytor ID3',
+ 'No ID3 editor installed' : 'Brak zainstalowanego edytora ID3',
+ 'Playlists' : 'Playlisty',
+ 'No playlist entry' : 'Brak wpisu na playliście',
+ 'Lyrics' : 'Tekst piosenki',
+ 'No lyrics found' : 'Nie znaleziono tekstu piosenki',
+ 'Reading data' : 'Czytanie danych',
+ 'No data' : 'Brak danych',
+ 'Remove' : 'Usuń',
+ 'Options' : 'Opcje',
+ 'MIME type' : 'Typ MIME',
+ 'MIME type not supported by browser' : 'Typ MIME jest nieobsługiwany przez przeglądarkę',
+ 'Missing permission to edit metadata of track!' : 'Brak uprawnień na edytowanie metadanych utworu!',
+ 'Existing Albums' : 'Istniejące albumy',
+ 'New Album' : 'Nowy album',
+ 'Genre' : 'Gatunek',
+ 'Add as Album Cover' : 'Dodaj jako okładkę albumu',
+ 'of' : 'z',
+ 'Total' : 'Ogólny',
+ 'Select from cloud' : 'Wybierz z chmury',
+ 'Edit' : 'Edycja',
+ 'Delete' : 'Usuń',
+ 'Settings' : 'Ustawienia',
+ 'Select a single folder with audio files' : 'Wybierz pojedynczy folder z plikami audio',
+ 'Invalid path!' : 'Niewłaściwa ścieżka!',
+ 'saved' : 'zapisane',
+ 'Reset library' : 'Zresetuj bibliotekę',
+ 'Start resetting library…' : 'Rozpocznij resetowanie biblioteki...',
+ 'Resetting finished!' : 'Resetowanie zakończone!',
+ 'All library entries will be deleted!' : 'Wszystkie wpisy biblioteki zostaną usunięte!',
+ 'Close' : 'Zamknij',
+ 'Play' : 'Graj',
+ 'Save' : 'Zapisz',
+ 'Existing Artists' : 'Istniejący artyści',
+ 'New Artist' : 'Nowy artysta',
+ 'Existing Genres' : 'Istniejące gatunki muzyczne',
+ 'New Genre' : 'Nowy gatunek muzyczny',
+ 'Selected' : 'Wybrany',
+ 'Selected Album' : 'Wybrany album',
+ 'Selected Artist' : 'Wybrany artysta',
+ 'Selected Album Artist' : 'Wybrany album artysty',
+ 'Selected Composer' : 'Wybrany kompozytor',
+ 'Selected Folder' : 'Wybrany folder',
+ 'Selected Genre' : 'Wybrany gatunek',
+ 'Selected Playlist' : 'Wybrana Playlista',
+ 'Selected Year' : 'Wybrany rok',
+ 'Length' : 'Długość'
+ },
+ '');
diff --git a/l10n/pl.json b/l10n/pl.json
index 92c5d341..d60d57fe 100644
--- a/l10n/pl.json
+++ b/l10n/pl.json
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
- "translations": {
- "Audio Player": "Odtwarzacz Audio",
- "Albums": "Albumy",
- "Create new playlist": "Utwórz nową playlistę",
- "GO": "Idź",
- "Scan for new audio files": "Skanowanie w poszukiwaniu nowych plików audio",
- "Nr": "Nr",
- "Title": "Tytuł",
- "Titles": "Tytuły",
- "All Titles": "Wszystkie tytuły",
- "Album": "Album",
- "Scan for audio files": "Skanowanie plików audio",
- "Start scanning…": "Rozpocznij skanowanie…",
- "Scanning finished!": "Skanowanie zakończone!",
- "Audios found: ": " Znaleziono nowe tytuły: ",
- "Albums found: ": " Znaleziono nowe albumy: ",
- "Duplicates found: ": "Znaleziono duplikaty: ",
- "Written to library: ": "Zapisano do biblioteki: ",
- "Reset library": "Zresetuj bibliotekę",
- "Volume": "Głośność",
- "Previous track": "Poprzedni utwór",
- "Next track": "Następny utwór",
- "Play/Pause": "Odtwórz/Wstrzymaj",
- "Cancel": "Anuluj",
- "Close": "Zamknij",
- "Length": "Długość",
- "Opt": "Opt",
- "Sorting Playlist success! Playlist reloaded!": "Sortowanie Playlisty zakończony powodzeniem! Playlista przeładowana!",
- "Various Artists": "Kilku artystów",
- "Various": "Kilka",
- "Repeat playlist": "Powtarzanie Playlisty",
- "Shuffle playlist": "Losowa Playlista",
- "Playlists": "Playlista",
- "Smart Playlists": "Inteligentne listy odtwarzania",
- "Favorites": "Ulubione",
- "Recently Added": "Ostatnio dodane",
- "Recently Played": "Ostatnio odtwarzane",
- "Most Played": "Najczęściej odtwarzane",
- "Top Rated": "Najwyżej oceniane",
- "Music": "Muzyka",
- "- choose -": "- wybór -",
- "Errors: ": "Błędy: ",
- "Edit picture": "Edytuj zdjęcie",
- "If rescan does not solve this problem the files are broken": "Jeśli ponowne skanowanie nie rozwiązuje tego problemu,
to znaczy, że pliki są uszkodzone",
- "Disc": "Dysk",
- "Discs": "Dyski",
- "Track": "Ścieżka",
- "Tracks": "Ścieżki",
- "Year": "Rok",
- "Years": "Lata",
- "Selection": "Wybór",
- "All": "Wszystko",
- "Unknown": "Nieznany",
- "Artist": "Artysta",
- "Artists": "Artyści",
- "Album Artists": "Album artystów",
- "Composer": "Kompozytor",
- "Composers": "Kompozytorzy",
- "Folders": "Foldery",
- "Genres": "Gatunki",
- "Settings": "Ustawienia",
- "Cyrillic support": "Obsługa cyrylicy",
- "More information…": "Więcej informacji…",
- "Search for audio files in": "Wyszukiwanie plików audio w",
- "Formats supported by the browser": "Formaty obsługiwane przez przeglądarkę",
- "Formats not supported by the browser": "Formaty nie obsługiwane przez przeglądarkę",
- "Please reset and rescan library to make use of new features.": "Proszę zresetuj i ponownie przeskanuj bibliotekę, aby korzystać z nowych funkcji.",
- "Do you like this app?": "Czy podoba ci się ta aplikacja?",
- "Name of the SONOS player or group": "Nazwa odtwarzacza SONOS lub grupy",
- "All titles will be played on your SONOS speaker": "Wszystkie tytuły będą odtwarzane na twoim głośniku SONOS",
- "Server path to the SMB directory where all audio files are located": "Ścieżka do katalogu na serwerze SMB, w którym znajdują się wszystkie pliki audio",
- "The SONOS plugin needs to be enabled by the administrator": "The SONOS plugin needs to be enabled by the administrator",
- "Enable for all users": "Enable for all users"
- },
- "pluralForm": ""
+ "translations": {
+ "Audio Player": "Odtwarzacz Audio",
+ "Albums": "Albumy",
+ "Create new playlist": "Utwórz nową playlistę",
+ "GO": "Idź",
+ "Scan for new audio files": "Skanowanie w poszukiwaniu nowych plików audio",
+ "Nr": "Nr",
+ "Title": "Tytuł",
+ "Titles": "Tytuły",
+ "All Titles": "Wszystkie tytuły",
+ "Album": "Album",
+ "Scan for audio files": "Skanowanie plików audio",
+ "Start scanning…": "Rozpocznij skanowanie…",
+ "Scanning finished!": "Skanowanie zakończone!",
+ "Audios found: ": " Znaleziono nowe tytuły: ",
+ "Albums found: ": " Znaleziono nowe albumy: ",
+ "Duplicates found: ": "Znaleziono duplikaty: ",
+ "Written to library: ": "Zapisano do biblioteki: ",
+ "Reset library": "Zresetuj bibliotekę",
+ "Volume": "Głośność",
+ "Previous track": "Poprzedni utwór",
+ "Next track": "Następny utwór",
+ "Play/Pause": "Odtwórz/Wstrzymaj",
+ "Cancel": "Anuluj",
+ "Close": "Zamknij",
+ "Length": "Długość",
+ "Opt": "Opt",
+ "Sorting Playlist success! Playlist reloaded!": "Sortowanie Playlisty zakończony powodzeniem! Playlista przeładowana!",
+ "Various Artists": "Kilku artystów",
+ "Various": "Kilka",
+ "Repeat playlist": "Powtarzanie Playlisty",
+ "Shuffle playlist": "Losowa Playlista",
+ "Playlists": "Playlista",
+ "Smart Playlists": "Inteligentne listy odtwarzania",
+ "Favorites": "Ulubione",
+ "Recently Added": "Ostatnio dodane",
+ "Recently Played": "Ostatnio odtwarzane",
+ "Most Played": "Najczęściej odtwarzane",
+ "Top Rated": "Najwyżej oceniane",
+ "Music": "Muzyka",
+ "- choose -": "- wybór -",
+ "Errors: ": "Błędy: ",
+ "Edit picture": "Edytuj zdjęcie",
+ "If rescan does not solve this problem the files are broken": "Jeśli ponowne skanowanie nie rozwiązuje tego problemu,
to znaczy, że pliki są uszkodzone",
+ "Disc": "Dysk",
+ "Discs": "Dyski",
+ "Track": "Ścieżka",
+ "Tracks": "Ścieżki",
+ "Year": "Rok",
+ "Years": "Lata",
+ "Selection": "Wybór",
+ "All": "Wszystko",
+ "Unknown": "Nieznany",
+ "Artist": "Artysta",
+ "Artists": "Artyści",
+ "Album Artists": "Album artystów",
+ "Composer": "Kompozytor",
+ "Composers": "Kompozytorzy",
+ "Folders": "Foldery",
+ "Genres": "Gatunki",
+ "Settings": "Ustawienia",
+ "Cyrillic support": "Obsługa cyrylicy",
+ "More information…": "Więcej informacji…",
+ "Search for audio files in": "Wyszukiwanie plików audio w",
+ "Formats supported by the browser": "Formaty obsługiwane przez przeglądarkę",
+ "Formats not supported by the browser": "Formaty nie obsługiwane przez przeglądarkę",
+ "Please reset and rescan library to make use of new features.": "Proszę zresetuj i ponownie przeskanuj bibliotekę, aby korzystać z nowych funkcji.",
+ "Do you like this app?": "Czy podoba ci się ta aplikacja?",
+ "Name of the SONOS player or group": "Nazwa odtwarzacza SONOS lub grupy",
+ "All titles will be played on your SONOS speaker": "Wszystkie tytuły będą odtwarzane na twoim głośniku SONOS",
+ "Server path to the SMB directory where all audio files are located": "Ścieżka do katalogu na serwerze SMB, w którym znajdują się wszystkie pliki audio",
+ "The SONOS plugin needs to be enabled by the administrator": "The SONOS plugin needs to be enabled by the administrator",
+ "Enable for all users": "Enable for all users"
+ },
+ "pluralForm": ""
diff --git a/l10n/ru.js b/l10n/ru.js
index a32f1723..dc1cc3a6 100644
--- a/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/l10n/ru.js
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
- "audioplayer",
- {
- "Welcome to" : "Добро пожаловать в",
- "Audio Player" : "Аудиоплеер",
- "Add new tracks to library" : "Найти и добавить новую музыку",
- "Scan for new audio files" : "Найти новые аудиофайлы...",
- "New or updated audio files available" : "Новые или обновленные аудиофайлы доступны",
- "Help" : "Помощь",
- "Sort playlist" : "Упорядочить список воспроизведения",
- "Rename playlist" : "Переименовать список воспроизведения",
- "Delete playlist" : "Удалить список воспроизведения",
- "Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop" : "Добавьте новые треки в плейлист с помощью перетаскивания",
- "No playlist selected!" : "Не выбран список воспроизведения!",
- "Sort modus active" : "Включено упорядочивание",
- "Playlist successfully deleted!" : "Список воспроизведения удалён!",
- "Start scanning…" : "Начать поиск…",
- "Scanning finished! New Audios found!" : "Поиск окончен! Обнаружены новые аудиофайлы!",
- "Yes" : "Да",
- "No" : "Нет",
- "Error" : "Ошибка",
- "Are you sure?" : "Вы уверены?",
- "Disc" : "Диск",
- "Track" : "Трек",
- "File" : "Файл",
- "Title" : "Название",
- "Subtitle" : "Подзаголовок",
- "Artist" : "Исполнитель",
- "Album Artist" : "Исполнитель Альбома",
- "Year" : "Год",
- "Album" : "Альбом",
- "Albums" : "Альбомы",
- "Composer" : "Композитор",
- "Metadata" : "Метаданные",
- "Edit metadata" : "Редактировать метаданные",
- "ID3 Editor" : "ID3 Редактор",
- "No ID3 editor installed" : "Нет установленных ID3 редакторов",
- "Playlists" : "Плейлисты",
- "No playlist entry" : "Нет записей в плейлисте",
- "Lyrics" : "Текст песни",
- "No lyrics found" : "Текст песни не найден",
- "Reading data" : "Чтение данных",
- "No data" : "Нет данных",
- "Remove" : "Удалить",
- "Options" : "Опции",
- "MIME type" : "MIME тип",
- "MIME type not supported by browser" : "MIME тип не поддерживается браузером",
- "Missing permission to edit metadata of track!" : "Отсутвуют права на изменение метаданных трека!",
- "Existing Albums" : "Альбом из списка",
- "New Album" : "Новый альбом",
- "Genre" : "Стиль",
- "Add as Album Cover" : "Сделать обложкой альбома",
- "of" : "из",
- "Total" : "Всего",
- "Select from cloud" : "Выбрать",
- "Edit" : "Редактировать",
- "Delete" : "Удалить",
- "Settings" : "Настройки",
- "Select a single folder with audio files" : "Выберите папку с аудиофайлами",
- "Invalid path!" : "Неверный путь!",
- "saved" : "сохранено",
- "Reset library" : "Очистить библиотеку",
- "Start resetting library…" : "Запуск очистки библиотеки…",
- "Resetting finished!" : "Очистка выполнена!",
- "All library entries will be deleted!" : "Все записи в библиотеке будут удалены!",
- "Close" : "Закрыть",
- "Play" : "Запустить",
- "Save" : "Сохранить",
- "Existing Artists" : "Исполнитель из списка",
- "New Artist" : "Новый исполнитель",
- "Existing Genres" : "Стиль из списка",
- "New Genre" : "Новый стиль",
- "Selected" : "Выбрано",
- "Selected Album" : "Выбран альбом",
- "Selected Artist" : "Выбран исполнитель",
- "Selected Album Artist" : "Выбран исполнитель альбома",
- "Selected Composer" : "Выбран композитор",
- "Selected Folder" : "Выбрана папка",
- "Selected Genre" : "Выбран стиль",
- "Selected Playlist" : "Выбран список воспроизведения",
- "Selected Year" : "Выбран год",
- "Length" : "Длина",
- "Bitrate" : "Битрейт",
- "Copyright" : "Авторские права"
- },
+ 'audioplayer',
+ {
+ 'Welcome to' : 'Добро пожаловать в',
+ 'Audio Player' : 'Аудиоплеер',
+ 'Add new tracks to library' : 'Найти и добавить новую музыку',
+ 'Scan for new audio files' : 'Найти новые аудиофайлы...',
+ 'New or updated audio files available' : 'Новые или обновленные аудиофайлы доступны',
+ 'Help' : 'Помощь',
+ 'Sort playlist' : 'Упорядочить список воспроизведения',
+ 'Rename playlist' : 'Переименовать список воспроизведения',
+ 'Delete playlist' : 'Удалить список воспроизведения',
+ 'Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop' : 'Добавьте новые треки в плейлист с помощью перетаскивания',
+ 'No playlist selected!' : 'Не выбран список воспроизведения!',
+ 'Sort modus active' : 'Включено упорядочивание',
+ 'Playlist successfully deleted!' : 'Список воспроизведения удалён!',
+ 'Start scanning…' : 'Начать поиск…',
+ 'Scanning finished! New Audios found!' : 'Поиск окончен! Обнаружены новые аудиофайлы!',
+ 'Yes' : 'Да',
+ 'No' : 'Нет',
+ 'Error' : 'Ошибка',
+ 'Are you sure?' : 'Вы уверены?',
+ 'Disc' : 'Диск',
+ 'Track' : 'Трек',
+ 'File' : 'Файл',
+ 'Title' : 'Название',
+ 'Subtitle' : 'Подзаголовок',
+ 'Artist' : 'Исполнитель',
+ 'Album Artist' : 'Исполнитель Альбома',
+ 'Year' : 'Год',
+ 'Album' : 'Альбом',
+ 'Albums' : 'Альбомы',
+ 'Composer' : 'Композитор',
+ 'Metadata' : 'Метаданные',
+ 'Edit metadata' : 'Редактировать метаданные',
+ 'ID3 Editor' : 'ID3 Редактор',
+ 'No ID3 editor installed' : 'Нет установленных ID3 редакторов',
+ 'Playlists' : 'Плейлисты',
+ 'No playlist entry' : 'Нет записей в плейлисте',
+ 'Lyrics' : 'Текст песни',
+ 'No lyrics found' : 'Текст песни не найден',
+ 'Reading data' : 'Чтение данных',
+ 'No data' : 'Нет данных',
+ 'Remove' : 'Удалить',
+ 'Options' : 'Опции',
+ 'MIME type' : 'MIME тип',
+ 'MIME type not supported by browser' : 'MIME тип не поддерживается браузером',
+ 'Missing permission to edit metadata of track!' : 'Отсутвуют права на изменение метаданных трека!',
+ 'Existing Albums' : 'Альбом из списка',
+ 'New Album' : 'Новый альбом',
+ 'Genre' : 'Стиль',
+ 'Add as Album Cover' : 'Сделать обложкой альбома',
+ 'of' : 'из',
+ 'Total' : 'Всего',
+ 'Select from cloud' : 'Выбрать',
+ 'Edit' : 'Редактировать',
+ 'Delete' : 'Удалить',
+ 'Settings' : 'Настройки',
+ 'Select a single folder with audio files' : 'Выберите папку с аудиофайлами',
+ 'Invalid path!' : 'Неверный путь!',
+ 'saved' : 'сохранено',
+ 'Reset library' : 'Очистить библиотеку',
+ 'Start resetting library…' : 'Запуск очистки библиотеки…',
+ 'Resetting finished!' : 'Очистка выполнена!',
+ 'All library entries will be deleted!' : 'Все записи в библиотеке будут удалены!',
+ 'Close' : 'Закрыть',
+ 'Play' : 'Запустить',
+ 'Save' : 'Сохранить',
+ 'Existing Artists' : 'Исполнитель из списка',
+ 'New Artist' : 'Новый исполнитель',
+ 'Existing Genres' : 'Стиль из списка',
+ 'New Genre' : 'Новый стиль',
+ 'Selected' : 'Выбрано',
+ 'Selected Album' : 'Выбран альбом',
+ 'Selected Artist' : 'Выбран исполнитель',
+ 'Selected Album Artist' : 'Выбран исполнитель альбома',
+ 'Selected Composer' : 'Выбран композитор',
+ 'Selected Folder' : 'Выбрана папка',
+ 'Selected Genre' : 'Выбран стиль',
+ 'Selected Playlist' : 'Выбран список воспроизведения',
+ 'Selected Year' : 'Выбран год',
+ 'Length' : 'Длина',
+ 'Bitrate' : 'Битрейт',
+ 'Copyright' : 'Авторские права'
+ },
+ '');
diff --git a/l10n/tr.js b/l10n/tr.js
index 940a23b2..a62cc07e 100644
--- a/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/l10n/tr.js
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
- "audioplayer",
+ 'audioplayer',
- "Welcome to" : "Hoşgeldiniz",
- "Audio Player" : "Audio-Player",
- "Add new tracks to library" : "Kütüphaneye yeni parça ekle",
- "Scan for new audio files" : "Yeni ses dosyaları için tara",
- "New or updated audio files available" : "Yeni yada değiştirilmiş ses dosyaları mevcut",
- "Help" : "Yardım",
- "Sort playlist" : "Playlisti sırala",
- "Rename playlist" : "Playlisti yeniden adlandır",
- "Delete playlist" : "Playlisti sil",
- "Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop" : "Yeni parçaları playliste sürükle bırak ile ekle",
- "No playlist selected!" : "Playlist seçilmedi!",
- "Sort modus active" : "Sıralama yolu aktif",
- "Playlist successfully deleted!" : "Playlist başarıyla silindi!",
- "Start scanning…" : "Taramaya başla…",
- "Scanning finished! New Audios found!" : "Tarama bitti! Yeni ses dosyaları bulundu!",
- "Yes" : "Evet",
- "No" : "Hayır",
- "Error" : "Hata",
- "Are you sure?" : "Emin misiniz?",
- "Disc" : "Disk",
- "Track" : "Parça",
- "File" : "Dosya",
- "Title" : "Başlık",
- "Subtitle" : "Altbaşlık",
- "Artist" : "Sanatçı",
- "Album Artist" : "Albüm Sanatçısı",
- "Genre" : "Tür",
- "Year" : "Yıl",
- "Album" : "Albüm",
- "Albums" : "Albümler",
- "Composer" : "Besteci",
- "Metadata" : "Metaveri",
- "Edit metadata" : "Metaveriyi düzenle",
- "ID3 Editor" : "ID3 Düzenleyici",
- "No ID3 editor installed" : "ID3 Düzenleyici kurulu değil",
- "Playlists" : "Çalma Listesi",
- "No playlist entry" : "Çalma Listesi boş",
- "Lyrics" : "Şarkı sözü",
- "No lyrics found" : "Şarkı sözü bulunamadı",
- "Reading data" : "Veri okunuyor",
- "No data" : "Veri bulunamadı",
- "Remove" : "Kaldır",
- "Options" : "Seçenekler",
- "MIME type" : "MIME tipi",
- "MIME type not supported by browser" : "MIME Tipi tarayıcı tarafından desteklenmiyor",
- "Missing permission to edit metadata of track!" : "Parça metadatasını düzenlemek için gerekli yetki yok!",
- "Existing Albums" : "Mevcut Albümler",
- "New Album" : "Yeni Albüm",
- "Existing Artists" : "Mevcut Sanatçılar",
- "New Artist" : " Yeni Sanatçı",
- "Existing Genres" : "Mevcut Türler",
- "New Genre" : "Yeni Tür",
- "Add as Album Cover" : "Albüm Kapağı olarak ekle",
- "of" : "daki",
- "Total" : "Toplam",
- "Select from cloud" : "Buluttan seç",
- "Edit" : "Düzenle",
- "Delete" : "Sil",
- "Settings" : "Ayarlar",
- "Select a single folder with audio files" : "Ses dosyaları olan bir klasör seçiniz",
- "Invalid path!" : "Geçersiz yol!",
- "saved" : "kaydedildi",
- "Reset library" : "Kütüphaneyi sıfırla",
- "Start resetting library…" : "Kütüphane sıfırlama başlatıldı…",
- "Resetting finished!" : "Sıfırlama bitti!",
- "All library entries will be deleted!" : "Bütün kütüphane kayıtları silinecek!",
- "Close" : "Kapat",
- "Play" : "Çal",
- "Save" : "Kaydet",
- "Selected" : "Seçildi",
- "Selected Album" : "Seçildi Albüm",
- "Selected Artist" : "Seçili Sanatçı",
- "Selected Album Artist" : "Seçili Albüm Sanatçısı",
- "Selected Composer" : "Seçili Besteci",
- "Selected Folder" : "Seçili Klasör",
- "Selected Genre" : "Seçili Tür",
- "Selected Playlist" : "Seçili Playlist",
- "Selected Year" : "Seçili Yıl",
- "Length" : "Uzunluk"
+ 'Welcome to' : 'Hoşgeldiniz',
+ 'Audio Player' : 'Audio-Player',
+ 'Add new tracks to library' : 'Kütüphaneye yeni parça ekle',
+ 'Scan for new audio files' : 'Yeni ses dosyaları için tara',
+ 'New or updated audio files available' : 'Yeni yada değiştirilmiş ses dosyaları mevcut',
+ 'Help' : 'Yardım',
+ 'Sort playlist' : 'Playlisti sırala',
+ 'Rename playlist' : 'Playlisti yeniden adlandır',
+ 'Delete playlist' : 'Playlisti sil',
+ 'Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop' : 'Yeni parçaları playliste sürükle bırak ile ekle',
+ 'No playlist selected!' : 'Playlist seçilmedi!',
+ 'Sort modus active' : 'Sıralama yolu aktif',
+ 'Playlist successfully deleted!' : 'Playlist başarıyla silindi!',
+ 'Start scanning…' : 'Taramaya başla…',
+ 'Scanning finished! New Audios found!' : 'Tarama bitti! Yeni ses dosyaları bulundu!',
+ 'Yes' : 'Evet',
+ 'No' : 'Hayır',
+ 'Error' : 'Hata',
+ 'Are you sure?' : 'Emin misiniz?',
+ 'Disc' : 'Disk',
+ 'Track' : 'Parça',
+ 'File' : 'Dosya',
+ 'Title' : 'Başlık',
+ 'Subtitle' : 'Altbaşlık',
+ 'Artist' : 'Sanatçı',
+ 'Album Artist' : 'Albüm Sanatçısı',
+ 'Genre' : 'Tür',
+ 'Year' : 'Yıl',
+ 'Album' : 'Albüm',
+ 'Albums' : 'Albümler',
+ 'Composer' : 'Besteci',
+ 'Metadata' : 'Metaveri',
+ 'Edit metadata' : 'Metaveriyi düzenle',
+ 'ID3 Editor' : 'ID3 Düzenleyici',
+ 'No ID3 editor installed' : 'ID3 Düzenleyici kurulu değil',
+ 'Playlists' : 'Çalma Listesi',
+ 'No playlist entry' : 'Çalma Listesi boş',
+ 'Lyrics' : 'Şarkı sözü',
+ 'No lyrics found' : 'Şarkı sözü bulunamadı',
+ 'Reading data' : 'Veri okunuyor',
+ 'No data' : 'Veri bulunamadı',
+ 'Remove' : 'Kaldır',
+ 'Options' : 'Seçenekler',
+ 'MIME type' : 'MIME tipi',
+ 'MIME type not supported by browser' : 'MIME Tipi tarayıcı tarafından desteklenmiyor',
+ 'Missing permission to edit metadata of track!' : 'Parça metadatasını düzenlemek için gerekli yetki yok!',
+ 'Existing Albums' : 'Mevcut Albümler',
+ 'New Album' : 'Yeni Albüm',
+ 'Existing Artists' : 'Mevcut Sanatçılar',
+ 'New Artist' : ' Yeni Sanatçı',
+ 'Existing Genres' : 'Mevcut Türler',
+ 'New Genre' : 'Yeni Tür',
+ 'Add as Album Cover' : 'Albüm Kapağı olarak ekle',
+ 'of' : 'daki',
+ 'Total' : 'Toplam',
+ 'Select from cloud' : 'Buluttan seç',
+ 'Edit' : 'Düzenle',
+ 'Delete' : 'Sil',
+ 'Settings' : 'Ayarlar',
+ 'Select a single folder with audio files' : 'Ses dosyaları olan bir klasör seçiniz',
+ 'Invalid path!' : 'Geçersiz yol!',
+ 'saved' : 'kaydedildi',
+ 'Reset library' : 'Kütüphaneyi sıfırla',
+ 'Start resetting library…' : 'Kütüphane sıfırlama başlatıldı…',
+ 'Resetting finished!' : 'Sıfırlama bitti!',
+ 'All library entries will be deleted!' : 'Bütün kütüphane kayıtları silinecek!',
+ 'Close' : 'Kapat',
+ 'Play' : 'Çal',
+ 'Save' : 'Kaydet',
+ 'Selected' : 'Seçildi',
+ 'Selected Album' : 'Seçildi Albüm',
+ 'Selected Artist' : 'Seçili Sanatçı',
+ 'Selected Album Artist' : 'Seçili Albüm Sanatçısı',
+ 'Selected Composer' : 'Seçili Besteci',
+ 'Selected Folder' : 'Seçili Klasör',
+ 'Selected Genre' : 'Seçili Tür',
+ 'Selected Playlist' : 'Seçili Playlist',
+ 'Selected Year' : 'Seçili Yıl',
+ 'Length' : 'Uzunluk'
+ },
+ '');
diff --git a/l10n/uk.js b/l10n/uk.js
index a7f6035f..2976e946 100644
--- a/l10n/uk.js
+++ b/l10n/uk.js
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
- "audioplayer",
- {
- "Welcome to" : "Ласкаво просимо до",
- "Audio Player" : "Аудіо-плеєр",
- "Add new tracks to library" : "Знайти і додати нову музику",
- "Scan for new audio files" : "Знайти нові аудіофайли...",
- "New or updated audio files available": "Доступні нові або оновлені аудіофайли",
- "Help" : "Допомога",
- "Sort playlist" : "Впорядкувати список відтворення",
- "Rename playlist" : "Перейменувати список відтворення",
- "Delete playlist" : "Видалити список відтворення",
- "Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop": "Додати нові доріжки до списку відтворення шляхом перетягування",
- "No playlist selected!" : "Не вибрано списку відтворення!",
- "Sort modus active" : "Впорядкування увімкнено",
- "Playlist successfully deleted!" : "Список відтворення видалено!",
- "Start scanning…": "Почати пошук…",
- "Scanning finished! New Audios found!": "Пошук завершено! Знайдено нові аудіофайли!",
- "Yes" : "Так",
- "No" : "Ні",
- "Error" : "Помилка",
- "Are you sure?" : "Ви впевнені?",
- "Disc" : "Диск",
- "Track" : "Трек",
- "File" : "Файл",
- "Title" : "Назва",
- "Subtitle" : "Підзаголовок",
- "Artist" : "Виконавець",
- "Album Artist" : "Album Artist",
- "Genre" : "Стиль",
- "Year" : "Рік",
- "Album" : "Альбом",
- "Albums" : "Альбоми",
- "Composer" : "Композитор",
- "Metadata" : "Metadata",
- "Edit metadata" : "Редагувати метадані",
- "ID3 Editor": "Редактор ID3",
- "No ID3 editor installed": "Немає встановленого редактора ID3",
- "Playlists": "Списки відтворення",
- "No playlist entry": "Список відтворення порожній",
- "Lyrics": "Тексти пісень",
- "No lyrics found": "Не знайдено текстів пісень",
- "Reading data": "Читання даних",
- "No data": "Немає даних",
- "Remove" : "Видалити",
- "Options" : "Параметри",
- "MIME type" : "MIME тип",
- "MIME type not supported by browser" : "MIME тип не підтримується браузером",
- "Missing permission to edit metadata of track!" : "Недостатньо прав для редагування метаданих цього треку!",
- "Existing Albums" : "Альбом із списку",
- "New Album" : "Новий альбом",
- "Existing Artists" : "Виконавець із списку",
- "New Artist" : "Новий виконавець",
- "Existing Genres" : "Стиль із списку",
- "New Genre" : "Новий стиль",
- "Add as Album Cover" : "Зробити обкладинкою альбому",
- "of" : "з",
- "Total" : "Всього",
- "Select from cloud" : "Вибрати",
- "Edit" : "Редагувати",
- "Delete" : "Видалити",
- "Settings": "Налаштування",
- "Select a single folder with audio files": "Виберіть одну папку з аудіофайлами",
- "Invalid path!": "Неправильний шлях!",
- "saved": "збережено",
- "Reset library": "Скинути бібліотеку",
- "Start resetting library…": "Починаю скидання бібліотеки…",
- "Resetting finished!" : "Скидання завершено!",
- "All library entries will be deleted!": "Усі записи в бібліотеці будуть видалені!",
- "Close" : "Закрити",
- "Play" : "Грати",
- "Save" : "Зберегти",
- "Selected" : "Обрані",
- "Selected Album" : "Обраний альбом",
- "Selected Artist" : "Обраний виконавець",
- "Selected Album Artist": "Обраний виконавець альбому",
- "Selected Composer" : "Вираний композитор",
- "Selected Folder" : "Обрана тека",
- "Selected Genre" : "Обраний стиль",
- "Selected Playlist" : "Обраний список відтворення",
- "Selected Year" : "Обраний рік",
- "Length" : "довжина"
- },
+ 'audioplayer',
+ {
+ 'Welcome to' : 'Ласкаво просимо до',
+ 'Audio Player' : 'Аудіо-плеєр',
+ 'Add new tracks to library' : 'Знайти і додати нову музику',
+ 'Scan for new audio files' : 'Знайти нові аудіофайли...',
+ 'New or updated audio files available': 'Доступні нові або оновлені аудіофайли',
+ 'Help' : 'Допомога',
+ 'Sort playlist' : 'Впорядкувати список відтворення',
+ 'Rename playlist' : 'Перейменувати список відтворення',
+ 'Delete playlist' : 'Видалити список відтворення',
+ 'Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop': 'Додати нові доріжки до списку відтворення шляхом перетягування',
+ 'No playlist selected!' : 'Не вибрано списку відтворення!',
+ 'Sort modus active' : 'Впорядкування увімкнено',
+ 'Playlist successfully deleted!' : 'Список відтворення видалено!',
+ 'Start scanning…': 'Почати пошук…',
+ 'Scanning finished! New Audios found!': 'Пошук завершено! Знайдено нові аудіофайли!',
+ 'Yes' : 'Так',
+ 'No' : 'Ні',
+ 'Error' : 'Помилка',
+ 'Are you sure?' : 'Ви впевнені?',
+ 'Disc' : 'Диск',
+ 'Track' : 'Трек',
+ 'File' : 'Файл',
+ 'Title' : 'Назва',
+ 'Subtitle' : 'Підзаголовок',
+ 'Artist' : 'Виконавець',
+ 'Album Artist' : 'Album Artist',
+ 'Genre' : 'Стиль',
+ 'Year' : 'Рік',
+ 'Album' : 'Альбом',
+ 'Albums' : 'Альбоми',
+ 'Composer' : 'Композитор',
+ 'Metadata' : 'Metadata',
+ 'Edit metadata' : 'Редагувати метадані',
+ 'ID3 Editor': 'Редактор ID3',
+ 'No ID3 editor installed': 'Немає встановленого редактора ID3',
+ 'Playlists': 'Списки відтворення',
+ 'No playlist entry': 'Список відтворення порожній',
+ 'Lyrics': 'Тексти пісень',
+ 'No lyrics found': 'Не знайдено текстів пісень',
+ 'Reading data': 'Читання даних',
+ 'No data': 'Немає даних',
+ 'Remove' : 'Видалити',
+ 'Options' : 'Параметри',
+ 'MIME type' : 'MIME тип',
+ 'MIME type not supported by browser' : 'MIME тип не підтримується браузером',
+ 'Missing permission to edit metadata of track!' : 'Недостатньо прав для редагування метаданих цього треку!',
+ 'Existing Albums' : 'Альбом із списку',
+ 'New Album' : 'Новий альбом',
+ 'Existing Artists' : 'Виконавець із списку',
+ 'New Artist' : 'Новий виконавець',
+ 'Existing Genres' : 'Стиль із списку',
+ 'New Genre' : 'Новий стиль',
+ 'Add as Album Cover' : 'Зробити обкладинкою альбому',
+ 'of' : 'з',
+ 'Total' : 'Всього',
+ 'Select from cloud' : 'Вибрати',
+ 'Edit' : 'Редагувати',
+ 'Delete' : 'Видалити',
+ 'Settings': 'Налаштування',
+ 'Select a single folder with audio files': 'Виберіть одну папку з аудіофайлами',
+ 'Invalid path!': 'Неправильний шлях!',
+ 'saved': 'збережено',
+ 'Reset library': 'Скинути бібліотеку',
+ 'Start resetting library…': 'Починаю скидання бібліотеки…',
+ 'Resetting finished!' : 'Скидання завершено!',
+ 'All library entries will be deleted!': 'Усі записи в бібліотеці будуть видалені!',
+ 'Close' : 'Закрити',
+ 'Play' : 'Грати',
+ 'Save' : 'Зберегти',
+ 'Selected' : 'Обрані',
+ 'Selected Album' : 'Обраний альбом',
+ 'Selected Artist' : 'Обраний виконавець',
+ 'Selected Album Artist': 'Обраний виконавець альбому',
+ 'Selected Composer' : 'Вираний композитор',
+ 'Selected Folder' : 'Обрана тека',
+ 'Selected Genre' : 'Обраний стиль',
+ 'Selected Playlist' : 'Обраний список відтворення',
+ 'Selected Year' : 'Обраний рік',
+ 'Length' : 'довжина'
+ },
+ '');
diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN.js b/l10n/zh_CN.js
index 33d49330..edab2020 100644
--- a/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
- "audioplayer",
+ 'audioplayer',
- "Welcome to" : "欢迎",
- "Audio Player" : "Audio Player",
- "Add new tracks to library" : "搜索音频",
- "Scan for new audio files" : "搜索新的音频",
- "New or updated audio files available" : "新的或更新的音频文件可用",
- "Help" : "帮助",
- "Sort playlist" : "播放清单排序",
- "Rename playlist" : "重新命名播放清单",
- "Delete playlist" : "刪除播放清单",
- "Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop" : "通过拖曳给播放清单添加新的音频",
- "No playlist selected!" : "请选择播放清单",
- "Sort modus active" : "排序",
- "Playlist successfully deleted!" : "成功刪除播放清单",
- "Start scanning…" : "开始搜索…",
- "Scanning finished! New Audios found!" : "搜索完成,找到新的音频!",
- "Yes" : "是",
- "No" : "否",
- "Error" : "错误",
- "Are you sure?" : "请确认",
- "Disc" : "唱片",
- "Track" : "曲目",
- "File" : "档案名",
- "Title" : "曲名",
- "Subtitle" : "副标题",
- "Artist" : "艺人",
- "Album Artist" : "专辑艺人",
- "Year" : "年份",
- "Album" : "专辑",
- "Albums" : "专辑",
- "Composer" : "作曲者",
- "Metadata" : "元数据",
- "Edit metadata" : "编辑元数据",
- "ID3 Editor" : "ID3编辑器",
- "No ID3 editor installed" : "未安装ID3编辑器",
- "Playlists" : "播放清单",
- "No playlist entry" : "没有播放清单",
- "Lyrics" : "歌词",
- "No lyrics found" : "没有找到歌词",
- "Reading data" : "读取数据",
- "No data" : "没有数据",
- "Remove" : "删除",
- "Options" : "选项",
- "MIME type" : "MIME类型",
- "MIME type not supported by browser" : "浏览器不支持此音频格式",
- "Missing permission to edit metadata of track!" : "没有修改曲目元数据的权限!",
- "Existing Albums" : "现有的专辑",
- "New Album" : " 新专辑",
- "Genre" : "曲风",
- "Add as Album Cover" : "设定为专辑封面",
- "of" : "之",
- "Total" : "总数",
- "Select from cloud" : "由云端选择",
- "Edit" : "编辑",
- "Delete" : "刪除",
- "Settings" : "选项",
- "Select a single folder with audio files" : "选取一个含有音频的文件夹",
- "Invalid path!" : "无效的路径!",
- "saved" : "已保存",
- "Reset library" : "重建资料库",
- "Start resetting library…" : "开始重建资料库…",
- "Resetting finished!" : "重建完成!",
- "All library entries will be deleted!" : "所有资料库条目将被删除!",
- "Close" : "关闭",
- "Play" : "播放",
- "Save" : "存储",
- "Existing Artists" : "已存在的艺人",
- "New Artist" : " 新艺人",
- "Existing Genres" : "现有的曲风",
- "New Genre" : " 新曲风",
- "Selected" : "选择",
- "Selected Album" : "选择的专辑",
- "Selected Artist" : "选择的藝人",
- "Selected Album Artist" : "选择的专辑艺人",
- "Selected Composer" : "选择的作曲者",
- "Selected Folder" : "选择的文件夹",
- "Selected Genre" : "选择的曲风",
- "Selected Playlist" : "选择的播放清单",
- "Selected Year" : "选择的年份",
- "Length" : "长度"
+ 'Welcome to' : '欢迎',
+ 'Audio Player' : 'Audio Player',
+ 'Add new tracks to library' : '搜索音频',
+ 'Scan for new audio files' : '搜索新的音频',
+ 'New or updated audio files available' : '新的或更新的音频文件可用',
+ 'Help' : '帮助',
+ 'Sort playlist' : '播放清单排序',
+ 'Rename playlist' : '重新命名播放清单',
+ 'Delete playlist' : '刪除播放清单',
+ 'Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop' : '通过拖曳给播放清单添加新的音频',
+ 'No playlist selected!' : '请选择播放清单',
+ 'Sort modus active' : '排序',
+ 'Playlist successfully deleted!' : '成功刪除播放清单',
+ 'Start scanning…' : '开始搜索…',
+ 'Scanning finished! New Audios found!' : '搜索完成,找到新的音频!',
+ 'Yes' : '是',
+ 'No' : '否',
+ 'Error' : '错误',
+ 'Are you sure?' : '请确认',
+ 'Disc' : '唱片',
+ 'Track' : '曲目',
+ 'File' : '档案名',
+ 'Title' : '曲名',
+ 'Subtitle' : '副标题',
+ 'Artist' : '艺人',
+ 'Album Artist' : '专辑艺人',
+ 'Year' : '年份',
+ 'Album' : '专辑',
+ 'Albums' : '专辑',
+ 'Composer' : '作曲者',
+ 'Metadata' : '元数据',
+ 'Edit metadata' : '编辑元数据',
+ 'ID3 Editor' : 'ID3编辑器',
+ 'No ID3 editor installed' : '未安装ID3编辑器',
+ 'Playlists' : '播放清单',
+ 'No playlist entry' : '没有播放清单',
+ 'Lyrics' : '歌词',
+ 'No lyrics found' : '没有找到歌词',
+ 'Reading data' : '读取数据',
+ 'No data' : '没有数据',
+ 'Remove' : '删除',
+ 'Options' : '选项',
+ 'MIME type' : 'MIME类型',
+ 'MIME type not supported by browser' : '浏览器不支持此音频格式',
+ 'Missing permission to edit metadata of track!' : '没有修改曲目元数据的权限!',
+ 'Existing Albums' : '现有的专辑',
+ 'New Album' : ' 新专辑',
+ 'Genre' : '曲风',
+ 'Add as Album Cover' : '设定为专辑封面',
+ 'of' : '之',
+ 'Total' : '总数',
+ 'Select from cloud' : '由云端选择',
+ 'Edit' : '编辑',
+ 'Delete' : '刪除',
+ 'Settings' : '选项',
+ 'Select a single folder with audio files' : '选取一个含有音频的文件夹',
+ 'Invalid path!' : '无效的路径!',
+ 'saved' : '已保存',
+ 'Reset library' : '重建资料库',
+ 'Start resetting library…' : '开始重建资料库…',
+ 'Resetting finished!' : '重建完成!',
+ 'All library entries will be deleted!' : '所有资料库条目将被删除!',
+ 'Close' : '关闭',
+ 'Play' : '播放',
+ 'Save' : '存储',
+ 'Existing Artists' : '已存在的艺人',
+ 'New Artist' : ' 新艺人',
+ 'Existing Genres' : '现有的曲风',
+ 'New Genre' : ' 新曲风',
+ 'Selected' : '选择',
+ 'Selected Album' : '选择的专辑',
+ 'Selected Artist' : '选择的藝人',
+ 'Selected Album Artist' : '选择的专辑艺人',
+ 'Selected Composer' : '选择的作曲者',
+ 'Selected Folder' : '选择的文件夹',
+ 'Selected Genre' : '选择的曲风',
+ 'Selected Playlist' : '选择的播放清单',
+ 'Selected Year' : '选择的年份',
+ 'Length' : '长度'
+ },
+ '');
diff --git a/l10n/zh_TW.js b/l10n/zh_TW.js
index b542306f..277e3899 100644
--- a/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
- "audioplayer",
+ 'audioplayer',
- "Welcome to" : "歡迎",
- "Audio Player" : "Audio Player",
- "Add new tracks to library" : "搜尋音樂",
- "Scan for new audio files" : "搜尋新的音樂",
- "New or updated audio files available" : "可更新或新的音樂檔",
- "Help" : "求助",
- "Sort playlist" : "播放清單排序",
- "Rename playlist" : "重新命名播放清單",
- "Delete playlist" : "刪除播放清單",
- "Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop" : "拖放新新音軌到播放清單",
- "No playlist selected!" : "請選擇播放清單",
- "Sort modus active" : "排序",
- "Playlist successfully deleted!" : "成功刪除播放清單!",
- "Start scanning…" : "開始搜尋…",
- "Scanning finished! New Audios found!" : "搜尋完成,找到新的音樂!",
- "Yes" : "是",
- "No" : "否",
- "Error" : "錯誤",
- "Are you sure?" : "請確認",
- "Disc" : "片數",
- "Track" : "曲目",
- "File" : "檔案名",
- "Title" : "曲名",
- "Subtitle" : "副標題",
- "Artist" : "演出者",
- "Album Artist" : "專輯演出者",
- "Year" : "年份",
- "Album" : "專輯",
- "Albums" : "專輯",
- "Composer" : "作曲者",
- "Metadata" : "Metadata",
- "Edit metadata" : "編輯中繼資料",
- "ID3 Editor" : "ID3編輯器",
- "No ID3 editor installed" : "未安裝ID3編輯器",
- "Playlists" : "播放清單",
- "No playlist entry" : "無播放清單",
- "Lyrics" : "歌詞",
- "No lyrics found" : "找不到歌詞",
- "Reading data" : "載入資料",
- "No data" : "無資料",
- "Remove" : "移除",
- "Options" : "選項",
- "MIME type" : "MIME類型",
- "MIME type not supported by browser" : "瀏覽器不支援此樂曲格式",
- "Missing permission to edit metadata of track!" : "缺少修改曲目中繼資料的權限!",
- "Existing Albums" : "現有的專輯",
- "New Album" : " 新專輯",
- "Genre" : "曲風",
- "Add as Album Cover" : "設定為專輯封面",
- "of" : "之",
- "Total" : "全數",
- "Select from cloud" : "由雲端選擇",
- "Edit" : "編輯",
- "Delete" : "刪除",
- "Settings" : "設定",
- "Select a single folder with audio files" : "請選擇含有音樂檔的單一資料夾",
- "Invalid path!" : "橆效的路徑!",
- "saved" : "已儲存",
- "Reset library" : "重設音樂庫資料",
- "Start resetting library…" : "開始重設音樂庫…",
- "Resetting finished!" : "重設完成!",
- "All library entries will be deleted!" : "所有音樂庫料將被刪除!",
- "Close" : "關閉",
- "Play" : "播放",
- "Save" : "儲存",
- "Existing Artists" : "已存在的演出者",
- "New Artist" : " 新演出者",
- "Existing Genres" : "現有的曲風",
- "New Genre" : " 新曲風",
- "Selected" : "選擇",
- "Selected Album" : "選擇的專輯",
- "Selected Artist" : "選擇的演出者",
- "Selected Album Artist" : "選擇的專輯演出者",
- "Selected Composer" : "選擇的作曲者",
- "Selected Folder" : "選擇的資料夾",
- "Selected Genre" : "選擇的曲風",
- "Selected Playlist" : "選擇的播放清單",
- "Selected Year" : "選擇的年份",
- "Length" : "長度"
+ 'Welcome to' : '歡迎',
+ 'Audio Player' : 'Audio Player',
+ 'Add new tracks to library' : '搜尋音樂',
+ 'Scan for new audio files' : '搜尋新的音樂',
+ 'New or updated audio files available' : '可更新或新的音樂檔',
+ 'Help' : '求助',
+ 'Sort playlist' : '播放清單排序',
+ 'Rename playlist' : '重新命名播放清單',
+ 'Delete playlist' : '刪除播放清單',
+ 'Add new tracks to playlist by drag and drop' : '拖放新新音軌到播放清單',
+ 'No playlist selected!' : '請選擇播放清單',
+ 'Sort modus active' : '排序',
+ 'Playlist successfully deleted!' : '成功刪除播放清單!',
+ 'Start scanning…' : '開始搜尋…',
+ 'Scanning finished! New Audios found!' : '搜尋完成,找到新的音樂!',
+ 'Yes' : '是',
+ 'No' : '否',
+ 'Error' : '錯誤',
+ 'Are you sure?' : '請確認',
+ 'Disc' : '片數',
+ 'Track' : '曲目',
+ 'File' : '檔案名',
+ 'Title' : '曲名',
+ 'Subtitle' : '副標題',
+ 'Artist' : '演出者',
+ 'Album Artist' : '專輯演出者',
+ 'Year' : '年份',
+ 'Album' : '專輯',
+ 'Albums' : '專輯',
+ 'Composer' : '作曲者',
+ 'Metadata' : 'Metadata',
+ 'Edit metadata' : '編輯中繼資料',
+ 'ID3 Editor' : 'ID3編輯器',
+ 'No ID3 editor installed' : '未安裝ID3編輯器',
+ 'Playlists' : '播放清單',
+ 'No playlist entry' : '無播放清單',
+ 'Lyrics' : '歌詞',
+ 'No lyrics found' : '找不到歌詞',
+ 'Reading data' : '載入資料',
+ 'No data' : '無資料',
+ 'Remove' : '移除',
+ 'Options' : '選項',
+ 'MIME type' : 'MIME類型',
+ 'MIME type not supported by browser' : '瀏覽器不支援此樂曲格式',
+ 'Missing permission to edit metadata of track!' : '缺少修改曲目中繼資料的權限!',
+ 'Existing Albums' : '現有的專輯',
+ 'New Album' : ' 新專輯',
+ 'Genre' : '曲風',
+ 'Add as Album Cover' : '設定為專輯封面',
+ 'of' : '之',
+ 'Total' : '全數',
+ 'Select from cloud' : '由雲端選擇',
+ 'Edit' : '編輯',
+ 'Delete' : '刪除',
+ 'Settings' : '設定',
+ 'Select a single folder with audio files' : '請選擇含有音樂檔的單一資料夾',
+ 'Invalid path!' : '橆效的路徑!',
+ 'saved' : '已儲存',
+ 'Reset library' : '重設音樂庫資料',
+ 'Start resetting library…' : '開始重設音樂庫…',
+ 'Resetting finished!' : '重設完成!',
+ 'All library entries will be deleted!' : '所有音樂庫料將被刪除!',
+ 'Close' : '關閉',
+ 'Play' : '播放',
+ 'Save' : '儲存',
+ 'Existing Artists' : '已存在的演出者',
+ 'New Artist' : ' 新演出者',
+ 'Existing Genres' : '現有的曲風',
+ 'New Genre' : ' 新曲風',
+ 'Selected' : '選擇',
+ 'Selected Album' : '選擇的專輯',
+ 'Selected Artist' : '選擇的演出者',
+ 'Selected Album Artist' : '選擇的專輯演出者',
+ 'Selected Composer' : '選擇的作曲者',
+ 'Selected Folder' : '選擇的資料夾',
+ 'Selected Genre' : '選擇的曲風',
+ 'Selected Playlist' : '選擇的播放清單',
+ 'Selected Year' : '選擇的年份',
+ 'Length' : '長度'
+ },
+ '');