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What is this?

VxInstagram is an open-source, blazing fast server that scrapes the direct URL to a video from instagram's CDN to fix embedding in apps like discord.

How can I use it?

Simply add vx to instagram URLs like so:

This will attempt to embed the instagram video:


Clicking the VxInstagram URL will redirect you to the original post


🍏 Mac and Linux 🐧

Click to show

You can either compile the binary from source or download a precompiled binary from the releases tab.


# Clone the repository
git clone --depth=1

# Cd into the directory
cd vxinstagram

# Compile the code
go build -ldflags "-s -w" -tags=jsoniter -o vxinsta

Check out the examples on how to run VxInstagram

🪟 Windows

Click to show

There are no precompiled binaries for windows meaning you'll need to compile the code from source.

# Clone the repository
git clone --depth=1

# Cd into the directory
cd vxinstagram

# Compile the code
go build -ldflags "-s -w" -tags=jsoniter -o vxinsta.exe

🐋 Docker

Click to show
# Copy the example docker-compose file
cp docker-compose.yml.example docker-compose.yml

# Edit the docker-compose file
vim docker-compose.yml

# Start the container
docker-compose up -d

⚙️ Configuration

The server can be configured using either command-line flags or environment variables. Flags take precedence over environment variables.

Flag Environment Variable Default Description
--port PORT 8080 Port to run the server on
--gin-logs GIN_LOGS false Enable gin debug logs
--secure SECURE false Use a secure connection
--log-level LOG_LEVEL info Logging verbosity level [debug, error, warn, info]
--cert-file CERT_FILE Path to the SSL certificate (needed with secure mode)
--key-file KEY_FILE Path to the SSL key (needed with secure mode)
--sentry-dsn SENTRY_DSN Sentry DSN used for telemetry
--cache-lifetime CACHE_LIFETIME 60 Time to keep cache for (in minutes)
--redis-enable REDIS_ENABLE false Enables redis for caching (memory if set to false)
--redis-address REDIS_ADDR Address to redis database
--redis-passwd REDIS_PASSWD Password for redis database
--redis-db REDIS_DB -1 Redis database to use
--proxies PROXIES Proxies to make request with. Provide multiple to cycle
--proxy-scrape-html PROXY_SCRAPE_HTML false Sets if proxies should scrape HTML. May use up bandwidth
--insta-cookie INSTA_COOKIE User cookie for API calls with for age restricted posts
--insta-xigappid INSTA_XIGAPPID X-IG-App-ID for API calls
--insta-browser-agent INSTA_BROWSER_AGENT *
--redirect-browsers REDIRECT_BROWSERS true Redirects browsers when URL opened in browser

* = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:135.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/135.0

📚 Examples on running VxInstagram

Run on the default port with no TLS


Run with TLS enabled, a proxy attached, redis for cache and instagram credentials (recommended)

./vxinsta \
        --insta-cookie="your instagram cookie here"
        --insta-xigappid="x-ig-app-id here"

📋 Task list

  • Find a way to fix some reels not embedding
  • Add Open Graph embeds to videos
  • Add additional info (like the amount of likes) to the Open Graph embed
  • Add monitoring dashboard capabilities
  • Create deployment scripts (for docker and some services)
  • Create an action to automatically compile the binary and release it
  • Fix reels with usernames at the beginning not working (/:username/reel/:postId)