This application is a one stop shop for everything Pokemon! You are able to search for different Pokemon and find basic information about them. You can also save your favorite Pokemon in a list and view them later.
- Query Different Pokemon and get basic information about them
- Save Favorited Pokemon in a list
- View details about specific Pokemon saved in the list
- Form and clone this repository
- Install NPM packages by running npm install
- Run npm start to open the application in your browser
Utilized a MERN stack to build app
- MongoDB/Mongoose
- Express.js
- React.js
- Node.js
Other Technologies Used
- Axios
- Netlify
- Redux
- Created a wireframe before styling components
- Started with back-end application then worked on the front-end
- Created new feature branches for each stage of development
I am Reginald Jean Amedee, a full-stack software engineer and web developer. Thank you for checking out my work. You can reach out to me at or you can follow me on Linkedin