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Aditya Mukhopadhyay edited this page Aug 15, 2020 · 1 revision

The manifest.json file contains two core settings and one or more plugin-specific settings.

Core Settings

  1. reporters - [Optional] - A comma-separated list of reporter keys (as listed in reporters.json in the project's root folder). Additionally a key named noop can also be specified to activate the Noop Reporter.
  2. reported-span-ttl - [Required] - The TTL (in seconds) for reported spans. A value < 300 is ignored and a TTL of 300 is used instead.

Reporter-Specific Settings

For each installed reporter plugin, an additional section may be present in the manifest. This setting will be named in the format reporters-<key>, where key is the key under which the reporter plugin has been registered in reporters.json. For example, when you first install the service, the console reporter is present by default, and it has an entry in manifest.json that looks like the following:

    "configuration": {
        "reporters-console": {
            "type": "json",
            "required": true,
            "default": {
                "stream": "debug"
            "description": "Settings for the console reporter."
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