The official repository for paper: Personalization for Robust Voice Pathology Detection in Sound Waves.
Accepted to the 24th INTERSPEECH Conference.
Automatic voice pathology detection is promising for non-invasive screening and early intervention using sound signals. Nevertheless, existing methods are susceptible to covariate shifts due to background noises, human voice variations, and data selection biases leading to severe performance degradation in real-world scenarios. Hence, we propose a non-invasive framework that contrastively learns personalization from sound waves as a pre-train and predicts latent-spaced profile features through semi-supervised learning. It allows all subjects from various distributions (e.g., regionality, gender, age) to benefit from personalized predictions for robust voice pathology in a privacy-fulfilled manner. We extensively evaluate the framework on four real-world respiratory illnesses datasets, including Coswara, COUGHVID, ICBHI, and our private dataset - ASound, under multiple covariate shift settings (i.e., cross-dataset), improving up to 4.12% in overall performance.
This implementation is based on the fairseq toolkit. Our main source code was written in the following directory:
- Profile Generation and Model Evaluation
- Spectrum Data Loading
- Model Personalization and Implementation
Please follow the instructions to install the framework.
Additionally, install librosa:
pip install librosa soundfile
Create corresponding metadata (including: sample spectrum file path, number of frequency bands, number of time steps, label, profile id (optional)) for your dataset.
Place the meta information inside data directory.
Downstream task pre-training:
fairseq-hydra-train$pre-train_data --config-dir examples/RoPADet/config/pretraining --config-name general_pretrain
Profile encoder pre-training:
fairseq-hydra-train$pre-train_data --config-dir examples/RoPADet/config/pretraining --config-name discriminative
python examples/RoPADet/ data/ --path $model_path
In each iteration, run:
python examples/RoPADet/ data/ --path $teacher_path; CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="3" fairseq-hydra-train$self-train_data task.profiles_path=$teacher_profile checkpoint.finetune_from_model=$pre-trained_model --config-dir examples/RoPADet/config/finetuning --config-name profile_self_training
Without personalization:
fairseq-hydra-train$meta_dir_path model.w2v_path=pretrained_model --config-dir examples/RoPADet/config/finetuning --config-name without_profile
With personalization:
fairseq-hydra-train$meta_dir_path model.w2v_path=pretrained_model task.profiling=True task.profiles_path=$profile_path --config-dir examples/RoPADet/config/finetuning --config-name with_profile
Model without personalization:
python examples/RoPADet/ data --labels label --input_file $meta_dir_path
Model with personalization:
python examples/RoPADet/ data --labels label --input_file $meta_dir_path --profile_path $profile_path
Our private dataset, ASound, is available upon request for research purposes. Please send your information, including details about research usage and affiliations to