Gravity's Smart Contract for NEAR using Rust
Stores unique records for evidence of signing Terms of Service for GRVTY.
Clone this repository locally or open it in GitHub.
git clone
Then follow these steps inside the repo directory:
Install Rust from the installer script.
curl -sSf | sh
Set the required target.
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Build the contract.
RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
Run contract tests and verify they pass.
cargo test
Install NEAR CLI
npm install -g near-cli
By default, it is set for "testnet". For "mainnet" set it like this.
export NEAR_ENV=mainnet
You can verify it to be sure.
echo $NEAR_ENV
Login with your NEAR wallet.
near login
Deploy the contract using a new testnet account.
near dev-deploy ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/gravity_near.wasm
For mainnet you can create a sub account first.
near create-account SUB-ACCOUNT.YOUR-WALLET-ID.near --masterAccount YOUR-WALLET-ID.near --initialBalance DESIRED-AMMOUNT
And then deploy with the sub account.
near deploy YOUR-NEW-ACCOUNT.near ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/gravity_near.wasm
Any sub account can be added to your wallet with its private key.
All account keys are located here.
cd ~/.near-credentials
If any of the steps fails due to low balance use this formula to convert yocto to near.
X yocto / 10^24 = Y NEAR
Execute change method (you have to be logged in with the same NEAR wallet used for deployment)
near call --accountId YOUR-WALLET-ID.TESTNET ACCOUNT-USED-FOR-DEPLOYMENT signTerms '{"signer_string":"SET_HASH_VALUE","signer_signature_string":"SET_HEX_VALUE","terms_hash_string":"SET_HASH_VALUE"}'
Execute view method (with any logged in wallet)
near view --accountId ANY-WALLET-ID.TESTNET ACCOUNT-USED-FOR-DEPLOYMENT validateSignature '{"signer_string":"SET_HASH_VALUE","terms_hash_string":"SET_HASH_VALUE"}'
If you don't want to use the Full Access Keys you can create Function Call Keys for the smart contract account.
First generate the new key.
near generate-key
Then add the newly created key to the smart contract account.