This release replaces dependency PCRE with PCRE2 in the CWB source code included in this package. I hereby anticipate that build machines will successively not have PCRE installed. Fedora will presumably be first.
Rcpp wrappers for CWB functionality is now exported such that it is possible to write Rcpp inline C++ functions using this functionality.
This is the first package version that includes a vignette (explaining how to write inline C++ functions).
The cleanup script is extended and reverts modifications that had previously gone unnoticed.
A failure to build Windows binaries for R-oldrel is addressed: Repository https://github.com/PolMine/libcl that is used to get static libraries has been updated.
Previous aspects I repeat:
CRAN package check results report 'GNU make is a SystemRequirements'. Using GNU make remains important for the portability of the C code. There would be a great cost for dropping GNU make and I would not do it unless it is absolutely necessary.
Installed package size is slightly larger than 5MB on macOS and Windows release/oldrel. The size of the libs dir is the culprit here, so this is hard to change.
- CI checks with GitHub Actions (Windows/macOS/Ubuntu)
- R winbuilder (R 4.2 release, devel, oldrel)
- local macOS, R 4.2.2 (arm64)
Check status is OK on all test environments, with one exception. On Windows-oldrel, I see SSL issues with URLs in README.md:
- https://developer.apple.com/xcode/ (self signed certificate in certificate chain)
- https://txm.gitpages.huma-num.fr/textometrie/ (unable to get local issuer certificate)
I do not see these on the R winbuilder for R release of R devel. My browsers do not show a problem with these certificates either.
I have also checked downstream dependencies (cwbtools, polmineR). I did not see WARNINGs, or NOTEs, or ERRORs.