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OS X config

image image

To install config:

git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles
p10k configure

To update all submodules:

git pull --recurse-submodules

List of utilities I use

CLI and TUI apps:

  • zsh - shell that I use
  • tmux - terminal multiplexer
  • sesh - TMUX session manager (successor of t-smart-tmux-session-manager)
  • brew - package manager
  • nvim - the only true vim
  • zoxide - cd replacement
  • eza - ls and tree replacement, successor of `exa
  • bat - cat replacement
  • ripgrep - grep replacement
  • fd - find replacement
  • ncdu - du replacement
  • fzf - fuzzy finder
  • tealdeer - faster tldr written in certain crab language
  • lazygit - git TUI without nonsense
  • lazydocker - docker TUI
  • ranger - TUI file manager with vim motions
  • btop - htop alternative with additional panes
  • lnav - Log file navigator
  • gh - GitHub CLI
  • ptpython - better python REPL with syntax highlighting and auto-completion (IPython supported)
  • pyenv - python version manager
  • nvm - node version manager
  • glow - render markdown in terminal


  • astronvim - neovim config maintained by cool guys
  • ohmyzsh - framework for ZSH config and plugins

GUI apps

  • keepassxc - Cross platform open-source keepass port
  • maccy - Lightweight clipboard manager for MacOS (can't believe it's still not native feature)
    raycast has same functionality by default
  • amethyst - tiling window manager for MacOS, inspired by xmonad
  • wezterm - terminal emulator with config in Lua (I <3 Lua)
  • raycast - Spotlight replacement (closed source)
  • arc - very cool browser with conceivable toolbar,literally just a border around and nothing else (closed source)
  • obsidian - personal wiki (closed source)

Brew stuff that need to be installed on a fresh system

# cli apps
brew install ripgrep fd ncdu bat eza bat btop ranger lnav gh \
    glow nvm pyenv tealdeer fzf fzy zoxide tmux pipx zsh bash \
    ncurses coreutils gsed gnu-which gnu-tar git trash terminal-notifier \
    wget curl tree-sitter sqlite rich openssh openssl \
    luarocks lua luajit rust clang jq lazydocker gpg-tui asciinema stylua \
    man-db && \
# some nightly stuff
brew install --fetch-HEAD neovim lazygit && \
# gui apps
brew install --cask amethyst wezterm \
    raycast obsidian keepassxc docker \
    keycastr yandex-music-unofficial arc && \
# moretutils with gnu parallel
brew unlink moreutils && \
brew install parallel && \
brew link --overwrite moreutils && \
brew unlink paralle && \
brew link --overwrite parallel