It's good for you to write at least once a week. This means that if a unit is 9 weeks long there should be at least 9 posts.
Each post should be at least 200 words. That's about 10/15 sentences if you're in the business of word-counting.
Writing all your posts in bulk just before the deadline defeats the purpose of keeping a blog to document your creative process.
Use a spell-checker.
Keep your sentences short and make your points sharp.
Avoid repetition and don't blabber on.
Don't write like you speak. Jot down your thoughts and then edit them.
M.I.A. We saw you around but you failed to show evidence of your blogging.
There are less than the minimum number of posts (as stated in the unit guidelines).
They mostly consist of one or two disconnected / disorganised paragraphs.
It looks like you blogged in bulk just before the deadline.
There are less than the minimum number of posts (as stated in the unit guidelines).
They are unfocused, or simply rehashing existing material, and there is minimal reference to what is heard / made in or outside class.
It looks like you blogged in bulk just before the deadline.
There are enough (or more than the minimum number of) posts.
Posts are mostly made of descriptions or summaries, without consideration of alternative perspectives.
A few connections are made between ideas, but there are very few links and attributions, and little evidence of research.
Images are annotated, they come with descriptions and explanations answering questions such as: what is this sketch about? what's the idea or ideas you're exploring on this sketch?
Informative but not quite interesting or easy to read.
Lack of editing and proofreading.
It looks like you blogged in bulk just before the deadline.
There are enough (or more than the minimum number of) posts.
Posts are reasonably focused, and explanations or analysis are mostly based on examples or other evidence.
A few links and attributions of ideas, little evidence of research and some visuals to illustrate concepts.
Informative and quite interesting to read.
There are enough (or more than the minimum number of) posts.
Posts are focused and coherently integrate examples with explanations or analysis.
Lots of links and attributions of ideas, evidence of research and visuals to illustrate concepts.
Informative and interesting to read.