A mini project on C to implement Food ordering with login, signup, search by food, search by hotels, payment functionalities.
- Sign up
- Login
- Order_by_hotel
- Order_by_food
- Cart/Order Confirmation
Signup :
- Get the username, age, email, password, confirm password and mobile number
- Validate the inputs
- Username must be alphabets.
- Age must be greater than and npt equal to 0.
- Email must contains @, and length should be greater than 5.
- Password must contains length between 8 to 12 with atleast of one uppercase, lowercase, number and special character.
- Mobile number should contains numbers and exactly 10 digits.
Login :
- Email and Password are checked.
Order_by_hotel :
- Select the hotel
- Once the hotel is selected, it will displayed the list of available foods with their cost.
- Select the food and enter the no of items to order.
- Once you selected all the foods, Select Cart.
Order_by_Food :
- Select the food and enter the no of items to order.
- Once you selected all the foods, Select Cart.
Cart :
- Display the total cost of your orders.
- Confirm your order and enjoy your food 🍔.