##Lesson Title Code Along
- Goal A
- Goal B
- Goal C
If not project related, give real world context.
Format 10 min of you coding, students laptop's closed (basically get to a git commit) then 5 min of students coding.
###Total time: 1.25hr
- 5 min: Intro
Goal A
- Instructor demo, 1
- Student lab, 1
- Instructor demo, 2
- Student lab, 2
- Assessment A
Goal B
- Instructor demo, 3
- Student lab, 3
- Instructor demo, 4
- Student lab, 4
- Assessment B
Goal C
Instructor demo, 5
Student lab, 5
Instructor demo, 6
Student lab, 6
Assessment B
10 min: Conclusion/ Q&A
###Intro Intro/context:
- Point 1
- Point 2
####Instructor Demo, 1: Execute up to commit:
- Action 1
- Action 2
####Student Lab, 1:
Execute up to commit:
- Action 1
- Action 2
####Instructor Demo, 2:
Execute up to commit:
- Action 1
- Action 2
####Student Lab, 2:
Execute up to commit:
- Action 1
- Action 2
####Goal A Assessment
- Check for understanding
- Field questions
- (Optional) Set additional review
####Instructor Demo, 3: Execute up to commit:
- Action 1
- Action 2
####Student Lab, 3:
Execute up to commit:
- Action 1
- Action 2
####Instructor Demo, 4:
Execute up to commit:
- Action 1
- Action 2
####Student Lab, 4:
Execute up to commit:
- Action 1
- Action 2
####Goal B Assessment
- Check for understanding
- Field questions
- (Optional) Set additional review
####Instructor Demo, 5: Execute up to commit:
- Action 1
- Action 2
####Student Lab, 5:
Execute up to commit:
- Action 1
- Action 2
####Instructor Demo, 6:
Execute up to commit:
- Action 1
- Action 2
####Student Lab, 6:
Execute up to commit:
- Action 1
- Action 2
####Goal C Assessment
- Check for understanding
- Field questions
- (Optional) Set additional review
- Wrap up / bring back to context
- Field general questions
Lesson Plan Boilerplates by Philipe Navarro @RasPhilCo, licensed under the CC BY-SA