Powered by TextGenRNN and Syllapy. Trained on this poetry collection from Allison Parrish (sourced from Project Gutenberg).
This notebook generates a Sestina.
To start, run the command:
make run-notebook
This will build the docker image, spin up a docker container and start the jupyter server.
Then run:
make get-url
Open the URL in your browser, open up generate_sestinas.ipynb
and run all cells.
A sample output will look like this:
Fine maiden the departer, star,
Thus and heart was he shubly of the red was heard,
He the top of the should his peace,
From the rivers and story of the water,
From the broke away the story,
Full of the story of called,
From the Englis the rivers on the called,
From the frozen and tradited by the star,
That was the paint of the story,
From the distar broke of the heard,
I was his fasters of water,
From the meadow of the peace,
To the filler of the peace,
I feel like the red called,
From the mighty him but the red should water,
For the forest the sheets, and star,
From the mountains of the heard,
And the red the best of the story,
the best of the belt story,
From the serional of the peace,
I was his his war-comedy for the heard,
For the below of the and the called,
This waters of the star,
Where to heaven the water,
She died and researched the water,
Out of the his pre-watched from the story,
Call the preserves of the star,
I wanted the dreamer the maiden of the peace,
Called the leaves, the called,
From the end of her from the heard,
The land of the heaven and heard,
The melanch-tell was her the water,
To the air water and called,
Did a feat to the story,
Should he his super the peace,
Called the summers of the star,
Through and heaven called, blue down and heard,
Of the star, the land of water,
From story, country with peace,