An automation pack for StackStorm: various actions and ChatOps aliases for file/stream forensics and CTFs challenges.
Although this pack is meant to power Randoms' own CTF helper, Marceline, it can also be reused as a set of independent StackStorm actions or as code somewhere else. Whatever you want, really.
So far the list of things Marceline does is really small:
base64 decode {{ string }} - Do a base64 decode of a string.
base64 encode {{ string }} - Do a base64 encode of a string.
crack substitution {{ ciphertext }} - Try to crack a substitution cipher.
rot13 {{ string }} - Apply rot13 to a string.
what.s next? - Look for upcoming CTFs.
when is {{ query }}? - Look for upcoming CTFs.
However, I'm planning to extend it in the nearest future, and you're more than welcome to contribute.
- File analysis:
- Metadata extraction:
- Output from
- Hash lookups
- Hex/bin/dec/ascii/unicode conversions
- Basic steganographic analysis
- Nmap scanning
Suggestions are always appreciated.
— Ed.