File Descriptions
folder | subfolder | filename | generated by? | description |
- | - | | built-in | actual script that is executed to generate input files ("setup_climate" or "setup_migration"), run simulations ("burnin" or "pickup") and analyze outputs ("calibrate") |
- | - | | built-in | helper for setting input/output/experiment paths |
- | - | | built-in | helper for buld_burnin_df used to serialize simulations. |
simulation_inputs/ | - | demographics.csv | user | Describes location of site(s) to include in simulations. Required to generate climate or migration files before running any simulations. Columns: node_id, pop, lat, lon Be very careful adding new columns, as the to_csv() function of emodpi-api demographics may automatically recognize them as parameters |
- | - | | built-in | Creates weather files for nodes in demographics.csv over a specified date range, with options for- constant temperature - shifted rainfall. Stores files in simulation_inputs/<site_name>/climate/<DateRange>/<RainShift_Temperature>/ |
simulation_inputs/ | climate/ | ... | site_setup: step = 'setup_climate' | Subfolders containing weather files created by during the "setup_climate" step. Each will be named according to <site_name>/<DateRange>/<RainShift_Temperature> |
- | - | | built-in | For multi-node simulations, builds migration binary files from input .csv files that exist in simulation_inputs/migration/ for the migration types listed in the migration_files dictionary within the "OPTIONS" block of |
simulation_inputs/ | migration/ | ..._migration.csv | user | Input spreadsheet describing migration between nodes in spatial simulations. Ex. local_migration.csv, vector_local_migration.csv, etc. Columns are FromNode, ToNode, Rate without headers |
simulation_inputs/ | migration/ | ..._migration.bin | site_setup: step = 'setup_migration' | Migration binary files created by during the "setup_migration" step. Each will match the corresponding name and migration type based on the input .csv files (above) and the migration_files dictionary in the "OPTIONS" block of |
simulation_inputs/ | - | interventions_CM.csv | user | input file to setup Case Management via add_treatment_seeking .Columns: node_id, phase, start_day, duration, trigger, age_min, age_max, coverage, seek, rate, drug, year |
simulation_inputs/ | - | interventions_SMC.csv | user | input to setup Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention via add_drug_campaign with drug-code 'SPA'.Columns: node_id, phase, year, round, start_day, coverage |
simulation_inputs/ | - | interventions_IRS.csv | user | input file to setup Indoor Residual Spraying via scheduled_IRSHousingModification .Columns: node_id, phase,year, start_day, coverage, kill_effect, kill_duration, kill_decay, repel_effect, repel_duration, repel_decay, insecticide_name |
simulation_inputs/ | - | interventions_ITN.csv | user | input file 1/3 to setup distribution of insecticide-treated bednets via scheduled_usageDependentBednet .Columns: node_id, phase, year start_day, kill_effect, kill_decay, block_effect, block_decay, discard_k, discard_l, coverage |
simulation_inputs/ | - | interventions_ITN_age.csv | user | input file 2/3 to setup distribution of insecticide-treated bednets via scheduled_usageDependentBednet .Columns: node_id, phase, year, age, age_usage |
simulation_inputs/ | - | interventions_ITN_season.csv | user | input file 3/3 to setup distribution of insecticide-treated bednets via scheduled_usageDependentBednet .Columns: node_id, season_time, season_usage |
Basic instructions:
- Create a folder within simulation_inputs for a new site (ex. "sapone")
- Create a new demographics.csv for your site(s)/node(s)
- Run with step = 'setup_climate' to create a folder with climate files specifying:
- date range to request from COMPS
- Constant temperature value (optional)
- rainfall shift (optional)
- Populate other input files with information relevant to your site simulations:
vectors.csv - for vector species mix and parameters
Interventions, if applicable:
interventions_CM.csv - For treatment-seeking / case management
interventions_SMC.csv - For seasonal chemoproprevention
interventions_IRS.csv - For indoor residual spraying
interventions_ITN.csv - For usage-dependent bednet distributions, also include:
- interventions_ITN_age.csv - age pattern of net usage
- interventions_ITN_season.csv - seasonal pattern of net usage
Migration, if applicable:
local_migration.csv - for local human migration between nodes
vector_local_migration.csv - for local vector migration between nodes
4a. Run with step = 'setup_migration' to create migration binary files for spatial simulations
- Configure the habitat space you would like to sweep over. In the "OPTIONS" block of, select a list of values for:
- scale_temp_rain
- scale_water_veg
- scale_constant (usually left as [1.0])
- xTLH
- Run with step = 'burnin'. Copy experiment-id to burnin_id
- Run with step = 'pickup'. Copy experiment-id to pickup_id
- Run with step = 'calibrate' or 'analyze_pickup'. Results will be stored in simulation_outputs/site_name/exp_label
- For now use plot_site_setup.Rmd to visualize outputs