Releases: Ramprasad-Group/csst_analyzer
Update database table and fix some errors - Removed fingerprint columns from polymers and solvents tables since they were not used - Removed sshtunneler and remote connection since I found it was rarely used and could be added as an extension to the package - Changed "csst.processor.helpers.find_index_after_sample_tune_and_load" to "find_index_after_x_hours". I found prviously that skipping the sample tune phase using the temperature program information was unreliable. Better to just skip a certain amount of time. Changed default to 5 minutes, which is what is used for the averaging function.
Add new temperature processing technique
Previously, temperature averaging was simply averaging. However, for
many polymers, the cloud point (when it condenses) is different than the
clear point (when it dissolves). As such, now we calculate
if the temperature is in a cooling stage, heating stage, or ramping
stage and encode it as a one-hot encoding. This can help prevent some
noise in the transmission percentage that is caused by this difference.
- Calculate the time step that occurs between each temperature index.
- At each point, take avereage 30 seconds worth of prior and post temperatures. If
prior temperature is less than current, and post temperature is greater,
it's in heating state. Opposite is cooling state, else, it is hold
state. - Take average of specific temperatures based on the state they are in.
- Alter database encoding to account for this change in variable.
Fix bug in temperature program loading
Assumption I made about when loading stage stopped and experiment stage
started was incorrect. Initially, I thought after "Stir rate" occurred,
change in temperature program state happened, but in reality this was
not the case.
Now, I just switch from "sammple_load" to "experiment" after the first
temperature program step occurs that is part of the sample load phase.
If this is also an incorrect assumption, that is unfortunate and I can
come up with a method where we skip the first data points that are
associated with the "holding" ramp state instead.
Change db operations to be non-commited Adjusted database operations so that the user has to explicitly commit an db.adder or db operations. Also added ability to connect to a local database and the ability to specify which files a user wants to ignore when recursivley loading experiments