This project is used to detect face mask and social distancing violations from input image, video and webcam feeds.
Pretrained Yolov3 is used to detect people
Pretrained SSD is used to detect faces
Trained MobileNetV2 is used as face mask classifier
Euclidean distance is used to calculate social distancing violations
- face-detection
- flask
- imutils
- keras
- matplotlib
- opencv-python
- pandas
- scikit-learn
- tensorflow
- opencv-python
Download the pretrained Yolov3 weights using this link and save it to the yolo-coco/
Create a virtual environment and install the required dependencies using the command pip install -r requirements.txt
Test the face mask classifier using the command python --image input/image/path
The output image is stored as output_fm.png
You can also use the flask web app using the command python
and the application runs in the address
Test the social distancing detection on images using the command python --image input/image/path --distance [default=100.0]
Experiment --distance
value for different images. The output is stored as output_sd.jpg
Use the command python --video input/video/path --distance [default=100.0] --frames [default=20]
to test on video files
Experiment --distance
value for different video files and --frames
to skip frames. The result frames are stored in result_frames/
Use the command python
to test using a webcam device
Use the Docker image to run the face mask detector microservice
Pull the docker image using the command docker pull rakeshraj97/project1:0.0.1
Run the docker using the command docker run -p 12000:12000 rakeshraj97/project1:0.0.1
Ensure working of the microservice using the command curl or open the link in a web browser to use the web application
The dataset used to train face mask detector can be downloaded using this link
This is a balanced dataset containing faces with and without masks with a mean height of 283.68 and mean width of 278.77
Use the command python --dataset input/dataset/path
to train the face mask classifier