title | author |
Deploy your code to Azure with Azure Pipelines |
Part 3 of 3 in the [Build end-to-end CI/CD capabilities with Azure Pipelines](https://github.com/msusdev/end-to-end-ci-cd) series |
Presenter Name
☁️ Presenter Title
For questions or help with this series: msusdev@microsoft.com
All demos and source code available on GitHub:
Session 1:Introduction to Azure Pipelines
Session 2:Automatically build and test your code with Azure Pipelines
- Session 3:
- ↪️ Deploy your code to Azure with Azure Pipelines
- Test our web app as a Docker container
- Create Azure Container Registry resource
- Push to Azure Container Registry using Azure Pipelines
- Push Azure Container Registry image to:
- Azure Container Apps
- Azure Web Apps
::: notes
Learn how to use Azure Pipelines and workflows to implement a continuous delivery (CD) solution that deploys a web application to Microsoft Azure. We’ll also show how to automate the creation and teardown of the deployment environments using a workflow.
- Conditionally trigger continuous delivery from a workflow
- Deploy code to Microsoft Azure using a workflow
- Store secret credentials in Azure DevOps
::: notes
Start with an empty Azure DevOps project
Create a GitHub repository using the msusdev-examples/contoso-spaces-dotnet-console-app template.
Create a new pipeline YAML file in your project.
Note: The filename of the pipeline is arbitrary. For the remainder of the demos, we will assume you named the pipeline integration.yml.
Publish the console application and NuGet package and validate:
pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest stages: - stage: ci displayName: Continuous Integration jobs: - job: build displayName: Build Project Assets container: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0 steps: - script: | dotnet publish \ --configuration Release \ --output out \ --self-contained \ --runtime win-x64 \ -p:PublishSingleFile=true \ displayName: Publish .NET console project - publish: out/Contoso.Spaces.Console.exe displayName: Upload console app artifact artifact: console-app - script: | dotnet pack \ --output pkg \ -p:Version=1.0.0 displayName: Package dotnet tool - publish: pkg/Contoso.Spaces.Console.1.0.0.nupkg displayName: Upload package artifact artifact: nuget-package
Commit your changes to the local repository and push the changes to GitHub.
Return to the new Azure DevOps project.
Create, save, and then run a new pipeline with the following settings:
- Source: GitHub
- Repository: Select GitHub repository you created earlier
- Template: Existing Azure Pipelines YAML file
- Branch: main
- Path: /integration.yml
Observe the job output logs.
- Easy to do in Azure Pipelines
- Push to one or more container registries
- Can be done in one or two tasks
Create a GitHub repository using the msusdev-examples/contoso-spaces-dotnet-web-app template.
Create a Dockerfile for the web application:
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0 AS build WORKDIR /app COPY . /app RUN dotnet publish --configuration Release --output out FROM nginx:alpine COPY --from=build /app/out/wwwroot /usr/share/nginx/html COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf EXPOSE 80
Test the dockerfile locally:
docker build --tag dotnetwebapp . docker run --detach --publish 5000:80 dotnetwebapp
In the Azure portal, create a new Azure Container Registry resource.
Enable the Admin user for the ACR resource.
Return to the Azure DevOps project.
Create, save, and then run a new pipeline with the following settings:
- Source: GitHub
- Repository: Select GitHub repository you created earlier
- Template: Docker | Build a Docker image
- Dockerfile:
Rename the YAML file to integration.yml.
Note: The filename of the pipeline is arbitrary. For the remainder of the demos, we will assume you named the pipeline integration.yml.
In the integration.yml file, modify the stage/job configuration:
pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest stages: - stage: cd displayName: Continuous Deployment jobs: - job: docker_build_push displayName: Build and Push to Azure Container Registry steps:
Add a Docker build step and validate:
- task: Docker@2 inputs: command: 'build' Dockerfile: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Dockerfile' tags: | $(Build.BuildId) latest
Update the name of the Docker container image and validate:
- task: Docker@2 inputs: repository: 'dotnetwebapp' command: 'build' Dockerfile: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Dockerfile' tags: | $(Build.BuildId) latest
Create a new service connection with the following settings:
- Registry type: Others
- Docker Registry: https://<name-of-acr-resource>.azurecr.io/v1/
- Docker ID: <name-of-acr-resource>
- Docker Password: Copy from the admin user configuration page
- Service conenction name: Use a unique name
Update the name of the Docker container image again and validate:
- task: Docker@2 inputs: containerRegistry: '<name-of-acr-service-connection>' repository: 'dotnetwebapp' command: 'build' Dockerfile: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Dockerfile' tags: | $(Build.BuildId) latest
Grant permission for the pipeline to access the service connection
Add a Docker push step and validate:
- task: Docker@2 displayName: Push to Azure Container Registry inputs: containerRegistry: '<name-of-acr-service-connection>' repository: 'dotnetwebapp' command: 'push' tags: | $(Build.BuildId) latest
In the Azure Portal, check the repositories for the ACR resource.
Login to Azure CLI, and then login to ACR on your local machine:
az login az acr login --name <name-of-acr-resource>
Pull your container image from ACR locally to test:
docker pull <name-of-acr-resource>.azurecr.io/dotnetwebapp:latest docker run --detach --publish 4000:80 <name-of-acr-resource>.azurecr.io/dotnetwebapp:latest
Deploy to Azure Web Apps
Deploy to Azure Container Apps
- Test our web app as a Docker container
- Create Azure Container Registry resource
- Push to Azure Container Registry using Azure Pipelines
- Push Azure Container Registry image to:
- Azure Container Apps
- Azure Web Apps
- https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/ecosystems/containers/build-image
- https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/ecosystems/containers/push-image
- https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/app-service/tutorial-custom-container
- https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/container-apps/get-started-existing-container-image