Applications distributed in binary form should be traceable back to its source. When using a revision control system like git, this would mean being able to extract the source regardless of how old or how many revisions it has undergone since.
It is particularly challenging in the case of large systems where source code from different repositories are combined to produce the full package. Building embedded linux systems with yocto is an example. Typically the repo is used to orchestrate these builds. This tool supports the processing of a repo manifest.xml file to walk through the component directories and gather source code details. The output file will include the details for each component.
This projectlet generates a fragment of source code that can be compiled into the application and retrieved at runtime to report the details as necessary.
../bin/repotrace --help
usage: repotrace [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [-r|--report-version]
[-f|--manifest "<value>"] [-m|--major <integer>] [-n|--minor
<integer>] [-b|--build <integer>] [-L|--language
(go|C|Ada|ini)] [-o|--output "<value>"]
generate source trace info
-h --help Print help information
-v --verbose Verbose. Default: false
-r --report-version report version. Default: false
-f --manifest Repo manifest file
-m --major Major version. Default: 0
-n --minor Minor version. Default: 0
-b --build Build Number. Default: 999
-L --language Language to output
-o --output Output file base name. Default: revisions
In the case of go, the output file name is used as the package name.
../../bin/repotrace -L go
cat revisions.go
package revisions
// Go package generator
// File: revisions.go
const buildTime = "Sat Nov 23 2019 05:19:35"
const versionMajor = 0
const versionMinor = 0
const versionBuild = 999
const repoURL = ""
const branchName = "master"
const shortCommitId = "89f2267"
const longCommitId = "89f2267b90c09bab344ddbb3a2c0afcee3785850"
In the following examples, a simple manifest file is used :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<default sync-j="4" revision="master" upstream="master"/>
<remote fetch="" name="gitlab"/>
<remote fetch="git://" name="github"/>
<project remote="github" name="RajaSrinivasan/srctrace.git" path="srctrace"/>
<project remote="gitlab" name="privatetutor/projectlets/go.git" path="go"/>
In this example 2 different projects are managed one from and another from repotrace can process this manifest file and gather the revision info for each project.
../../../bin/repotrace -f .repo/manifest.xml -L go
2019/11/23 05:40:57 Reporting versions for .repo/manifest.xml
2019/11/23 05:40:57 Default Repository Name gitlab url
2019/11/23 05:40:57 Begin Fillgap
2019/11/23 05:40:57 Working from srctrace
2019/11/23 05:40:57 Project RajaSrinivasan/srctrace.git Path srctrace Revision Repo git://
2019/11/23 05:40:57 Working from go
2019/11/23 05:40:57 Project privatetutor/projectlets/go.git Path go Revision Repo
2019/11/23 05:40:57 End Fillgap
cat revisions.go
package revisions
// Go package generator
// File: revisions.go
const buildTime = "Sat Nov 23 2019 05:40:57"
const versionMajor = 0
const versionMinor = 0
const versionBuild = 999
// Project RajaSrinivasan/srctrace.git
const srctraceRepoURL = "git://"
const srctraceShortCommitId = "5090875"
const srctraceLongCommitId = "5090875cd44ce4be91b042e66a5122c5eec90adb"
// Project privatetutor/projectlets/go.git
const goRepoURL = ""
const goShortCommitId = "1f80b2a"
const goLongCommitId = "1f80b2a0023a6b69d958b7c415472a325b4b0ba8"
As can be seen above, for each project, the repository info is gathered and the code fragment is generated.
For the same project the following C header file is generated
cat revisions.h
// C header generator
// File: revisions.h
#define BUILD_TIME "Sat Nov 23 2019 05:59:59"
#define VERSION_MAJOR (0)
#define VERSION_MINOR (0)
#define VERSION_BUILD (999)
// Project RajaSrinivasan/srctrace.git
#define srctraceRepoURL "git://"
#define srctraceShortCommitId "5090875"
#define srctraceLongCommitId "5090875cd44ce4be91b042e66a5122c5eec90adb"
// Project privatetutor/projectlets/go.git
#define goRepoURL ""
#define goShortCommitId "1f80b2a"
#define goLongCommitId "1f80b2a0023a6b69d958b7c415472a325b4b0ba8"
package revisions is
-- Ada spec generator
-- File:
BUILD_TIME : constant String := "Sat Nov 23 2019 06:01:48" ;
VERSION_MAJOR : constant := 0 ;
VERSION_MINOR : constant := 0 ;
VERSION_BUILD : constant := 999 ;
-- Project RajaSrinivasan/srctrace.git
srctraceRepoURL : constant := "git://" ;
srctraceShortCommitId : constant := "5090875" ;
srctraceLongCommitId : constant := "5090875cd44ce4be91b042e66a5122c5eec90adb" ;
-- Project privatetutor/projectlets/go.git
goRepoURL : constant := "" ;
goShortCommitId : constant := "1f80b2a" ;
goLongCommitId : constant := "1f80b2a0023a6b69d958b7c415472a325b4b0ba8" ;
end revisions ;
cat revisions.ini
buildTime = "Sat Nov 23 2019 06:02:52"
versionMajor = 0
versionMinor = 0
versionBuild = 999
srctraceRepoURL= "git://"
srctraceShortCommitId= "5090875"
srctraceLongCommitId= "5090875cd44ce4be91b042e66a5122c5eec90adb"
goRepoURL= ""
goShortCommitId= "1f80b2a"
goLongCommitId= "1f80b2a0023a6b69d958b7c415472a325b4b0ba8"
Typical yocto based manifests tend to be more complex. for example, many projects are included by specifying exact commits. For example:
<project remote="github" revision="c2b641c8a0c4fd71fcb477d788a740c2c26cddce" upstream="rocko" name="YOCTO/poky" path="os/sources/poky"/>
<project remote="github" revision="470cd54e44913f81c76538641bbdd80574624677" upstream="rocko" name="YOCTO/meta-freescale" path="os/sources/meta-freescale"/>
In such cases, since the revision is explicitly specified, the information is not generated in the output.
git clone
cd repotrace
make dependencies
make all
cp ../bin/repotrace <desired location>