Intervy is a simple self analysis website for any student who wants to track his performance while preparaing for the interviews. It is common that the students practice coding on various platforms and finally, end up doing the same set of questions on all the platforms. To deal with this, the site integrates the questions from various platforms to help students track their actual progress.
Table of Contents
- Displays various progress Charts based on user's performance
- Good set of problems from various websites like GfG, Leetcode
- Topic-wise categorization of coding problems
- Company-wise categorization of coding problems
- Shows the chances of clearing the Company's coding round
- Custom Authentication based on Json Web Tokens
- ReactJs - Trending Js Framework for Single Page Websites
- React Router - Handles URL routing effortlessly
- Bootstrap - Great UI framework for web apps
- NodeJs - Evented I/O for the backend
- ExpressJs - Fast NodeJs network app framework
- MongooseJs - MongoDB framework for NodeJs
- Json Web Token - Simple and Compact Authentication
- Progress Charts
- Company-wise categorization of coding questions
- Topic-wise categorization of coding questions
- Company page with charts
- Topic page with Charts
- Performance on more coding platforms can be included like GfG, InterviewBit
- Various other charts (like Daily progress, coding streak) can be included
- Machine Learning models can be used to suggest questions and predict progress
- There's some http post request error while SignIn/ SignUp
- Extracting Data from other coding platforms without APIs
And of course, Intervy is an open source project with a public repository on GitHub, anyone can contribute.