Shows the usage of the react with redux including the followings:
- Parent / child / grand child
- Creating store and combining all reducers
- Reducers for data components
- Usage of rich components (containers) e.g. components conntected to redux using reducers and "Connect"
- Action and dispatchers to handle events
Great sample and diagram ->
// This maps the store data (state) to component props
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
todos: state.todos
// This maps the actions (e.g. click events) to reducers data
function matchDispatchToProps(dispatch){
return bindActionCreators({todoSelected: todoSelected}, dispatch);
// Required to do the glueing of the component to redux
export default connect(mapStateToProps, matchDispatchToProps)(Todo);
- npm install create-react-app
- create-react-app
- npm start -> start the build server and browser
- npm install --save react-redux
- npm install --save redux