Your Web application should use the following technologies, frameworks, and development techniques:
- The application must be implemented using **Django Framework**
- The application must have at least **10 web pages**:
- Can be created using **function-based views** or/and **class based-views**;
- At least **5 of them must be class-based views**.
- The application must have at least **5 independent models** (models created by extending, inheritance, and one-to-one relation is considered one model).
- The application must have at least **5 forms**.
- The application must have at least **5 templates**.
Use PostgreSQL as a Database Service.
- Optionally, you can use multiple storages (including PostgreSQL), e.g., files, other Web services, databases (e.g., MySQL/MariaDB/Oracle / etc.)
Use Django Template Engine or make the Front-End using JavaScript.
Templates (your views must return HTML files) - the same template could be re-used/ used multiple times (with the according to adjustments, if such needed).
Implement Web Page Design based on Bootstrap / Google Material Design, or design your own.
The application must have login/register/logout functionality.
The application must have a public part (A part of the website, which is accessible by everyone - un/authenticated users and admins).
The application must have a private part (accessible only by authenticated users and admins).
The application must have a customized admin site (accessible only by admins):
- Add at least 5 custom options (in total) to the admin interface (e.g., filters, list display, ordering, etc.).
Unauthenticated users (public part) have only 'get' permissions, e.g., landing page, details, about page, and login/ register 'post' permissions.
Authenticated users (private part) have full CRUD for all their created content.
Admins - at least 2 groups of admins:
- One must have permission to do full CRUD functionalities (superusers);
- The other/s have permission to do limited CRUD functionalities (staff).
- User roles could be manageable from the admin site.
- Make sure the role management is secured and error-safe.
Implement Exception Handling and Data Validation to avoid crashes when invalid data is entered (both client-side and server-side).
- When validating data, show appropriate messages to the user.
Follow the best practices for Object-Oriented design and high-quality code for the Web application:
- Use data encapsulation.
- Use exception handling properly.
- Use inheritance, abstraction, and polymorphism properly.
- Follow the principles of strong cohesion and loose coupling.
- Correctly format and structure your code, name your identifiers and make the code readable.
Well-looking user interface (UI).
Good user experience (UX).
Use a source control system by choice, e.g., GitHub, BitBucket.
- Submit a link to your public source code repository.
- Write tests (Unit & Integration) for your views/models/forms - at least 10 tests
- Writing asynchronous view/s somewhere in the project
- Extend your Django project with REST Capabilities
- Extend Django user
- Host the application in a cloud environment
- Additional functionality, not explicitly described in this section, will be counted as a bonus if it has practical usage
Digital Servicebook is tool that help car owners to document and monitor data for past and future services and taxes for his vehicle.
- Every user can register a couple of vehicles, with extended data for brand, model, engine, ets.
- Every vehicle have two different data sections:
- Service and Rapairs (history of all services of the vehicle or add a new record)
- Bills and Taxes (data for expiring of all bills/taxes)