Currently, every stable mod version is available on 1.16.4 and 1.16.5 Minecraft versions.
- X versions are major updates with lots of new content. Very rare
- x.X versions are either updates that add content or major bug fixes
- x.x.X versions are either small content updates (language translation, new textures, ...) or bug fixes
- Port to 1.19.3
- Modified tools' attributes values can be modified in gui via mod menu
- Splash potions can be stacked by 16 (config)
- Lingering potions can be stacked by 16 (config)
- To balance stackable splash/lingering potions, cooldown to use them. Same for both
- Adaptive invulnerability time: it depends on the used tool/weapon's attack speed. Resulting invulnerability won't exceed vanilla one (20 ticks) but can be shorter
- Fixed compatibility issue for shield delay feature
- Now use the reach lib for better compatibility
- Shield blocks 100% of explosions damage if not caused by the player
- Shield blocks instantly, without any delay
- Rework tools/weapons config so you can put several ids with same attributes to write less lines: note that you need to delete the old config file!
- Added configuration for flint that fires entities
- Stack count configurable
- Tool attributes fully configurable: only in the json (not in gui)
- Change modded tool attributes too! It means you also can add them a reach attribute
- Nerfed shield damage absorption: can absorb up to 5 damage, you take the remaining damage (config)
- Fixed reach distance computation: it seemed to be way too short? Now it's fixed and way better!
- The crosshair is now displaying accordingly to your reach distance
- Flint and steel on an entity sets it on fire for 3s and makes it target you
- Fixed bug added in previous version: enchantments were able to be multiple times on the same weapon (ex: 2 times power 3)
- Multi version support file: tested with 1.16.3 to 1.16.5. Should work for most of the versions
- Configurable mod: can enable/disable each feature separately
- Reduce egg/snow balls cooldown to 4 ticks: spam is back
- Fix the cancelling of eat/drink: now only when attacked (not cancelled for other damage sources)
- Reduce shield arc protection from 180 to 120 degrees
- Fix blocking no damage projectiles (eggs/snow balls): was able to block from any side
- Change tools/weapon attributes: attack damage and speed
- Add attack reach attributes to weapons
- Fix: server crash
- Fix: no features were enabled
- Multiversion support file: tested with 1.16.4 and 1.16.5
- Sword:
- Sweeping edge active only with enchantment
- Shield:
- Enchantable with the table: get unbreaking
- Can add thorns and mending with anvil
- Axe:
- Cooldown to use shield after attacking with axe
- Cooldown to use axe after using shield
- Bow:
- Power is less powerful, power 5 is the same as the old power 3
- Either you get power to deal more damage, or you get punch/flame/infinity but not both
- Crossbow:
- Multishot can be used with piercing
- Eat/Drink:
- Eating/Drinking action is cancelled if attacked
- Drink potions faster
- Stacks:
- Non-throwable potions can be stacked by 16
- Milk buckets can be stacked by 16
- Snow balls can be stacked by 64
- Snow ball/egg:
- If thrown by a player, hit and knockback players without damage
- Knockback can be stopped with shield