- https://angular-auth-oidc-client
- Professos static endpoint Test-ID: angular-auth-oidc
Issuer Discovery and Dynamic Client Registration is not supported. Via docker environment variable ISSUER the attack-idp.professos is registered.
- https://angular-oauth2-oidc-client
- Professos static endpoint Test-ID: angular-oauth2-oidc
Issuer Discovery and Dynamic Client Registration is not supported. The attack-idp.professos is registered. Professos must expose the Endpoint before this web app is loaded in the browser.
Issuer Discovery and Dynamic Client Registration is not supported. Two app instances are provided, one registered to keycload and one to attacker-idp.professos.
- Keycloak: https://express-openid-client
- Attacker Professos: https://express-openid-client-prof
- Professos static endpoint Test-ID: node-openid
Node does not respect HTTP_PROXY settings. Therefore, Mitmproxy cannot be used and container is directly connected to the OPs.
This client supports Issuer Discovery and Dynamic Client Registration.
- php-oidc-op returns invalid scope
- keycloak returns invalid scope and must be configured
- gravitee could not parse jwk token
- https://mod-auth-openidc/
- Professos static endpoint Test-ID: modauthopenidc
Issuer Discovery is not supported.
Discovery Metadata must be added to this folder to allow Dynamic Client Registration for these Endpoints.
- Keycloak: Unrecognized field "frontchannel_logout_uri" (class org.keycloak.representations.oidc.OIDCClientRepresentation), not marked as ignorable
This client supports Issuer Discovery and Dynamic Client Registration.
With Keycloak and default settings a metadata error will be raised
- https://py-oidcrp
- Professos static endpoint Test-ID: py-oidcrp
Issuer Discovery is not supported. Client is configured for professos, keycloak, node-oidc-provider and identify-server4
- only code authorization works
- implicit/hybrid callback /ihf_cb does not work (python error)
- implicit url hash fragment is not handled
- https://py-oidcrp
- Professos static endpoint Test-ID: pyoidc-rp
Issuer Discovery is not supported. Client is configured for Professos and Keycloak.
- Dynamic Registration works with a quick fix. Redirect uri from json is used without any sanity check.
- Client registers always with Authorization Code Flow
- Login could be done with Implicit Flow, but client must be reconfigured on op site to allow Implicit Flow
- Hybrid mode does not work
- /.well-known/openid-configuration is only retrieved on startup
- ISSUER must be online before app starts, else it crashes during app initialization. Container must be restarted afterwards!