RSS-Bridge is a PHP web application.
It generates web feeds for websites that don't have one.
Officially hosted instance:
IRC channel #rssbridge at
Alternatively find another public instance.
Requires minimum PHP 7.4.
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: Scrape out a feed using CSS selectorsFeedMergeBridge
: Combine multiple feeds into oneFeedReducerBridge
: Reduce a noisy feed by some percentageFilterBridge
: Filter a feed by excluding/including items by keywordGettrBridge
: Fetches the latest posts from a GETTR userMastodonBridge
: Fetches statuses from a Mastodon (ActivityPub) instanceRedditBridge
: Fetches posts from a user/subredit (with filtering options)RumbleBridge
: Fetches channel/user videosSoundcloudBridge
: Fetches music by usernameTelegramBridge
: Fetches posts from a public channelThePirateBayBridge:
Fetches torrents by search/user/categoryTikTokBridge
: Fetches posts by usernameTwitchBridge
: Fetches videos from channelXPathBridge
: Scrape out a feed using XPath expressionsYoutubeBridge
: Fetches videos by username/channel/playlist/searchYouTubeCommunityTabBridge
: Fetches posts from a channel's community tab
RSS-Bridge can basically be unzipped into a web folder. Should be working instantly.
Latest zip: (2MB)
These instructions have been tested on a fresh Debian 12 VM from Digital Ocean (1vcpu-512mb-10gb, 5 USD/month).
timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Oslo
apt install git nginx php8.2-fpm php-mbstring php-simplexml php-curl php-intl
# Create a user account
useradd --shell /bin/bash --create-home rss-bridge
cd /var/www
# Create folder and change its ownership to rss-bridge
mkdir rss-bridge && chown rss-bridge:rss-bridge rss-bridge/
# Become rss-bridge
su rss-bridge
# Clone master branch into existing folder
git clone rss-bridge/
cd rss-bridge
# Copy over the default config (OPTIONAL)
cp -v config.default.ini.php config.ini.php
# Recursively give full permissions to user/owner
chmod 700 --recursive ./
# Give read and execute to others on folder ./static
chmod o+rx ./ ./static
# Recursively give give read to others on folder ./static
chmod o+r --recursive ./static
Nginx config:
# /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/rss-bridge.conf
server {
listen 80;
# TODO: change to your own server name
access_log /var/log/nginx/rss-bridge.access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/rss-bridge.error.log;
log_not_found off;
# Intentionally not setting a root folder
# Static content only served here
location /static/ {
alias /var/www/rss-bridge/static/;
# Pass off to php-fpm only when location is EXACTLY == /
location = / {
root /var/www/rss-bridge/;
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_read_timeout 45s;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/rss-bridge.sock;
# Reduce log noise
location = /favicon.ico {
access_log off;
# Reduce log noise
location = /robots.txt {
access_log off;
PHP FPM pool config:
; /etc/php/8.2/fpm/pool.d/rss-bridge.conf
user = rss-bridge
group = rss-bridge
listen = /run/php/rss-bridge.sock
listen.owner = www-data = www-data
; Create 10 workers standing by to serve requests
pm = static
pm.max_children = 10
; Respawn worker after 500 requests (workaround for memory leaks etc.)
pm.max_requests = 500
PHP ini config:
; /etc/php/8.2/fpm/conf.d/30-rss-bridge.ini
max_execution_time = 15
memory_limit = 64M
Restart fpm and nginx:
# Lint and restart php-fpm
php-fpm8.2 -t && systemctl restart php8.2-fpm
# Lint and restart nginx
nginx -t && systemctl restart nginx
Install the latest release.
cd /var/www
composer create-project -v --no-dev --no-scripts rss-bridge/rss-bridge
TODO. See #3785
Install by downloading the docker image from Docker Hub:
# Create container
docker create --name=rss-bridge --publish 3000:80 --volume $(pwd)/config:/config rssbridge/rss-bridge
You can put custom config.ini.php
and bridges into ./config
You must restart container for custom changes to take effect.
for details.
# Start container
docker start rss-bridge
Browse http://localhost:3000/
# Build image from Dockerfile
docker build -t rss-bridge .
# Create container
docker create --name rss-bridge --publish 3000:80 --volume $(pwd)/config:/config rss-bridge
You can put custom config.ini.php
and bridges into ./config
You must restart container for custom changes to take effect.
for details.
# Start container
docker start rss-bridge
Browse http://localhost:3000/
You can put custom config.ini.php
and bridges into ./config
You must restart container for custom changes to take effect.
for details.
docker-compose up
Browse http://localhost:3000/
The Heroku quick deploy currently does not work. It might work if you fork this repo and
modify the repository
in scalingo.json
. See #2688
Learn more in Installation.
Output is from php-fpm. It is unable to read index.php.
chown rss-bridge:rss-bridge /var/www/rss-bridge/index.php
Modify config.ini.php
token = "hunter2"
As current user:
As user rss-bridge:
sudo -u rss-bridge bin/cache-clear
As root:
sudo bin/cache-clear
# Give rss-bridge ownership
chown rss-bridge:rss-bridge -R /var/www/rss-bridge/cache
# Or, give www-data ownership
chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/rss-bridge/cache
# Or, give everyone write permission
chmod 777 -R /var/www/rss-bridge/cache
# Or last ditch effort (CAREFUL)
rm -rf /var/www/rss-bridge/cache/ && mkdir /var/www/rss-bridge/cache/
The sqlite files (db, wal and shm) are not writeable.
chown -v rss-bridge:rss-bridge cache/*
rm cache/*
Create the new bridge in e.g. bridges/BearBlogBridge.php
class BearBlogBridge extends BridgeAbstract
const NAME = 'BearBlog (';
public function collectData()
$dom = getSimpleHTMLDOM('');
foreach ($dom->find('.blog-posts li') as $li) {
$a = $li->find('a', 0);
$this->items[] = [
'title' => $a->plaintext,
'uri' => '' . $a->href,
Learn more in bridge api.
enabled_bridges[] = *
enabled_bridges[] = TwitchBridge
enabled_bridges[] = GettrBridge
The debug mode disables the majority of caching operations.
enable_debug_mode = true
; Cache backend: file (default), sqlite, memcached, null
type = "memcached"
type = "sqlite"
When a bridge fails, RSS-Bridge will produce a feed with a single item describing the error.
This way, feed readers pick it up and you are notified.
If you don't want this behaviour, switch the error output to http
; Defines how error messages are returned by RSS-Bridge
; "feed" = As part of the feed (default)
; "http" = As HTTP error message
; "none" = No errors are reported
output = "http"
Modify report_limit
so that an error must occur 3 times before it is reported.
; Defines how often an error must occur before it is reported to the user
report_limit = 3
The report count is reset to 0 each day.
enable = true
username = "alice"
password = "cat"
Will typically require feed readers to be configured with the credentials.
It may also be possible to manually include the credentials in the URL:
See formats/PlaintextFormat.php
for an example.
These commands require that you have installed the dev dependencies in composer.json
Run all tests:
Run a single test class:
./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter UrlTest
Run linter:
./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=phpcs.xml --warning-severity=0 --extensions=php -p ./
php -S
We are RSS-Bridge community, a group of developers continuing the project initiated by sebsauvage, webmaster of, author of Shaarli and ZeroBin.
RSS-Bridge uses caching to prevent services from banning your server for repeatedly updating feeds. The specific cache duration can be different between bridges.
RSS-Bridge allows you to take full control over which bridges are displayed to the user. That way you can host your own RSS-Bridge service with your favorite collection of bridges!
Current maintainers (as of 2024): @dvikan and @Mynacol #2519
This is the feed item structure that bridges are expected to produce.
$item = [
'uri' => '',
'title' => 'Hello world',
// Publication date in unix timestamp
'timestamp' => 1668706254,
'author' => 'Alice',
'content' => 'Here be item content',
'enclosures' => [
'categories' => [
// Globally unique id
'uid' => 'e7147580c8747aad',
: Atom feed, for use in feed readersHtml
: Simple HTML pageJson
: JSON, for consumption by other applicationsMrss
: MRSS feed, for use in feed readersPlaintext
: Raw text, for consumption by other applicationsSfeed
: Text, TAB separated
The source code for RSS-Bridge is Public Domain.
RSS-Bridge uses third party libraries with their own license:
licensed under the MIT LicensePHP Simple HTML DOM Parser
licensed under the MIT Licensephp-urljoin
licensed under the MIT LicenseLaravel framework
licensed under the MIT License
Dear so-called "social" websites.
Your catchword is "share", but you don't want us to share. You want to keep us within your walled gardens. That's why you've been removing RSS links from webpages, hiding them deep on your website, or removed feeds entirely, replacing it with crippled or demented proprietary API. FUCK YOU.
You're not social when you hamper sharing by removing feeds. You're happy to have customers creating content for your ecosystem, but you don't want this content out - a content you do not even own. Google Takeout is just a gimmick. We want our data to flow, we want RSS or Atom feeds.
We want to share with friends, using open protocols: RSS, Atom, XMPP, whatever. Because no one wants to have your service with your applications using your API force-feeding them. Friends must be free to choose whatever software and service they want.
We are rebuilding bridges you have willfully destroyed.
Get your shit together: Put RSS/Atom back in.