In order to update the officer and other photos you need to look no farther!
On a windows machine:
download github desktop either sign into or create a github account
go onto github online and fork the RIT-EVT/ go back to the github desktop and get your repo local by pulling it
go to the GitHub\\assets\img\team folder move the old photos to the "old photos" add the new photos to the assets/img/team folder be sure to name the photos name.png or name.jpg the images cannot be name.CR2 the file size is too large
then go back to GitHub\ and navigate to the index.html file
search the page for 'EDIT HERE'
Look at the h4 tag to determine what postion needs to be filled in there from here you want to edit: the image src or image source the alt with the persons name the persons name in the h3 tag their email replaced where the old email is
Repeat the editing of all of the slides. This should be the members that need to be accesible to the public aka officers and sponsorship
once the edits are done push them to orgin on github desktop. This will make the changes to your forked repo.
then go back online to github and create a pull request here:
merge your changes to develop
after this the Firmware team will approve your changes and there will be an auto code checker. Later after that the live website will be updated