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Working with categories

martin-hajek edited this page Dec 30, 2022 · 2 revisions

About categories

The Categories tab on the Codebook screen is used to manage categories. A category is a group of codes that have something in common. For example, instead of merging the mother and father codes into the parent code, you can make a category called parent containing both codes. You create a category in the same way as a code. On the Categories tab, click the plus icon + on the right and enter a name and description for the category.


To move a code to the category, you first unfold the category by clicking the plus sign + next to the category name. Drag & drop codes below box will appear. Then move desired codes by dragging it to that box. In the same way, codes can be removed from the category by dragging them out of the box.


Deleting categories

To remove a category, click on the button with the minus icon - on the right side of the Categories tab. Select the category you want to remove and finish the action with the Remove button. Note, that deleting a category has no effect on the codes assigned to the category - they remain in the codebook.


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