Welcome to the lab Instruction!
- AWS account - if you don't have one, Sign-up for free AWS account . All sevices in this lab are not covered under free tier, so it may incur some minor cost.
- Tenable Cloud Account - supplied by instructor (required before lab day)
- Github account - Sign-up for Github account www.github.com
- CloudFormation Template (immersion_day_cfn.yaml)
- Laptop/Desktop with Browser or RDP access
- Region: us-east-2 or us-west-2
Instructor Led :
- AWSJams
These labs are designed to be completed in sequence, and the full set of instructions are documented below. Read and follow along to complete the labs. Our lab instructor will give you a high-level overview of the labs and help answer any questions.
Ensure your region is US East (N. Virginia)
Task 01 - Onboarding
Task 02 - Cloud Scanning
Task 03 - Agentless Assessment