Releases: RCmags/HeliFlightController
Releases · RCmags/HeliFlightController
heli-controller v2.4.3
- Using vector cross product to determine orientation error during self-upright mode. This applies corrections about all three axes to maintain heading.
heli-controller v2.4.2
- use IMU angles as integral term in self-uprighting mode.
- removed gyrodyne mix.
version 2.4.1
- Added separate phase angles for angular damping and static torques
- Added support for additional tail rotor to Gyrodyne yaw and thrust control.
heli-controller v2.4
heli-controller v2.3
- Reorganized readme. Added clearer section seperation and made senteces clearer.
- Moved images to common folder.
- added fritzing diagram source file
heli-controller v2.2
- Added Trim angles for autolevel
- Reorganized setup and calibration
heli-controller v2.1
- Added option to reverse PID deflection per axis.
- Made signs of autolevel gains positive if the PID has the proper sign.
- Additional comments on how to setup gyro and accelerometer.
- Divided code into header files.
- Included "basicMPU6050" and "imuFilter" libraries to handle gyroscope and accelerometer.
- Added self-uprighting correction via accelerometer.
- Simplified RX signal interrupt routine to reduce servo jitter. Reduced interrupt conflicts.
- Added Alpha-beta filter to obtain derivative of gyro signal. Much smoother and lower noise output.
- Configured tail rotor output to command bi-directional ESC.
Initial release. Controller Jitter due to interrupt conflict with servo pwm outputs.