Ace Website This is a project created by a team of 5 members as a clone of the official Apple website and We have renamed it to Ace. The website is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Team Members Radhikesh (Team Leader) REENA KUMARI Ashish Kumar Khirod Samal shresth singh
Project Description The goal of this project is to create a clone of the official Apple website with similar functionalities and design. The team worked together to design and develop the website using netlify.
The website consists of the following pages: Home Page Products Page suppoprt Page Accessories
Technologies Used: HTML CSS JavaScript Github JSON
Installation Instructions To run the website locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository from GitHub Open the project folder in a text editor Open the index.html file in a web browser Alternatively, the website is deployed on a web server and can be accessed using the following URL:
Credits Apple for the design inspiration and content Google Fonts for the font styles