Who tweeted that? Given a tweet, guess between two Twitter accounts for where you think that tweet came from. Connect your own account to add the list of people you follow to the list of Twitter accounts.
Lastest build available for playing with at tweetmatch2.herokuapp.com.
Better install information coming soon. Here are the basic steps (for unix... the painful process of getting anything ever to work on windows will be documented soon):
you will need...
- Python 2.7 with pip
- git
Go to dev.twitter.com/apps and create a new application.
Name call it anything
Description whatever you want
again arbitrary, but it has to be valid (including starting with http://
Callback URL:
Create your app. Leave the page open, you'll need the consumer key
and consumer secret
in a minute.
Clone the repository somewhere
Make a file in the root directory called twitter_keys.py
. Edit it so that it contains the keys you got from twitter:
TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = 'the key you got from twitter'
TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = 'the secret you got from twitter'
- get virtualenv if you don't have it:
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
- create a virtualenv:
$ virtualenv venv
- activate your new virtal environment:
$ . venv/bin/activate
- get the packages for tweetmatch:
$ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
- create the database:
$ ./manage.py createdb
- start the server:
$ ./manage.py runserver
- open in a web browser: