Qodat is a comprehensive toolkit designed for navigating and utilizing the Oldschool RuneScape (OSRS) cache. Initially developed with the ambition of becoming an animation editor, Qodat has evolved into a vital resource for OSRS content creators.
You can download it here (comes with an auto-updater): https://qodat.github.io/qodat/download.html
- Animation Export: Seamlessly export OSRS monster, player, object, and SFX animations directly into Blender.
- Animation Viewing: View all related animations for specific entities within the game.
- Content Creation: Easily generate GIFs and static images from animation frames.
- Asset Insights: Access detailed information such as IDs, names, and colors for any asset within the cache.
- Future Capabilities: Plans are in place to introduce editing features to further expand Qodat's utility, enhancing its role beyond its current capabilities.
We welcome contributions! To contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Make your changes.
- Submit a Pull Request (PR).
- A project maintainer will review your PR and, if approved, merge it.
Qodat is driven by the community, for the community. If you find this toolkit helpful and would like to support our ongoing development efforts, consider becoming a patron. Your support will help us continue to improve and expand Qodat's capabilities.
One of our immediate goals through Patreon is to raise enough funds to cover the cost of an EV (Enterprise Vault) certificate, which is approximately $400 per year. This certificate can be used to sign the software and prevents operating systems from flagging the software as potentially malicious.
Obj icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
- Packaging provided by https://www.hydraulic.dev
- Lots of help and discussion in the OSRS Art community https://discord.gg/YxqHzNKq