A tool for batch management of Linux Screen.
screenctl is a tool that can create, delete, stat screens in batch through a specified json configuration. A web-based admin page is in planning.
# plan to release on pypi thus you can install it via pip
pip install screenctl
# to be done
$ python screenctl.py -h
usage: screenctl.py [-h] [-c CONF] [-v] action
Controller for screen
positional arguments:
action create, delete, stat, server
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONF, --conf CONF path to configuration
-v, --verbose show verbose output
- v0.0.1: 2022-11-28 01:50
- support basic
- support basic
- v0.0.2: 2023-01-26 21:20
- update README and release on pypi.
- v0.0.3: 2023-01-26 21:55
- fix a tiny bug and release.
- v0.0.4: 2023-01-26 22:05
- update README page. (it requires anothor version even for such a readme-update ...)
- v0.0.5: 2023-02-21 20:25
- v0.0.6: 2023-02-21 21:15
- fix a typo bug in line 68 in screenctl.py
Welcome stars and contributions!