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Jordan Osborn edited this page Jul 1, 2016 · 7 revisions

PyCav: Unifying Undergraduate Computation at the Cavendish

The goal of PyCav is to unify computing in the Cambridge undergraduate Physics course under a single framework based on the Python programming language.

PyCav consists of four streams:

  • Investigations related to some of our major Physics lecture courses, allowing students to explore and visualize complex physical phenomena beyond the analytic examples given in lectures.
  • Dynamic web pages to host these problems, and provide solutions or hints for student self-evaluation.
  • Demonstrations for use in lectures.
  • Tools for Data gathering, analysis, and plotting for use in the practical classes.
There's also the important matter of choosing the right tools. Opinions contains a collection of links to discussions of various tools. Here's the current situation in Cambridge Physics, and a possible new curriculum. Head to Examples to see the kind of thing we are after. First steps contains some ideas to get us up and running.

The PyCav team are Aidan Crilly, Sam Garrett, Taketomo Isazawa, Jordan Osborn and Niall McConville.

PyCav is run by Austen Lamacraft and John Richer, with financial support from the teaching and learning innovation fund.

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