This is a way to generate an Accessible table with either the HTML elements for a Table or the Div tags.
This nifty little tool that I have built generates the table or division structure you need with all the accessibility required. Use the User Interface to mark out the table size or use the form fields. You can then decide on what kind table you need for your data. It could be one where the top row is your heading data, where the first column is your heading data or where both of them are. Next you decide type of mark-up you need and finally add a caption for the table. The caption will describe the data in the table.
Once you click the 'Generate Table' button below a grid of text area's will appear. These represent the table with the grey fields being the heading fields in the table. You can now enter all the content you are going to add in the table before it generates the code.
When you are happy you can click the 'Generate Accessible Table Mark-up' button, which will generate the desired mark-up for you to copy and use.
*CSS is not provided.