Releases: PulsarcGame/Pulsarc
Here's a list of changes made with this release:
- Significantly optimized the Song Select screen. Some users were having major lag when trying to navigate the Song Select screen with 40+ maps, sometimes dropping below 1 frame per second. This issue has been fixed, and everyone should be experiencing much smoother framerates in the Song Select now.
- Better Discord RPC implementation. Discord will now show what you're doing in Pulsarc! Here's some screenshots!
As always, please report any bugs and problems on our Issues Board or on our Discord Server.
Special thanks to Yokkako#3451 on Discord for his report and assistance with the Song Select issue!
Update: The patch method caused a crash at the end of a play. As such, patch zips have been removed. We'll make sure that a patch method works in future releases!
Here's a list of changes this patch makes:
- Difficulty Calculation adjusted. There were extra weights given to up/down arcs, this patch removes those extra weights. This means that most maps will be have a lower difficulty than before. The changes in difficulty won't show until after you reload the Song Select with F5 or after you delete beatmap.db and let Pulsarc make a new .db
- Scrolling Direction Fixed. Now it matches all your other programs!
- Username Customization. We may not have any online features yet but that doesn't mean you can't have a username! Change the name by going to
in the config.txt. - More details on Scorecards. Score cards are the little icons that pop up when you select a map that show you your previous scores. Scorecards now show the song-rate and profile name used for the play. song_select.ini has been updated to consider these new items.
- The Intralism converter now attempts to grab a background. If you're converting an Intralism map that has a small amount of images, Pulsarc will automatically grab the first image listed in the maps level resources. You can override this to grab a specific image by changing the
in the config.ini. Don't forget to include the extension! - Gameplay Optimization. There should be less frame drops during gameplay now.
- Changed version suffix from "pre-release" to "alpha"
As always, please report any bugs and problems on our Issues Board or on our Discord Server.
Thanks for the support and feedback thus far! 😄
First public build!
Pulsarc is in early development, expect bugs and issues, but don't forget to report any that you run into!
If you use the issues board to report something, please use the "v1.0.0-pre-release" tag.
You can also contact us directly on our Discord Server. Please report bugs and other issues in the #bugs channel, under the Development section.
If you're having trouble extracting the files using the OS default, try using a dedicated extracting tool like 7-zip or WinRar
This release is self-contained, meaning it has all required .dll files in the folder. This will be pretty messy to navigate through. We plan on using an installer/updater in the future that will clean things up for users.
To launch Pulsarc, find and open Pulsarc.exe.
Currently only Windows, 32 and 64 bit have been tested.
Mac version is included with this release, but it has not been tested. We don't know if Pulsarc works on Mac or not. Please bring up a new issue or contact us on Discord and let us know if it works for you.
Linux is not supported yet.
You shouldn't need it, but if Pulsarc is not launching for you, first try installing the .NET Core 2.2 Runtime for your operating system here: .
What can you do in this version?
Clicking on this will launch the song select menu. If you haven't added any maps, all you should see is a single converted map: Kikuo - Kara Kara Kara no Kara. To play a map, click on it, and then click "Enter" or click on the map again. The map you selected will now play, and any settings you've set will be applied to the gameplay.
Note: The settings menu is currently buggy and doesn't perma-save your choices. If you want to permanently save, edit the config.ini (more info below).
A menu full of settings. Settings only save for your current play-session, and after you click "Save" in the bottom right. Some settings don't seem to work consistently right now.
In the folder there is a file called "config.ini". Pulsarc reads from this file to determine game-settings before the game fully launches. Due to the current nature of Pulsarc, any changes you save in config.ini will not be read by Pulsarc until you reset the program. This doesn't include the converting section (more info below). There are comments (lines that start with ;
) that helps explain what the different settings are.
Converting maps from osu!mania and Intralism
In config.ini, at the top section, there are two options, Game =
and Path =
. This is how you tell Pulsarc what maps to convert from osu!mania (4k only) or Intralism. Type Intralism
after Game =
to convert from Intralism, or Mania
to convert from osu!mania. You will need to Copy and Paste the path of the map folder in front of Path =
. Save the config file. You do not need to restart Pulsarc if it is already open.
Go to the Song Select, press the convert button (default is "C") and wait a second for the list to refresh. If the list disappears, press F5 to reload all beatmaps. If nothing happens after reloading, restart the game. The converted map should now be in the Song Select.
If you're still having issues, make sure there's a new folder in the "Songs" folder for the map you wanted to convert, and that you spelled everything right in config.ini. If there's nothing to change, close the game, delete beatmap.db
in the folder, and relaunch Pulsarc. Press F5 on the song select to reload if needed. If after all that, your map still won't convert, bring up an issue or contact us on Discord and provide as much detail as you can. We'll see how we can help.
Skin Customization.
Note: There is currently some issues with the skini system. Some objects may not position themselves exactly as you expect them to.
Almost every asset in Pulsarc uses the image files inside the DefaultSkin folder. You can replace images in this folder to change the assets of Pulsarc. .JPG and .PNG files are supported. Currently there isn't support to switch between skin folders.
Inside the skin folder you may see multiple .ini files. This is part of what is called the "Skini System". Each of these files have data that help position, scale, or change colors of different elements in the skin. We're working on a video guide to help explain the Skini system, but here's a rough dictionary for now:
- This determines the "Anchor" of the object. The anchor is the "Center" point of the object. An anchor of TopLeft means that this object will place position itself relative to the most top-left point of the object. Every Anchor exceptCenter
is on an edge or corner of the object. Here's a list of every anchor:Center
- This positions the object on the screen, using the same terminology as the Anchor before this. A StartPos ofCenter
means the object is positioned in the center of the screen.TopLeft
would place the object at the top left corner of the screen, etc.[...]X
This is an offset applied to the object after itsStartPos
has been determined. The Y value is its vertical offset, with positive numbers moving it down and negative numbers moving it up the screen. The X value is its horizontal offset, with positive numbers moving it right, and negative numbers moving it left.
The offset is in pixels on a 1920x1080 resolution screen. Lowering the game width will not affect the X offset of most objects, but lowering the game height will scale these offsets to fit inside the new height. If you need to find exact pixel-offsets, test using a resolution of 1920x1080 for the most accurate results.[...]Text
- The text this object displays in game. Used for the MainMenu buttons[...]TextFontSize
- The font size of the text for this object.[...]TextColor
- The color of the text for this object. The values are formatted like so[Red],[Green],[Blue]{,Alpha}
, with any value between 0 and 255 for each. Alpha values are optional. If you don't include an Alpha value the text will be fully opaque.[...]Width
- Some objects don't use an image, but rather draw themselves inside the game. These options determine the width and height these objects should draw themselves within.[...]Scale
- Scales an object up or down. 1 = 100% size, .5 = 50% size, etc.