Searchbox and misc. fixes
72 commits
to master
since this release
If you already have v1.3.0 or v1.3.1 download the appropriate patch file and extract the contents to your Pulsarc directory.
- Backspace gets rid of the last character instead of clearing the searchbox.
- Pressing escape clears the searchbox if there is text in it. When there's no text, pressing escape quits to the main menu.
- Searchbox entering the names of keys instead of proper typing (i.e. "space", "leftalt") Thanks Iso#1187 on Discord
- Positioning of the elements on ScoreCards and the Grade on the result screen.
- Leaderboards only showing at max the same amount of ranks as there were beatmap cards on the screen.
- Sliders not dragging. Thanks Iso#1187 and BluefireMeit#5957 on Discord for their input.