When contributing to PujoAtlasKol-App
, whether on GitHub or in other community spaces:
- Be respectful, civil, and open-minded.
- Before opening a new pull request, search the issue tracker for known issues or fixes.
- If you want to make code changes based on your personal opinion(s), make sure you open an issue first describing the changes you want to make, and open a pull request only when your suggestions get approved by maintainers.
To not waste your time implementing a change that has already been declined, or is generally not needed, start by opening an issue describing the problem you would like to solve.
To ensure a consistent development environment and code quality, please install the following VSCode extensions before contributing:
Some commands will assume you have the GitHub CLI installed, if you haven't, consider installing it, but you can always use the Web UI if you prefer that instead.
To contribute to this project, you will need to fork the repository:
gh repo fork Pujo-Atlas-Kolkata/PujoAtlasKol-App
then, clone it to your local machine:
gh repo clone <your-github-name>/PujoAtlasKol-App
When making commits, make sure to follow the conventional commit guidelines, i.e. prepending the message with feat:
, fix:
, chore:
, docs:
. You can use git status
to double check which files have not yet been staged for commit:
git add <file> && git commit -m "feat/fix/chore/docs: commit message"
Please keep in mind that you will not be able to push commits if you're not following the conventional commit guidelines or Lint check is failing.
When you're done implementing your changes, please also make a manual, functional test of your changes. When all that's done, it's time to file a pull request to upstream, and fill out the title and body appropriately. Again, make sure to follow the conventional commit guidelines for your title.
For help, discussion about best practices, or any other conversation that would benefit this project: Join the Pujo Atlas Discord Server.