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80 lines (63 loc) · 2.85 KB


[provisdom/boot-lambda "0.1.2-alpha2"] ;; latest release


The parameters for the library closely mirror the parameters that you would pass to the Lambda CLI. The one exception is :local-file replaces --zip-file in the CLI. This is to make the project more usable in the Boot environment. :local-file is the path to a file in your Boot working directory. For example, if you have an uberjar task that builds your uberjar called my-uberjar.jar to target directory then you would set the :local-file option to be my-uberjar.jar.

(def function-name "lambda-test-project")
(def jar-name "lambda-test-standalone.jar")

  create-function {:region        "us-west-2"
                   :function-name function-name
                   :local-file    jar-name
                   :role          "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<your-role>"
                   :handler       'lambda-test.core.MyLambdaFn
                   :runtime       "java8"
                   :timeout       15
                   :memory-size   512}
  update-function {:function-name function-name
                   :local-file jar-name})

CLJS Usage

Deploying a CLJS Lambda function requires a JS specific JS file. generate-cljs-lambda-index will generate this file for you. First let's create a CLJS namespace with a handler function in it:

(ns my-lambda-fn.core)

(defn my-handler
  [event context cb]
  (js/console.log "hello lambda"))

Now we need to write a task that will deploy this handler to AWS. We'll add this to our project's build.boot. You will need a way to compile CLJS files. In this example we are using adzerk/boot-cljs.

(require '[adzerk.boot-cljs :refer [cljs]]
         '[provisdom.boot-lambda :as boot-lambda])
(deftask deploy
           (cljs :compiler-options {:optimizations :none
                                    :target        :nodejs})
           (boot-lambda/generate-cljs-lambda-index :handler 'my-lambda-fn.core/my-handler)
           (boot-lambda/deploy :opts {:function-name "my-lambda-function"
                                      :runtime       "nodejs6.10"
                                      :region        "us-west-2"
                                      :role          "arn:aws:iam::<your account id>:role/<your role>"
                                      :handler       'index.handler
                                      :local-file    ""})))


See for a more detailed list of options and what they do.


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