This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.4.9.
You can reach docker-container over
You can reach live web sites over
Run ng serve
or npm start
for a dev server . Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
If you use vscode
and you have Debugger for Chrome
, (after npm start or ng serve command) you can hit F5 and start debugging code.
After execution of ng serve
or npm start
, you can reach web page over http://localhost:4200/
. When you supply required parameters, "Generate" button turns active. When hit that button, your desired repository is cloning and revised. After changing keywords, copy of changed repository contents are downloaded as a ZIP file.
NOTE : There is input field at the bottom of page. Via this field, you can give information about what is end point of project-renamer-webapi.
Forexample: If you download projectrenamer-web-api project code and run it locally, you can fill http://localhost:5000/